1665 Uppsatser om Criticism of religion - Sida 12 av 111
Vägen till religion : En undersökning om slavars yrkesroll och sociala status betydelse för religiöst engagemang och skapandet av de första afrikansk-amerikanska kyrkorna i USA.
Studien undersöker utvecklingen av afrikansk-amerikansk religion i början på 1800-talet i USA. Materialet som studien är konstruerad på består av en undersökning gjord på sex olika slavar som blev predikanter och pastorer. Undersökningen i Studien svarar om dessa individers yrkesroll och socialisering var av betydelse för det religiösa engagemanget och dess utveckling. Slavarnas yrkens betydelse undersöks med hjälp av Etzionis teori om tvångsorganisationer och med Durkheims arbetsfördelningsteori. Studien avser att bidra med information om hur afrikansk-amerikansk religion utformades i början av 1800-talet. .
Svenska kyrkans funktion i den palliativa vården : - ett religionssociologiskt perspektiv
Through the lenses of religion?s role in society, the purpose of this thesis is to examine, the role of the Church of Sweden in providing support to people at the end of life. Questions asked are: "What types of spiritual support is offered by the Church of Sweden during terminal care provided in patients' homes and how is this support expressed in church orders, assembly instructions, plans of operations and congregation letters?" and " How can the work of the Church of Sweden be understood, based on theories of religion's role in society? The method used is a content analysis of the Church Order, assembly instructions, plans of operations and congregation letters in 17 different congregations within the diocese of Lund. I then engage in a discussion with theories on differentiation and the privatization of religion as a means to interpret my results.
Den oretuscherade sanningen - En oretuscherad modells påverkan på konsumenters CSR-uppfattning, attityder och köpintention
Within the subject of retouching there is an ongoing debate about whether fashion retailers should retouch their ads or not. There has been a large amount of criticism to the communication of stereotyped beauty ideals that is used by companies in their marketing. The stereotyped ideals also contribute to negative psychological effects among people. As a response to the criticism, or as a way to differentiate one-self from competitors, retailers are starting to use unretouched models in their advertising. How this affects the consumer's perception of CSR along with the attitudes and behaviors is still unknown.
Holy cows and dirty dogs : the influence of culture and religion on animal welfare in India
India is home to every sixth person in the world, some 30 million dogs and a quarter of the total world cattle population. A vast majority of Indians are Hindus, and even though the Hindu religion proclaims love, nurturing and worshipping of animals, sometimes the same religion constitutes an obstacle for animal welfare in practice. This paper investigates the significance of historic and religious symbols to the way animals are perceived in modern Indian society, as well as the different social factors which underlie attitudes to animals. The concept of karma, as well as that of good versus bad deaths, is probably the foundation of the general Hindu reluctance to euthanasia in any form. Although in theory all species are generally regarded as equal in Hinduism, in practice there seems to be a differentiation; for cultural, religious, medical and financial reasons.
Tro - Vad innebär det?
Faith is a phenomenon that engages the individual into emotional, social and daily manners.Religion tends to engage the individual in different levels in the daily life. In the church communion, there is a belief to the traditional and the repeteated behaviour. This shared group is strength by ceremonies and rituals and people in this collective somehow experience another type of reality. This study has a social - psychological perspective and the purpose is to study people?s know-how of faith and why they seek religion in today´s secularized society.
Humor i Religionsundervisning
The contents of the school subject religion in Sweden, has gone through a radical change during the past century. With an origin of only treating Christianity and being a major cultural and social actor, it has developed into more of a multicultural and philosophical subject. The fact that the subject no longer has cultural recognition makes it more abstract and harder for students to relate to. Additionally, religion is experienced as a rather dull subject in school. My essay is therefore written to provide teachers encouragement of interest for religious education, by using humor.
The well-known psychologist Jean Piaget claims play to be a prime state of learning.
Varför tycker du inte som mig!? : Livsåskådningars struktur, funktion och immanenta konflikt
This report is an attempt to clarify how religious and non-religious views-of-life [livsåskådningar] are created through the collaboration and opposition of religious and scientific elements/ideas. This with the hope of reaching a fruitful result related to the solution of world-view related conflicts, such as the ones existing between science and religion, on an individual and societal level.This is accomplished with the help of two assertions: (1) Mankind has a need to explain its existence and surroundings. (2) Religion and science has their origins in the same seed and aim to serve the same purpose, or function. Together these two assertions lay the theoretical foundations of this report which implies that all humans have an innate need of sustaining a stable world-view.The result of this report is that a final solution to world-view related conflicts are beyond reach as our mental and physical nature limits us. However there are strategies for minimizing world-view related conflicts effect on society..
