1465 Uppsatser om Corporate hybrid securities - Sida 16 av 98
Optimering av Tandem MIG/MAG och Laser Hybrid svetsning
Optimering av olika fogberedningsvinklarför svetsprocessen TandemMIG/MAG var målet för dettaexamensarbete. Frågan var omprocessen tillät en minskadfogberedning med likvärdig kvalitet.Svetsförsök utfördes på olika materialmed olika fogberedningar. Parametrarändrades och optimerades för olikakombinationer av material ochfogberedningsvinklar. De olikamaterialen reagerade inte på samma sättgällande minskad fogberedning. Smådiskontinuiteter och olikheter ifogberedningen hade större effekt påkvalitet och stabilitet närfogberedningsvinkeln minskades.
Cross-border and corporate aspects on culture in mergers and acquisitions
Med utgångspunkt i aggregerade och individuella inkomstdata diskuteras vilken roll upphovsrätten spelar som incitament för det kreativa utbudet i stort. Resultaten visar att kreatörer får små andelar av sina inkomster från upphovsrätt och obetydliga andelar från direkt från upphovsrätt, med vissa skillnader mellan olika grupper av skapare. Kreatörernas inkomster fördelas ojämnt och de små inkomsterna från upphovsrätten fördelas extremt ojämnt. Mot bakgrund av redan existerande utbudsöverskott samt omfattande substitut för upphovsrätten bedöms upphovsrättens incitament som svaga för utbudet i sin helhet..
Globaliseringens och professionaliseringens effekter på styrelsesammansättningen i svenska börsbolag: En social nätverksanalys baserad på delade styrelseledamöter under perioden 1990 till 2010
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the networks of interlocking directors in the 50 largestSwedish companies on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during the years 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005and 2010 and seek explanations for the observed developments.Our findings indicate that the density and concentration of the network has decreased during thefirst ten-year period and stayed constant during the second period. The development of theoverall network is not consistent throughout all corporate groups. Most notablyHandelsbankssfären seems to experience increased density and connectivity whileWallenbergsfären is experiencing the reverse.The changes during the first ten-year period is deemed to come mainly from changes inregulations pertaining to both the opening for international capital investments as well as looserrestrictions on domestic capital investments. These changes have caused decreased concentrationof ownership, as well as the emergence of new owners, which is reflected in the board ofdirectors.During the second ten-year period the changes are more pertaining to the individual boards andboard members, without flowing through into the overall network. Our findings indicate thatthese changes are caused by the increased professionalization of boards and board work, whichhas gained momentum through the creation of the Swedish Corporate Governance Code..
Utveckling av gran, Douglasgran, bok och tall under skärm av hybridlärk :
?Development of Norway spruce, Douglas fir beech and Scots pine with a larch
shelter wood? is a report written by Per-Olof Magnusson. The thesis is a
compulsory part of forest engineer program at ?Skogsmästarskolan?, SLU,
Skinnskatteberg, Sweden.
The purpose of this report is to describe and evaluate an experiment with hybrid
larch (Larix x eurolepis) as shelter wood, and different tree species growth and
survival depending on the density of the shelter wood. The experiment is
conducted by southern Swedish forest research centre, faculty of forestry, SLU in
The hybrid larch ought to be an interesting alternative to birch (Betula sp.) as
shelterwood on suitable sites in southern Sweden.
Marknadsföring av Corporate Social Responsibility : En studie i Generation Y:s attityder till CSR samt attityder till marknadsföring av CSR inomsnabbmatsbranschen i Sverige
Denna uppsats undersöker konsumentgrupp Generation Y:s attityd till Corporate SocialResponsibility (CSR) samt marknadsföring av CSR. Vidare undersöks i uppsatsen Generation Y:sattityder till CSR samt marknadsföring av CSR gällande detaljister inom snabbmatsbranschen iSverige. Uppsatsens teoribildning baseras på teorier om attityder från framförallt Fishbein ochAjzen (1975), samt teorier om CSR och marknadsföring av CSR. Teorin knyts samman i enanalysmodell baserad på Wang och Andersons (2011) CSR-modell. Resultatet baseras på dels enkvantitativ studie i form av en enkätundersökning, dels en kvalitativ studie i form avsemistrukturerade intervjuer.
Svensk kod för bolagsstyrnings påverkan på aktiekursen i företag med frivillig tillämpning
Due to a rising debate concerning corporate governance that has caused increasing demands for companies? transparency, several codes of conduct have been introduced. The Swedish Code for Corporate Governance is obliged to companies with a turnover exceeding three billions. There are companies that voluntarily apply the Swedish Code. Possible causes to this phenomenon ought to be that the code for corporate governance conveys legitimacy through the insight into the affairs of a company the public receives, through the report of the corporate governance that is published in the annual report and on the home page of the company.
FUNDAMENTALA SAMBAND I TURBULENTA PERIODER: - Om tillväxtens och avkastningens påverkan på börsvärdet under perioden 1997-2005
This thesis investigates the effect of profit growth and profitability on market capitalization amongst Nordic companies during the turbulent period 1997-2005. Our results suggest that profitability have a significant impact on market capitalization for six of the nine years studied, whereas profit growth does not seem to affect market capitalization. Consequently, our results imply that the effect of other factors on share price performance may be greater than previously suggested. These findings are only partly in line with theories on corporate valuation which suggest that market capitalizations are to a great extent driven by both profit growth and capital returns, regardless of whether the stock market is particularly unstable..
