

121 Uppsatser om Conversion - Sida 7 av 9

OTEC för Tarawa

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, OTEC, a technology using the temperature difference between cold deep seawater and warm surface water, can extract the work in the form of electricity. OTEC gives also synergies of drinkable fresh water. The temperature difference has an impact on the efficiency of the technology, which means that the feasibility of OTEC is geographically limited. The project intends to explore the possibility of replacing the atoll Tarawa?s present electricity generation with an OTEC plant and to explore synergies. In the present situation all of Tarawa?s electricity is generated by fossil fuels.


Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, OTEC, a technology using the temperature difference between cold deep seawater and warm surface water, can extract the work in the form of electricity. OTEC gives also synergies of drinkable fresh water. The temperature difference has an impact on the efficiency of the technology, which means that the feasibility of OTEC is geographically limited. The project intends to explore the possibility of replacing the atoll Tarawa?s present electricity generation with an OTEC plant and to explore synergies. In the present situation all of Tarawa?s electricity is generated by fossil fuels.

Vårvetesorters effektivitet i användningen av kväve under den huvudsakliga tillväxtperioden

Crop efficiency in utilizing available nutrients is an important factor in increasing produc-tivity and reducing the environmental impact of agriculture. Nitrogen is the nutrient that plants need in the largest quantity and wheat, along with maize and rice, is the world's most cultivated crop. In this work, the Nitrogen Use Efficiency, NUE, during the major growth period, HTP, of twelve different spring wheat varieties, were examined. The NUE was calculated as the product of uptake efficiency of nitrogen, UN, and the Conversion effi-ciency of nitrogen to biomass, EN. The purpose of this work was to find if there are varietal differences in NUE and its components among the twelve varieties and to link a high NUE to specific characteristics of the varieties.

Att lokalisera kompetenser på flexkontoret :  

To find competencies on a workplace with flex office structure.Companies today, 2012 are facing new opportunities and challenges. Information technology develops, competition is bigger today than ever, increased environmental requirements will be added and new patterns of life and values are occurring. This means that people who work in offices feel strong pressure of Conversion, which is something that people experience differently. Therefore it is essential how the working environment is designed in an office. Working in an office means a lot of information processing and we can see large changes taking place.

Kostnader att ta hänsyn till i samband med implementering av nytt ERP system

Abstract ? ?Costs to consider in connection with the implementation of a new ERP system?Date: January 8th 2013Level: Master thesis in business administration, 15 ECTSInstitution: School of Sustainable development of society and technology, Mälardalen UniversityAuthors: Sanna Hellblom-BjörnTitle: Costs to consider in connection with the implementation of a new ERP systemTutor: Cecilia LindhKeywords: ERP-system, business system, implementation, implementation costsResearch question: What costs and issues should companies take into account in order to  establish a realistic budget in connection with the implementation of a new ERP system, and increase the chances for a successful implementation?Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to investigate the hidden costs that may arise in connection with the implementation of an ERP system that companies should take into account in order to establish a realistic budget. The paper will also examine how companies can reduce their costs and affect the outcome of the implementation. It should be investigated by means of interviews, reports and articles.Method: In order to answer the question in the paper secondary data is collected in the form of articles, books and reports. Primary data was collected through interviewing a company that has implemented a new business system, a company that performs implementations and a Senior manager of ERP Services.

Organic acids in liquid feed for pigs - palatability and feed intake

Fermented liquid feed is well known for its health promoting effects on piglets. High levels of lactic acid are desired in the feed together with low levels of acetic acid and certain biogenic amines. Limits for acetic acid have been suggested to be 30-40 mmol/kg to avoid a decreased palatability of the feed; however, few studies have been performed. The purpose of this trial was therefore to examine which levels of lactic acid and acetic acid that can be accepted in a fermented feed without affecting the feed intake and thus the weight gain of the pig. A total of 60 pigs (Yorkshire/ Hampshire) were used in a trial during two weeks, between 9-11 weeks of age.

Det utvidgade reparationsbegreppet : Skattemässigt ofördelaktigt att vidta flertalet åtgärder vid ett tillfälle?

Utgifter för vissa ändringsarbeten på näringsfastigheter medför direktavdrag då de genom det så kallade utvidgade reparationsbegreppet i 19 kap. 2 § 2 st. Inkomstskattelagen klassificeras som reparation och underhåll. För att falla in under det utvidgade reparationsbegreppet får åtgärderna inte medföra en väsentlig förändring av fastigheten. Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen har i mål 2012 ref.

Effekter av investeringsstödet i miljö- och landsbygdsprogrammet för perioden 2000-2006 : en studie på företagsnivå

Investment aid is a part of the Rural Area Programme, which contains support to Swedish agriculture and the countryside. There is a new programme every seventh year and SLU (Swedish University of Agriculture) has the mission to perform the evaluation of the previous programme, which lasted between 2000 -2006. The investment aid's aim is to support investments that, among other things, support the adaptation or Conversion to more environmentally friendly production methods, improves the product quality, develops new or complementing activities, and improves the environment and the animal- and working environment. The question is if it's only money that matters for these kinds of investments to be done and what has happened with the money that was paid? This thesis investigates how the investment aid has affected the receivers.

