

3537 Uppsatser om Consumer related creativity - Sida 8 av 236

Affecting Consumer Behaviour to Increase the Willingness to Purchase More Fruit

The purpose of this study is to examine the change in consumer behaviour regarding the intention towards buying fruit when the layout of the fruit section has been altered. We want to increase the probability of making impulse purchases by altering the layout. In our study we have combined structured quantitative observations with structured quantitative as well as qualitative interviews, with secondary data in the form of sales data from two selected ICA-stores. We chose to use this triangulated approach in order to cross-examine our findings and overcome the limitations of one method by the use of another. Further, the Latin square design was used for the observations as a means to acknowledge the calendar effect during the experiment.

Effekterna ligger i betraktarens ögon - En studie om effekter av videopresentationer inom e-handeln

Companies within the e-commerce industry currently try to overcome the disadvantages of not being able to provide a physical inspection of products, and this is especially an issue for the apparel industry. One way of trying to overcome this issue is by presenting apparel with a short video of a model wearing the garment. The aim in this thesis is to investigate how these video presentations affect consumers' emotions, cognitions and intentions. Since previous studies have found that different shopping scenarios can moderate the effect of stimuli in the atmosphere on the consumers' emotions, we also aim to see if a video presentation, depending on the shopping scenario, could have a negative impact on site visitors. Moreover this thesis investigates the moderating effects of involvement on consumers' cognitions.

PION Patientinformation on-line en brukarorienterad utvärdering

During the past decade, consumer health information-centers have been developed at the hospital libraries in Sweden in order to meet the increasing demand from patients and their relatives concerning consumer health information. In 1993, the hospital libraries in Falun, Västervik and Karlstad launched a consumer health information database called PION. The aim of this Master's thesis is two-fold. My first aim is to describe and discuss the principles of user-oriented evaluation. In my attempt to convey the theoretical discussion into the everyday life of librarianship, my second and most important aim is to conduct a user-oriented evaluation of the database PION.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av interaktion med närstående i kommunal äldrevård

Background:In pace with the increasingly aging population will the number of older people in nursing homes and with care in home grow. This means that the nurse will face related to the older more frequently and more widely. Nurses has overall responsibility over both the care of the elderly as a responsibility of maintaining good relationships with related parties. Related parties are of great importance for the older individual, it is therefore relevant for the nurse to be able to interact in a respectful and sensitive manner to involve the relatives in care.Aim:The aim with this study was to highlight nurse's experiences of interaction with related parties to elderly in community health care.Method:A literature review based on nine qualitative articles was conducted. Friberg design was used with the inspiration of Lundman and Hällgren Graneheim regarding the analysis of Articles.Results:The study resulted in four themes.

Om att våga lyfta frågan : en kvalitativ studie om orsaker till hedersrelaterat förtryck och frivilligorganisationers attitydförändringsarbete

The purpose of this research has been to investigate possible reasons for why honour related oppression exist in Sweden as well as to find out how some voluntary organisations work to change honour oppression related attitudes. The questions that the reserachers were trying to answer were (1) What are the possible causes for honour related oppression in Sweden? (2) How can honour related oppression be identified? (3) What are the voluntary organisations doing to change these attitudes? To answer these questions a qualitative method was used. The reserachers examined what leading researchers in this area thought were the reasons to why honour related oppression exist and then carried out interviews with participants from four voluntary organisations. A social constructional approached were chosen as the theoretical framework for this research and the results were also analysed from several perspectives.

Kreativitet och undervisningsmetoder - om rutiner och kaos inom institutioners ramar

SammanfattningDetta arbete handlar om att kritiskt belysa de aspekter av undervisning som är centrala för mig som pedagog. Som lärare vill jag nå fram till eleven, jag vill att eleven ska ha möjligheten att vara kreativ och att få uppleva det tillstånd som kallas flow.Arbetet har utgått från de upplevelser jag fick av musik när jag var yngre, då tänkte jag inte i termer och begrepp utan upplevde - utan allt för förutfattade meningar. Nu när jag är lärare känner jag ett starkt behov av att identifiera vad jag då upplevde för att kunna ge mina elever en liknande kick av musik. Identifieringen har lett fram till detta arbete, jag kunde inte sätta ord på vad jag sökte men visste ändå intuitivt vad det var jag ville åt. Så småningom kom orden på plats: jag har i mitt identifieringsarbete kretsat kring kreativitet, flow och undervisnings metoder.

Konsumentbeteende vid köp av ägg : en empirisk studie genomförd med en kvalitativ metod

A decade ago the organic egg production in Sweden was nearly nonexistent (Föreningen för ekologisk fjäderfäproduktion, 2008). A rising demand for these products in the beginning of year 2000 made the organic egg production the most increasing production of all organic provisions. The Swedish consumers value provision production that have a reduced impact on the environment and further protects the wellness of animals and plants (Jordbruksverket, 2010). Today, the organic egg production composes roughly 6 % of the total egg production in Sweden. This indicates that the ambition of Jordbruksverket, which has an organic egg production goal of 10 % of the total production, is not yet achieved.The consumer demand on the market is the driving force for these new products, and the higher prices contribute to an essential portion of the additional costs of organic egg production (Jordbruksverket, 2004).

