

2053 Uppsatser om Creative art activity - Sida 39 av 137

Pedagogiska miljöer : En undersökning om hur miljön påverkar inlärningen

Many of the schools premises are neglected and the physical environment has not been prioritised. Instead the focus is set on scientific learning methods and pedagogic. The need for an environmental shift has not got an essential place in the governing documents for schools, although the focus on school premises should be suited to the purpose of the activity and for the pupils needs. Today the interest and the need of research within the physical environment is evermore increasing. The Swedish Work Environment Authority, present in their activityplan for 2006, that the schools premises and equipment is not adjusting to today?s activity and it is in bad condition that can lead to work-related injuries.The purpose of this essay is to bring to light a different pedagogic train of thought around the surrounding environments importance, for students learning and to compare these with our study of a selection of classrooms and what the teachers to these classrooms consider about the environments importance.

Fast driftställe vid internetbaserad verksamhet

It is more common now to purchase products and services on the Internet. More and more companies choose to sell their services and products this way. Some services and products the customers can get delivered directly to their computers. Therefore, it is important for entrepreneurs to know when they risk a permanent establishment in another country due to their Internet based activity. If the company gets a permanent establishment in the other country, the other country can tax the income which is relatable to the company?s permanent establishment.

Att leva med barn som har ADHD. : Familjemedlmmars upplevelser av att leva med barn som har diagnosen ADHD.

Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka samband mellan hur universitetsstudenter skattar sin fysiska aktivitetsnivå och hur de registrerar aktivitetsnivå med hjälp av dagbok samt att se om de kom upp i ACSM (American College of Sport Medicine) och WHO´s (World Health Organisation) rekommendationer.Metod: Studien hade en icke experimentell, deskriptiv och korrelerande design där 26 försökspersoner, två män och 24 kvinnor, rekryterades via anslag. De fick först svara på en enkät och därefter registrera sin aktivitet via en 7-dagars aktivitetsdagbok.Resultat: Studenterna ansåg inte att de hade en stillasittande livsstil och alla deltagare utom en ansåg sig komma upp till ACSM´s rekommendationer av fysisk aktivitet 30 minuter per dag av måttlig intensitet alla dagar i veckan. Trettiofem procent kom inte upp i WHO´s rekommendationer och av dessa överskattade 67% sin fysiska aktivitetsnivå. Sextiofem procent kom inte upp i ACSM´s rekommendationer och av dessa överskattade 94% sin aktivitetsnivå.Konklusion: Studenterna hade en låg fysisk aktivitetsnivå utifrån ACSM´s rekommendationer och majoriteten av de som inte levde upp till WHO och ACSM rekommendationer överskattade sin fysiska aktivitetsnivå. Det krävs dock mer omfattande studier för att dra några generella slutsatser då denna studie hade en skev könsfördelning och ett lågt antal deltagare.Keywords: Self-estimation, Perception, Activity diary, Physical Activity level, Overestimation. .

Effekter av 20 minutrs daglig fysisk träning av kondition, styrka, rörlighet och balans. : En 10 veckors interventionsstudie av kvinnliga lokalvårdare

Public health focuses on interventions related to physical activity during leisure and at work under conditions where health care is offered during working hours. Increased physical activity offers many positive effects on health in general and reduces the risk for most injuries and illnesses. Female cleaners represent a profession that is largely composed of women at high risk of overload injury and rarely participate in wellness initiatives offered at workplace. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 20 minutes of daily physical exercise for 10 weeks of intervention for healthy female cleaners. A total of 40 female cleaners in a larger organization participated in the study and were divided in into an intervention group and a control group.

Att få sätta spår : om medbestämmande och platstagande på gymnasieskolgården

Every place is a stage where people interact. The nature of the stage and its scenography to some extent shapes the interaction. Considered as a place, the school ground gives rise to many varying expectations. Lower school pupils often have clear ideas of how they are expected to behave and how they are expected to use the place. But as the pupils age, the purpose of the school ground grows less obvious.

Kommunala strategier för kulturhistoriskt intressanta miljöer

The main purpose of this essay was to understand and discuss the problems the Swedishmunicipalities have when missing the profession in cultural preservation area. I have madetwo case studies where competence has been present in one and absent in the other. FurtherI intend to find out what material the Swedish municipalities needs in their work with theconservation of built environment.The first case describes Vallentunas main intersection and the adjustments needed toseparate it from the local rail road. It identifies what the municipality deems importantsuch as sight lines and access to the old church area. The ability to illuminate these itemshad not been possible without the knowledge and early participation of an expert in thefield of cultural resource management.The second case revolves around an old croft in Österåker that was subject for a plannedresidential area.

Behaviours of wild male and female Colobus angolensis palliatus during morning and afternoon in Diani Beach, Kenya

Colobus angolensis palliatus is a small old world monkey inhabiting southern coastal Kenya to southern Tanzania. The species activity budget is known to vary between seasons and areas, probably due to differences in group sizes, diets, predatory presence and resource competition. The variations between male and female activity budgets are reckoned to be a result of pregnancy and lactation. The aim of this study was to investigate potential differences in behaviours between morning and afternoon periods and between males and females. The study was carried out in two forest fragments in Diani Beach on the south coast of Kenya.

Beteendeförändring och dess varaktiga resultat : En kvalitativ uppföljningsstudie av Umeå kommuns Kom igång-program

Society and the workplace are two factors that are important for the individual's health status. It is important that the individuals has the right skills to take care of their health. For organizations, it is important to strive for the welfare of their employees. This has proven to have a positive impact on work performance, reduced absenteeism and reduced costs for rehabilitation. In 2007, the local authorities in Umeå implemented a wellness offering for all employees working in the municipality administration.