Ombyggnad av 1950-talets kontorshus till flerbostadshus

This thesis aims to increase understanding and knowledge of issues affecting the redevelopment of older office buildings to housing. The rising demand for housing in recent years has resulted in a need and an increase in cost housing projects. The need has led property owners wanting to build old office buildings to apartments. The case study is carried out in Lycksele town and in close contact with consultancy TM (Technician Mercantile) ? consulting, which has operations in the area.

JAS för jobb : JAS-projektet som industripolitiskt medel

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the target to convert the Swedish military aviation industry towards working within the civilian sector was planned and implemented parallel to the target of building a world-class military aircraft. A number of Government bills have been studied, bills directly connected to the JAS-project as well as bills dealing with civilian project ?s for the military aviation industry. The first group includes bills dealing with the JAS-project ?s role in the overarcing defence policy, as well as the Government ?s bill specifying the guidelines for the JAS-project.

Simulering av simulinkmodeller med Extended Kalman Filter

Simulations of simulink models using Kalman filters are often very time-consuming. This problem depends mainly on the fact that the Kalman correction has to be performed at each sample instance through the whole simulation. The goal for this thesis work is to reduce that time-consumption for the filtering part (the integration partis treated in a complementary report) of a simulation. Furthermore a Matlab routine to perform parameter tuning and finally a graphical user interface is developed.The filtering part of the simulation in this thesis is based on an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). The time optimization of this filter considers searching for the possibility to replace the today?s existing Matlab functions that is used to perform the filtering calculations.

Simulering av simulinkmodeller medExtended Kalman FilterTidsoptimering av integrering

Simulation of different systems can be done using a graphical model description of the system based on block diagrams. The simulation software Matlab/Simulink offers a lot of possibilities to describe a huge number of systems, which can be linear as well as nonlinear. The simulation using Matlab/Simulink is done by integration based on different kinds of numerical methods.When nonlinear Simulink-models are simulated, it is often interesting to apply a Kalman filter to handle the noise that may occur within the process as well as corrupting the measurement. However, application of such a filter leads to an extensive time-consumption despite using fast computers. The reason is that the existing Matlab functions are not constructed for time optimal evaluation.

Delta X : Utveckling av värmeväxlare

Stockholms vattenskärning AB in Kungsängen has through the acquisition of a company begun to design and produce aircraft heaters whose origin is early 1970s which follows a high inefficiency in terms of energy consumption and size.The aircraft heater, which is sold worldwide, serves its purpose for customer satisfaction and has done so ever since it was developed in the 70s.Stockholms vattenskärning AB is now investigating the possibility in making the aircraft heaters more efficient, both in terms of energy consumption but also on a more efficient design with the belief that it would lead them to an edge in the market. The aircraft heater consists of several main components whose function altogether is to keep passenger aircrafts warm while they are on the ground.This project has been limited to the further development of the heat exchanger package which accounts for the Conversion of the hot medium to the fresh air being carried in to the aircraft cabin. Work has been divided into different phases in order to create a better understanding of the project range and to make it easier to divide the various elements in the time available, 10 weeks. These phases are literature review, situation analysis, concept generation, CAD, concept comparison and writing reports.After the initial literature review was made, a fundamental theory was written which is essential in understanding the remaining parts of the project.With the theoretical part as support, measurements and calculations were made on the current heat exchange package in a situation analysis to ensure its operation and efficiency.In the concept generation phase, the collected facts from the literature review was used as the basis for creating a matrix. The purpose of the matrix was to indicate the two most suitable types of heat exchangers to develop four new concepts out of.In the CAD phase the four concepts was drawn up and then described with text and images.The last phase is the concept comparison where a concept selection matrix is used to function as a decision basis for further production at Stockholms vattenskärning AB. The four concepts have been developed based on the current heat exchanger and is gradually changed into a design of a cross-flow heat exchanger constructed out of stainless sections. The purpose of this is to have gradual upgrading of the heat exchanger as an option, in order not to saturate the market..

Förhållandet mellan COD och TOC i skogsindustriella avlopp

Under tillverkningsprocessen i massa- och pappersindustrin bildas avloppsflöden i flera olika steg. Ett av de miljöbelastande utsläppen utgörs av organiskt material. Organiskt material kan mätas som biokemisk syreförbrukning (BOD), kemisk syreförbrukning (COD) eller som totalt organiskt kol (TOC). Analys av COD inkluderar ofta miljöfarliga ämnen (till exempel kvicksilver). Naturvårdsverket har under flera år aviserat att analysen kan komma att förbjudas och därmed blir analys av TOC allt mer vanligt.

Hur effektivt är finasteridbehandling mot ärftligt manligt håravfall?

The most common form of hair loss in young and old people is androgenic alopecia. Hereditary hair loss affects both men and women. Hereditary hair loss in some women begins at the age of 30, but as a rule hair loss begins in post-menopausal women. In women the hair thins out in an oval portion of the front part of the scalp. In men, hair loss can start as early as at the age of 20.

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