1703 Uppsatser om Cost Constraint - Sida 53 av 114
Logistik i byggbranschen : Fo?r fo?rba?ttrad arbetsmiljo? och effektivitet
Logistics and supply chain management in the construction sector is an area with great potential for improvements. Today, a lot of the workers time is spent on non-value adding activities. Research has shown that waste is a large proportion of the total production cost in building projects today.The purpose of this report is to analyze problems concerning logistics in the construction sector. Two of Skanska?s construction projects in Uppsala have been analyzed to identify problems.
Konsekvensutredning inför införande av koncerngemensam systemplattform : Vad skulle det innebär att införa SAP på KSU, Kärnkraftssäkerhet och Utbildning AB
The implementation of large IT-systems is a complex area where many aspects have to be taken into account.KSU, Kärnkraftssäkerhet och Utbildning AB, is a small company in the Vattenfall group that is increasingly being urged to implement SAP, one of the largest ERP-systems on the market. Vattenfalls purpose with SAP is to centralize certain processes within economy that are common to all the companies in the group, this to gain benefits with economics of scale. However, KSU is not convinced that SAP is a suitable system and that the common processes apply to them.The purpose of this degree project is to investigate if SAP is a suitable system and if KSU will benefit from a transition to SAP. Three perspectives were applied to further specify important areas of the main question. From a technical point of view KSU:s demands on a system was mapped against SAP.
Förbehandlingstekniker och LCA för rötning av organiskt avfall : Modellkonstruktion och Utvärdering med ORWARE
The goal of this master thesis project was to develop computer models of some plausiblepretreatment techniques and to assess the potential benefits/costs of using pretreatment andanaerobic digestion for waste management of organic waste from a system perspective. Forthis purpose a computer program called ORWARE has been used. ORWARE (organic wasteresearch) is a program for making life cycle assessments of waste management. As the mainpart of the project work the ORWARE system has been provided with three new models ofpretreatment techniques. The additions consist of: One model of pretreatment with ultrasound,one model of thermal hydrolysis and one model of a screw press.
"TV-spel är inga konstigheter!": En enkätundersökning om tv-spel på folkbiblioteken
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to investigate the lending of video games at the public libraries in Sweden. The thesis focused around a web survey, which was sent out to all public library directors, as its research material. The results were compared with those found in a master thesis by Olle Berg and Thomas Nyström from 2008. This was done to gain a better understanding of why the libraries provided video games. The other results of the survey were analyzed with a quantitative method.The results indicate that half of the responding libraries provide video games for borrowing.
Automatiserad konstruktion av analoga förstärkare
The last few decades the development in the field of electronics has been huge. The components performance gets better at the same time as the manufacturing cost decreases. Many of the design moments that have to be done, are done automatically today, but it can get better. Especially for analog circuit design.At Electronic System in Linköpings universitet, research is in progress to develop a tool that can design analog circuits in reasonable time. It means that it has to size the components (transistors, resistances, capacitances etc), so that the circuit can fulfill the performance requirements.
Jordtäckta hus : Energiberäkningar och kostnadskalkyler på ett jordtäckt hus i Malmö
With rising energy prices and the threat of climate change, energy costs and energy savings havebecome a central and important part in building. Therefore it is interesting to explore different andnon-conventional methods of energy conservation. Building Earth sheltered houses is such a method.Earth provides good insulation and provides the ability to both reduce the total heating needs and toreduce the maximum power demand. The aim of this study was to construct a house in Malmö and seeif Earth sheltered houses can be a cost effective alternative for the construction of sustainable andenergy-efficient houses.Previous studies have shown that Earth sheltered houses have reduced their power requirement with upto 25% and their use of energy with 10%. Numerical calculations in Comsol Multiphysic 4.2, wasperformed on a house with different degrees of earth covering.
Fel i produktionen : En studie om uppkomna fel i två anläggningsprojekt
AbstractThe purpose of this study was to identify problems that may occur in the execution of a civil engineering project and suggest measures to reduce the risk of errors. The study was conducted in cooperation with a civil engineering company in the Gothenburg area. During two weeks in February 2012, a field study took place on two construction sites where disruption and problems that took more than 15 minutes to correct were noted. During the field study we identified 39 such occurrences in the projects and then these were classified into different categories according to their cause.The two largest categories were "Design" and "Planning", which accounted for half of the errors that were discovered.In the study results were evaluated to decide whether it was possible to detect discrepancies at an earlier stage. The cost to fix an error in the design stage may be significantly less than to correct the problem in production.According to the evaluation, 55% of the errors could have been detected earlier if there was a greater degree of observation for such issues by everyone involved in the project.
