

2904 Uppsatser om Cultural awareness - Sida 51 av 194

Vad händer med åsikterna? : Järvadialogen som kommunikationsinsats

The area of Järvafältet in the northern parts of Stockholm is one of the many large-scale investments into Swedish residency executed in the 60?s and 70?s, and which got the name Miljonprogrammet. Not until today these buildings have been restored, and frustration has been brewing in these areas for some time. Järvadialogen is the name of a communication program connected to the housing restoration in the area of Husby, which is a part of Järvafältet, and functions as a promotional and informational dialogue between residents in the area and those responsible for the communication program. The cultural diversity in the area of Husby is significant, and with theories on intercultural communication, change communication and power we study the performed communicative process and the manner in which it is received.

Metadata för språkresurser : en Application Profile inom området kulturarv

The EU-funded project European Cultural Heritage Online (ECHO) aims to integrateresources from various domains within the field of cultural heritage, and make them availableon the Internet. To accomplish this integration it is necessary to describe the various resourcesin a way that will achieve cross-domain interoperability. This description of digital resourcesis commonly referred to as metadata. The most well known and used metadata standard is theDublin Core Metadata Element Set, a general standard developed for the purpose ofdescribing all types of digital resources. Since the mid-1990's a large number of specializedstandards have emerged in different communities, for example IMDI, designed for detaileddescription of language resources.This thesis aims to examine the possibility of combining a general and a specialized metadatastandard to achieve cross-domain interoperability and at the same time provide a sufficientlydetailed description of language resources for researchers within the field of linguistics.

Barnens säkerhet utifrån ett lärarperspektiv : En studie om rådande resursskillnader i en låg- respektive högstatusskola

That the Swedish society looks different depending on the location is a fact and that in turn means different schools with different conditions and resources depending on the localization. We have in this study interviewed four teachers in a high-status school and four teachers at a low-status school in a municipality south of Stockholm. The purpose of our study is to find out how teachers / educators perceive children's physical and psychological safety in their workplaces, and if there is a difference between the schools in resource allocation.In order to answer our purpose of the study, we chose to interview teachers about how the school looks for the kids in order of enough resources such as books for all, enough facilities and competent and even skilled teachers. To take into account and consider people´s backgrounds, experiences, and cultural frames of reference is a way to interact within a respectful world, and as a good approach to educating children from all parts of the world and with all the different mental and physical difficulties. The two schools in our study show lack of resources but of different kinds.

"Har du inte hittat någon än?" : Fem unga människors uppfattningar om samhällets tvåsamhetsnorm

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur tvåsamhet uppfattas och reproduceras av några unga människor idag, genom att titta på hur de upplever samhällets tvåsamhetsnorm och hur den påverkar dem..

Fanan, förrädarna och friheten : Musiktexter med ideologiska teman från Tredje Riket till Vit Makt-rörelsen ? en komparativ textanalys

The making of a cultural historical exhibition usually involves the collaboration of two categories of professionals: the curator, in charge of the exhibition content, and the designer. From these positions, representing content and form, the team is in charge of cooperating towards a shared goal ? the exhibition ? which is the spatial expression of ideas.This MA thesis is based on my work experience as a designer of cultural historical exhibitions. By means of situations where my perspective collided with that of the museum curators?, I examine our different concepts on a number of issues: the meaning of an exhibition; the process; and the perception of what our respective roles are.

Han Och Han : Eller hur homosexuella killar porträtters i två moderna ungdsomromaner

This essay deals with how young adult literature describes and characterizes young homosexual men. Two novels are analyzed within a framework of queer theory and cultural studies. The focus is on how sociality enforces heteronormativity. The analyses of the novels investigate how the characters think of themselves and their sexuality, what their view of love and relationships are, and how their closest friends and parents react to their homosexuality..

Lust att föda. En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors lustfyllda och sexuella upplevelser under födandet

The aim of the present thesis is to find deeper knowledge about women?s experiences of sexuality, desire and pleasure during childbirth. In this thesis there are statements of women?s different kinds of pleasurable and sexual feelings and experiences during birth. Furthermore, factors that may influence some women?s feelings and experiences of a sexual kind are discussed in relation to the common notion that women above all feel fear and pain when giving birth.

Numerisk värdering av amerikanska optioner

The aim of my study is to investigate how last year students in upper secondary schoolunderstand certain mathematical concepts, in particular the unit circle and its trigonometry.I have used intentional analysis to interpret student?s actions when they solve certain tasks onthe basis of a cognitive, situated and cultural context.Interviews with four university teachers in mathematics about the unit circle, trigonometry,and mathematical understanding, serve both as background for the study and as basis for adiscussion, where I relate students understanding to what the teachers want new students toknow about these concepts when they begin university studies in mathematics.The students were arranged in three groups with three students in each group. Each group waspresented with two tasks, one in which they were asked to calculate the cosine values for onepointed, one blunt and one straight angle, each located in a separate triangle. They were alsoasked to decide whether the points (0,71; 0,71) and d (1 2 , 3 2 ) are located on the unit circleor not.My conclusion is that students mainly have an operational conception of the unit circle andtrigonometry. The lack of structural conceptions result in difficulties in seeing connectionsbetween the concepts in unfamiliar situations.

