4287 Uppsatser om Content marketing - Sida 4 av 286
Vad håller ni på med? : En studie i Försvarsmaktens marknadskommunikation
Title: What are you doing - A study in the Swedish Armed Forces marketingAuthors: Johanna Hillforth & Linda OlanderTutor: Josef PallasPurpose: The purpose of this thesis was to analyze the communicativefunctions as the Swedish Armed Forces uses in its marketing communications.Method and material: The used method in this study is a qualitativesemiotic content analysis, and the material analyzed is five ads from five oftheir latest advertising campaigns.Main results: The results of the study have shown that the Swedish ArmedForces primarily uses three of the four communicative functions in theircommunication, by being of informative, expressive and affecting nature..
Internetmarknadsföringens effektivitet : en studie på fyra utvalda former av Internetmarknadsföring
The society is developing fast and the development is constantly on-going, new technology results in new opportunities and new problems for both companies and consumers. The use of Internet has heavily increased around the world; this means that the companies can use Internet as a channel of communication to reach the consumers. The most recent type of marketing is web marketing. The fact that web marketing is constantly changing raise the question of how effective different types of web marketing are.The purpose of this study is to investigate four selected types of web marketing. This is achieved by comparing the response from the consumers and the cost for the different types of web marketing.
Svart bälte i ryktesspridning och events : [en studie i PR-strategierna Buzz och Event marketing]
Syftet med studien är att reda ut vilken roll strategierna Buzz och Event marketing har i PR-branschen idag samt hur de strategiska kommunikatörerna och målgruppen förhåller sig till dem. Studien undersöker också de behov och möjligheter strategierna i kombination har och ska på så sätt generera ny kunskap till grund för strategiernas fortsatta utveckling..
Marknadsföring på webbplatser för ungdomar. Hur bibliotekarier arbetar med bibliotekets webbplats för att nå ut till ungdomar
The aim of this study was about how librarians in Sweden work with their web page to reach young people between the ages of fifteen and nineteen. Most of the youths in Sweden today use Internet every day for several reasons, and the library should have an obvious place there as well. It shouldbe obvious because almost all youths uses Internet every day and therefore the library needs to be seen there as well to reach out to them. Earlier research has shown that librarians and youths think differently in this question. Youths think that the library web page is more important for the librarythan the librarians do.How do the librarians work with marketing for youths on the web page? Do their policy documents help them in their work?To study this area we have interviewed librarians from six quite large public libraries from different parts of thecountry.
Syns inte, finns inte ? om marknadsföring på några skolbibliotek
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to discuss marketing as it applies to some school libraries. Today?s marketing is about relations. It involves the establishment, maintenance and development of relations with users, non-users and other library related relationships.
Relationsmarknadskommunikation : En undersökning som fokuserar på de lokala relationerna i en globaliserad värld
Relationship marketing is an important part of the new view of communication strategies. The theories around this subject has a general and global perspective on how to manage relations and communication problems. But somehow the local perspective is forgotten. In this thesis we have focused on the local market and which demands it has on the work with relationship management. The purpose of this thesis is to find out how relationship marketing can contribute to create a high valued brand on a local market.
Traditionella metoder eller en dansande rosa panter? : En jämförelse mellan traditionella marknadsföringsmetoder och gerillamarknadsföring
Every day consumers are bombarded with different marketing messages from all possible directions. At the same time consumers starts to actively and consciously avoid these messages. Therefore, marketers have to start thinking outside the box and find new ways to get consumers' attention. One of these methods is called guerilla marketing. The strength of guerilla marketing is its way to be unexpected and unusual.
Lönar det sig att arrangera tävlingar för bästa uppsats och affärsidé?
Purpose: The purpose with this paper is to get a deeper understanding for prizes and awards as a marketing tool and phenomena. Further we want companies/organizations that use this should be able to make better decisions concerning marketing towards students. Maybe they will get better results on the basis of our investigations. Method: We used the qualitative method when we did the interview that was also non-standardized. The survey was quantitative, and the case study comprises both qualitative and quantitative method.
Sponsring eller event marketing ? vilken metod stärker bäst ett företags varumärke inom sportbranschen? : En studie baserad på marknadschefers medvetenhet kring kommunikationsmetoderna sponsring och event marketing i samband med ett idrottsevent.
