996 Uppsatser om Cross border regions - Sida 7 av 67
Kuling - en digital bilderbok
In what way do pictures allow for freedom of interpretation and thoughts rather thanunderstanding reality in a high paced medium? Children today are exposed more thanever to images trough various media. Children?s culture in the digital world has, troughgames and apps, become more cross-generational than literature. Unfortunately, there aremany digital books that loose the story, as the creator gets lost in technology and/or ineducation and morals.
Etableringskriterier : för lagerhållande verksamhet
The purpose of this thesis is to identify the most important establishment criteria for companies whointend to do a new establishment. There are differences between regions regarding attraction on startup.Some regions have few new businesses while others continuously expanded its activities in variousfields. The biggest focus on the thesis is the Gävle- Borlänge region where MellansvenskaHandelskammaren is active.Mellansvenska Handelskammaren saw a need for the assignment after the magazine ?IntelligentLogistik? ranked the Gävle region at 15:th place and Falun/Borlänge at 20:th place in the list over thetop 25 best logistics locations in Sweden. This made them wonder what could be made to develop intoa better area with more amenities and a better place in the ranking of the magazine.
Automatisk mätning och detektering av röjande signaler
This master thesis has been performed at Sectra Communications AB in Linköping where they manufacture electronic encryption devices. In cryptology it is essential that an eavesdropper cannot find the plain text. To assure that a system is safe, all devices are thoroughly examined so that they don?t emit any secret information, so called Compromising Emanations (CE). This is done by comparing the secret signal with measured signals on the screen of an oscilloscope, a process that is very time consuming and furthermore, the risk of missing compromising emanations is high.
Species diversity and geographical distribution of Fusarium species on winter wheat in two regions in Sweden
Various Fusarium species causes some of the most common cereal diseases worldwide. Besides the yield losses that can be a result of these diseases, strains from several Fusarium species can produce mycotoxins, some very toxic. The aim of this study was to investigate which Fusarium species and how many that occurred in winter wheat grains from Mälardalen and Kalmar län, if there was any difference in the distribution of Fusarium fungi between the regions and the potential within species to produce mycotoxins belonging to the group trichothecenes. Winter wheat grains collected in 2009 from ten fields (unsprayed plots) in the two regions were analysed for Fusarium species. PCR was used to amplify the TEF region where after the samples were sequenced.
Contemporary Challenges of Public Pension Systems and Their Effects on Pension Reform Choices in European and Candidate countries
The process of European Integration and creation of the single market revealed many questions and boundaries on the development and improvement of the European Social Policy. Pension?s sustainability has become the priority issue especially during the EU enlargement processes. Different policy instruments and institutions available to governments of Member States in realization of social objectives resulted in a growing diversity of pension polices which produced different combinations of public and private provisions - ?private-public hybrids? , with the state exercising different degrees of influence in their development.
This thesis have been performed at Sweco Position in Jönköping. The work was split into two, where one part included an investigation regarding the possibility of developing a cross-platform GIS (geographic information system) with HTML5 and CSS3. A prototype would also be developed within this part.The second part included development of a cross-platform GIS for a client to Sweco Position. The client operates in the forest sector and had already an existing solution, with many problems. The client required an application with delimited functionality and which was not bound to a specific hardware.As the client users often were located in areas with limited Internet access, one additional requirement was that there would be some offline support.The students handle subjects within development of GIS, for example map projections, map services and mapping libraries.The application came to be developed in HTML5 and ASP.net.
Utvärdering av tillit till knäet i samband med återgång till idrott efter främre korsbandsrekonstruktion
Många främre korsbandsskadade idrottare upplever efter operation en nedsatt tillit till knäet och är rädda för nya skador. Detta kan resultera i försämrad rehabilitering. Det är därför viktigt att kunna identifiera dessa patienter.Syfte:Syftet med den här studien var att klargöra i vilken utsträckning trippelhoppet, cross over-hoppet och sidohoppet avspeglar vilken tillit till knäet den korsbandsopererade patienten upplever 6-12 månader efter operation i samband med återgång till idrott.Metod:Urvalet bestod av 9 kvinnor och 9 män patienter som genomgått främre korsbandsrekonstruktion och som 6-12 månader efter det var på väg tillbaka till idrott. Deltagarna genomförde tre funktionella tester, trippelhoppet, cross over-hoppet och sidohoppet på sitt ickeopererat respektive på sitt opererade ben. Före varje hopptest skattades på en visuell analog skala ( VAS-skala) graden av tillit till knäet inför hoppet och graden av förmåga att ta i efter hoppet.
Regionalpolitisk måluppfyllelse inom Europeiska unionen : Stärker regionalprogrammet Interreg den ekonomiska och sociala sammanhållningen och bidrar med en balanserad utveckling?