Kan Harry Potter-fandoms förstås som religiositet? : En analys av tre empiriska studier
The relationship between fandoms and religion has become an increasingly popular topic to study within the field of the sociology of religion. In previous studies, there have been different views concerning whether or not fandoms should be regarded as religious from a functional perspective. This issue is especially interesting considering the decreasing popularity of traditional religion in some aspects. The aim of this essay is to study how Harry Potter fandoms are described in previous studies. The study aims at discerning both the empirical data and how the data is interpreted. The material in this study consists of three previous studies about the communities centered around Harry Potter fandoms.
Voodoo : myt och religion
Jag har undersökt Hollywoodfilmernas bild av Voodoon kontra den egentliga religionen. Jag har tittat på religionens grunder, myterna kring till exempel zombies och Voodoodockor samt vilken utbredning Voodoon har idag. Med hjälp av litteraturstudier och Internet har jag fått fram mycket intressant material.Voodoo är en komplicerad religion som är omgiven av mycket mystik och där anhängarna har en personlig kontakt med sina gudar. Idag har Voodoon omkring 50-60 miljoner anhängare världen över..
Det splittrade subjektet : En analys av Marx filosofiska grund genom Kritiken av Hegels Rättsfilosofi
In the Philosophy of Right Hegel develops the concept Sittlichkeit (Ethical life) that represents Hegel´s view of how the State should be constituted. In Critique of Hegel?s ´Philosophy of Right` Marx provides a critical so called ?Prussian? reading of Hegel as ultimately a defense for the Prussian empire of that time. The study focuses on a close reading of the chapter on the state, which includes the paragraphs 257-313 in the Philosophy of Right. It examines how Marx?s philosophy developed from this Criticism including some of his basic concepts, notably Gemeinwesen and Gattungswesen, that he takes over from Hegel and includes in his own theories of human alienation.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer och den religionslösa kristendomen ? eller att vara kristen är att vara människa
The overall purpose of the essay is to analyse what Dietrich Bonhoeffer meant by Religionless Christianity. For this I have chosen to use the substantial idea analysis.I first came across the concept of freedom of religion to Christianity and Religionless Christians, in the book Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Tankar om en 1900-talsmartyr by Martin Lind in which he discusses what Bonhoeffer might discuss with Religionless Christians. This book is therefore the origin of the selection of literature I have chosen to use in the essay. Bonhoeffer writes several letters from prison about the movement he sees towards a new phase in human history, in which man can no longer be religious. However, Bonhoeffer uses the word religion in such a way that its content cannot be clearly determined.
Attitydproblem : Om attityduttryck och deras retoriska funktioner
This thesis explores how verbal and nonverbal signs communicate attitudes and the rhetorical functions of such attitudinal signs. Attitudes are regarded as rationalized evaluations of attitudinal objects, and through their manifestation in signs an attitudinal gestalt is communicated. This gestalt is regarded as the audiences perception of the rhetors attitude. It is shown that the attitudinal signs function as ethical, logical and pathetic proofs and that they can create identification between the audience and the rhetor. The signs can have effects on the audiences perception of the attitudinal objects, their perception of the rhetor and influence the social dynamic of the discourse.
Det katolska prismat : En kvalitativ studie om vardagsreligiositet, prästskandalen och den katolska kyrkan på den irländska landsbygden
The purpose of this essay is to examine how Irish people on a rural location practice their faith in everyday life. The intention is also to find out what strategies my interviewees use to negotiate the abuse scandal and what their thoughts on the Catholic Church are. The material mainly consists of interviews with seven people part of a rural parish in Ireland. My research also entails smaller observations and conversations in the homes of the participants.The results indicate that they all consider themselves religious, however not all Catholic. All of the participants integrate their religion in everyday life.
Det är skillnad på muslimer och muslimer : hur tar lärare upp konflikterna i Afghanistan och Irak i religionsundervisningen?
Många undersökningar har behandlat hur islamundervisning går till i gymnasieskolan, bland annat Kjell Härenstams bok Skolboksislam. Ingen jag har kommit i kontakt med hittills har tagit upp frågan om hur lärare i religion tar upp religions- och kulturmöten, då i synnerhet krigen i Afghanistan och Irak. Mina frågeställningar är således följande:Hur har lärare i religion på gymnasiet tagit upp krigen i Afghanistan och Irak?Var har de hämtat sin information och hur har de bedömt den källkritiskt?.
Religion Education in the early school years
Vi tycker det här ämnet är viktigt och passar bra in i vår verksamhetsförlagda tid och i vår utbildning som en framtida lärare. Det är viktigt att vi redan i tidig ålder försöker informera våra elever att vi alla som lever i detta samhälle har fler likheter än olikheter och genom att tala kring detta så kan man få bort begreppen vi och de. Rasism är byggd på fördomar, därför tycker vi det är viktigt att man börjar tala kring religion redan tidigt i åldrarna. Vi anser att genom att vi diskuterar olika religioner i klassrummen så skapar eleverna förståelse till dessa religioner, denna förståelse kan vara väldig väsentlig för dem i deras vuxenliv. I detta arbete försöker vi få fram vad elever anser om religion, vad som intresserar dem.