

2904 Uppsatser om Cultural awareness - Sida 60 av 194

Ideologi och Kommersialisering : ?En studie om hjälporganisationers användande av sociala medier som marknadsföringskanal

The purpose of this report is to analyze and evaluate non-profit organizations way of working with social media within the organization, from a marketing perspective. We have made observations of three organizations and completed a series of interviews with representatives within the organizations.In the report we came up with five factors that are necessary for non-profit organizations in order to receive long term donations with the use of social media; Trust, awareness, involvement, interaction and Word of mouth marketing.Our result shows that the organizations have realized the potential and benefits of using social media, but have not come very far in the process of using it properly. Our conclusion is that social media can give assumptions for long term donations, if the organizations use a customer perspective and give their customers added value..

Urskogen med de stämpelbleckade gammeltallarna : en skogshistorisk tolkning av Brännlidens naturreservat

People have used forest resources in northern Sweden for different purposes. Before the 20th century the forest was used for many different reasons, but during the past 200 years it has become an industrial raw material. The presence of people in the forest has left different kinds of traces in the forests. One example is culturally modified trees (CMT´s). The aim of this study was to study and document how people have used the forest resources during the last centuries in Brännlidens nature reserve, and what kind of traces this land use has left.

Navigering, koordinering och översikt

The advantage and the possibility of keeping track of a number of vehicles to make work practice more effective and smooth is today a favorable choice for Visual Units Logistics customers. We?ve been evaluating the software and trying to take it one step further and letting not only the individual user, but maybe, the company as a whole benefit from its advantages. This has been done by using methods like letting ourselves get to know the software, user case studies, workplace studies, interviews and future workshops. This resulted in a prototype introducing a new function designed with all collected data in mind trying to make the software, Visual Units Logistics, even more effective for the every day work practice of the user.

Greetings from Karlstad : En marknadsföringsfilm för Karlstads universitet med syfte att locka internationella studenter

The purpose of this paper is to carry out a domain analysis of Section for Maps and Pictures at Uppsala University?s Library and investigate its business, collection and knowledge organization. Birger Hjørland?s socio-epistemological domain analytic paradigm is applied. As methods, Hjørland suggests eleven approaches, and from them he emphasizes especially the importance of the historical and epistemological approaches.In this paper three questions are analysed.

Integration och intersektionalitet - Tre skånska kommuners användning av intersektionalitetsperspektivet

Integration is a phenomena that occurs in all societies that experience any form of immigration. This process is dependent on how we analyze, both the groups of immigrants, and how we analyze the society in which they becoming integrated.Intersectionality is one method of analyzing this framework. By applying the categories: gender, class and race on the integration process, we get a more complex picture of the subject. Therefore we also become more able to adjust the actions and arrangement around the different questions of inte-gration.In this essay I try to explain what the intersectionality is, how it is used and how it can apply in integration as a specific subject. I also apply the intersectionality model on different policy documents from Malmö, Vellinge and Landskrona to find out if they show any awareness of this model both explicitly and implicitly..

Svensk affärskultur kontra brasiliansk affärskultur - våra förväntningar och vår självbild

We want to identify the gap that consists of the expectations we have of Brazilian / Swedish culture with the self-image of these individuals included in the culture of question. This gap, we believe, creates a problem for business across borders. The reader is therefore made aware of the issues that affect our expectations and our self-image, and how this can be used to explain cultural differences..

Rasistiska praktiker i det sociala arbetet - och dess påverkan på kvinnor med invandrarstatus

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how social workers experience and understand subjects such as racism, discrimination, and similar attitudes that can exist in institutions of social work. We also want to bring to light how ?race?/ethnicity, gender and class are related to uneven access to Swedish welfare. Our main questions aim to examine how structural and institutional racism forms social workers daily practices and how this in turn affects ?immigrant? women.

Miljö- och naturarbete i förskolan : en studie om hur pedagoger genomför miljö- och naturarbetet i förskolan

Syftet med denna undersökning var att undersöka och beskriva hur arbetet med miljö och natur kan genomföras i förskolan. Undersökningen bygger på kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med nio stycken pedagoger från fem olika förskolor, i en kommun i Västsverige. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det finns många olika sätt att arbeta med miljö och natur i förskolan, såväl praktiska som teoretiska. Att arbeta med återvinning, kompostering och samtala om bevarandet av resurser, var några av de aktiviteter som undersökningens pedagoger brukade göra. Det framkom också i undersökningen att det i arbetet med miljö- och natur finns vissa hinder som t.ex.

