

51 Uppsatser om Corpus - Sida 3 av 4

Hihi puss ;* : En studie av SMS-språket hos svenska högstadieungdomar

This study is about language use in text messaging. In this study there are 338 text messages: 206 of them written by girls and 132 written by boys. The informants in the study are 16 years old and they live in the countryside on the outskirts of a small town in southern Sweden. The purpose of this study was to investigate characteristic linguistic features in the messages, in order to determine what significant meaning an emoticon such as a smiley brings to a text and further, to explore what speech acts smileys occur in.The results show that the language in the messages is a mix of spoken and written language. The characteristic features that were found in the messages were short sentences, onomatopoetic expressions, words written in capital letters, English expressions and use of smileys.

Automatisk query expansion: en komparativ studie av olika strategier för termklustring baserade på lokal analys

Automatic query expansion has long been studied in information retrieval research as a technique that deals with the fundamental issue of word mismatch between query and document. The purpose of this thesis is to compare the retrieval effectiveness of different strategies for automatic query expansion. The strategies are based on local analysis of the Corpus and use statistical information from the local document set to extract terms that suppose to adapt themselves to each individual search and therefore appear to be searchonyms to the index terms. The strategies compared are: association clusters, metric cluster and scalar cluster. Baseline queries of 24 topics are expanded using terms from the different clusters and searches are made.

Kriget mot terrorismen - Paradigmskifte av rättfärdiga metoder i modern krigföring?

Syftet med denna studie är att analytiskt granska och undersöka de legala aspekter som uppstått i samband med kriget mot terrorismen. Bush-administrationens juridiska argumentation kring praktikerna indefinite detentions och enhanced interrogation techniques står i fokus. Genom att använda en juridisk metod undersöks det huruvida argumentationen är förenlig med internationell rätt för att fastställa praktikernas legala status. Vidare utrönas det genom detta förfarande huruvida praktikerna kan uppnå en juridisk kodifiering internationellt och på sätt bringa ett paradigmskifte av rättfärdiga metoder inom den moderna krigsföringen. Den juridiska analysen påvisar att praktikerna ej är förenliga med internationell rätt och strider mot regleringar inom både den humanitära rätten och mänskliga rättigheter. Slutsatsen är att den amerikanska juridiska argumentationen av indefinite detentions och enhanced interrogation techniques ej kan uppnå någon juridisk kodifiering internationellt och således ej heller bringa något paradigmskifte av rättfärdiga metoder inom den moderna krigsföringen..

I jättens grepp? : En undersökning av morfemet jätte i svenska skriftspråket

Det övergripande syftet med undersökningen har varit att studera etableringen och användningen av morfemet jätte i skrivna elevtexter och tidningstexter idag, med fokus på jätte som förstärkande prefix. Frågeställningen lyder: ?Hur, av vem och i vilken utsträckning används morfemet jätte i elevtexter och tidningstexter??.För att besvara ovanstående har två korpusundersökningar genomförts, en på tidningstexter och en på elevtexter. Resultatet visar att jätte förekommer i relativt stor utsträckning jämfört med andra förstärkande prefix som till exempel tok- och super-. Vanligast är att jätte används i sammansättningar med adjektiv, både i tidningstexterna och elevtexterna.

Variationer i svensk verbböjning : En korpusundersökning

 Variationer i svensk verbböjning: En korpusundersökning (Fredrik Smeds, D-uppsats i Svenska språket, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för kultur och kommunikation, Avdelningen för språk 2008). I uppsatsen undersöks svensk verbböjningsvariation från första hälften av 1800-talet till våra dagar dels genom studier av facklitteratur, ordböcker och ordlistor från skilda tider, dels genom att studera korpusar med skönlitteratur och brev skrivna av August Strindberg, äldre och yngre romaner samt dagstidningar från 1965?2004. De äldre romanerna är skrivna från första halvan av 1800-talet till första halvan av 1900-talet, och de yngre runt 1980. Materialet tillhandahölls av Språkdata vid Göteborgs universitet och omfattar ca 126 miljoner ord.

Adjektiv i hög grad : En korpusstudie av förstärkares distribution i svenska

Studien är en korpusbaserad undersökning av hur bloggare vanligen förstärker adjektiv på svenska, och om förstärkningen varierar utifrån vilka adjektiv och/eller substantiv som modifieras. Tidigare litteratur belyser exempelvis hur adjektivförstärkning kan styras av semantiska och kontextuella faktorer samt hur förstärkare ofta grammatikaliseras. Undersökningen ämnar deskriptivt komplettera tidigare observationer, genom analys av större datamängder än motsvarande studier av svenska. Datan hämtades ur korpusen Swedish Blog Sentences (>6 miljarder tokens). Alla sammansatta adjektiv, adverb följda av adjektiv samt liknelser (?ADJ som en/ett N?) extraherades automatiskt.

Han, denne och han eller hon : Om generiska pronomen i juridisk myndighetstext

In this paper, generic reference in a collection of juridical texts is examined, with focus on third person singular pronouns. The object of the study is to find out which generic pronouns occur in the material along with their relative distribution, but also to display further use patterns and to offer plausible explanations for these patterns. Another object is to evaluate whether the use of generic pronouns corresponds with language planners? recommendations for non-sexist language. The Corpus studied consists of Rikspolisstyrelsens författnings­samling (?Statute Book of the Swedish National Police Board?), comprising 172 documents written between 1974 and 2009.The study is divided into two parts.

Induktion av persisterande gulkropp hos sto : en framtida metod för att dämpa brunstrelaterade störningar?

