

285 Uppsatser om Credit card - Sida 3 av 19

Kreditbedömningsprocessen : Jämförelse mellan de fyra storbankerna i Sverige

The financial crisis in the beginning of the 1990´s the financial crisis had a strong impact on the Swedish economy. Some of the main actors in the crisis were the largest banks of Sweden which brought a huge amount of losses on themselves. One of the main reasons for this was that the banks focused on volume increases rather than on credit losses. The credit analysis process is performed differently these days and it is the development of this process that is the focus for the authors.This thesis is about the credit analysis process in the four largest banks of Sweden. The purpose of the thesis is to highlight which factors the banks include in the credit analysis process and in how small and medium size companies are treated in this process.

Personlig integritet och kreditupplysning

Most people would agree that privacy is a civil right, and that we should not be deprived of this civil right for other than legitimate reasons. The difficulty lies instead in how to decide where the legislative boundary should be drawn for the right to privacy, in order to protect the individual from an undue intrusion of his privacy. There are a number of areas where the right to privacy comes in conflict with opposite interests. One of these areas is credit report. In this master thesis the author discusses questions as, what is the meaning of the word privacy, and whether the protection of privacy is sufficient in the legislation concerning credit report? Also a comparative study of the Swedish and the English regulation is performed.

Simulering, ett alternativ inom produktionsplanering?

Typically, when Faurecia in Torsås are planning a new assembly line, one of the steps is to build a full-scale model of the line in card board, a form of mock-up planning. Faurecia has shown interest in finding an alternative methodology. The purpose was to explore the possibility of replacing today's cardboard based mock-up planning with models in a digital simulation environment.The purpose of the thesis has been to answer some of these complex questions; What are the benefits of using a simulation tool? In what way can we use it? If we choose to use a simulation tool, in what way does it affect our way of planning an assembly line? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Are there any economical and social aspects?Our results made us realize that a digital simulation tool does not replace the card board. On the other hand simulation could be used as a complement.

Revisionspliktens försvinnande : -en kvalitativ studie om bankernas kreditbedömning av småföretag

Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration,Mid Sweden University in ÖstersundSpring term 2008Title: Abolishment of statutory audit ? a qualitative research on banks attitude when credit rating small businessesAuthor: Rima Harouki, Carina HoffmannSupervisor: Anna-Maria JanssonBackground & problem: In Sweden the statutory audit has been mandatory for every corporation since 1983. With the membership in European Union it became possible to allow exception from statutory audit for small businesses, according to the fourth commission of EG. Today, in the European Union, there are few countries that still have statutory audit for smaller businesses, Sweden is one of them. There are discussions about whether Sweden should follow the trend of abolishment and an analysis management by the justice of the Supreme Court Bo Svensson was recently presented, which ended in the conclusion that statutory audit ought to be abolished.

Basel II - Det nya kapitaltäckningsregelverkets påverkan på de svenska nischbankernas kredit- och riskhantering

ABSTRACTTitle: Basel II ? The New Basel Capital Accord and its influence on small Swedish banks and their retail banking and risk management.Seminar: May 24th, 2007Course: FEK318 Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 10 Swedish creditsAuthors: Mattias Kjellberg, David Uhlmann & Ivana ZubacAdvisor: Joakim WinborgKeywords: Capital cover, capital requirements, Basel II, credit giving, credit risk, risk management, retail banking, small banks, pillar 2Problem: What influence does Basel II and the new updated management of credit risks in pillar 1 and the active risk control in pillar 2 have on small Swedish banks retail banking?Purpose: Our essay seeks to explore what influence pillar 1 and the new updated management of credit risks in the new capital accord Basel II have on small Swedish banks and what influence pillar 2 have. We also want to explain if Basel II has influences on small Swedish banks credit analysis and possible effects in their risk management and pricing.Methodology: In our essay we use an inductive approach and our chosen research method is the qualitative one. We have chosen to look into four small Swedish banks, and the empirical data is obtained from telephone interviews with selected respondents from Länsförsäkringar Bank, SkandiaBanken, GE Money Bank and ICA Banken.Conclusions:? The work with credit scoring does not get influenced by Basel II if the Standardised Approach is chosen.? Banks that?ve early implemented high technological systems in the organization, that small banks normally do, have gotten an easier transition to Basel II.? Basel II will result in a risk adjusted pricing and a more fair credit market.? Internal Ratings-based Approaches is very demanding to develop, but at the same time it?s a more risk sensitive approach.? Pillar 2 results in a more sophisticated work for the small banks.? Basel II results in a further price press on residential loans in Sweden..

Bokslutsrapporten ? ett substitut eller komplement till revisionsberättelsen?

