

3537 Uppsatser om Consumer related creativity - Sida 21 av 236

Farmers preferred end-values related to their use of forward contract : a means-end chain analysis

Today?s farmers are constantly affected by the fluctuating world market prices on grain and thereby the price risk that comes with the price fluctuations. The volatile prices of grain increase the price risk within the business, which in turn affects the profitability of the business. The fluctuating prices together with the increased price risk within the farm business have opened up the market for hedging instruments. In this master thesis project, the aim is to identify the underlying end-values of 30 Swedish farmers? related to their choice of using hedging and the product; forward contract.

Konsumenters synsätt på ekologiska livsmedel avseende frukt, grönsaker & rotfrukter : - En tvärsnittsundersökning ur ett konsumentperspektiv

Background: Pesticides in conventional food may be related to morbidity and mortality. Furthermore pesticides have a negative impact on the whole ecosystem. Organic food can presume better health as they contain less chemicals and toxins and contribute to sustainable development efforts.Objective: The aim was to examine what attitudes consumers have regarding to purchase organic fruit, vegetables and root vegetables.Methods: The association between consumers? views on conventional food and organic food was investigated using questionnaire given to a population sample of men and women aged by 23-65 (N=60) in grocery stores and in a fitness center. The study was based on a cross-sectional study in a municipality in central Sweden.Results: Consumers were interested to buy organic food.

"Det ska inte vara så att livet är kört bara för att man blir hederhotad" : -En kvalitativ studie om flickors upplevda behov av stöd och hjälp efter uppbrottet från sin hederskultur.

The purpose of our study was to give girls who are victims of honor related violence a chance to express their needs experienced after the breakup from their families. Furthermore, the study aimed to examine in what extent the girls' needs have been met, how and by whom? The focus was the girls' own experiences thru the breakup from their families and beyond. The issues we wanted to answer were: What needs of help and support does these girls feel that they have? What are the needs immediately after the breakup and how do they look in the longer term? To what extent do the girls have their needs met, how and by whom? What needs experience the girls have not been satisfied? In order to answer our questions, we used semi-structured life-world interviews.

Lera för livet i lek & utforskande : en studie om pedagogers syn på estetiskt arbete i förskolan

This study intends to examine teacher´s thoughts and perception of esthetic activities at preschools. I have chosen to restrict the esthetic area to the significance and function of clay to the teachers and children. On the basis of the belief that children can, and need access to a variety of ways to express themselves, we used the interviews to take part of teachers work and thoughts concerning clay, and the esthetic work. I have in this qualitative study addressed four questions: How do the teachers use clay in preschool activities? What do the teachers think about clay as a tool in the educational work at the preschool? Are the teachers working from the perception of children?s rights to express themselves in different ways and with the help of different tools? What function does clay fill for the children?I have interviewed eight teachers and taken part of both older and more recent theories around children and the creativity in esthetic contexts.

Följsamhet till handhygien : En litteraturstudie

Background Nightingale attention that hygiene was an important task to prevent health- related infection. Today there are guidelines how hand hygiene should be followed, to prevent health- related infection. Good knowledge and education in hand hygiene and its consequences if it?s not followed is of great importance. Hand hygiene should be performed before and after the clean and the unclean work with patients and materials.

Högfrekvenshandel : En studie kring högfrekvenshandel med fokus på skillnader mellan attityder och tidigare forskning.

SammanfattningAnalysen undersöker meningserbjudandet gällande konsumentfrågor i tre läroböcker inom hem- och konsumentkunskap, med utgångspunkt i kursplan 2000 (Skolverket, 2000a). Först definierades och avgränsades konsumentfrågorna med hjälp av konsumtionsprocessen (Bjurström, 2004, McGregor, 2011a). Det andra steget i analysen var att kategorisera det befintliga konsumentinnehållet utifrån tre undervisningsstrategier: fakta-, normerande- och pluralistisk undervisningsstrategi (Skolverket, 2002, Kronlid & Öhman, 2010). Som ett tredje steg genomfördes en analys även av kursplan 2000, med hjälp av de tre undervisningsstrategierna. Detta tredje steg utgick ifrån antagandet att läroböckernas legitimitet och relevans styrs av kursplanen (Sellander, 1988, Lundgren, 1989, Englund, 2011).