This article starts with a review of the literature regarding the normal reproductive physiology of the mare, normal luteolysis, different causes of prolonged luteal phase and theories behind these. The article also presents a study where it was examined if treatment with human choriongonadotropic hormone (hCG) during the luteal phase induces prolonged luteal phase in mares, thus preventing estrus. The study consisted of two parts: one intensive study of eight mares at the former Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at SLU, Uppsala, Sweden and one field study of seven mares at a stud farm 70 km north of Uppsala. The mares in the intensive study were divided in two groups: one with four mares that were injected with hCG in luteal phase when they had a follicle of minimum 30 mm and a second group with four mares that were injected with sodium chloride at the same time. These mares were examined with ultrasonography and blood samples.

Egyptiernas föreställningar om döden : en diskursiv analys av Dödsbokens formler

The Egyptian religion viewed the whole world as divine and inhabited by both gods and men. Concepts such as death was therefore explained through myths. The ancient society feared death but desired an eternal life. The Egyptians saw death as a physical dismemberment of the body as had happened in the myth of Osiris when death was first introduced to the world. Osiris functioned as a prototype for all men as he had overcome death by finding a new existence in the netherworld.

Syntaxbaserad författarigenkänning

The writing style of a particular author can be divided into many subfeatures, for example use of words, language and syntax. Focusing on the latter, this study aims to show how well syntactic information alone can attribute the correct author to a document. Syntactic information is defined as overlapping syntactic subtrees of height one (1) for all sentences of all included documents. The performance is compared to that of the previously very successful method of comparing stop word frequencies. These are words normally excluded from search engine queries, because they are present in all sorts of texts regardless of topic.

Äggstockscysta hos mjölkkor

The presence of cystic ovarian follicles represents an important ovarian dysfunction and is a major cause of reproductive failure in dairy cattle. A cystic ovarian follicle is a persistent follicular-like structure on one or both of the ovaries. It is at least 2,5cm in diameter and it has to persist for at least ten days while a Corpus luteum is missing. There are two kinds of cystic ovarian follicles, those who have a progesterone production and those who have not. A clear definition for this condition is lacking, probably because the heterogeneity of the clinical signs and the complexity of the disorder.

Fertility before and after installation of Herd Navigator?

The fertility of dairy cows is of great importance in order to maintain high production. The decline in fertility of dairy cows the latest decades can have several explanations. The large emphasis on high yielding cows and the negative genetic correlation between milk production and fertility traits could be one of the main factors for impaired fertility. To find heats and inseminate the cow at the right time is crucial to receive high conception rate. Delaval has, in corporation with FOSS, developed Herd Navigator which is a management program that measure four biological parameters in the milk; progesterone, betahydroxybutyrate, lactate dehydrogenase and urea.

Emotionella sprickor och utbrott - i en sorg

Intangible feelings of sorrow and grief, caused by events like separation, death, loss and trauma, all leave some kind of traces in us and they play an important role in our development. The individualistic society here in Sweden has shaped us to keep our feelings inside and at bay; since our childhood we have learnt that showing emotions like tears, sorrow and sadness are signs of weakness and can make others and yourself feel uncomfortable. With the starting point from my own experience and understanding of how we can deal and handle grief, I take a closer look on how jewelry, objects and rituals can be of importance in a grieving process and our lack of visual outer display of grief in today?s society. Through Sara Ahmeds theory I found a new possible way of understanding emotions and how they shape us.

DIGNA FUISSE FERAR. Om möjliga tolkningar av Sulpiciadikterna

Under de senaste årtiondena har det skett en mängd förändringar vad gäller den offentliga sektorns organisationsstruktur. Huvudanledningen definieras i 70- och 80- talets ekonomiska kris som drabbade USA och en hel del stater i Europa. NPM (New Public Management) framkom som en adekvat styrform vilken skulle förbättra och ta bort allt misslyckande som den offentliga sektorn gick igenom. Sverige precis som merpaten av Västvärldens stater samt USA, inledde olika organisatoriska förändringar i sina respektive offentliga sektorer med bland annat effektivitet och effektivisering som ändamål. Ett mycket viktigt redskap i NPM:s modell handlar om den s.k.

The Sound of Skepticism Analyzing Climate Change Denial in Swedish Podcasts and YouTube Channels

This study explores Sweden's climate change denial by analyzing the spoken-word discourse of its countermovement, focusing on digital media content from Swedish parliament member Elsa Widding with an aim to provide empirical insights into the discourse of Sweden's Climate Change Countermovement (CCCM). Questions guiding this study are: What are the most prevalent topics and themes related to climate change denial and skepticism? How do they align with established categories of climate change denial, shaping the overall narrative? What mobilizing ideas and meanings are present, how are they shaped, and how do they contribute to the movement's goals? The material consists of Elsa Widding's complete audio-based "movement texts'' from 2019-2023, including YouTube content, podcasts, and appearances on Riks, totaling over 2000 minutes of audio transcribed into text via AI technology. Methodologically, this study adopts a mixed-method approach which blends computational pattern detection, topic modeling, clustering, and spatial relationship mapping techniques, along with qualitative content and framing analysis. Theoretically, the study employs a perspective which uses epistemic and response skepticism to examine climate change denial, viewing it through the lens of countermovements and social movement framing. The study's main contribution lies in the enablement of comprehensive analysis of a large audio-based dataset, achieved by leveraging recent AI advancements for reliable audio-to-text conversion combined with topic modeling.

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