

743 Uppsatser om Coping - Sida 3 av 50

Yrkesrollens och arbetstidens inverkan på arbetstillfredsställelsen : En jämförelse mellan sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor

The field of Coping has become more developed during the past decades but there is still a lot to be discovered and discussed. Theories of developmental psychology describe the possibility to map a general developmental structure of how the human mind expands. The aim of this study is to contribute to further research in whether there is a reason why we cope the way we do in relation to age. The questions answered in this study was, what Coping two girls, whom lived during the Holocaust, used and how the Coping found, were possible to interpret from theories of developmental psychology. In order to answer the questions asked a method called Template Analysis Style and three different theories have been applied.

När en förälder dör : En studie av tre fiktiva tonåringars identitetsutveckling och coping vid förlust av en förälder

The purpose of this study is to examine how the identity of teenagers is affected by the loss of a parent as well as what Coping strategies support identity development. The reactions the teenagers exhibit, in such circumstances, will also be examined. To accomplish this,  a theory package was created, comprising theories in developmental psychology, identity work, Coping and theory of grief reactions of children and teenagers. This package provided a broad perspective, which facilitated the analysis. Furthermore, it made it easier to address the purpose and the issue of the analysis.

Upplevelser och hanteringsstrategier hos ungdomar med IBD. : en litteraturstudie

The purpose of this study was to describe how adolescents aged 12-18 years with inflammatory bowel disease experience their illness and what Coping strategies they use to manage their illness and improve their wellbeing. The method used was a descriptive literature study, and the result of the study included 15 scientific articles. Our results showed that IBD affected the adolescent?s everyday life and social life with friends, family and activities. The adolescents also reported that they experienced a feeling of vulnerability, altered body image and that they saw themselves as different from healthy subjects.

Blodtryck hos förskolebarn korrelerar med BMI redan från 12 månaders ålder

The purpose of this study was to describe how adolescents aged 12-18 years with inflammatory bowel disease experience their illness and what Coping strategies they use to manage their illness and improve their wellbeing. The method used was a descriptive literature study, and the result of the study included 15 scientific articles. Our results showed that IBD affected the adolescent?s everyday life and social life with friends, family and activities. The adolescents also reported that they experienced a feeling of vulnerability, altered body image and that they saw themselves as different from healthy subjects.

"Jag har blivit en bättre mamma" : En studie om deltagarnas upplevelser av föräldrastöd i grupp

The aim of this qualitative study was to investigate the participants experiences of a parent support group and the effect of their participation on their parental role from a learning perspective. As the parent support group takes place as a group activity, the focus was on the individual learning processes which, in turn, are influenced by both the group itself as well as the leaders of the group. The empirical data was collected from a focus group interview with four mothers, and analyzed using empowerment and Coping theories. Based on the participants´ narratives, the result showed that the parent support group had a great social and pedagogic effect on the participants. As a result of the received knowledge in the group from both leaders as well as from other participants, they felt less stressed and more confident in their parental role.

Anhörigas upplevelser av att vårda sin partner med demens

Alzheimer?s disease has increasing effects on the Swedish population. Now, about 90 000 swedes have been diagnosed with the disease. Many of these persons are cared for by someone close to them. The aim of this study is to increase understanding for the situation and experiences of the persons caring for their affected partner and to examine which support they are given by the public sector.

Patientens hantering av sjukdomsrelaterade stressorer vid hemodialys

Kronisk njursvikt är ett allvarligt och på sikt livshotande sjukdomstillstånd.Patienten med kronisk njursvikt utsätts för en mängd stressorer relaterade till sjukdomstillståndet och hemodialysbehandlingen. För att utföra omvårdnad behöver sjuksköterskor kunskap om hur patienten hanterar dessa stressorer. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa hanteringsstrategier vid sjukdomsrelaterade stressorer hos patienten med hemodialys. Sju vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades. Två kategorier framkom i resultatet som var "att få förutsättninar för Coping" och "att ha förutsättningar för Coping".

No man is an island : Omvälvande livssituationer

This anthology covers subjects such as beeing involuntary sterile, adoption, Coping with desease, death and anxiety. All chapters are based on observations and interviews analyzed with Grounded Theory. Our aim with the anthology is to tell the subjective story of individuals focusing on aspects such as crisis, conditions of living and identity. We chose to work from these aspects as we find the processes that creates and re-creates the identity and self-image in induviduals interesting. We also focus an society?s means for helping persons in crisis..

