

9151 Uppsatser om Critcal Discourse Analysis - Sida 27 av 611

Folkbiblioteket och marknaden - En diskursanalys av ideologiska konflikter i diskussionen om marknadsanpassning av folkbibliotek

The recent decades have been characterised by a trend where the public sector's been inspired by several methods and strategies from the private sector. The public library is in this case no exception. In this context there are different perspectives on whether or not this will lead to a dramatic change of the role and values of the traditional public library. The aim of this master's thesis is to make a contribution to a deeper understanding of the ideological conflicts within the Swedish public library and its relation to the market. In the literature of library and information science I have identified two separate discourses representing two contradictory systems of meaning concerning this relation.

Synen på kristendom en analys av läromedel i religionskunskap

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the perception of Christianity in nine textbooks andidentify changes in-between them and over time. The content of the textbooks will also bediscussed in relation to the steering documents connected to each book.I have chosen to focus on three curriculums, Lgy 70, Lpf 94 and Gy 11. My researchquestions are: how Christianity is treated in textbooks in religious studies in relation to theperception of Jesus, God and man? What are the differences/similarities across time andlearning materials? In what way does the textbooks change with the syllabuses?Text consumption and discursive practices is analyzed with the help of a set of tools thatare based on the critical discourse analysis and Fairclough's three-dimensional model. Theimage of Jesus, if described by a textbook, is also analysed.Three textbooks were chosen from each curricula.

Sexköpslagen 2.0 - en kritisk diskursanalys av debatten om en utvidgad sexköpslagstiftning

The main aim of this study is to examine the political debate in Sweden around a potentionalcriminalization of buying sex abroad. A second additional aim is to analyze the debate from anintersectional feminist gender perspective, by bringing attention to ideas about gender, ethnicity andpower expressed in the empirical material.The questions at issue are:What are the arguments for and against the potentional criminalization of buying sex abroad andwhich central discursive battles can be discerned throughout the debate?What impact do ideas about gender and power have on the construction of a general advocatediscourse versus a general antagonist discourse?The methodological point of departure is Critical Discourse Analysis, drawing on the theories ofNorman Fairclough, Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. The empirical material consists of 27articles and editorials publicized in Swedish newspapers between January 2011 and November2014.The result shows that the polemics manifested in the debate are based on different ideas aboutgender, ethnicity and power. A crucial discursive battle stands between human rights andinternational law as a superior principle.

Medias skildring av hiv: en diskursanalytisk studie

This paper aims to investigate what part Swedish media plays when it comes to portraying hiv and people infected by the virus. The study comes from articles published in Sweden's two largest daily newspapers, Dagens Nyheter and Göteborgs Posten, in 2007.By using discourse analysis we found that hiv within Sweden is described as related to riskgroups or risk behaviour and that individuals with hiv is portrayed as average people living normal lives. Except for the above described pattern, stories about so called hiv-men frequently occur. Overall, the words abroad and foreigners are reproduced in articles about individuals living with hiv or aids. When it comes to articles describing hiv abroad, aids is more in focus and people living with the virus is portrayed as innocent victims.

Proppen har gått : En analys av diskursen kring Kultursamverkansmodellen

This essay aims to map the ideas behind the Swedish cultural reform called Kultursamverkansmodellen, and how the ideas are forming a discourse. Furthermore it examines the social praxis on the three levels that constitutes the model. The three levels are the state, the region and culture creators/civil society. This is a qualitative study based on primary and secondary sources collected on the three levels. The theoretical frame of reference is based on institutional theory, on Michel Foucault?s lecture on The Discourse of Language, and on New Public Management.

Skolkuratorers syn på ungas användande av sociala medier : Med en diskursteoretisk ansats

AbstractAuthor: Josefin Gustavsson, Moa OsbäckTitle: School social workers view on young people using social media ? a study with a discourse theoretical approach [Skolkuratorers syn på ungas användande av sociala medier ? en studie med en diskursteoretisk ansats]Supervisor: Anders GiertzAssessor: Jan Petersson The aim of this study is to investigate school social workers view on young people using social media. With this study we are intended to understand how discourses affect the interventions of school social workers. This study has a qualitative approach and contains seven interviews with school social workers and one social worker who responded through a written response document. The interviews were semi-structured to enable spontaneous reflections and to catch the essence of the respondent?s language in the context as a school social worker.

Begreppet med fäste i gråzonen : Korruptionsdefinitionen i Hufvudstadsbladets nyhetsrapportering

In this study, my intention has been to examine how the ambiguous concept of corruption is constructed by the press. Emphasizing the media?s representations of the socially constructed and context-specific concept, this work adopts a critical perspective on discourse, together with an approach of conceptual history. Finland has for many years been appointed as one of the least corrupt countries in the world, signing several international conventions against corruption since the 1990s, which in turn has led to an increase in discussion regarding the phenomenon. By conducting a multi-method study, my aim has been to analyse the possible changes in the definition of ?corruption? in the Finnish newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet during the period 2000-2013.