Corporate Social Responsibility in Corporate Sweden: Drivers and Business Impact from a Strategic Management Perspective
This thesis purpose was to contribute to knowledge which could explain the driving forces behind Corporate Social Responsibility in corporate Sweden and their strategic impact from a management perspective. The method used to archive this research was a qualitative interpretative study conducted by interviews. The thesis is based on descriptive theories of drivers for CSR, concepts of strategy and CSR and normative/instrumental theories suggesting a strategic approach to CSR and stakeholder management. The empirical study is based on interviews with Swedish business managers in a strategic board position as well as consultants working with CSR strategies, supported with internet information from companies? webpage.
Företagsförvärv : En studie av onoterade små och medelstora företag
Sweden is facing a shift in generation where the people born in the 1940s are starting to retire which results in consequences. Before the year of 2013 more than 180 000 companies will have to change owner. A study indicates that the majority of all Swedes in the age of 18-70 can consider becoming company owners.Only ten percent of the companies for sale will reach the company broker and another 15 percent will be mediated by legal experts and accountants. This means that 75 percent of the companies for sale will not be available for the public market. As a potential buyer this is a problem.
Maktstrukturer i svenskt näringsliv: En social nätverkstudie av delade styrelseledamöter i Sverige 1985 och 2005
This paper examines the interpersonal and intercorporate networks of interlocking boardmembers among Sweden's 50 largest publicly traded companies in 1985 and 2005. We find that both the interpersonal and intercorporate networks of 1985 are considerably more coherent and densely connected than those of 2005. The observed changes in social network structure are compared to changes in company ownership in Swedish publicly traded companies during the same period, and it is found that the observed changes in network density and cohesion can be related to a notable increase in the number of foreign board members. These results imply that the social organization of the Swedish system of corporate governance has changed notably during the period. Social network theory suggests that these changes can explain the greater demand for external regulation, decreased homogeneity of board members and increase in board member compensation observed under the period.
Securitization as An Alternative Tool of Financing Student Loans ? A Case Study for CSN
The purpose of the study is to highlight the issue of student loans securitization, and assure the importance and benefits that could be realized by performing such a transaction. The methodology is a case study for The National Board of Student Aid. It is a qualitative study, mainly using interviews, literature and scientific articles. By using this information we construct a securitization transaction structure ?CSN 2006-1?, and conduct a cost/benefit analysis.
Om ett marknadsanpassat Globalt Ansvar En kritisk diskursanalys av privatoffentliga partnerskap och företags sociala ansvar i svenskt utvecklingssamarbete
Swedish Development Cooperation emphasizes the need for collaboration among actors on a national level. In that context, the purpose of the thesis is to investigate how Public Private Partnership (PPP) on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) may influence the changing role of the state. The thesis is informed by Critical Discourse Analysis. In order to investigate the social constructions of reality, the thesis is a critical study of language related to ?Globalt Ansvar: Swedish Partnership for Global Responsibility? to identify through what discourses Collaboration on Corporate Social Responsibility is produced; and the implications in relation to Public Private Partnership.
Effect of insoluble fibre enrichment on egg quality in laying hens
Studien var en del i ett större projekt som syftade till att undersöka hur värphöns påverkas beteendemässigt och nutritionellt av ökad konsumtion av olöslig fiber. I det nu aktuella projektet undersöktes hur ökat intag av olöslig fiber påverkar äggkvalitén. Fiberkällan utgjordes av halmpellets som antingen blandades i fodret med 3 % inblandning, alternativt utgjorde strömaterial för att undersöka strömaterialets betydelse som fiberkälla. Två olika hybrider ingick i försöket, 720 Lohmann Selected Leghorn (LSL) och 720 Lohmann Brown (LB), varav halva antalet av varje hybrid hölls i frigående system och andra hälften i inredda burar. Totalt insamlades och undersöktes 180 ägg från varje inhysningssystem då hönorna var 31-32 veckor gamla.
Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning : Vem finner nytta med den?
Master thesis in business administration, School of business administration, Linnaeus University, accounting, 4FE03E, Spring 2011.Authors: Linda Åslund and Shirin Yousef.Supervisor: Professor Sven-Olof Yrjö CollinExaminer: Christopher von KochTitle: The Swedish code of good governance ? Who finds it useful? Background: Corporate governance has emerged to maintain the stockholders interests in corporations where the owners are separated from control in order to create confidence in the corporations. In 2005 the Swedish code of good governance emerged to prevent in part additional corporate scandals from happening and to make sure that the board is acting in the interest of the owners. The code is a complement to the Swedish Companies Act since it has a more strict demand in certain areas but it gives the companies a possibility to deviate by either complying or explaining their actions.Purpose: The purpose with this thesis is to examine who finds the Swedish code of good governance useful.Method: The research method of this survey is quantitative where the purpose is to investigate deviations in the companies? corporate governance reports.
Corporate social responsibility och lärande : En kvalitativ studie om hållbart företagande och dess påverkan på lärande i arbetslivet
Denna studie undersöker hur anställda upplever att arbetet med Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) påverkar lärandet på arbetsplatsen. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om och hur arbetet med CSR upplevs påverka lärandet inom en organisation. Studien grundar sig på kvalitativ forskningsintervju med fem anställda på ledningsnivå inom fem olika organisationer. De fem anställda som intervjuas arbetar alla med ansvar för CSR inom medelstora till stora organisationer som uttalat arbetar med CSR. De teoretiska utgångspunkter som används i studien är främst Per-Erik Ellströms perspektiv på lärande i arbetslivet och denna används även som ett verktyg för att analysera det insamlade datamaterialet.Genom den utförda undersökningen framgår det att CSR faktiskt påverkar lärandet inom en organisation.