Religiös coping i tolvstegsprogrammet : En studie av tolvstegsprogrammets funktion för icke-missbrukare

The purpose with this study is to examine how the twelve-step program is described by the author J Keith Miller (2004) in his book Steg in i livet and by the author Olle Carlsson (2012) in his book 12steg för hopplösa. The aim for the study is to highlight the twelve steps usage on people without addiction problems. In the study, the two author?s thoughts and experience of the twelve-step program is analysed and interpreted by Pargaments (1997) theory of religious Coping. The research questions in this study are: 1.

?Med hjälp av mindfulness kan du leva totalt, vara total? : Religionspsykologiska perspektiv på coping och psykisk hälsa inom mindfulness

The use of mindfulness in healthcare is increasing in Sweden. A so-called secular form of mindfulness is also increasing within mediated contemporary psychology and is used in many areas such as schools, workplaces and when giving birth. The method originates from Buddhism and is much more complex than the form of mindfulness marketed in Sweden today. The religious heritage of mindfulness is interesting to study in such a secular society as Sweden, where the material for this study is found. The aim of this study is therefore to investigate whether mindfulness still is a form of religious Coping or if it has become completely secularized, and thus free of its religious origin.

Anknytningsmönster, copingstrategier och psykisk hälsa hos brandmän

Det finns få tidigare studier som har undersökt vilka faktorer som påverkar brandmäns psykiska hälsa. Eftersom yrkeskategorin är särskilt stressutsatt är Coping och anknytningsmönster intressanta fenomen att studera hos brandmän. Syftet med studien var att se om anknytningsmönster och Copingstrategier har betydelse för den mentala hälsan hos denna grupp. En enkät delades till 42 brandmän, heltidsanställda vid en räddningstjänst i Sverige. Resultatet visade att anknytningsmönster har betydelse för den psykiska hälsan hos denna grupp brandmän, ett signifikant positivt samband fanns mellan otrygg anknytning och psykisk ohälsa.

Stress En kunskapsöversikt

Syftet med min studie var att ta reda på hur kunskapsläget ser ut när det gäller ämnet stress, med hjälp av frågeställningen; Hur beskrivs och diskuteras ämnet stress av forskare i utvalda delar av forskningslitteraturen? För att ta reda på detta använde jag mig av kvalitativ metod en selektiv kunskapsöversikt. Resultat och analys redovisades i tre teman tillsammans med teorierna Coping och KASAM. Slutsatsen med studien är att största bidragande orsak till uppkomsten av stress symptom handlar om arbetsrelaterad stress med fokus på arbetsmiljön. Med hjälp av hög grad av KASAM kan individer utveckla användbara Copingstrategier för att möta och hantera den skadliga stressen. .

"...som ett trappräcke i en brant, brant trappa" : En religionspsykologisk studie av riter och kultur i copingprocesser hos drabbade av tsunamikatastrofen i Thailand 2004

Coping theory asks what the cognitive and behavioral patterns of individuals dealing with stress are. This essay includes, besides the perspective of the psychology of religion, theories of culture and ritual in exploring two Swedes Coping with the natural disaster in Thailand year 2004. The vacation paradise was struck by an enormous flood wave, called a tsunami, causing vast destruction and the death of over 200.000 people. Among these 543 were Swedes on vacation. When a disaster of such measures happens, what kind of stress does it cause? How do you cope? Are religion and ritual important? What is the function of the culture in the Copingprocess? Using hermeneutical analysis this essay interprets the material from two books by Swedes, who not only experienced the disaster, but lost two children and husband and wife in the flood wave.

Att drabbas av kronisk sjukdom : En studie om livsomställningen efter hjärtinfarkt

This study aims to highlight the crisis and adjustment process in individuals who suffered myocardial infarction. The research questions focus on the informants? experiences of the crisis and life adjustment process, and illuminate the Coping strategies that the informants describe important. By using a narrative method and applyingthe crisis theory and Coping theory as theoretical guidelines, this study endeavors to illuminate individuals' experiences of the disease from their own perspective. The empirical material consists of four life stories gatheredthrough semi-structured interviews.

Ungdomar och arbetslöshet : Olika faktorers påverkan på val av copingstrategi

Arbetslöshet påverkar människor på olika sätt. Olika sätt finns för att bemästra sin situation som arbetslös. De vanligaste bemästringsstrategierna är problemfokuserad och emotionsinriktad Coping. Tidigare forskning har fokuserat mycket på hälsan i förhållande till Copingstrategier hos arbetslösa personer, men inte många har fokuserat enskilt på vilka faktorer som gör att en person väljer en speciell Copingstrategi. Syftet med denna studie var att se huruvida faktorer som kön, ålder, utbildning, socialt stöd och levnadsförhållande predicerade val av problemfokuserad samt emotionsinriktad Coping.

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