

9151 Uppsatser om Critcal Discourse Analysis - Sida 50 av 611

Filmen Thor (2011) : En religionsvetenskaplig analys av filmkaraktärenThor

Denna uppsats syftar till att göra en religionsvetenskaplig analys av filmen Thor från 2011.De grundläggande metoderna som använts i arbetet är en diskursanalysmetod som är influerad av Simon Lindgrens populärkulturella arbetsfält, och en komparativ studie av Joseph Campbells teoriom monomyten.Våra tolkningar och arbetet kommer fram till att Thor passar in i Campbells teori om monomyten.This essay aims to make a religious scientific based analysis of the movie Thor from 2011.The basic methods used in this work are a discourse analysis, influenced by Simon Lindgren?s popular culture field of expertise, and a comparative study of Joseph Campbell's theory of the monomyth.Our interpretations and this work concludes that Thor fits into Campbell's theory of the monomyth. The results imply that Campbell's theory proves to be applicable in modern times narration on film. Events and actors in the film fit with several elementary parts in a hero-myth according to Campbell..

Islamisk feminism : En diskursanalytisk studie av islamiska feministers syn på elementet hijab

In the late 1900s the Islamic feminist movement arose in a time of an Islamic renaissance in the Arab world. Even though it started as an Arabic movement it quickly spread to the international arena and became global. Today there are Islamic feminists all over the globe and this study is a discourse analysis with a focus on the Islamic feminist movement of today. The aim of the study is to investigate what the members of the movement have in common and on what viewpoints their opinions differ. The material used for the study is Internet blogs written by Islamic feminists and the timeframe of the blog posts stretches from the start of the Arab Spring until today.

Kyrkans sociala ansvar i Argentina : En kvalitativ undersökning om ansvarsfördelning mellan kommun och kyrka i Salta, Argentina

The aim for this master thesis is to create an understanding of the intersubjective processes of how individuals are experimenting with their identities in social media and the consequences for the identity and embodiment. The thesis is completed with the help of discourse analysis and a starting point in four complementary theories. Central to the implementation of the analysis is the concept of diffraction. Therefore the thesis is, which is reflected in the choice of theoretical approaches and methods, critical to many aspects of classical philosophy of science and method. The empirical material is based on interviews.

User comments: Availability and Utilization in Online News Affiliated with Local Daily Press

User comments:Availability and Utilization in Online News Affiliated with Local Daily PressAuthor: Susanne AlmgrenSupervisor: Mats EkströmConstituent: Dagspresskollegiet (Annika Bergström/Ingela Wadbring)Course: Term Paper in Media and Communication StudiesTerm: Spring Term 2012Pages/word count: 91 pages / 38 334 wordsObjective: To examine the users availability to the user comment feature and how theusers utilizes the user comment feature in the context of an online news site affiliatedwith local daily press.Method: Mixed methods approach, content analysis and discourse analysisMain result: In this context, three out of four news stories (76.5 percent) has beenallocated with the user comments feature. The highest availability to the user comment feature was found in news themes covering sports and entertainment, followed by financial news. News stories lacking the user comment feature weremainly found in news themes concerning crimes and accidents. The user comment frequencies are not normally distributed along news stories. On the contrary, 62 percent of the news stories did not get any user comments at all.

Bibliotekariens kunskap: en diskursanalys

This Master's thesis concerns the professional knowledge of the librarian. The image of this knowledge is regarded as constructed in a social context, which is why the discourse analytic approach is selected as method. The empirical material consists of two texts concerning the education of librarians. A theory of knowledge, emanating from Aristotle, is applied to the results to find examples of the forms of knowledge that are excluded from the discourse. A number of themes, or ways, in which it is possible to discuss the phenomenon of the librarian's knowledge, are identified in the texts.

Arbetskraftsinvandring -en problemorienterad studie av SAP: s hanterand av arbetskraftsinvandringsfrågan

The aim with this paper is to investigate how the Social Democratic Party (SAP) deals with the question of economic migrants, or more specifically how the problem is represented by the Social Democratic Party, and how this representation has developed over time. The SAP's theory became recently contested by a competing theory that was caused by the predicted future demographic development in Sweden, combined with the EU's eastern expansion. The first factor contributed to the re-write of the theory, to a theory that saw economic migrants as a solution instead of a problem, in direct contrast to SAP's theory. The second factor was a direct threat to SAP's labour immigration policy. This leads to my second question, how did SAP respond to this pressure?The answers to these questions are achieved by using discourse analysis by applying a problem oriented theory on empirical material, constituting propositions, articles in mass media and parliamentary debates.

Kroppens Kultur : Fysisk teater som begrepp, dess diskurs och status på teaterfältet.

This master?s thesis discusses the term physical theatre from a discourse point of view. It also focuses on aspects of power from a field theory perspective. The main theory used is Pierre Bourdieu?s field theory, and I try to apply this onto critical discourse analysis, mainly taken from Michel Foucault.

Sexmissbruk eller diagnosmissbruk? En diskursanalys av begreppet sexmissbruk

Sexmissbruk eller diagnosmissbruk? ? En diskursanalys av begreppet sexmissbruk Jakobsson, R. Key words: diagnoses, hypersexuality, medicalization, nymphomania, sexual addiction, sexual behavior, sexual compulsivity, sexual deviation, shame, social construction. Background: Sexual addiction has been given a dominant discoursive power in Sweden which (re)inforces the idea that sexuality is essentially a dangerous and lethal force. Methods: The thesis consists of two sub studies. Firstly, a critical discourse analysis is conducted over scientifical articles of sexual addiction and sexual compulsivity. Secondly, a critical discourse analysis of the concept of sexual addiction in newspapers in Sweden?s largest newspaper, DN, and an evening paper, Aftonbladet.