Den demokratiska döden : En motivstudie av döden i Vilhelm Mobergs Din stund på jorden och Jan Fridegårds Torntuppen

The purpose of this paper is to view Karlstad Municipality and their financial support to non-profit organizations within equestrian sports. Despite the varying representatives of various equestrian sports in Karlstad, there seems to be a single beneficiary within the sport when it comes to financial support from the municipality. The policies and plans concerning cultural development are directly compared to the Karlstad Municipality and its contribution to these organizations within equestrian sports. Through interviews and reports I have studied the process of financial support from the Karlstad municipality using an intersectionality theory based on Nina Lykkes guide on gender studies and feminist theory. Pierre Bourdieu?s theories on field, habitus and capital are also used as a method to enhance the understanding of equestrian sports and its role in modern Swedish society. The conclusion is that the Karlstad Municipality is, for a several of reasons, promoting non-profit organizations within equestrian sports, which are operating as riding schools.

Barns pedagogiska material : En kvalitativ studie om barns användning av det pedagogiska materialet som finns på fem förskolor och om sex pedagogers tankar kring placeringen av det pedagogiska materialet

?Childs pedagogic material ? A qualitative study of child?s use of pedagogic materials available at five nursery schools and about their teachers thoughts about the display of the pedagogic material?In the nursery preschool the environment and the educational materials have always had a central place. That's why it has been chosen to study and observe five preschools and interview sex teachers, in an attempt to understand the teachers thought about the choice of material and the choices of material that the children used. The reason I do this is to see what the underlying idea about the materials the children use is, and why educators choose to make certain materials visible. The purpose of this study is to examine the educational materials that are used to stimulate children´s learning and examine what determines the choice of educational materials.

Etnocid i Kosovo ? språk och kultur som vapen i en etno-politisk konflikt

The aim of this master's thesis is to describe the role of language and culture as ethnical identification factors and illustrate how these have been used as political weapons by the Serb regime in Kosovo during the last decade. The thesis discusses the concept of ethnicity, the relations between the politics of identity, nationalism, ethnic mobilization and the importance of language and culture. Kosovo has historically been characterized by severe ethnic antagonism between Serbs and Albanians. Different languages, cultures and religions beside political processes led to ethnic cleavages that paved the way for ethnocentrism, ethnonationalism, chauvinism, ethnic cleansing and civil war. Since 1989, the Serbian authorities have intervened in all important spheres of life, in an attempt to Serbianize Kosovo.

Spakultur : Mens sana in corpore sano i teknopolis tidevarv?

I denna uppsats undersöks spakultur med fokus på modernitet, genus och civilisationskritik. I uppsatsen undersöks hur span marknadsför sig, vilken värld de vill att besökaren ska komma in i, samt vilken värld denne ska komma ifrån..

Teaching Writing in Theory and Practice : A Study of Ways of Working with Writing in the 9th Grade

The main purpose of this study is to take a closer look at how teachers work with writing and to examine some theories on the teaching of writing. Five teachers in two schools are included in order to get an insight in teachers? practical work with EFL writing. This has been done through classroom observations and interviews. The results show that all teachers seem to use aspects from several theories.

Statistisk analys av en genetisk studie av typ 2 diabetes

The aim of my study is to investigate how last year students in upper secondary schoolunderstand certain mathematical concepts, in particular the unit circle and its trigonometry.I have used intentional analysis to interpret student?s actions when they solve certain tasks onthe basis of a cognitive, situated and cultural context.Interviews with four university teachers in mathematics about the unit circle, trigonometry,and mathematical understanding, serve both as background for the study and as basis for adiscussion, where I relate students understanding to what the teachers want new students toknow about these concepts when they begin university studies in mathematics.The students were arranged in three groups with three students in each group. Each group waspresented with two tasks, one in which they were asked to calculate the cosine values for onepointed, one blunt and one straight angle, each located in a separate triangle. They were alsoasked to decide whether the points (0,71; 0,71) and d (1 2 , 3 2 ) are located on the unit circleor not.My conclusion is that students mainly have an operational conception of the unit circle andtrigonometry. The lack of structural conceptions result in difficulties in seeing connectionsbetween the concepts in unfamiliar situations.

Diskret analys : En studie av polynom och talföljder

The aim of my study is to investigate how last year students in upper secondary schoolunderstand certain mathematical concepts, in particular the unit circle and its trigonometry.I have used intentional analysis to interpret student?s actions when they solve certain tasks onthe basis of a cognitive, situated and cultural context.Interviews with four university teachers in mathematics about the unit circle, trigonometry,and mathematical understanding, serve both as background for the study and as basis for adiscussion, where I relate students understanding to what the teachers want new students toknow about these concepts when they begin university studies in mathematics.The students were arranged in three groups with three students in each group. Each group waspresented with two tasks, one in which they were asked to calculate the cosine values for onepointed, one blunt and one straight angle, each located in a separate triangle. They were alsoasked to decide whether the points (0,71; 0,71) and d (1 2 , 3 2 ) are located on the unit circleor not.My conclusion is that students mainly have an operational conception of the unit circle andtrigonometry. The lack of structural conceptions result in difficulties in seeing connectionsbetween the concepts in unfamiliar situations.

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