

4732 Uppsatser om Cultural political rationalities - Sida 7 av 316

Marknaden och kulturarvet: Argumentationsanalys av moderaternas kulturmotion 2005/06Kr:233

The cultural policy area has a tendency to be seen as a consensus area, where there are no big conflicts between the parties. The aim of this master?s thesis is to study the moderate party?s cultural motion 2005/06Kr:233 with the party leader Fredrik Reinfeldt as first author. If consensus rules, the party?s ideology should not be visible in the motion, but the assumption in the thesis is that it is visible.

Bilder av Sverige i Italien

Title: Images of Sweden in ItalyNumber of pages: 5252 (589 including enclosures)Author: Oskar GustafssonTutor: Martin NilssonCourse: Political Science C level ? Bachelor?s ThesisPeriod: Spring term 2010University: School of Social SciencesLinnaeus UniversityPurpose/Aim: The purpose of my research study is to, through the use of political science theories on soft power and marketing theories about nation branding and in comparison to previous studies on the image of Sweden in Italy, gains a better understanding of the image of Sweden in Italy, with special focus on national political institutions and young Italians.Method: The method of analysis is a combination of qualitative methods: interviews where information about the image of Sweden amongst national political institutions were gathered and a survey where information was gathered about the image of Sweden amongst young Italians.Main results: On the basis of the results I have gained it can be concluded that a positive and well informed image of Sweden emerges when it comes to cultural and social factors but a more restricted and somewhat negative image come to light when asking national political institutions and young citizens in Italy about their views and knowledge on Swedish domestic and international politics and economics.Keywords: Soft power, Public Diplomacy, Nation Branding, Images of Sweden, Italy..

Delårsrapporter - osäkerheter och bedömningar i praktiken

certain building or environment can get a protection as a notable building if it contains certainvalues. These values are established by a certain category of people from the cultural sector.These people use established criterions to define the cultural value of the object. The objects canbe evaluated differently depending on who has done the evaluation. The people who protect thecultural environment and choose which buildings that are to be defining as notable buildingsoften uses a special model to characterise the different cultural values. This model is produced bya man called Axel Unnerbäck.

Kommunal huvudman och marknadsmässiga villkor - en tulipanaros? - En studie om hur bybridorganisationer i offentlig sektor handskas med kritik.

This graduate essay treats how the cultural heritage of Gothenburg is mediated in different respect.The various sources that have been studied are literary such as guidebooks and books that tell thehistory of Gothenburg. Internet pages and citywalks have also been studied, as well as theinformation the visitor can extract in the area.The introduction presents the subject of the essay, as well as its significance. In the second chapter isthe mediation of the history behind cultural heritage as well as its present interpretation described.Therefore, in chapter three, is a short version of the history of Gothenburg described. The main partof the essay, the main examination, is treated in chapter four where literary sources, citywalks andsigns in the area are examined. Chapter four ends with a suggestion of how the cultural heritage inVästra Nordstaden could in a better way be mediated to residents and visitors in Gothenburg.The results and concluding discussion in chapter five reflects on what was represented in chapterfour.

Boken som aldrig tar slut En undersökning om urval och inköp av kulturtidskrifter på folkbibliotek.

The purpose of this Masters Thesis is to explore the process of selection that librarians face when selecting and acquiring cultural magazines to public libraries. The methods used are qualitative interviews and literary studies. A brief review is given of acquisition policies at public libraries and of cultural magazines and the important role they play in public libraries. Five interviews have been made at five public libraries to find out what factors affect the process of selection when it comes to cultural magazines. Two theories are used as a basis for the analysis of the result of the interviews and literary studies.

Diskussionsforum på internet : Demokratiserande potential, eller en potentiell fara för demokratin?

In recent years, the right-wing extremist site Avpixlat (?Unveiled?) and the anti-racist blog Inte rasist, men... (?Not a racist, but??, IRM) have established themselves as political actors and platforms for political discussion in Sweden. However, we know very little about them and their impact on democracy.

Irans kvinnor : Och deras möjligheter till politisk påverkan

The purpose of this study is to examine the actual political conditions that exist for the Iranian women. What is the political reality of the Iranian women and how can they exert political influence within the political system that exists in Iran today. This is done to see how the Iranian women's potential political influence affects Iran's democratic status. This will be answered through the overall research question: What opportunities do the Iranian women have to influence policy? This overall question is then split into three smaller research questions:1) What formal possibilities to political influence do the Iranian women have?2) What real possibilities to political influence do the Iranian women have?3) How have women in Iran tried to exert political influence outside the institutional framework?This will be done through a qualitative text analysis where texts concerning the Iranian women?s political influence are examined.

