

2900 Uppsatser om Conventional pig production - Sida 53 av 194

Modern marknadsföring - filmproduktion

I contacted the production company Salmonfox in the hope that they would have any projects that they needed help with. It showed that Salmonfox just started up an old project that they needed to complete. They wanted my help to edit some trailers and one crowdfundingfilm for the short film called, Captain Sweden (Kapten Sverige). Salmonfox are hopefully going to use the different trailers and crowdfundingfilm to promote the short film and get help with the funding to make a feature. The project began with a pilot study in which I made a time plan and a requirements plan, where the different requirements were set.

Housing of ringtailed lemur, Lemur catta, from an ethological perspective

Sheep production is the only animal production in Sweden that is increasing. Therefore,increasing knowledge of the production is of great interest. In order to run a viable sheepproduction, producers needs to be successful in the breeding of the animals and achievean economic surplus in the end. Lambs that are born healthy and vital have greaterconditions to perform high lamb weight gains and thus a successful production. Thereare many factors affect the survival, birth weight and early weight gain of the new bornlamb.

Studie av värmeflöden i befintligt bostadsbestånd : Utvärdering av energieffektiva besparingsåtgärder

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate different types of measures for making buildings more energy efficient and to estimate their profitability. The calculations were performed with the building simulation program VIP+ and the evaluation of the profitability with the life cycle cost method. Furthermore, it was examined how losses in the distribution of secondary systems of district heating can be avoided. Options to replace district heating with a local district heating system based on bio-energy have been investigated. The possibilities of achieving more efficient thermal energy consumption and production for the chosen estate were also examined.The object of the study has been a residential estate with 133 detached houses in Uppsala, built in 1974.

Likviditetsförbättring i Skanska Direkt. En fallstudie i en byggserviceverksamhet.

SUMMARYInventory of raw materials holds an important role in companies within the manufacturingsector. The inventory works as a buffer that secure the supply of materials to the productionunit. The aim of the inventory is to ensure that the company is able to meet the customers?demands despite fluctuations and variations in the material flow. The size of the warehouseand the layout are physical limitations for the quantity of articles that can be stored.

VIBRATIONSSKADOR - FÖREKOMST OCH FÖREBYGGANDE : Analys av ett strukturerat arbetssätt inom bostadsproduktion

Ask any constructional worker and there is a high probability that this person knows a colleague with pain or other disorders caused by working with power tools.According to the Swedish Work Environment Authority 71 percent of the Swedish constructional workers is exposed to vibrations at least 25 percent of the working hours. Despite this, the number of reported occupational sicknesses caused by vibrations is as low as 1, 4 percent.JM Ltd. is one of the largest constructional companies in Sweden. Their main business is new housing and development of residential areas. God quality and low impact on the environment is a part of great importance in the company?s long-term goals.

Födelsevikt och tidig tillväxt hos nyfödda lamm

Sheep production is the only animal production in Sweden that is increasing. Therefore,increasing knowledge of the production is of great interest. In order to run a viable sheepproduction, producers needs to be successful in the breeding of the animals and achievean economic surplus in the end. Lambs that are born healthy and vital have greaterconditions to perform high lamb weight gains and thus a successful production. Thereare many factors affect the survival, birth weight and early weight gain of the new bornlamb.

Ringtrycks påverkan på vägslitage Tunga fordons ringtryck och dess påverkan på vägens underhållsbehov

SUMMARYInventory of raw materials holds an important role in companies within the manufacturingsector. The inventory works as a buffer that secure the supply of materials to the productionunit. The aim of the inventory is to ensure that the company is able to meet the customers?demands despite fluctuations and variations in the material flow. The size of the warehouseand the layout are physical limitations for the quantity of articles that can be stored.

Uppfyller lagstiftningen kaninens beteendebehov?

Rabbits today are used for different reasons. They are often held as pet rabbits but they also can be found at zoos, in laboratories and as a producing animal where their meat, fur or wool are used. All rabbits in Sweden are protected by the Swedish animal welfare legislation. For rabbits held as pets, in laboratories or at zoos there are more detailed rules or regulations that defines for example how much space the rabbit must have or how the cage should be enriched. For rabbits in the production there is no detailed legislation, which is a problem because their welfare could be hard to secure when the producers do not have any guidelines to follow. Rabbits are social animals and therefore they should have the company from either one other rabbit, or from the owner.

