

8940 Uppsatser om Conversation Analysis (CA) - Sida 24 av 596

Sociala medier  : När kunden själv får välja

In recent years, more and more people have started to live double lives. Blogs, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter have created conditions so that we increasingly live virtual lives on the Internet. The gathering of people in this way entails both risks and opportunities for businesses. This study aims to explain how the phenomenon of social media has affected trade and service companies in a marketing and communication perspective. The idea for the essay came to us after we had observed how different behaviors in companies? concerning social media could vary a lot, and how we felt that this affected our personal view of the brands.

Registrerad : - En förklarande studie av Skånepolisens romregister

In 2011, a crime prevention initiative was undertaken by the Swedish police department in Scania. Two years later, the Swedish media reported on this initiative, claiming that it had been intended as an ethnic registration of Romani people. This revelation resulted in a great deal of controversy and sparked a national debate on the issue of ethnicity and public registration in Sweden. The police in Scania had difficulties explaining the purpose of such a registration effort, and could not provide evidence that it had been legitimate and legal. This paper will attempt to explain the motivation behind the original police initiative with a theoretical analysis based on assessments from public authorities.

Funktionsanalys och åtgärdsförslag avkommunikationslösning hos driftleverantör

No infrastructures today are growing faster then communication network. The requirement of being able to communicate in a fast and qualified environment to a low cost increases in line with the development and competition. Itera Networks is no exception when it comes to rapidly developing new and better network solutions for themselves and for their customers. With these requirements in mind their needs for an analysis of the existing communication solution becomes very obvious. This project contains such an analysis in which various studies of the existing network environment have been made.

Varnhems tidiga kyrka och kyrkogård : Isotopanalys av skelettmaterialet i området

This paper deals with stable isotope analysis on the children of the early Christian cemetery in Varnhem, Västergötland. Human bone and tooth material from the cemetery has been analysed for stable carbon, nitrogen and sulphur isotopes. The analysis showed that the diet had been homogeneous and that the children had been breastfed, with a possible exception of the child from grave 100..

Citeringsanalys och citeringsteorier: En kritisk granskning

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to make an outline of different methods and theories within the field of bibliometrics and critically review their strengths and weaknesses. The author studied literature that discussed bibliometric methods and theories. The number of empirical studies that are based on bibliometric methods and theories are numerous and where principally excluded, but some empirical studies were included as part of the argumentation for and against different methods and theories. The author first gives an outline of which methods and theories there are and describes their different strengths and weaknesses. Citation analysis has many different fields of application such as information retrieval, mapping science, evaluative studies and monitoring literature.

Integration och assimilering : En undersökande studie av sfi

The purpose of this essay is to examine sfi (Swedish for immigrants), which is an ingrational-political tool with objective of teaching immigrants to read and write in Swedish. With the use of critical discourse analysis we examine the discursive practices within sfi. We also examine our methodological and theoretical approaches, and our application of them. Our research questions are as follows:? How are the discursive usage of ?person centered? and ?society centered? expressions being used?? How well does our methodological and theoretical resources work?In our theoretical viewpoint we use ?post colonial theory?, which is a perspective concerned with global power relations seen from a historical perspective.

Mediernas trojanska häst : en positionsanalys av den mediekritiska genren

The communication and mediation of information and news has, under the latest decades, increased into an incalculable amount. In the newsflow that has come up it has become more and more urgent to sort and select the relevant and correct news. Simultaneously as the information has become one of the most important goods for the western world, the criticism against media has become more loudvoiced and especially the criticism aims at the fact that publicness has become less public and the public conversation is nowadays filtrated through media. The American Joey Skaggs can be reckoned among with the group of media critics, but his course of action and methods to reach out with his critical view, stand out strikingly from the traditional media critics. Instead of, as most, aiming the criticism against media, from an outside perspective, Skaggs chooses to attack the media from the inside.

Grön kemi och hållbar utveckling : Laborationsdesign för gymnasium och högskola

This thesis is about sustainability within chemistry, the so-called, green chemistry. With this work  I seek to combine green chemistry with sustainable  development  and find methods for teaching green chemistry in a laboratory environement.  I have designed  and tested two labs with ingredients of green  chemistry and sustainable development in my study. I wanted to determine if my design model  leads to conception for the students. The students have through forms and interviews declared their perspective on the education and their conception. In a laboratory environment the pros of a laboratory way of work should be recognized.