IVIK elevers skolintroduktion : Studie-och yrkesvägledares roll i skolintroduktionen för nyanlända invandrarungdomar i gymnasieåldern.

Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka studie- och yrkesvägledarens roll i skolintroduktionen för nyanlända invandrarungdomar i gymnasieåldern. Studie- och yrkesvägledare har intervjuats i fem kommuner i Stockholms län. Utifrån ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt vill vi undersöka studie- och yrkesväledarens roll i skolverksamheten och dess ramar. Resultatet visar att studie- yrkesvägledarna upplevde att samverkan och tidsaspekten var begränsande faktorer i introduktionsarbetet. Det framkom även hur de yttre och inre ramar påverkar kommuner och skolverksamheter, vilka ses som hinder.

Livsviktigt : -en undersökning om pedagogiskt drama

Syftet med studien är att utvärdera och undersöka pedagogers inställningen till det pedagogiska dramat utifrån materialet Livsviktigt. Från syftet har vi formulerat följande frågeställningar:- I vilka situationer används pedagogiskt drama?- Hur anser pedagogerna att eleven utvecklas i samband med det pedagogiska dramat?- Vilken inställning har pedagogerna till pedagogiskt drama?För att besvara frågeställningarna har vi använt oss av en undersökande enkät med både öppna och fasta svarsalternativ. Enkäten besvarades av 102 pedagoger från Värnamo kommuns grundskolor.Resultatet av studien visar att pedagogiskt drama i undervisningen styrker barns självkänsla. Den visar också på en positiv inställning av pedagogerna till det pedagogiska dramat..

Teknik i bilderböcker

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to see how technology is presented in different fictional picture books that are available in preschool. Six fictional picture books that have connection to technology in picture and text have been analysed. In order to show how technology can be made visible in fictional picture books, the relation between picture and text has been analysed through a technology perspective. Furthermore, the pictures and the texts have been analysed separately in order to show what they show respectively in terms of technology. The fictional picture book has a potential to be a basis for making technology visible in preschool, which is a step in a new direction.

Könsöverskridande identitet eller uttryck : En diskursanalys av hur transpersoner inkluderas i Diskrimineringslagen

In 2009 transgendered persons were included in the Swedish law against discrimination. Prior to the inclusion a commission made an investigation of the necessity of such change in the law and how it could be designed. This essay focuses on the discourses regarding gender that appear in the law and the report written by the commission. Using theories by Judith Butler and discourse analysis inspired by Norman Fairclough it identifies two main discourses regarding gender: a two gender discourse and a queer discourse. The two discourses meet in the studied material in an antagonistic way, a conflict that is solved by separating the two and making one part of the law focus on gender and one on transgender.

Butiksdemonstrationens mentala och beteendemässiga påverkan: - Ett fältexperiment som undersöker butiksdemonstrationens möjligheter att påverka konsumenten i butiksmiljön

The knowledge development regarding in-store marketing has shown that influencing a consumer in a store setting is a powerful tool to change the consumer?s buying patterns. However, the store as a marketing channel lacks, in many ways, conducted academic research and according to marketing theory investments into in-store marketing tend to be taken without advanced marketing consideration. As a consequence, we have chosen to generate new insights into the field of in-store marketing by studying in-store demonstrations both from a behavioral and a mental dimension. Furthermore, we have also chosen to study how different consumers with different degree of loyalty and buying patterns are influenced by an in-store demonstration.This study aimed to obtain a better understanding of in-store demonstrations through breaking down the demonstration into its core elements and from these elements construct different types of demonstrations.

Antagonism och konflikt i förskolans utvärderingsuppdrag : En diskursteoretisk studie om utvärdering av förskolans verksamhet och förskollärarens positionering i relation till detta uppdrag

The aim of this study was to investigate how the position of the preschool teacher could come across in interviews with six teachers about their assignment to document and evaluate the preschool activity. The research done so far in this area shows that it can be a complex and difficult part of the preschool teachers work. A dilemma often described is how the teachers can be able to analyze and document the children´s learning with the aim to evaluate and develop the preschool activity without judging and mapping the children. A special focus of the study was to see how the methods and dsicourses described by the teachers possibly could affect the teachers´s position in the area of documentation and evaluation. To analyze the empirical data Ernesto Laclau (1935-2014) & Chantal Mouffe´s discourse theory was used, a prespective witch also figured to be the theoretical foundation of the master thesis.

Kulturarv, efterfrågan och musikalisk mångfald En fallstudie kring bibliotekariers och användares uppfattningar om musikbibliotekets uppdrag och roll

The main purpose with this Master's thesis has been to through a case study investigate and analyze the music library activity at the Public Library in Lund, in order to find out according to which ideas and principals this activity is run by. It also discusses how you at the music department handle your task as intermediary of music and how well this coincides with the users expectations. To give the research more depth a special analysis has been made, assuming the perspective of the B&I-researcher Sanna Taljas' three perspectives regarding the music department. She identifies three perspectives in maintaining a music library, which she calls the general education, alternative and demand repertoire.The examination is based on an empirical research, where five librarians were interviewed and fifty users have responded to a survey, but the essay also includes a literary study carried out to explore which ideas there are regarding the music department's missions and roles in the existing literature.Librarians and the user's opinions coincide quite well. What distinguish the most are the opinions surrounding the competency of the music library.

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