Studenters konsumtionsvanor kring restaurangbesök : En kvalitativ studie om samhällsklasser

The purpose of this essay is mainly to study the reason behind students' visits to restaurants, and also their restaurant habits. The study also intends to find a possible difference in students dining habits among the different social classes; working class and middle class.  This study contains qualitative methods. The qualitative research method is in the shape of deep interviews with ten students from different social classes who?s registered at Södertörns  högskola. The results of this investigation show that the consumer society along with the respondent?s habitus and access to capital, has influenced and created their opinions and habits around eating out. This has also created the similarities and differences between them. Keywords:Habtitus, consumption, restaurant, social class, consumer society.

Gerillareklam - överraskande effektivt: En jämförelse mellan gerillareklam och traditionell reklam

The consumer of today is bombarded by an increasing number of commercial messages, which makes it harder and harder for brands to cut through the clutter. Because of this, new methods are developed and introduced to the market every day. One of the most widely discussed of these methods is guerrilla advertising. Even though the method has received numerous praises there are not any academic proofs supporting these arguments. The authors, of this thesis, have examined if guerrilla advertising is more or less effective compared to traditional advertising and what the reasons for the result are.

Den oretuscherade sanningen - En oretuscherad modells påverkan på konsumenters CSR-uppfattning, attityder och köpintention

Within the subject of retouching there is an ongoing debate about whether fashion retailers should retouch their ads or not. There has been a large amount of criticism to the communication of stereotyped beauty ideals that is used by companies in their marketing. The stereotyped ideals also contribute to negative psychological effects among people. As a response to the criticism, or as a way to differentiate one-self from competitors, retailers are starting to use unretouched models in their advertising. How this affects the consumer's perception of CSR along with the attitudes and behaviors is still unknown.

Välbefinnande och Kognitiv Prestation : En experimentell studie om positiv sinnesstämning främjar kreativitet och flexibelt tänkande

The purpose of the study was to investigate, through an experiment, if positive mood promotes creativity and flexible thinking. Participants were a total of 93 college students. The main hypothesis was that subjects induced with positive mood would perform better than subjects induced with negative mood, at a test reflecting creativity. To further explore the implications of priming (subliminal manipulated moods), a neutral control group was included. The cognitive test used in the study was Duncker´s The Candle Problem, a test which aims to get the subjects to apply flexible and creative thinking.

Event som Marknadskommunikation - Din Guide till Eventgalaxen: En kvantitativ studie som testar hur ansträngningsgrad påverkar uppkomsten av kommunikationseffekter

Event marketing's ability to create strong communication effects is a well-known fact and a contributing factor to its popularity in the world of marketing today. But while we know that it is the interaction between consumers and the brand within the scope of live marketing that gives rise to loyalty and purchase intention, we have no knowledge in how the company's efforts affect the outcome. As the investments in event marketing are growing at a comparatively high pace, it is urgent to obtain a deeper understanding and a sense of direction of the elements infuencing its success.In this study we investigate in what way and to what extent the amount of effort that a company puts into the making of an event is used as a signal of manufactor credibility, ability (i.e., expertise) and consumer care. And in what way and to what extent the perceived effort influence purchase intent, attitude and word-of-mouth. We also analyze marketing events in terms of the theory of equitable exchange and "desperation", a subject matter thus far only touched upon.As we identify two different types of events on the market today, we include both in our study: the in-store promotion related event and the party event, which is held in an external venue.

Är det möjligt att förolämpa någon via en annons : En studie om annonsers effekt på konsumenter

Advertisements have become a regular part of our everyday lives. We walk past them on the street; we admire them on the subway and even invite them into our living room in between prime time showings. The reality is that in today's modern times there is no escaping the daily bombardment of advertisement. To distinguish themselves from the continuous noise of the industry, advertisers battle to find unique ways to capture the attention of consumers. But is it possible that some advertisers take their techniques to an extreme in the struggle to be remembered This thesis aims at investigating whether it is possible to offend a consumer through an advertisement due to its extreme simplicity.

Förståelsen av hedersrelaterat våld : En litteraturstudie i ljuset av postkoloniala teorier

The murders of Pela Atroshi, Sara Abed Ali and Fadime Sahindal, started a debate concerning the underlying motives of honour related violence. This paper aimed to describe and explain in what way honour related violence is perceived in publications by academics, public authorities and voluntary organisations to name a few. Different types of literature were thematically analysed as well as analysed using a model by Lorentzon. The scope of this paper was narrowed down to Swedish conditions and excluded men as victims of honour related crimes.The conclusion suggests a definition of honour related violence as a result of general patriarchy with different features. For example, men?s honour is connected to women?s behaviour and retaining of virginity.

Våld är våld! Eller?

The purpose of the study is to investigate how social workers within different areas of work in Malmö, who comes in contact with persons who have been subject to honour-related violence, sees the problem, if they have any special view on the cause of the violence and investigate the efforts which are offered to individuals who have been or are subject to honour-related violence. I wanted to investigate if there exists a universal view among social workers in Malmö of the definition of and way of working with persons affected by honour-related violence. Various reports show that there exists great disagreement among debaters as well as social workers regarding the definition of honour-related violence. There are also different sentiments about the cause of honour-related violence within research. I conducted four interviews on five individuals employed within different areas of work in Malmö which comes in contact with girls and women who have been subject to honour-related violence. My study shows that there exists great dissent among social workers regarding the term honour-related violence, the cause of the problem and the concerned areas of work works with different ways with persons which they come in contact with..

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