Europeisering och politisk integration av nationella politiska partier : En studie av Vänsterpartiets och Miljöpartiets utveckling i synen på det europeiska samarbetet 1987-2010

This paper examines if European integration has had an impact on national political parties by looking at the stances of the Swedish Green Party and the Left Party on the issue of the European Community and the European Union over time. With the development of the European Community and the European Union, national political parties face the challenge of an emerging political arena. European integration research has recently become more involved with what is called europeanization and political integration within the member states them self, this paper aims to provide further leverage to the thesis that national political actors undergo some degree of europeanization and are politically integrated in the EU, by examining manifestos of two historically eurosceptic Swedish political parties. The theoretical framework provided by neo-functional integration theory as well as europeanization is used to examine the empirical material in order to see if the political parties at the focal point of this study can be said to have undergone a change in political policy regarding the EC and EU, both in quantity and content. The analysis show that indeed both parties has undergone a change and what might be considered a europeanization, considering that the presence of the EU as a political issue seem to have risen in prominence and importance in the examined manifestos.

Burmas demokratiseringsprocess ? också för kvinnor?: En kvalitativ studie av hur politiskt aktiva burmesiska kvinnor ser på sina förutsättningar för politiskt deltagande

In the beginning of this century United Nations expressed their concern about the lack of female participation in politics through a number of resolutions and conventions. To ensure sustainable development and democracy, United Nations argued the importance of women?s participation in every level of politics within a state.Burma is a country that is in the middle of an ongoing democratization process and women are not considered to participate in this process. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to analyze the experience of politically involved Burmese women in their political participation progress.This study has been realized through semi-structured interviews with nine Burmese women, in both Thailand and Burma. The questions that have been asked are about what societal and cultural barriers women meet when they are, or want to be, political involved, both from the society and within their own political organizations.

Demokrati är demokraternas diktatur - en studie över den ryska politiska kulturen

I have investigated the political culture of post-communist Russia. For a long time it has been assumed that, the history is of great importance in shaping the political culture. I wanted to find out if this was true, I chose to study the political culture of Russia. How great effects had the autocratically legacy of Soviet Union in the democratisation of Russia? My thesis show that the role of history isn't of such great importance, instead it's the Russian state that has had the greatest possibility of shaping the political culture of Russia but it failed.

Kulturhistorisk värdering av rekordårens bebyggelse

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen ikulturvård, bebyggelseantikvariskt program15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2014:21.

Politiskt Ledarskap i Venezuela : Om ledarskapsomgivningens effekt på ledarskaps- och beslutsprocessen i en övergångsdemokrati

The aim of the study is to examine how the executive leadership and the decision-making process are shaped by the leadership environment in a transition democracy as Venezuela. The questions I intend to answer are: What kind of leadership environment surrounds the leadership and what kind of consequences does it have on the leadership and the decision-making process in Venezuela? To answer my questions I will use the literature: Political Leadership in Liberal Democracies (Elgie, Robert 1995, London: Macmillian), together with the method ?The cultural determinist school of history? by Tomas Spencer, later reproduced by Kellerman. The leadership environment provides unique opportunities for a leader to gain control over the decision-making process. Institutional structures and the needs of the society are major parts in determining how the political leadership is exercised.

Kulturpolitik som instrument: en idéanalys av propositionen Tid för kultur

This Master?s thesis has governmental cultural policy in focus and concludes a textual idea analysis of the governmental bill Time for culture. (Tid för kultur.) The aim of the study is to examine how the government is seeking legitimacy concerning the cultural policy. One of the starting points is that the society has changed over time in terms of for example increased globalization and multicultural and even the market adjustment is more evident. Also the economical basis in the society is different nowadays.

I politik och praktik : En studie av kulturpolitikens inverkan på två kulturbärandeorganisationers retorik

Author: Niklas JohanssonDirector: Olle DuhlinTitle: In policy and practice ? a study of how the cultural policy have effected the language of two cultural institutions.Background: The swedish cultural policy?s raison d?être is to safeguard all the inhabitants right to experience culture. Since 1997 the development in the field has resulted in an economisation and commersialisation were the culture more commonly is looked upon as a mean of reaching a higher rate of employment or financial growth. The concept of cultural planning and new public management are today part of the cultural pollicy debate which in its turn has effected the goals and ways to evaluate fulfillment.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to show how the cultural policy in the swedish regions effect the language in the annual reports of the cultural institutions and how these documents have developed since 1997. This to further the knowledge of ho wchanges in the cultural policy effects the comunication of the cultural organisations.Method: This is a qulaitative study conducted in a inductivly.

Diskurser om kultur under EU-rationalisering: En historisk policyanalys.

The aim of this master?s thesis is to study the discourses on culture as developed by EU Commission. The method applied is a discoursebased historical analysis, where analysis of arguments and metaphors are functional to the enlightening of the construction of discourses within EU cultural policy. EU official documents constitute the empirical material studied. The theoretical framework of the thesis draws upon cultural public sphere theory as well instrumentalist cultural policy research.

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