4287 Uppsatser om Content marketing - Sida 40 av 286
En validering av Life Content Questionnaire
Vardagslivets belastning har en stark påverkan på människors välbefinnande, men utbudet av reliabla och valida mätinstrument är inte tillräckligt stort. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att göra en systematisk utvärdering av Life Content Questionnaire (LCQ), en enkät baserad på Krav-Kontroll-Stöd-modellen avsedd att mäta generell belastning i vardagen. Undersökningsdeltagarna var 272 föräldrar; kvinnor och män boende i Stockholms kommun med minst ett barn 0-16 år. LCQs psykometriska egenskaper mättes både genom en kvantitativ och med en kvalitativ studie. Inledningsvis genomfördes reliabilitetsberäkningar och en jämförande statistisk analys mot andra stress- och utbrändhetsmått.
Ett oväntat samarbete - Effekter av tematisk inkongruenta sponsorsamarbeten mellan bloggare och välkända varumärken
As a great deal of people spend more time with their cell phones and computers than with magazines and TV, markets have begun to explore marketing possibilities in digital media. A common form of marketing in digital media is sponsorship of the cyber stars of the Internet - the bloggers. Sponsorship of bloggers has proven to be a highly efficient method for brands to gain attention and positive attitudes, as bloggers are regarded as fashion icons as well as reliable friends. Another up-to-date marketing strategy that has proved successful in gaining consumer attention is the use of incongruent elements in ads. Incongruence challenges consumer expectations and thereby demands attention.
Våga surfa längre än vad radiovågorna tar er : En undersökning om P4 Kalmars Facebook-sida och dess medlemmar
The rise of social media has created an endless source of possibilities for companies to interact and connect with their target audiences. As it is a new channel, companies may experience uncertainty on how to use it to its fullest potential.The purpose of this study is to describe how the Public Service radio channel, P4 Kalmar, use its Facebook page and how its members perceive the communication on this platform. We have also presented recommendations on how P4 Kalmar can improve the relationship with its members. To reach our conclusions we have combined theoretical references with a quantitative content analyze, a survey and qualitative depth interviews.By analyzing our findings we came to the conclusion that P4 Kalmar have to develop a strategy for communicating on social media. But since no general communication strategy for the organization exists they have to develop one before developing one for social media.
Relationers påverkan på destinationsvarumärken : En fallstudie av två destinationers turismnätverk
The purpose with our study is to create an understanding of how tourism stakeholders within a tourism network can affect a Destination Marketing/Management Organization?s (DMO?s) work with the destination branding process. To fulfill this purpose we have clarified different relationships that can influence the DMO?s place marketing. In order to limit our study we have chosen to focus on two Swedish destinations, Öland and Norrköping, and their DMO?s.
Den oretuscherade sanningen - En oretuscherad modells påverkan på konsumenters CSR-uppfattning, attityder och köpintention
Within the subject of retouching there is an ongoing debate about whether fashion retailers should retouch their ads or not. There has been a large amount of criticism to the communication of stereotyped beauty ideals that is used by companies in their marketing. The stereotyped ideals also contribute to negative psychological effects among people. As a response to the criticism, or as a way to differentiate one-self from competitors, retailers are starting to use unretouched models in their advertising. How this affects the consumer's perception of CSR along with the attitudes and behaviors is still unknown.
Darwin eller design : - en studie om förhållandet mellan religion och vetenskap för läroböcker i anknytning till Lgy 11 för gymnasieskolan.
In the curriculum from 2011 for Religion in Swedish Upper Secondary School, a new content has been added regarding the relationship between religion and science. The pupils are supposed to acquire a view of how the understanding of religion and science can express questions concerning creationism and evolution. The purpose of this study is to identify how this relation between religion and science is represented in textbooks for the subjects of Religion and Biology and how pupils are encouraged to reflect on and discuss this relationship. The method of this essay consists of a qualitative content analysis of textbooks from both Religion and Biology. The result of this study showed an overall multifaceted picture of the relation between religion and science..
Work is theatre and every business is a stage : En studie i möjliggörandet av relationer med hjälp av event marketing
Uppsatsens titel ?Work is theatre and every business is a stage? ? en studie i möjliggörandet av relationer med hjälp av event marketingSeminariedatum 2008-06-05Ämne/kurs Kandidatuppsats i marknadsföring, 15 pFörfattare Sophie Ohlsson och Dina SabrkeshHandledare Ingemar HaglundNyckelord Event marketing, relationer, relationsmarknadsföring, evenemang,event.Problemområde Konsumenter idag vill inte dagligen pumpas med nya budskap utan de har blivit mer medvetna och söker efter ett värde från företaget och dess produkter utöver det brukliga. För att tillgodose detta har företagen börjat inrikta sin marknadsföring alltmer mot att försöka skapa interaktion, gemenskap och relation med sin målgrupp och ett effektivt sätt att göra det på är just genom event marketing. Genom dessa möten kan företag skapa och bibehålla relationen till sina kunder samt öka medvetenheten kring varumärket. Ett starkt varumärke bidrar till att möjliggöra relationer då ett välkänt varumärke skapar trygghet hos konsumenten.Syfte Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva processen kring planerandet och genomförandet av ett event.
