

9151 Uppsatser om Critcal Discourse Analysis - Sida 62 av 611

Evidens som hegemonisk strategi i socialt arbete : en diskursanalys av den språkliga praktiken i en barn och ungdomsgrupp som arbetar med ett strukturerat beslutsstöd

This thesis describes how social work language practice circulates around the implementation process of an evidence based structured assessment tool – Savry. The purpose is to examine and understand the social workers language practice in a working group that uses this structured assessment tool in their work with youth. The purpose is also to look for dimensions of identity in terms of discourse. The ontological viewpoint is post-structuralism where language is in focus. The theoretical framework is discourse theory based upon the work of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe.

?Ett mångkulturalistiskt jippo? : En kvalitativ studie av Sverigedemokraternas relation till religion och den svenska identiteten

The rise of the Swedish Democrats, as a political party in Sweden, has been surroundedby controversy both within and outside of the media. As such a polarizingtopic, the party has been the focus of negative and positive attention. On onehand it has been considered a racist and xenophobic party due to its policies onimmigrants. On the other, it has also been seen as a solution to what has been consideredby some to be a constant problem in Sweden, for those same policies.These policies are motivated by what the party perceives as a threat to Swedishsociety. That is to say, immigrants are a threat to Sweden because of thechanges they impose on the Swedish identity.

Försvar av det oförsvarbara : En studie i debatt och opinion om CIA:s tortyranvändning

Denna uppsats har till syfte att studera den debatt som uppstod efter den 9:e december, då en rapport om CIA:s användning av tortyr som del av kriget mot terrorismen släpptes. Detta sker igenom en kritisk diskursanalys av amerikansk media, specifikt med en metod kallad förklarande kritik, med fokus på vad politiker citeras säga och vad opinionsskribenter själva säger gör tortyr rätt eller fel att använda. Igenom analys av sådant material ges här både en inblick i de ställningstaganden som görs i debatten, där censur av rapporten bidrar till att en debatt där båda parter kan göra starka sanningsanspråk om effektivitet och politisering, samt även förklaringar av de pragmatiska och affektiva argument som används i media för att legitimera CIA:s tortyranvändning..

Hav och Strand : stenteknologi och marin anpassning på Gotland under Senboreal/Tidigatlantisk tid

The essay circulates around the technological analysis of flint material from four localities around the Baltic Sea basin. The analysis was created to investigate the question of where the first Gotlandic settlers originated from and to give clues about the colonization process. The investigated material was collected during the fall of 2011 and a correspondence analysis is used to analyze the collected material. The purpose of using a correspondence analysis is to test the method as a tool for investigating Mesolithic flint technologies. The essay also discusses marine hunter-gatherers, their economy and how their archeological remains differ from terrestrial hunter-gatherers..

Vägar genom vildmarken: Nation, nationalism och synen på vildmarken i STF:s årsskrift 1900-1910

I den här uppsatsen undersöks vilka nationella värden som tillskrevs naturlandskapet vildmarken i Svenska Turistföreningens årsskrift från 1900-1910. Uppsatsens syfte är att synliggöra hur representationen av landskapet i årsskriften förändrades i samband med en förändring av den nationalistiska diskursen. Undersökningen genomförs med diskursanalytiska metoder, och utifrån perspektivet nation. Vildmarken tillskrivs värden som ?skön?, ?poetisk?, ?vild?, ?öde?, ?orörd? och ?gammal?. Undersökningen visar att vildmarken värderas utifrån dess motsats, nämligen människor, kultur, civilisation och bebyggelse, samtidigt som den beskrivs bli allt mer publik och attraktiv för en större mängd människor.

Hur doftar parfymreklamen? : En Studie i hur man kommunicerar doft genom bild i parfymreklamen

With the help of image analysis and scent theory, we have made an analysis that explains how the perfume smells in advertising. There are many different factors that play a role in our perception of smell by image. We have found that using the connotations we can get a sense of the scent. What helps us along the way, the colors, the women and the environment. From this one different conclusions are mad and we create a scent sensation..

Sverigedemokraterna + FN = sant? En diskursanalys av Sverigedemokraternas tolkning av begreppet mänskliga rättigheter.

It is the aim of this paper to examine, and analyze at a discursive level, the Swedish Democrats' interpretation of the term 'human rights', as this is presented in the material available on the party's official website. The goal is then to investigate in what manner the party portrays its political ambitions in relation to 'human rights'. The theoretical foundation for this analysis is discourse theory as it is presented in the works of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe.Furthermore, the aim is also to examine whether the Swedish Democrats? interpretation of 'human rights' is compatible with the established understanding of the term, such as this is presented in the international UN treaties on human rights. This will be done by thoroughly examining and comparing certain aspects of the Swedish Democrats' political ambitions, such as they have been portrayed in the analytical section of the paper, with relevant sections of the UN treaties..

