

216 Uppsatser om Corporation - Sida 2 av 15

Att arbeta internt med Corporate Social Responsibility : Hur Corporate Social Responsibility påverkar hållbarhet och välmående bland socialarbetare

Corporate Social Responsiblity is today a well known concept in the business world. The concept contains responsibility and sustainability for those who chose to work with Corporate Social Responsibility and the three responsibility areas within the concept. Responsibility and sustainability is of importance, no matter what core business a Corporation has. The responsibility goes both out from the Corporation, to take care of the surrounding society and the environment. The responsibility also concerns the Corporation interal, aiming for a sustainable work enivornment and good working conditions.

Flödesplanering för nya artiklar vid Lear Corporation i Färgeland

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

RFIDs användning i produktionsprocesser : en studie bland operatörer på Lear Corporation

Arbetet bygger på att de informationssystem som används idag men som blir allt äldre och därigenom inte klarar de krav som ställs på dem. Detta medför att informationssystemen måste migreras till modernare plattformar, då företagen dels inte klarar sig utan dess nuvarande funktionalitet och dels måste vidareutveckla systemen.Detta arbete tar upp olika sätt som detta kan genomföras på och vilka problem som kan komma att uppstå när detta sker. För att kunna undersöka detta så genomfördes ett antal migrationer. Språken som migrationen kommer att ske mellan är Visual Basic 6 och Visual Basic .net. Migrationerna kommer att ske med hjälp av ett migrationsverktyg, samt ett ramverk som i arbetet skräddarsys för just arbetets typ av migrationer.Det arbetet kommer fram till är att det sker problem vid användande av ett verktyg och även att det inte ger tillräckligt med respons på vad som gått snett under migrationerna..

Kartläggning av spånproblem i GG8 : avdelning 9460 Volvo Aero Corporation

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Termomekanisk analys av svarvstål : Volvo Aero Corporation

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Homogen internredovisning på Lear Corporation AB : en studie i praktiken

Informationsteknik (IT) är en marknad som förändras snabbt. Att investera i IT kan därför vara kritiskt. Att ha en strategi för hur satsningar på IT ska göras kan minska risken för felinvesteringar på IT men strategin kan även ge andra fördelar. Att ha en IT-strategi innebär dock inte automatiskt att den ger fördelar. IT-strategin bör även användas.

Electrolux och patenten. En studie av Electrolux patentstrategiska agerande 1950-1970.

Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) is a genre of computerized systems which allows system development Corporations to efficiently and more easily manage, maintain and handle the applications lifecycle. These ALM systems have a wide variety of tools which can be integrated to enable and support collaborative work, while they act at the core of the organisation. Todays ALM systems support flexible system development methods throughout the entire development process. This paper focuses on a case-study of a Swedish business- and technology Corporation and their use of two ALM systems with an aim to unravel the differences between these systems and their functionality to serve as a basis for decision making regarding their utilization of best practice with their ALM-Systems. Meanwhile we studied their approach to ALM systems to see if they were using them according to the initial idea of ALM systems.

Att utkräva ansvar - en analys av Vattenfalls verksamhet i Tyskland

With the expansion onto the international market almost a decade ago, Swedish energy Corporation Vattenfall began it's breaking and burning of coal on German soil. Criticism aimed at Vattenfall peaked in the mid 2000s with the revelation of large quantities of carbon dioxide emissions and the re-location of villages and graveyards in German states Brandenburg and Saxony. The purpose of this thesis is to show where the responsibility for these activities lie. By analyzing the history of, and the political debate surrounding, Vattenfall, I will show that the prevailing policies of right- as well as left-wing parties in the 20th century were all, regarding this matter, market oriented. I will also show that these market promoting policies made possible a situation where the transparancy of, and state control over, Vattenfall were close to eliminated.

Sjöundersökning av Naalojärvi

LKAB is an international high tech mineral Corporation and a world leading manufacturer of refined ironore products for steal manufacturing and other mineral products destined other industries. LKAB is an international Corporation with companies world wide, with it?s main location in the north of Sweden, which is where the iron ore mines and the refining works are located. LKAB?s iron refining process in Vitåfors, Malmberget, is a source of great amounts of waste-rock.

Varför CSR?: En fallstudie på SAS om orsaker till företagets arbete med Corporate Social Responsibility

The term CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is frequently discussed today. Many large companies work actively with CSR related questions. However, few empirical studies exist on what this work entails and why it is undertaken. Instead, most of the academic research focuses on what the term itself should mean. To bridge this gap this study centers on the employees? perceptions of CSR.