Talet om trafficking -­? en hegemonisk strävan med kamp om betydelser: En analys av europeiska handlingsplaner mot trafficking med människor

This essay focuses on how trafficking is defined and dealt with in recent European policies,and particularly how prostitution take part of these discursive developments. Treaties andagreements on trafficking in human beings and for sexual exploitation have been made bythe European Union and United Nations amongst others, which have been signed andratified by the EU countries in Action Plans. In this essay, five national Actions Plans, fromAustria, Great Britain, Poland, Spain and Sweden between 2007 and 2009, have beencompared in order to see similarities and differences in how the phenomenon of traffickingis done through language. Based on Discourse theory and focus on discursive struggles, theresult show a hegemony around trafficking as a social issue in the Action Plans studied,exploiting humans, mainly children and women, sexually, but also how trafficking is framedas a problem of the nation state and the domestic labour market. It is also illustrated howdifferent meanings of prostitution make the trafficking discourse antagonistic and contested.Finally, the essay discusses the trafficking discourse in relation to EU strivings towardsharmonisation and power imbalances of migration and economy in Europe..


Män som utsatts för sexuellt våld är ett ämne som erhåller lite uppmärksamhet både inom forskning och i vardagligt tal. Att analysera skriven medias framställning av sexuellt våldsutsatta män har så vitt jag vet inte utförts i en svensk vetenskaplig kontext innan, vilket gör denna studie unik i sitt slag. Studiens primära syfte var att undersöka hur män som utsatts för sexuellt våld framställs i skriven media. Jag ville se huruvida media bekräftar eller förkastar de sociala myterna kring ämnet. Vidare så var målet med studien att ytterligare belysa ämnet för att lyfta upp det för diskussionen och fördjupa förståelsen och kunskapen för ämnet.

Ämnet Svenska : En kritisk diskursanalys av svenskämnets kursplaner i Lpo 94 och Lgr 11

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the subject Swedish is being constructed in syllabuses for the subject. The study includes the syllabuses for the subject Swedish from the Swedish curriculums Lgr 11 and Lpo 94. These are investigated in order to show what conceptions of the subject, i.e. the purpose, content and work models of the subject you can spot in these, and in what direction the perception of knowledge has changed. For the analysis Faircloughs critical discourse analysis and three dimensional model is being used.

Tillgänglig teater? : Uppsats om arbetet med och den fysiska tillgängligheten på Wermland Operaoch Västanå Teater

This bachelor thesis is based on how the two cultural institutions in Sweden have been working onincreasing physical accessibility. Based on the three objectives specified by the Swedish Kulturrådet(Swedish Arts Council). These points are 1.forming a workplace strategy, 2. Work to remove simpleobstacles in buildings and 3.Improved Web access in regard to the accessibility for physically disabled.The work regarding the accessibility goals is set on the time frame 2011-2016. The institutions studiedin this paper are Wermland Opera and Västanå Teater and how the two institutions have worked toimplement the three objectives and how the discussion about the accessibility within the two theaters hasbeen organized.The method of information gathering in this paper has been interviews with representatives from the twotheaters.

När Imperiet Skakade : En postkolonial diskursanalys på The Sydney Morning Herald under åren 1947-1950 i relation till Indiens självständighet

This paper aims to demonstrate how the imperial attitude of the British Empire not onlycirculated within the British Isles, but also to and within the colonies, namely Australiain this case. It also shows how the discourse in an australian newspaper, The SydneyMorning Herald, might affect the people reading it and how thoughts about "the other"is reproduced in the media. The years 1947-1950 has been chosen because those werethe years of the Dominion of India, when India first became independent from theBritish Empire, to the formation of the Republic of India in 1950.All this is done by using postcolonial theory and discourse analytic method hand inhand to de-veil the structures of Empire within the media..

En beslöjad debatt : En jämförande diskursanalys mellan den mediala och den politiska diskursen av burka i Sverige utifrån Köpenhamnsskolan

The debate concerning face veiling has been brought in to view by several governments in Europe. Luca Mavelli studies the debate regarding the burqa using the concept of securitization and from that the objective of this study is to analyze the medial- and the political discourse in Sweden regarding the burqa. The formulated questions drawn from this is; who are the securitizing actors? According to the securitization actors, who can de defined as a referent object? Wherein is the threat according to the securitizing actors? Is it possible to recognize a difference between the medial and the political discourse?Furthermore the paper adopts the theoretical framework that is the concept of securitization, formulated by the Copenhagen School of security. The methodological foundation is based on a social constructivist approach and consequently uses Norman Faircloughs critical discourse analyzes as an analytical tool.

Ontologisk (o)medvetenhet : Militära diskurser om verklighet

Rupert Smith (2006) menar att det har skett ett paradigmskifte inom krigföringen. Från ett industriellt krig till ett krig "amongst the People". De moderna konflikterna vi ser idag i Irak och Afghanistan går i linje med hans resonemang. Motståndaren är inte längre en annan nationalstat, utan en icke-statlig aktör som inte uppträder på ett militärt traditionellt sätt. Numera är andra entiteter än plattformar viktiga, till exempel klanstrukturer eller kultur.

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