AbstractThe aim of this thesis is to examine Interreg as an instrument for regional policy in the European Union. Interreg is an initiative designed to strengthen economic and social cohesion throughout the European Union by fostering balanced development through cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation. But how does it work in practise? Three main questions are asked to answer this:How well does the implementation in the programmes work?How does the programme management look and how well does it work?What degree of efficiency does Interreg show in financial and physical effectiveness?With evaluation and implementation as theories the questions are answered together with a qualitative method. The conclusions that can be drawn is that Interreg strengthen European unions economic and social cohesion in form of integration and regional development that in many ways make it easier to travel and trade over the borders.
Vårdvalet - Val för alla? : Granskning av fördelningen av vårdcentraler före och efter vårdvalsreformen
This master thesis is an analysis of how the amount of health centers per inhabitant has changed since the Swedish government implemented a new health care reform in 2010. The reform implies a free choice of health centers in the Swedish regions and opens up the market for private firms. The purpose of the thesis is to study the effects of the different financing systems toward the health centers in the regions. The models are based on theories of the need of health care. Two of the independent variables which are studied are income and age.
De kommunala samverkansorganen. Handlingsfrihet och handlingsförmåga i den regionala utvecklingspolitiken.
Today there is a keen competition between regions in the world for companies and inhabitants in order to improve regional development and economic growth. In many regions there is an active effort to create a good home base for companies and inhabitants. Since 2003 municipalities in nine counties in Sweden have come together in co-operative agencies in order to work towards more efficient regional development.This essay focuses on the relation between the state and the co-operative agencies in the regional development policy and which possibilities the state gives the co-operative agencies to pursue an efficient regional development policy, both legally and financially. I have researched and analysed this through models and ideas on how the state governs the administration and through the translation theory. The result of my study is that the co-operative agencies have a relatively large amount of freedom to make there own priorities, but the ability to act efficiently within regional development is limited..
Drivkrafter bakom den totala faktorproduktivitetens utveckling på regional nivå : En fallstudie på de svenska FA-regionerna under perioden 1990 ? 2005
Production requires the input of capital and labour. Hence, economic growth can be assumed to follow from increased levels of these two factors. Policies aimed at increasing production may consequently successfully be focused on facilitating the accumulation of capital and labour. However, even when an economy has managed to reach the same quantities of input factors as a more prosperous neighbour, the level of the production might still differ. The explanation of this lies in what economists refers to as expression embracing the characteristics of the input factors and the conditions in which they operate.In this thesis a calculation of total factor productivity is carried out, using existing data on the Swedish FA-regions between 1990 and 2005 and the method the economist Robert Solow in the 1950?s.
Nystartande av nötköttsproduktion med och utan bidrag :
Many dairy farms doesn?t keep their bull calves and cross cow calves, they sell them to
breeders instead of raising them their self. It should be possible for the dairy farmers to do it
them self?s. There is also a possibility to bread one calf from the cross heifers.
The purpose of the investigation was to see if there is any economic possibility to breed beef
I have used the same sample farm trough the hole study, because it would be easier to fallow
the study.
Must I move to be with my family? The right to family reunification in EU law and the problem of reverse discrimination
The Court of Justice of the European Union has progressively revised the rule of purely internal situations to ensure a wider scope of application of the economic freedoms as well as the EU citizenship right to move and reside freely within the Union. This development, combined with the increasing importance of fundamental rights, has strengthened the family life protection of those EU citizens who come within the scope of EU law. The limit between the individuals who may benefit from a EU right to family reunification and fundamental rights protection and those who find themselves in purely internal situations has, however, become more legally uncertain. The disadvantage suffered by those who fall outside the scope of EU law is known as reverse discrimination.The 2011 case Zambrano confirmed the trend towards an increasingly generous EU law protection of family life in cases where the exercise of freedom of movement and enjoyment of EU citizenship rights is potentially restricted by a Member State measure. By contrast, in the subsequent McCarthy- case, it became clear that families in purely internal situations may only rely on national immigration and procedural law to obtain family reunification and protection of their fundamental rights.
Skiljer sig hundvalpars lekbeteende åt mellan raser och kön? :
There are many theories why animals play but none have jet been proven. During observation on Canids, play seems to be important when they learn to control the intensity of the bite and to facilitate the social structure within a group. When dogs play they perform behaviours that otherwise are used during hunting, reproduction and aggression that in another context would be for example hostile. The dog is one of the species that we humans have domesticated and they have been exposed to an intense and concentrated breeding so they can function in different areas, for example herding and hunting. This breeding has resulted in that the pure bred dogs can be very different between the breeds.
Jämförelse mellan två olika plastningsprinciper, Cross Pac kontra konventionell plastning :
Baled silage has become one of the most important conservation methods in Sweden. Because
we take our grass as silage we get the quality and the good hygenic that we would like to
have. Silage has become a big buisiness also in the horse feeding where many of the breeders
have changed from the hay to the hay-silage. The difference between regular silage and haysilage
is that the hay silage is dryer (60-70%DM). The hay-silage has also put higher demands
on machinery and wrapping material since the grass gets sharper and harder to press together
real hard.
The main reason for the test was to compare two different systems for wrapping, the new
Cross Pac and conventional.