On the 1st of November 2010, the statutory audit was abolished for small limited companies. The amendment of the abolished statutory audit includes smaller private limited companies that for two years does not exceed more than one of the two following limits: net revenue of three million kronor, total assets of one and one half million kronor and three employees. The principal rule of chapter 9 section 1 Companies Act remains that a limited company should have at least one auditor. For limited companies included of the amendment has a opportunity to choose bokslutsrapporten instead of the auditor?s report as a proof of quality of the accounting and the financial reporting.

GPGPU : Bildbehandling på grafikkort

GPGPU is a collective term for research involving general computation on graphics cards. A modern graphics card typically provides more than ten times the computational power of an ordinary PC processor. This is a result of the high demands for speed and image quality in computer games.This thesis investigates the possibility of exploiting this computational power for image processing purposes. Three well known methods where implemented on a graphics card: FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), KLT (Kanade Lucas Tomasi point tracking) and the generation of scale pyramids. All algorithms where successfully implemented and they are tree to ten times faster than correspondning optimized CPU implementation..

Sms-lån : Kreditgivning med bristande konsumentskydd

The subject of sms-loans is examined by using primary and secondary sources?. This form of credit is formally independent from other obligations with a very short credit period and the amount of the loan is low. This form of credits is applied by mobile phones and on the internet by several companies, some of them are presented in this essay. These type of creditors do not come under any sanctions from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority as is customary for other creditors, they only need to register.

The development of CRITA-Score ? A hybrid credit rating model for predicting financial distress

Large companies in today?s business environment are to a great extent depending on their credit score by rating institutes like Moody?s and Standard & Poor?s. There is however indications that these big institutes are not always rating companies accurately. This is why this thesis aims at developing a new credit rating model, CRITA-Score, with the objective of determining a company?s financial health more accurately.

Elecronic Wallet - Utveckling av en digital plånbok sett ur ett användarperspektiv

This essay is a product of our examination work on candidate level in Interaction Design. The aim in this project was to design a digital wallet integrated into a cellular phone and make it as an electronic payment tool. In our project the goal has been to create a digital wallet not just for payment, but also develop it into a complete digital wallet, replacing visa, membership card, student cards, id card and receipt. Our ambition is to take care of current qualities of today's wallet and improve where it is possible so that can be replaceable with the digital wallet..

Kreditbedömning : Betalningsanmärkningars påverkan på kreditvärdighet

Credits are considered as a natural financing form for all types of companies. The financial market in Sweden is dominated by four banks and the credit appraisals that are done by these banks are partly based on credit reports from external companies. This thesis? purpose is to increase the knowledge of which the consequences of payment remarks can imply for companies in relation to the banks. A qualitative study has been done to relay to the purpose, through the means of interviews with four companies, four banks, one rating institute and a collecting agency.

Ingen allvarlig kreditåtstramning i Sverige - en granskning av Riksbankens analys

During the recent financial crisis there has been an intense debate regarding small enterprise?s possibilities to borrow money. Statements from interest groups and results from surveys among Swedish non-financial companies indicate that their situation has worsened. Credit worthy enterprises that under normal circumstances would not have any problems getting financing are now facing financial difficulties. In contrast, an economic report from the Bank of Sweden concludes that Sweden does not suffer from a severe credit rationing due to the financial crisis.

Utveckling av beslutsstöd för kreditvärdighet

The aim is to develop a new decision-making model for credit-loans. The model will be specific for credit applicants of the OKQ8 bank, becauseit is based on data of earlier applicants of credit from the client (the bank). The final model is, in effect, functional enough to use informationabout a new applicant as input, and predict the outcome to either the good risk group or the bad risk group based on the applicant?s properties.The prediction may then lay the foundation for the decision to grant or deny credit loan.Because of the skewed distribution in the response variable, different sampling techniques are evaluated. These include oversampling with SMOTE, random undersampling and pure oversampling in the form of scalar weighting of the minority class.

Usefulness of financial reports ?A study of the information need in banks? credit assessment

Background and problem: Financial reports are created for the users as decision support. Stakeholders are often subjects to information asymmetry. Banks represent one of the primary stakeholders and financiers of a company, and place great emphasis on financial reports in their credit assessment process. The question is, however, how useful the financial information actually is. According to previous research, banks consider accounting information as troublesome in some respects, mostly due to accounting choices and judgments.

Säkerhetsutvärdering certifikatserver i stället för aktiva kort

Business and organizations use computer network in a greater extension than ever before, especially for business-critical use. That increase the demand of security for all systems, both against internal and external threats. The demand on the authentication method used today increases. Today they normally uses password or some kind of smart card. I will performa literature study that will investigate the possibility to increase the security in authentication of users without the use of extra hardware.

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