

8913 Uppsatser om Conversation Analysis (CA) - Sida 6 av 595

Södermalmsskolan : en fallstudie om hur arbetet med en skolträdgård kan bedrivas idag

The purpose has been to, by the means of literature studies and conversation, give landscape architects, teachers or other interested people an increased understanding of school gardens as a phenomenon. One episode in the essay describes school garden?s historical background and how its ideology has changed as the society has developed. A conversation with a spokesperson for Södermalmsskolan in Stockholm, depict how a communal public school handles the management of a school garden today. I have also wanted to present the conditions that society and the schools organisation has put on the management of the garden on this particular school. In the year of 2007 Södermalmsskolan got the opportunity to found its school garden thanks to the environmental campaigns that were realized by the city of Stockholm.

Fonologisk bedömning baserad på bildbenämning jämfört med spontantal av barn med fonologisk språkstörning

In a phonological assessment, the aim is to obtain systematic and reliable data of a child's speech output, which can then serve as a basis for a decision on an appropriate intervention (Wolk & Meisler, 1998). Whether phonological assessment should be derived from an analysis of picture-naming or a conversation with the child, and whether the two methods for elicitation generate equivalent results, has been debated among clinicians and researchers for an extended time (Masterson, Bernhardt & Hofheintz, 2005).The aim of the present study was to compare two methods of speech elicitation for phonological assessment: spontaneous conversation and picture-naming, respectively. In the study, the procedures have been used when assessing children with phonological disorders as well as children with typical language development. The results are presented using two levels of phonological analysis; degree of phonological impairment, in terms of percentage of phonemes correct (PPC), and type of phonological impairment, in terms of phonological simplification processes. Eighteen (18) children participated in the study, nine (9) with phonological impairment (age 3;10 ? 5;11), and nine with typical phonologic development (age 3;2 ? 4;6).

Patienters upplevelser av möten med sjuksköterskan i psykiatrisk vård : en litteraturstudie

The aim of this study was to illuminate how patients with mental illness experience encounters with the nurse in psychiatric care, in order to acquire increased understanding for the patients needs. A litterature study was used to analyse previously published scientific articles within psychiatric nursing care. Content analysis inspired by Graneheim and Lundman was used to perform the analysis. The result showed that the patients recovery depended on the relationship with the nurse. If the relationship was good, the patient was moore likely to regain his mental health, than if the relationship with the nurse was poor.

Det professionella samtalet : en studie av kommunikation under föräldramöten

The aim of this paper is to define and analyze how the teacher and parents communicate during a parent conference, to acquire knowledge about how the professional conversation can be used during a parent conference. Our study has focused on the teacher?s professional skills during the parent conference. Parent conference has traditional been a time for teachers to inform the parents about the classroom work. It has always been a one- way communication (Alfakir, 2004), but the curriculum stats that parents should have more influence and be a part of the school.

Skillnaden mellan kursplanen i svenska och svenska som andraspråk - en kvalitativ studie utifrån lärares beskrivningar

The main goal of this study is to verify how teachers describe the differences between two school subjects Swedish as a first language and Swedish as a second language. Moreover, this investigation focuses on how the two curriculums differentiate from each other. The method that was chosen to carry out this qualitative  investigation was semi-structured interviews whith two teachers, who are presently teaching these two subjects.The results of this study conclude that there are no significant differences in the two curriculums. One of the most important difference that has been found was howewer that it is very important to continue improving the language, for example, conversation about different topics in the classroom, teaching the students in small groups and enhancing their vocabulary.  The findings and results of this study are in accordance with earlier research.Moreover, this study concludes, however, that the differences between the two curriculums of the two subjects named above are based on the methods that help students to improve their language development..

Topikutflykter i klassrummet : Hur lärare och elever organiserar ämnesbyten gemensamt

Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka icke ämnesrelaterade topiker i klassrumssamtal. Syftet mynnar ut i frågeställningar om icke ämnesrelaterade topiker förekommer, vem de initieras av, hur de uppstår och hur deltagarna förhåller sig till dem. Klassrumssamtal äger rum i en kommunikativ verksamhet där deltagarna gemensamt bedriver kommunikativa projekt. För att kunna uppnå uppsatsen syfte valdes Conversation Analysis (CA) som metod. Utgångspunkterna inom CA är att allt som sägs i samtalet har betydelse, interaktionen ses som strukturellt organiserad i sekvenser, allt som yttras ses som både kontextberoende som kontextförnyande och autentiska samtal krävs för att studera social interaktion.

Interactivation design : places for social imagination and conversation in Lindängelund

This master project in landscape architecture is named Interactivation Design - places for social imagination and conversation in Lindängelund. There are two main purposes of this thesis the first being to bring forth a study of interactivity implemented in the subject of landscape architecture. The second purpose of this thesis is to present a proposal to design a confluent landscape weaving together the upcoming botanical garden of Lindängelund and the residential area of Almvik, both situated in southern Malmö, Sweden, and also weaves people and their experiences together. This project may be described as investigative and experimentative reaserch by design.The first part of this project, Interactivation, is consisting of a theoretical report which discusses different ways of approaching when, how and why we interact in public space. Literature studies in for example space, placemaking, social life, people, participation and Japanese emptiness concepts has been undertaken to gain knowledge in the aim to create interactive landscape design.The second part, Context and Design Proposal, introduces the project context area of Southern Fosie in Malmö which consists of different kinds of residential areas, people of different nationalities and a large building site for a botanical garden and recreational area.