Förtroendet till samhällets institutioner : En komparativ studie mellan Sverige och Portugal

This study is about trust for public institutions and what the foundation is that builds this confidence. For this study I have used three dependent variables to define different aspects of public institutions. These are trust in the legal system, trust in political parties and state of health services nowadays.  The method that is used in the study is based on a comparative study between two countries, Sweden and Portugal.  The actual result is made up by comparing means and regressions by using 13 independent variables. Many of the independent variables that has been used is deriving from institutional theories of Putnam and Rothstein These theories points out the importance of strong traditions of civic engagement and that the success of the trust of the institutions depends in large part on the horizontal bonds that make up social capital.

"Ett liv i två världar"  : En kvalitativ studie om hur pojkar konstruerar etnisk och religiös identitet i olika sociala kontexter

"One life in two worlds" is a qualitative study of Syriac boys constructs ethnic and religious identity in different social contexts.Based on these three questions: how do the boys describe the importance of the parents' cultural and religious background in relation to their own identity? How do the boys describe their experiences of being categorized in school? Which significance is given to religion and ethnicity when the boys describe their experiences in relation to home and school context?I did reach the aim of this essay which was to investigate by interviewing the Syrian boys how they construct or reconstruct ethnic and / or religious identity in relation to different social contexts with a focus on the home and the school.In this study, I assumed the qualitative method in which I interviewed six Syriac boys who attend grade nine. The starting point of the study was social constructivism. Therefore, knowledge in this study is seen as something that is constructed in language, social and cultural interactions. The reality and perspective of reality is socially constructed, meaning that knowledge is created through the interplay of common action.The results of this study show that all the informants are agreed that their parents' ethnic background has had and has great significance for their identity formation.

Matematiksvårigheter och lässvårigheter : En undersökning om skillnader mellan elever i matematiksvårigheter och elever i matematik- och lässvårigheter

Denna litteraturstudie avser att sammanställa och redovisa vetenskapligt granskade artiklar som behandlar skillnader hos elever i matematiksvårigheter och elever i matematik- och lässvårigheter. Studiens resultat visar att matematiksvårigheter och lässvårigheter är beroende av varandra. Resultatet påvisade skillnader hos elever i matematiksvårigheter jämfört med elever i läs- och matematiksvårigheter i deras arbetsminne, fonologiska medvetenhet och problemlösningsförmåga. Det finns även stöd från forskningen att elever i matematik- och lässvårigheter har signifikant sämre resultat i arbetsminne, fonologisk medvetenhet och problemlösningsförmåga..

Från idé till verklighet : Uppsala kommunala musikskola

Göranzon, Ingrid: From concept to reality - Uppsala Municipal School of Music. Master thesis, 30 credits. Uppsala: Department of Musicology. 2013.This thesis aims to explain how and why the municipal school of music (kommunala musikskolan) in Uppsala was formed. Municipal schools of music are a Swedish phenomenon that was formed all over Sweden after the Second World War.

Kvinnojourerna och myndighetssverige. Kvinnojourernas ställning i det svenska samhället.

The violence against women is an important matter. In Sweden there are several organisations that takes care of the women and children in need.One of the many organizations you can turn to is women's shelter organizations. They are nonprofit organizations. They depend on the contribution of peoples free time and on the government's awareness of the work that the organization do. The social services has the main responsibility to take care of women and children in need.

Norrköping : en evenemangsstad - en följd av moderniseringens omvandling av samhället

This thesis is a study of the history of cultural events in Norrköping from the Agriculturemeetings in 1897until today?s sailfestival, Sail Norrköping. The purpose is to see how the events have effected Norrköping as an eventcity, but also to examine the purpose with a cultureevent. The essay also discusses modernisation?s impact on society.

På mitt modersmål : En kvalitativ studie av biblioteksanvändare med samiska, finska och meänkieli som modersmål

The aim of this study is to show how some persons with one of the Swedish national minority languages as mother tongue use a library with regard to their mother tongue and culture. The research questions are: How do Sami-speaking, Finnish-speaking and Meänkieli-speaking (Tornedalen Finnish-speaking) persons use a library with regard to their mother tongue and their culture? What aspects do they find important in this use? As a theoretical frame I have used Marianne Andersson and Dorte Skot-Hansen?s model of the functions of the local library and Will Kymlicka?s theory of the value of maintenance of minority cultures. The study is a qualitative user study. Deep interviews have been conducted with 9 persons with Finnish, Meänkieli or Sami as mother tongue.The results show that the main use of the library is as a cultural centre and the most frequently used service is borrowing of literature.

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