?? livet var bråddjupt och det kittlade?: En studie om unga kvinnors läspraktiker vid 1900-talets mitt

The object of this master thesis is to study the reading practices offive women as they themselves remember them from theirchildhood and youth in the middle of the 20th century. The study inparticular targets the respondents? reading in relation to the normsfor girls? and young women?s reading at the time. The thesis takesas its starting point the presentation of the respondents´ readingmemories, based on motifs, preferences and experiences. Equallyimportant is the presentation of the relationship between thesememories and the social discourse their reading practices were partof.

Från misstanke till dom : En analys av Aftonbladets och Expressens skildringar av Anna Lindhs mördare

The Swedish foreign minister Anna Lindh was murdered on September 10 2003. The police pursuit for the man that murdered her was initiated immediately. Two weeks later, the police arrested the 24-year-old man that six month later would be sentenced to imprisonment for life for the murder of Anna Lindh. The main purpose of this essay is to examine how the man that murdered Anna Lindh was described in Aftonbladet and Expressen from the time of his arrest to the sentence of guilty. One part of the purpose of this essay is also to inquire how the Swedish evening press paid regard to the ethical publicity rules in their descriptions.

Från smått till stort : en diskursanalys om kommunsammanläggningen 1974 från ett Hästvedaperspektiv

Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera kommunsammanläggningen i Sverige under åren 1963 ? 1974 utifrån ett Hästvedaperspektiv. Hästveda kommun tillsammans med flertalet andra småkommuner blev en del av det som kom att kallas Hässleholms kommun 1974. Uppsatsen utreder vilka reaktioner och diskussioner som fanns hos såväl kommunalfullmäktige och anställda i kommunhuset, men också hos invånarna i kommunen. Uppsatsen undersöker också om Hästveda kommun vid sammanläggningen hade några finansiella tillgångar kvar.Syftet är också att undersöka varför Hästveda gick med i just i det som skulle bli Hässleholms kommun och inte i någon annan närliggande kommun.Undersökningen är gjort utifrån protokoll, tidningsartiklar, insändare, intervjuer och krönikor..

En arena för alla? : En studie om normbrytare på Stockholms stads idrottsplatser

In Stockholm there are currently five women, out of a total of 102 employees, working in public sports arenas. In sports arenas men are numerically superior amongst the workers as well as the visitors. These arenas are in many ways male dominated, masculinized environments. In this essay I investigate the reasons behind the uneven distribution, in terms of gender, among sports arena workers. I do this by interviewing seven female sports arena workers (the five current and two former), and by observing their workplaces.

Katastrofberedskap : En samverkans- och kommunikationsfråga för kulturarvet

The aim of this masters thesis, based on discourse analysis and organization theory, is to study how individuals in different Swedish cultural organizations- and agencys are working with disaster preparedness.The purpose of this is to examine whether organizational structures affect different persons work, cooperation and practical application concerning disaster preparedness in collaboration with both external and internal organizations.The research shows that disaster preparedness are affected by priority issues as well as financial resources causing consequences for future work concerning this kind of issues.Another problem which is also examined and discussed in this thesis are the problematic approach to personal initiative which today is the leading operation for the organizations to deal with disaster preparedness instead of creating professional titles for the persons handles these complex issues..

Om superpedagoger och vanliga lärare : en analys av hur media konstruerar läraryrket

School and education are topics that are frequent in Swedish media. The intention of this essay has therefore been to investigate the image of teachers and their profession in Swedish daily press. The overall aim has been to analyze how teachers are portrayed in the debate that followed the TV-show Klass 9A, and by that find how the debate defines the concept of a good teacher. The representation that was found was then compared to earlier studies. The series was shown on Swedish television between January and March 2011.26 articles were chosen and the ambition was to have various perspectives represented, such as different voices and also papers from different areas of the country.

För vem kommenterar du? : En studie om interaktion mellan H&M och deras användare på Facebook

This essay addresses the subject social interaction in the social network named Facebook. The studied interaction took place between the Swedish clothing company H&M and the active visitors on the company page in the social network. The subject of social interaction in social media is an interesting field to study due to its vast range, the largely amount of people involved and it is of interest to see how the company and customers interact. The purpose of the essay was to study the interaction between the company and visitors. The statement of the problem is divided into four questions which is processing a deeper analysis of how the company page is used.

Normer kring konflikthantering i förskolan

The aim of this study is to enlighten how todays working environment affects young individuals descriptions of how to reach success in work life, now often titled as ?career?. Our purpose has been to analyse how the term career is constituted discursively among young people in jobs characterized by flexibility. The study is based on six qualitative interviews with young adults in the media industry, all between 20-30 years old. By utilising a Foucaultdian discourse analysis we want to expose how the competing and dominating discourses, that our interviewees? statements are based on, can be associated with a wider social context.  The study reveals that our interviewees describe career in two separate ways, both positively and negatively.

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