Om ett marknadsanpassat Globalt Ansvar En kritisk diskursanalys av privatoffentliga partnerskap och företags sociala ansvar i svenskt utvecklingssamarbete

Swedish Development Cooperation emphasizes the need for collaboration among actors on a national level. In that context, the purpose of the thesis is to investigate how Public Private Partnership (PPP) on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) may influence the changing role of the state. The thesis is informed by Critical Discourse Analysis. In order to investigate the social constructions of reality, the thesis is a critical study of language related to ?Globalt Ansvar: Swedish Partnership for Global Responsibility? to identify through what discourses Collaboration on Corporate Social Responsibility is produced; and the implications in relation to Public Private Partnership.

Fredsjournalistik : - En kritisk diskursanalys av fyra svenska nyhetstidningars skildring av Georgienkriget i augusti 2008

The purpose of this essay is to examine how peace journalism was expressed in Swedish newspapers´ reporting on the war in Georgia 2008. We did this by analyzing whether the reporting was elite- or people-orientated depending on how suffering was expressed and how the war players were described.The method we used was Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). It was applied on news articles from four Swedish newspapers that covered three different happenings in the war in Georgia.We found out that the reporting was mainly elite-orientated, both when it comes to how suffering was expressed, as well as how the war players were described. The newspapers tended to focus on only one party?s suffering and one party as evil-doer, which is elite-orientated reporting and also an indication of war journalism rather than peace journalism..

Nya förhållningssätt i den fackliga jämställdhetspolitiken? En studie av LOs Klass och kön-serie 1990-2000

At the Congress of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO) in 1991 a decision was made to reform LOs politics of gender. In the new resolution class and gender were established as equal causes of oppression. This was a giant leap from LOs traditional politics, where the dimension of class had always been considered more important than gender. The present thesis discusses how gender was constructed in LOs discourse after 1990 by analysing their official publications about gender politics called Klass och kön. The key terms in the analysis are continuity and change.

EU om olagligt och skadligt innehåll på Internet. En diskursteoretisk analys

This thesis analyses how the European Unions institutions deal with the issue of illegal and harmful content on the Internet in key documents presented during the period 19961999. Particular attention is attached to content where the legal status is determined in relation to the user and to content that is legal, but characterized as harmful and entailing a need for special protective measures. The theoretical and methodological approach draws on discourse theory as formulated by Laclau and Mouffe. The thesis studies how the problem is represented in key documents from the European Commission, the Council of the European Union, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, with particular regard to the discourse on harmfulness, the child and Europe. The findings are that the overall discourse has shifted focus over time, from an emphasis on the protection of minors toward a more market-oriented discourse stressing the importance of protecting the competitiveness of the European economy.

Medias bild av socialtjänsten : En kritisk diskursanalys av tidningsartiklar

The purpose of this study was to examine the discourses that can be identified in medias representation of social services. To answer the purpose we made a critical discourse analysis using Faircloughs three-dimensional model. The choice to focus our study on a local newspaper was based on earlier research that found it possible that a local paper has a greater impact on readers than a national newspaper. Readers can more easily connect with what's happening in the immediate environment than what is written nationally. We used articles published in 2013 containing ?social services?.

Normkritisk kunskap inom socialtjänsten? : En studie om transsexualism och socialtjänsten

In light of health scandals and intense debate in the media about the elderly, the authors investigates two Swedish newspaper and their depiction of elder care in Sweden. Using Faircloughs three-dimensional model and critical discourse analysis, it is investigated if there is a more prominent discourse and if so the impact of globalization on this discourse concerning swedish elderly care. A sample of a total of ten articles in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter is analyzed. The authors found that older people who are granted home help or place of accommodation rarely make their voices heard. Rarely were also relatives of residents given the opportunity to speak.

Ungdomsanpassad myndighetskommunikation. En jämförande textanalys av Kronofogdemyndighetens texter som riktar sig till allmänheten och ungdomar.

The aim of this thesis is to contribute to a better understanding of the FRA-law. The focus of the study is to examine how Swedish politicians relate to the new draft of this law on intelligence. Key themes in the study are security, threats, surveillance and privacy. The power relationship between the individual and the state is also examined. Empirical data used in this study consists of a spoken plenary debate in the House which was held in connection with the adoption of the FRA law in June 2008.

Gender Mainstreaming - Kioskvältare eller dagslända?

The European Union's work on equal opportunities for women and men can be described historically in three eras; equal treatment, positive action and, most recently, the gender perspective. In accordance with the latter, gender mainstreaming is the latest method in dealing with these issues. Its aim is the implementation of the gender perspective in all policy processes and to challenge the male norm that permeates all decision making. EU:s work on equal opportunities, though, persists not only of gender mainstreaming but has a double approach also including special actions.This thesis bases its argumentation on discourse analysis of communications from the Commission regarding employment and social affairs. It argues that the two components of the double approach; gender mainstreaming and special actions, are incompatible and even becomes contra productive put together.

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