Memories in Marketing: Nostalgia in advertising, communication effects, relationships and critical periods for establishing emotional bonds to collective events
Many perceive a boom in nostalgia and what is retro, especially within the marketing discipline. This thesis studies how nostalgia functions in the advertising context and aims to shed light on which effects there are from nostalgia evoking communication, what connections there are with other important factors as well as aspires to develop the understanding of the underlying psychological aspects and the emotional bonds to events (as nostalgia evoking stimuli in the thesis), which pave the ground for nostalgic emotions. Point of origin has been classical measures of communication effects and models of connections and causality and to these important factors have been added. Results show clear connections and correlations between nostalgia and positive communication effects, even with control for other factors that may interfere. However, the results show that some factors have moderating effects that should be important to take into consideration, namely how well the brand and the event in the ad are perceived to fit the advertising context.
Vikten av att knyta emotionella band till konsumenter genom upplevelsebaserad marknadsföring i butik : Med sinnesmarknadsföring som ett verktyg
Syfte: Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka hur man skapar en varumärkesstrategi som fungerar från affärsidé ner till köpsituation. Vad görs idag för att uppnå en ideal upplevelse i butik och vad är gängse synsätt på hur kommunikationen ska utformas i denna kanal? Vidare är syftet att få en djupare förståelse för hur begreppen Emotional Branding, Experience Branding och Sensory Marketing bör sammankopplas och vad det kan tillföra ett varumärke inom retail. Hur kan åtråvärda upplevelser inom dagligvaruhandeln, en plattform som bör fungerar som en förlängd arm till varumärkets strategi, bidra till att bygga starka och känsloladdade relationer till sina kunder?Metodologi: Studien utgår från ett hermeneutiskt synsätt, bygger på en kvalitativt kvalitativ forskningsmetod och har en deduktiv ansats.
En studie kring processen att som IT-konsult skifta affärsmodell genom försäljning av en standardiserad lösning.
Due to increasing international competition and new technology IT-consultants has been forced to oversee their business models lately. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the process and consequences of a shift in business model for a consultant by using a methodology based on action research. The empirical foundation consists of a field study with observations, notes, interviews and business related documents. The case describes a consultant?s process of shifting business model from profits based on man-hours to selling a standardized system.
Alternativ marknadsföring
konsumenterna för att kunna tränga igenom ett samhälle starkt präglat av mediebrus. Deträcker inte att öka frekvensen av reklam då konsumenter visar en allmän reklamtrötthet. Dentraditionella marknadsföringen har tappat sin effekt och nya marknadsföringsmetoder, såsomgerillamarknadsföring, har vuxit fram. Genom annorlunda metoder kommunicerargerillamarknadsföraren med mottagaren med målet att nå maximal effekt med minimalaresurser. Denna metod har främst tillämpats i små och mellanstora företag, medan störreföretag tenderar att förbli mindre innovativa i sin marknadsföring.
Personligt Varumärke och Ledarskap : En kvalitativ studie om hur företagsledare använder sig av personligt varumärke i sitt ledarskap
The meaning of being someone and standing for something is getting more important today in the Swedish business market. Our thesis has a qualitative approach that aims to study the usage of personal branding in the upper-management of Swedish organizations. Theories collected from literature and articles include marketing branding, personal branding and leadership. Our main target is to identify components that obtain usage of personal branding which are, attributes and strengths, communication, values, and vision and mission. The empirical data is gathered from six personal interviews with managers.
Streamad Tv ? komplement eller konkurrent för linjär Tv? : En studie om preferenser bland män och kvinnor i olika åldrar
Few would disagree that the media landscape has undergone significant changes the last decade. From bulky computers and plain mobile phones to portable High-Definition computers and multi-functional smartphones. Other media, such as newspapers and music, have evolved and prospered in a digitalized environment. The constant urge to digitalize aspects and functions of our daily lives seems almost instinctive. Television has taken further steps into this environment as it is now accepted and featured via the Internet.
De traditionella filmuthyrningsbutikernas skapande av lojala kunder på en mättad marknad
This essay is about the market of traditional rental movie stores, which today are on a mature stage of the marketing cycle. The technique is constantly accelerating and contributes to evaluation of new ways to watch movie. New competitors are such as bigger chain of stores that can offer, in addition to their wide range of other goods, rental movies as a secondary selling. The substitute is of most part Internet based services from where you can watch movie online or download film legally as well as illegally.These different sorts of new competitors or substitutes become a big threat on the traditional rental movie stores as these substitutes can offer the same prices or even lower.With these new ways of watching film this will on turn change the behaviours of the customers that likes to watch movies. The problem for the traditional rental movie stores is trying to keep their existing customers and try keeping them loyal to their store, so that they won?t loose them to the competitors and substitutes.
Re-design av Rättviseförmedlingens webbsida : hur utvecklar man en webbsida med hänsyn till olika intressenter och deras behov?
This report presents the redesign of the online-based non-governmental organization Equalisters? (Rättviseförmedlingen in Swedish) website. It aims to achieve an understanding of how you take into account the user and other stakeholders and their interests when developing a website. The focus was on redesigning an existing website and prioritize the different stakeholders? needs.