Vigselsamtalet- En studie om samtal mellan präst och brudpar

The purpose of my research is to describe the substance in three different wedding conversations, and study how the role of the priest is designed in these conversations. The foundation of my study contains authentical conversations and interviews from three priests and three couples. My main material is the authentical conversations but the content of the study, with supplementary interviews with the priest and the couple, render possible a perspective analysis of the wedding conversations from both sides. My conclusion is that the three priests expresses a different role in each conversation and the couples are powerless in the face of the priests. The dominate conversationsstrategy plays a decisive role for the matter and the character part of the priest in these conversations..

Avdramatiserande strategier i logopedisk intervention : En samtalsanalytisk studie

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att studera de avdramatiserande strategier som förekommer under logopedisk afasi- och barnintervention samt att jämföra dessa interventionstyper. Vidare syftade studien till att beskriva hur dessa strategier påverkar interaktionen mellan logoped och patient.Vald analysmetod har influerats av Conversation Analysis (CA) eftersom det är en metod som kan användas för studier av interaktionen mellan människor. Materialet för analysen har utgjorts av sex samtal inom afasiintervention och åtta samtal inom barnintervention.Vid analysen av materialet till föreliggande studie blev det tydligt att det främst är logopeden som använde avdramatiserande strategier och detta skedde något oftare inom barnintervention än inom afasiintervention. I samma material var det relativt ovanligt att patienten använde avdramatiserande strategier. I de fall detta förekom bland patienter var det för att skydda sitt eget ansikte, till skillnad från logopedens användning som främst syftade till att skydda patientens ansikte.I resultaten framkom inga större skillnader gällande vilka avdramatiserande strategier som användes, däremot fanns skillnader i hur ofta de användes samt i hur de tillämpades.

Modet att samtala : en essä om när rädslan att tappa ansiktet blir ett hinder i samtalet

The problem, which I want to highlight in this essay, is about my fear of losing face in conversationwith the parents of my text. I'm going through different approaches to find out what is happening inmy meetings with parents. I will also see if the knowledge that I get will help me to get deeperunderstanding of my reactions in different situations and if this opens up new possible ways ofhandling them.In my text there will be two stories where the conversation with parents has been difficult. Theyboth illustrate my uncertainty concerning the unpredictability of conversations with distressed orstressed parents. I can prepare the environment, by cleaning and making it look nice before meetingwith the parents.

Gymnasieelevers upplevelser av hälsoprojekt : -en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Studies show that children?s and adolescents health decreases, especially the mental health. There are today many health methods that flourish in the school area. Methods that is external and used as individual interventions and methods that have the intention to integrate health in all aspects of the school curriculum.Research on health projects often show what the intervention or method has produced. Few studies have been found who discuss the pupil?s own experience regarding health projects.

Säg det! : En undersökning om hur rektor kan synliggöra lärares undervisningsförmågor likväl som läraren kan synliggöra elevens lärande ? en parallellprocess

-------------------------- 4AbstractThis study is a qualitative case study in order to delineate how visible learning processes in the classroom. The study draws its theory from researcher John Hattie's findings about effective teaching. Data collection is taken from a class in grade 2 in a medium-sized Swedish municipality. The result demonstrates how the communication takes place in the classroom based on the teacher's strategies and planning in relation to pupils' interests and their own initiative. Is there a mutual feedback between teachers and students while teaching? From five perspectives, and the definition of what visible learning is all about, the results shows many good examples of excellent teaching.

Handledningsbehov med förhinder.

The purpose of this study is that, based on expertise in special education tutoring, examine the degree of supervision demanded by teachers in primary schools. As a result of this study, we can see the views teachers have regarding guidance within the following issues: the demand for tutoring, the importance of conversation and reflection, and guidance from the specialist teacher.Since the study deals with phenomena of a qualitative nature, we use semi-structured interviews in the empirical part of trying to understand the informants' way of looking at the phenomenon we are investigating. The study included interviews with six teachers in the elementary school year?s 1-3. The results show that there are more opportunities than obstacles to mentoring.

Svårigheter vid "Förmedlingstjänst för Bildtelefon"

The aim writing this essay is to understand and to explain difficulties with communications during sign language interpreting at the Video Relay Service (VRS). Another aim is also to identify the necessery conditions for communications at the VRS and to investigate why difficulties may arise in lack of these necessary conditions. The questions of this essay are: Which are the vital important difficulties in communication at the VRS and why do these difficulties arise?To answer these questions, four sign language interpreters working with the VRS, have been interviewed. These interviews constitute the empirical data of the essay.

Bosnien-Hercegovina - en studie om försoning mellan tre etniska grupper

The purpose of this study is to investigate if reconciliation between former war-enemies and ethnic groups (Muslims, Croats and Serbs) in Bosnia and Hercegovina is possible today. Reconciliation between these groups is necessary for the development of the state and sustainable peace. In order to fulfil the aim I have applied qualitative conversation interviews together with qualitative literature study.In this research I have studied the three largest parties (SDA, HDZ and SDS) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Conversation interviews were made with two representatives of each party. The reconciliation theory and the recommendations that the theory advocates were used in the study.

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