?En go? stund tillsammans med mitt barn? ? En kvalitativ studie om småbarnsföräldrars tankar kring högläsning

The aim of this thesis is to describe the thoughts and attitudes that parents have regarding reading aloud. In today?s society the positive effects of reading aloud are often pointed at and in the perspective of the new learning theories I found the issue even more interesting.The two main questions posed are: How do the parents describe the practice of reading aloud?Is the parents? life situation and background visible in their descriptions and in that case how does it show in their thoughts about reading aloud?The theoretical perspective of the thesis is sociocultural and can be divided into two themes. The first theme concerns the learning process that can be the result of reading aloud and the second theme focuses on social aspects. The results of the study show that parents think that reading aloud is valuable and positive.

Den pedagogiska resan i förskolan

The aim of the study is to make a comparison between the nursery/preschool recommendations (by the state) made in 1972 and the one used today. Here I?ve focused on the posts of looking after children vis-à-vis the educational responsibility. Also the type of education recommended in 1972 and what type of education recommended today. My questions concerns what the preschool recommendations from 1972 are and how they are viewed and applied today in the 2000nds.Since my questions has to do with ideologies regarding children, family and society I choose to do a specific form of text and content analysis called Idea and ideology analysis.In my theoretical chapter I choose two aspects central for my field of examination.

En helt vanlig Idol : Identitetsskapande processer i Aftonbladet och Expressen

The aim of the study was to examine how Swedish tabloid journalism presented the contestants in the Swedish version of the reality show Idol 2009. We wanted to see which approaches tabloid news papers use when constructing the public identities of them. We have used text analysis to examine 37 articles and nine front pages with focus on the words, propositions, comparisons and parables that describe four of the contestants. In addition we have looked at myths and connotations shown in the pictures by using a semiotic analysis. The results show that the Swedish tabloids tend to describe the contestants in relation to their performances and personalities.

Lokaliseringsutredning för nytt hotell i Sandvikens tätort med stöd av multikriterieanalys

The municipality of Sandviken is in a state of strong growth. This affects the need for more hotel rooms in Sandviken, in a way that it?s profitable to invest in a new hotel. Sandvikens largest company, the steal industry Sandvik AB, grows just like Sandviken, and have great influence on the need of more hotel rooms. Today there are three hotels placed in Sandviken, and these hotels aren?t enough when the pressure of hotel guests is at its top.The purpose with the project was to analyse the criteria?s that are important for localization of a new hotel in the Sandviken, and to clarify what kind of hotel Sandviken is in need of.

Bilderbokens förmåga att skildra relationer : Analys av fem bilderböcker med fokus på relationen mellan barn och vuxna

This study analyses five different picture books from the last few decades. The aim of the analysis was to investigate how relations between children and adults are presented in the picture books. One way to achieve this has been to focus on the adults? presence or absence in the narrative, and also what kind of authority the adult(s) can have in the action and how it can affect relations between children and adults. The idea is that this degree project can be adapted for practical use in school.

Gradering av vindkraftslägen i Lerums kommun med hänsyn till infrastruktur och läge

The aim of this master thesis was to find and grade suitable sites for wind turbines in the rural district of Lerum at the reguest of Göteborg Energi. The rural district of Lerum consists of very complicated terrain which was the reason why we picked Lerum.The assignment was achieved by using the software program ArcGIS and its attendant tools. In step 1 an overall analysis was made in order to sort out the least suitable sites. Step 2 consisted of a 3D analysis in ArcScene together with a more precise analysis in ArcMap. As result we found two interesting sites, which met our demands and specific constraints.

Sensory profiling of Swedish white wines and a contextual analysis of Swedish viticulture

The aim of the study is twofold, to generate a sensory profile of Swedish wine today and to investigate the opinion of both wine producers and wine experts on viticulture in Sweden and wine from grapes grown in Sweden, achieved through a contextual analysis comprising a literature study and interviews with wine producers in Sweden and Denmark and wine experts from Sweden and Germany, and a sensory analysis at the company Ipsos. ?Mixed methods? was the chosen research strategy as the semi-structured interviews gave qualitative results and the sensory analysis would give quantitative results displayed as spider charts. There is a lack of studies investigating how the Swedish wine is perceived by consumers and consumers might be unaware that the Swedish wine, established through ?trial and error?, is increasing in quality every season, creating a need to display the sensory profile of Swedish wine to strengthening the perception of Swedish white wine. This study shows that the Swedish white wine today is a wine with a fresh, citrusy and flowery aroma and a fresh, citrusy and green apple taste, however, a sensory analysis cannot show if the attributes are those that are desired by the customer, a consumer test is necessary to conclude that. Trends point towards locally produced products, one reason why Swedish wine has great potential, yet the future needs to be secured through job opportunities and education. Creating an approval system for Swedish wine is suggested as a future improvement, it is a common procedure in most wine regions.

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