Från Lean production till Lean service : En undersökning om tillämpbarheten av Leans principer från tillverkningssektorn till tjänstesektorn

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och skapa förståelse för hur tjänsteföretag tillämpar några av Leans principer som egentligen har sitt ursprung i tillverkningssektorn, främst med avseende på principerna eliminering av slöseri samt ständiga förbättringar.Metod: Studien antar ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv, där en kvalitativ ansats och abduktion är grundläggande för studien. För att skapa djupare förståelse används flerfallstudie där två tjänsteorganisationer studeras med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Slutligen genomförs en analys utifrån teoretiskt framarbetade teman och kategorier.Teori: Inledningsvis redogörs för vad Lean production innebär, för att därefter mer detaljerat gå in på Lean productions huvudsakliga principer som är eliminering av slöseri och ständiga förbättringar. Därtill även kundvärde och de åtta slöserierna som hör till principen eliminering av slöseri.Resultat & Slutsats: Studiens resultat tyder på att de grundläggande principerna från Lean production är tillämpbara inom tjänstesektorn, men att de måste anpassas till det egna tjänsteföretaget för att kundnöjdhet och effektivitet skall uppnås.Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Det finns möjlighet till att vidare utveckla studien och undersöka skillnader och likheter mellan fler företag samt undersöka om det går att utforma en övergripande modell för Lean productions principer inom tjänstesektorn.Uppsatsens bidrag: Denna studie har genomförts med syftet att bidra till kunskapsområdet för Lean inom tjänstesektorn på grund av den brist på forskning som råder inom området. Studien bidrar även till att undersöka tillämpbarheten av Lean productions principer inom tjänsteföretag som kan vara till nytta för andra tjänsteföretag. .


A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.

In-situ audiometri ? Vägen mot rätt förstärkning?

This study investigated whether in-situ audiometry, delivered via hearing aids, is a better option as a basis forprescribing hearing aid amplification, compared to conventional audiometry. By examining the real ear insertgain (REIG) in 29 ears (18 subjects), that had been fitted with a hearing aid programmed using both conventionalaudiometry and in-situ audiometry, the study looked at whether in-situ audiometry based prescription is closer tothe NAL NL1's fitting target than audiogram based prescription. The hearing aid Siemens Pure 7mi with speakerunit M was used on all participants. The results showed how in-situ audiometry based gain at certain frequenciesis more consistent with the target curve, especially at 1000, 1500, 2000 and 4000 Hz. It was not establishedwhether the findings of the study were statistically significant.

Flexibla fixturer i bearbetande maskiner

This thesis was conducted at Linköping University and Saab Aerostructures DPS, Linköping, and focuses on the possibilities of flexible fixturing in machining applications. The thesis is part of the research project "Koofix", which is collaboration between Linköping University and a number of companies.The thesis is aimed towards small batch production which, for Saab Aerostructures DPS, means diverse part geometry and that parts are manufactured in very small numbers, sometimes just one piece. The result of this is that expensive dedicated fixtures are made for most parts. By introducing more flexible fixturing methods to this kind of production the cost of fixtures and tooling will be reduced, and make the production more efficient.New flexible fixturing methods has been presented and evaluated through the thesis, which has resulted in three different concepts. These concepts have been the result of literature screening and study of current manufacturing process at Saab Aerostructures DPS.

Vattenskydd och krisberedskap hos allmän dricksvattenproduktion : Skydd av täkter, tillgång till reservvattentäkter och andra nödvattenlösningar hos svenska vattenproducenter

The objective of this report was to analyse and compare vulnerability and preparation in Swedish municipal drinking water production, in case the commonly used water sources were inoperative. Methods used were a questionnaire and a less extensive study of regulations for water protection areas. The questionnaire was answered by 41 Swedish municipalities. A handful of them were companies co-owned by a few municipalities. Only one out of four municipalities had source protection areas to all their water sources and for many sources the protection was not satisfactory.

Genetiska defekter hos nötkreatur :

Genetic defects are caused by mutations in major genes where the gene?s protein product has a large impact on the physiology of the animal. The synthesis of the protein can be altered by a change in the nucleotide sequence, which can lead to malformation and in many cases death.One of the main reasons of increase in many genetic defects is the use of few bulls in breeding programmes, causing a reduction of the genetic variation. Genetic defects cause suffering for the animal and influences the production by, for example, increased costs due to misscarriages, lost milk production and expenditure for medical treatment. Bovine Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency (BLAD) and Complex Vertebral Malformation (CVM) are two genetic defects that were widespread before the causative mutation was discovered.

En anda av oberoende - Hollywoods independentindustri

An investigation into the industrial and economic conditions concerning the production, distribution and showing of what the contemporary hegemonic entertainment industry labels independent film..

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