Beräkning av energianvändning i svenska småhus
An energy calculation model for Swedish houses that is fast, flexible and user-friendly has been developed within the framework of this thesis. The model also provides a set of actions which may be investigated in the model based on savings and payback period. Energy use in a house depends on the technical conditions, such as building envelope and heating systems, which outdoor climate the house is exposed to and who lives in the house. Energy use for a house can be divided into heating, hot water and household electricity. There are several methods to calculate the energy use of a house. This report summarizes the methods that may be suitable for a fast and user-friendly calculation model.
Undervattensvågbrytare - En modellstudie
Today?s wind power plants are only compensated for their reactive power consumption at no-load. As the wind power plants grow bigger the amount of reactive power they need also increases. This is no longer a problem that can be ignored, especially as the net owners are beginning to charge the reactive power they transport.In this thesis a couple of different methods of compensation and their prices will be discussed and evaluated. Problems, such as self-excitation, that can occur if one fully compensates the wind power plant will also be brought to surface.
Tillförlitlighet hos trafikolycksklassificering
Today?s wind power plants are only compensated for their reactive power consumption at no-load. As the wind power plants grow bigger the amount of reactive power they need also increases. This is no longer a problem that can be ignored, especially as the net owners are beginning to charge the reactive power they transport.In this thesis a couple of different methods of compensation and their prices will be discussed and evaluated. Problems, such as self-excitation, that can occur if one fully compensates the wind power plant will also be brought to surface.
Samhällsekonomisk värdering vid potentiella katastrofer : Ekonomisk effektivitet i samband med den s.k. fågelinfluensan
Samhället är mer eller mindre konstant utsatt för risker. De flesta av dem är så små, och har kanske till och med så pass obetydande effekter för individen om de realiseras, att vi negligerar dem i våra dagliga beslut. Vid vissa tillfällen står vid dock inför beslut som är betydligt svårare, t.ex. i vilken mån vi ska handla kostsamma försäkringar för stora olyckor som högst osannolikt inträffar men skulle få katastrofala konsekvenser. Liknande situationer uppstår för centrala beslutsfattare där man fattar beslut att genomföra riskreducerande åtgärder i samband med potentiella katastrofer.
Bullerreduktion av hytt på Volvodumprar : Undersökning, mätning och analys
Too high levels of noise lead to various health problems and cost society billions of SEK peryear. In this thesis we have examined a model of the A40E articulated hauler at VolvoConstruction Equipment in Braås. We have tried to reduce cabin noise in an articulated hauler,while also providing a way on how to proceed with a machine when the cabin does not measureup to the sound requirement. The best way to find leaks were with a reference source of model4205 and its speaker HP 1001 from Brüel & Kjaer in the cab and then walk around and listen towhere the reference source was more prominent. In this way, we found that the edges and theplugs were sensitive areas.
Framtidens TV-fäste : Ett projekt i samarbete med People of Lava Sweden
Rapporten behandlar en produktutveckling av framtidens TV-fäste. Teknik och form hos TV-apparater utvecklas varje dag, detta leder till att TV-fästen måste anpassas för att följa trenderna. I samarbete med företaget People of Lava har en designprocess utförts för att utveckla framtidens TV-fäste.Rapporten behandlar en djup marknadsundersökning där statistiska, kvalitativa samt kvantitativa undersökningar utförs. Detta ligger sedan som grund för en target cost där ett produktionspris söks för att försäkra sig om en önskad vinstmarginal för företaget. Utifrån den bestämda kostnaden genomförs konceptgenereringar där form och funktioner utvecklas.
Träddelsuttag eller massavedsuttag i förstagallring?
The purpose of this study is to compare the economic differences between withdraw of forest fuel and withdraw of pulpwood in first thinning, to see which method gives the maximum profitability (income - cost). Another purpose is to investigate the economic impact of the thicket cleaning.
The study compares four different methods: i) pulpwood output with thicket cleaning, ii) pulpwood output without thicket cleaning, iii) forest fuel output with thicket cleaning and iv) forest fuel output without thicket cleaning. The study was conducted in a 30-years old stand, dominated by spruce, outside Harg in Uppland.
The method that generated the best economic net income was pulpwood without thicket cleaning. It generated a positive net of 1,383 SEK per hectare. Forest fuel output without thicket cleaning also generated a positive net in 720 kronor per hectare.
Ny inmatningsfunktion för Arcomas detektorhållare
Arcoma is a company that develops and manufactures X-ray equipment for hospitals. One of the most crucial components is the digital detector. Due to the high cost it is made removable so it could be transferred and used in other X-ray apparatus. The detector is placed in a so called detector holder. The current detector has a rectangular shape which sometimes requires a 90 degree rotation to match the shape of the patient.