Application Lifecycle Management: : En studie av två Application Lifecycle Management system och deras stöd för systemutveckling i projektform

Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) is a genre of computerized systems which allows system development Corporations to efficiently and more easily manage, maintain and handle the applications lifecycle. These ALM systems have a wide variety of tools which can be integrated to enable and support collaborative work, while they act at the core of the organisation. Todays ALM systems support flexible system development methods throughout the entire development process. This paper focuses on a case-study of a Swedish business- and technology Corporation and their use of two ALM systems with an aim to unravel the differences between these systems and their functionality to serve as a basis for decision making regarding their utilization of best practice with their ALM-Systems. Meanwhile we studied their approach to ALM systems to see if they were using them according to the initial idea of ALM systems.

Den orena revisionsberättelsen : En studie om styrelsens, aktiebolagets och revisorns påverkan

Title: The qualified audit report ? a study of Board of Director, Private Corporation and auditor?s impact.                      Seminar date: 31th of May, 2011Authors: Annika Jonasson & Emma SwanbergSupervisor: Andreas Jansson                Education: the Business Administration and Economics Programme      Course: Thesis, the Business, Administration and Economics Programme, 30 creditsKeywords: Qualified audit report, accounting, audit, auditor, board of directors private Corporation, stakeholderBackground: It is important for the company's stakeholders to receive information what affects qualified audit report. The information is also important for the company?s management or owner in order to prevent qualified audit report. Board of directors (the ability to control the owners or management and provide critical resources), the management or owners (incentives to manipulate the annual report) and auditors (the ability to discover and report false financial statements) may have an impact why Swedish private Corporations receiving qualified audit reports.  Purpose: The overall purpose is to examine why Swedish Private Corporation receives qualified audit reports.Methodology: In order to fulfill the purpose of our thesis a deductive approach is used.

Analysmetod för Level Design i enspelarläge : En studie av tempoväxling av Half-life 2 serien samt implementation av resultatet i ett eget verk

Denna rapport behandlar en analysmodell som använts för att analysera Half Life 2-seriens level design. Utifrån denna analys av Half Life 2-serien skapades sedan ett verk baserat på de data som samlats in. Verket kallas Project 25. Målet med Project 25 var att skapa en spelupplevelse som level designmässigt är så lik den kommersiella spelserien Half-Life 2 (Valve Corporation, 2004), Half-Life 2 Episode 1 (Valve Corporation, 2006) och Half-Life 2 Episode 2 (Valve Corporation, 2007) att en spelare inte skulle kunna uppleva någon skillnad i kvalité.Denna rapport är indelad i tre delmoment. Först gjordes en förundersökning där tempoväxlingen i Half Life 2-serien analyserades, sedan skapades själva verket och slutligen utfördes en kvantitativ enkätundersökning i syfte att försöka verifiera om verket uppfyllt sitt mål eller inte.

Företags hantering av konsumentdata : Speglar användares elektroniska fotspår förhållningssättet till integritet?

The essay concerns Corporation?s usage and consumer?s attitude towards the phenomenon Big Data. The aim is to analyse whether Corporation-management and future ambitions concerning consumer data coincide with attitudes and opinions of today's consumer, and how these opinions reflect consumer behaviour online. The essay is limited to focus on how companies use consumer data in order to better understand and improve the efficiency of their marketing. A self-composed analyse-model was created using previous studies concerning Internet-usage in Sweden, previous management analysis of Corporations use of Big Data combined with theory of Cognitive Dissonance. A questionnaire was then created with the analyse model as foundation.

Upplevelser av arbetsmotivation och stress på ett tillverkningsföretag inom flygindustrin

Syftet med undersökningen är att få en ökad förståelse för hur de anställdas upplevelser av arbetsmotivation och stress ser ut i arbetet samt att se om finanskrisen har påverkat de anställdas upplevelser av arbetsmotivation och stress. Undersökningen är genomförd på Volvo Aero Corporation i Trollhättan. Uppsatsens teoretiska referensram är uppdelad i fyra huvuddelar: arbetsmotivation, stress, krav/kontroll/stöd och finanskris.Uppsatsens datainsamlingsmetod är en kvalitativ och kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie med enkäter och gruppintervjuer. Totalt har två gruppintervjuer utförts, samt en enkätundersökning med 122 deltagare. Det empiriska materialet delades upp i fyra olika kategorier, samma som i teoriavsnittet.Resultatet visar att de anställda främst motiveras av arbetskamrater och varierande arbetsuppgifter.

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