996 Uppsatser om Cross border regions - Sida 9 av 67
Marknadsundersökning om vad skogsägare vill ha för produkter/tjänster av skogsbolagen
The goal of this work is to get as good a basis as possible to explain what the owners want for products and services when those doing business with buying groups in Korsnäs purchases regions: Gävleborg, Dalarna, Uppland and Frövi. It should also provide Korsnäs knowledge of the most important factors to consider in business with the owners. Another important aspect is to find out what you have done better at the business with owners, to eventually be able to preserve and take them into account.
300 questionnaires sent out to randomly selected owners in these regions. This is to find out what the owners did not have the products/services of Korsnäs. 29 questions were asked in the affected areas to identify what was missing and to eventually be able to satisfy them.
Psykosocial arbetsmiljö och besvärsförekomst bland flygplanslastare
The purpose of this study was to describe perceived psychosocial work environment and musculoskeletal complaints among baggage handlers, and to evaluate whether there is any linear relationship between them. The study is a questionnaire based cross-sectional study, and part of an ongoing larger project. Therefore, the number of forms has been limited to those that were collected in the project by 2010-11-25 (N=117). The questions analyzed in the study come from the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire and ?Nordiska Ministerrådets formulär om besvär i rörelseorganen?, respectively.
Entréträdgårdar - rumslighet, gestaltningselement, uttryck och sociala aspekter :
The BA thesis Front Yard Gardens ? spatiality, design elements, expression and social aspects is a summary of the entrance and front yard garden phenomenon ? where the entrance is the set design and the designer is the director. The thesis touches the social context of which entrances have been and still are shaped. The various appearance of the entrance and front yard gardens throughout the history, starting with the first entrance by the edge of the wood and coming up to the front yard gardens of today, is described. It touches the present day through an analysis of some entrances and front yard gardens of modern residential areas.
ACTA-avtalets internetregler : Förenliga med EU:s grundläggande fri-och rättigheter?
In tune with the cross-border trade the infringement of intellectual property rights has become a growing problem in Europe and the rest of the world. In June 2008 negotiations about a new international agreement was initiated between Europe, its member states and ten other countries, which will restrict infringements of intellectual property rights. The agreement is called ACTA, which stands for Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. On January 26, 2012 the European Union (EU) and twenty-two of its twenty-seven member states signed a letter of intent to the agreement and the EU?s internal processes of the agreement began.
Examining the social component of sustainable forest management in Prince Albert and Vilhelmina Model Forests
Due to the forest industry downsizing, many communities in rural forest regions in Canada
and Sweden are facing problems to survive. In order to create community sustainability,
resilience and well-being in remote forest regions, the view on the forest resources has
shifted towards multiple use, through the concept of sustainable forest management (SFM).
Beside the economic and ecological elements of sustainability, the social forest values are
needed, contributing to the human well-being, local participation, stakeholder collaboration,
human rights and cultural connection.
In this thesis the embodiment of the social component of SFM within Prince Albert Model
Forest (Canada), and Vilhelmina Model Forest (Sweden) will be examined. Being partners
and facing similar challenges as rural boreal forest regions, the two model forests are compared
through analysis of projects and activities, conducted interviews and organization
Looking at projects mentioned as successful by the interviewees, they all have elements
from the social values of SFM. The direction can be explained by the introduction of the
Forest Communities Program in Canada, demanding the Model Forests to work towards
community stability and resilience, the Model Forest organization concept itself and the
way global focus are increasing around social forest values. In the future, it may be important
that the role of the MFs enable some kind of political authorization and legitimacy in
order to improve conflict solving and indigenous rights equality.
Axelssönerna (Tott) : Ett ekonomiskt imperium inom gränsadeln i 1400-talets Norden
This essay explores the economical and social paradigms surrounding one of the most influentialNordic border dynastic noble families in the second half of the fifteenth century - the AxelssonTotts. How mercantile possibilities and opportunities offered to them, reflected on their politicalactions and social bands. The Axelsson brothers of the Tott Dynasty would become of one of themost powerful noble families within the Nordic Union between 1444 och 1487.Axel Pedersen (Tott) would through well chosen marriage alliances into the noble families of bothDenmark and Sweden, and with political prowess lay the foundation for one of the most dynamicfamily empires of the fifteenth century. In the year 1442, the Axelsson brothers swore loyalty toeach other; to protect and defend their mercantile and economical interests in Denmark andSweden. They would eventually control the trading routes in the border areas of the Union, and byexploiting the political chaos within the Union they would gain access and influence to the landtrading routes for export and import within the Union and the shipping export routes in the BalticSea allowing them access to the Russian market through Finland and Estonia.The island of Gotland, with its tactical and important geographical position in the Baltic Seabecame the key to the Nordic Union.
Kunskap som vaccin : - En kvalitativ studie av Svenska Röda Korsets lokala kommunikationsstrategier och relationen till det globala
AbstractPurpose/Aim: This essay deals with The Swedish Red Cross Society and their work concerning strategical information and communication about HIV and AIDS in the Swedish context. In a broader sense the relation between the global and the local will be investigated and a discussion about what it means to work in an organization operating on a global arena will be held.Material/Method: This essay is based on relevant theories about culture and health communication which I have studied, selected and put together, with purpose to analyse The Swedish Red Cross Society and their informational work with HIV and AIDS- prevention. Furthermore I have interviewed four of the organizations co- workers to collect data about their experiences in working in the Red Cross organization with this specific mission. Moreover I and my colleague Hillevi Good attended at seminars and lectures to observe activities held by the organization and to get inside information about what people working with HIV and AIDS are discussing and considering as critical issues. The study holds a qualitative approach focusing on understanding this typical case rather then generalizing facts in a larger sense.Main results: The Swedish National Society of The Red Cross has a difficult mission in their work to inform the public about HIV and AIDS, although it is the perfect organization when it comes to communication due to their well-known profile and a huge geographical spread.