Idag finns det ett omfattande reklam- och mediebrus i samhället där marknadschefer försöker hitta den mest unika vägen för att få allmänheten att bli intresserade av just deras varumärke.Teorier visar att företag som medverkar i ett event genom kommunikationsmetoderna sponsring eller event marketing erhåller en ökad trovärdighet och stärker sitt varumärke. Hur medvetna är då företagets marknadschefer om skillnaden mellan sponsring och event marketing för att stärka sitt varumärke?Syftet med den här studien är att kartlägga nio marknadschefers medvetenhet mellan sponsring och event marketing i samband med ett idrottsevent. Studien är av kvalitativ art och har ett deduktivt angreppssätt för att besvara problemformuleringen om hur medvetna marknadschefer är om skillnaden mellan sponsring och event marketing när de är associerade med ett idrottsevent och önskar nå en förbättrad image och medvetenhet kring sitt varumärke.Resultatet av undersökningen visar att de nio intervjuade marknadscheferna är medvetna om skillnaden mellan sponsring och event marketing. De anser även att event marketing genererar ett starkare mervärde än vad sponsring gör.
Med upplevelsen som medel- En studie av upplevelsen vid event marketing
Det finns mycket skrivet om upplevelsens funktion i teorier kring upplevelseekonomin, men upplevelsen som begrepp inom event marketing inte är lika utförligt behandlat. Upplevelsen är ett centralt begrepp som används flitigt i litteratur rörande event marketing utan att man egentligen går in på dess funktion. Diskussionen stannar istället vid konstaterandet att upplevelsens funktion är att förstärka budskapet och utreds inte mer noggrant än så. Syftet med uppsatsen är att öka förståelsen för upplevelsen vid event marketing, och analysera huruvida upplevelseekonomins teorier om upplevelsen är applicerbara inom event marketing. Vi har i denna uppsats använt av oss av en kvalitativ studie för att skapa en ökad förståelse för upplevelsen vid event marketing.
Kampen om studenten : Kund och råvara på samma gång
A reform of higher education in Sweden in 1993 led to stiffer competitive climate among educational institutions. The reform meant that educational institutions now had the opportunity to plan their curriculum autonomously. Prior to the reform educational planning was restricted to the Swedish government. The new rules spelled a greater opportunity for educational institutions to profile themselves based on their educational offerings. The higher degree of competition means that marketing becomes increasingly important when recruiting new students.
Vilseledande Underhållning : Ungdomars Attityder till Dold Viral Marknadsföring
In this paper, we examine the attitudes of 16- to 19-year olds towards stealth viral marketing in the form of videos posted on websites such as Youtube. Apart from their general attitudes towards the phenomenon, we were also concerned with their views on the ethics involved in this marketing method and how this affects their view on the companies behind the advertising. To accomplish this, we administered a survey to a sample chosen by convenience. Using the Persuasion Knowledge Model and prior research on the subject, we then analyzed the gathered data and reached the conclusion that the respondents in our sample were mainly positive towards stealth viral marketing in this particular form, that they generally did not consider it unethical and that even though most considered the companies to be responsible for such videos, teenagers were not likely to take negative actions against them if they found out that a video that they had seen was in fact a stealth viral video..
Superstores Marknadsföringsstrategier
Background: The increasing number of actors on the market has led to a more intense competition among superstores. With this, marketing has gotten an even more essential meaning. The marketing activities superstores perform are adapted to the context in which the store is located. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to, from different theoretical dimensions, compare superstores? application of marketing strategies in Tokyo with the marketing strategies used by superstores in Stockholm.
Kommunikationsstyrning vid reklamation : En studie av stormarknader
This study focuses on the internal marketing and how it affects the complaints by companies? communication control. Our purpose with this subject is to increase the understanding of which components affects the relation between internal marketing, communication control and complaints. We have chosen the subject, internal marketing because it caught our interest in an earlier course. On the basis of the literature of costumer complaint there have not been so much research about it and that is why we have chosen this perspective on internal marketing.This study is based on a qualitative approach.
Hur tänker de nu?: En studie om användandet av inkongruenta kändisar
Many companies choose to market their products and brands with help from celebrities. This is not a new phenomenon, though, this strategy is something that we consumers start to get used to and the risk that the consumer unconsciously unselects the message grows. A recently much-disputed theory is the use of incongruent marketing. This means that companies uses a marketing message with the objective to not match the consumer?s expectations.