Prognostisering av räntabilitet på eget kapital - En jämförelsestudie av tre regressionsmodellers prognosförmåga applicerat på svenska data
A multivariate cross-sectional model is used in this thesis to proxy for expected earnings and to estimate return on equity for 214 companies over the period 2009-2013, using Swedish data. The model, which has never been tested on Swedish data before, is first confirmed to function as a forecasting model for expected return. Furthermore, the model is evaluated through a comparison with two univariate models based on the assumption that return on equity follows a mean reversion process. Forecast accuracy is calculated as the difference of estimated returns and actual returns. The results show that the univariate models' forecasts are superior to the multivariate model's..
Tillbudsrapportering : Skillnaden mellan två arbetschefsgrupper
In autumn 2010, the Division of Civil Engineering at the Swedish building contractorPEAB made a campaign to increase the number of reported incidents. Informationwas sent to the branch manager who was responsible to enlighten the employees onthe establishment. The goal of PEAB Division of Civil Engineering is to have at least 10reported incidents per accident that generate more than 8 hours absence. Therefore,it is important that the employees understand how the report system for incidentsworks. The number of reported incidents differs between regions.
Bevarande av naturvärdesträd i enlighet med FSC och Holmen Skogs naturvårdspolicy :
In the end of 1998 the company Holmen Skog AB was certified accordint to the FSC system
with an area of 1 036 000 hectare. After that Holmen Skog AB has been working actively
with the nature conservation in the forestry. In order to control the quality of the company?s
nature conservation in final fellings they started a yearly inventory which is called BAKRUS
(Judgement of ecological and culture care in relations to policies for a persevering
silviculture). After 1999 the control was expended to include all actions in the forest.
Factors affecting bark-stripping by red deer (Cervus elaphus) : the importance of landscape structure and forage availability
Bark-stripping by red deer (Cervus elaphus) cause extensive damage to economically valuable spruce trees (Picea abies) in Swedish forests. The underlying causes for bark-stripping are not fully understood, and the frequency and severity of damage unpredictably differ between regions. In this study, I investigated if landscape structure (e.g. agricultural dominated landscape opposed to forest dominated landscape), forage availability, population density and disturbance (e.g. roads and settlements) affect bark-stripping frequency.
Sjunkande pH i Västerbottens humuslager : en kvantitativ analys
Acidification is a central concept in the environmental debate. The effect of acidification of the soil is a matter of a decreasing amount of cations and thereby a decreasing ability to resist a supply of hydrogen ions to the soil. Acidification has gradually increased in the O horizon in Västerbotten over a 30-year period from the 1970th to the 1990th. The aim of this study was from inventories of The Swedish National Forest Soil Survey and The Swedish National Forest Inventory explain and quantify the acidification that has occurred in the O horizon of two regions in the north of Sweden. Data from SMHI, The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, has also been used.
Territoriella identiteter och fusioner : Regional identitet vid interregionala fusioner
Title: Territorial identities and fusions- regional identity by interregional fusions Level: Final assignment for Bachelors Degree in Social Science with specialization in Urban and Regional Planning. Major subject: Geography. Author: Mladen Krajisnik Supervisor: Carl-Johan Nordblom Date: 2009 May Intention: The main focus of this study is to verify the existence, or nonexistence, of local and regional identities. Considering the result regarding regional identities, this thesis will continue on to clarify if these identities are to be seemed as a threat or resource during fusions, and if so, how can one best manage these different identities.Method: Only secondary data has been used in this study. I've botanized amongst the literature that processes fusions, impact of culture, identities, regions, territory. Continuing on, the collected empirical resources have been compared to my theory, from which an analysis was able to be spawned and conclusions were drawn.Result & Conclusions: The thesis confirms different regional identities, although it does not treat the subject regarding the inner strength of regions comparing to one another.
Franskt ledarskap i företag i Sverige : En kulturkrock?
The most recent couple of years the boundaries of the world have been erased and we have come to live in a more global environment. It has been even more evident since the European Union has got a more prominent role in the society. It appears as obvious for most of us that we live in a changeable time and that a new, global perspective has been developed. Companies have to focus on the effect globalization and differences in culture have, to be competitive in the market today. Because of that business managers more often can come to work in other countries than their country of origin, it becomes interesting whether these managers adapt their management style or if they continue to work the same way as they did in their native country.This thesis aims to investigate if business managers with a foreign background bring along their national culture when managing a company in Sweden.
Översvämningsrisker längs Funboån
Flooding events are no longer rare, floods occur all over the world. Accordingly, it is vital for the society and different authorities to work with flood mapping. To meet the goal of Uppsala kommun to map the risks of floods in Uppsala län, a map of the different areas around Funboån which are inside the area of risk for flooding have been developed.In the work, cross sections and the water flow have been measured. Moreover, an echo-sounding have been carried out in Funboån to map the bottom topography. From the bottom map and laser scanned data covering the study area, a terrain model was created.