Långtidsfrisk eller arbetsglädje - vad speglar arbetsrelaterad hälsa?

The work related illness has increased and instead of focusing on what?s causing it more and more efforts are put on trying to find the health factors within and outside the work environment. During the past years the term ?long-term health? has arisen; instead of focusing on the number of employees on the sick-list, the focus should be put on the number of employees that has a record of long-term health within an organization, i.e. health-presence.

Språkhantering på ett mindre bibliotek: en kvalitativ undersökning om hur ett mindre bibliotek arbetar med minoritetsspråk

The following thesis will examine how a smaller library manages the prioritization of media between Swedish and 'minority language'. We are also interested in the challenges and problems that can occur in such work, as well as how the librarians think about their role in the integration process. We have studied this through several qualitative interviews with librarians as well as earlier related research. The results show that librarians display a high propensity of appreciation related to working with minority languages and consider this an important aspect of their profession ? they fully ingratiate and accept the importance of helping the immigrant population in learning Swedish.

Cause-Related Marketing - En studie om konsumenters uppfattning av Rosa Bandet-produkter

Vårt syfte är att studera svenska konsumenters uppfattning om cause-related marketing på den svenska marknaden samt om detta påverkar deras köpbeslut. Undersökningen avser de CRM-kampanjer där företag samarbetar med välgörenhets-organisationer och tar fram specifika produkter för detta ändamål, som således kombinerar två varumärken. Vi har utgått från ett konsumentperspektiv då vi anser att detta på bästa sätt uppfyller vår problemformulering och syfte. Vi har utfört en kvalitativ studie för att möjliggöra förståelse av de bakomliggande anledningarna till respondenternas svar. Vi har använt oss av teorier om cause-related marketing och co-branding samt TORA-modellen vilken rör köpbeteende.

Smaken av en god recension : En studie i hur konsumenters smakupplevelsepåverkas av experters utlåtande

Consumer Information Processing (CIP) handlar om hur vi som konsumenter tar till ossoch påverkas av den information som ständigt omger oss vid en beslutssituation. Ämnethar länge varit i fokus för forskning inom marknadsföring då detta naturligtvisintresserar företagen i hög grad. Tidigare forskning hävdar att när vi som konsumentertar till oss av de intryck som omger oss, bearbetas dessa intryck tillsammans med dekunskaper vi har sedan tidigare (bottom-up processing och top-down processing).Studier har visat att information som tilldelas oss kan ha direkt påverkan på våra sinnenoch hur vi upplever en produkt.Denna studie undersökte hur olika typer av tilläggsinformation påverkade konsumentersupplevda smak av vin. Tolv testpersoner studerades i ett experiment bestående av tresteg där olika betyg presenterades på de viner testpersonerna bedömde. Resultatet avstudien visade att kvinnor i högre grad påverkas av negativ tilläggsinformation medanmän i högre grad påverkas av positiv tilläggsinformation..

Win-win-win? : En kvalitativ fallstudie om fem organisationers användande av cause-related marketing.

Denna studie är ett fall av organisationers användande av cause-related marketing. Syftet är att beskriva utvalda organisationers strategier med och användande av specifika cause-related marketing-aktiviteter.Organisationers vilja att bygga relationer med intressenter ökar ständigt och det blir allt mer populärt bland organisationer att ta ett socialt ansvar i hopp om att förbättra denna relation. Att organisationer säljer produkter och donerar en summa till välgörenhet benämns cause-related marketing och är ett vanligt välgörenhetsinitiativ vilket ofta upplevs positivt. Dock finns en skepticism mot organisationers användande av detta verktyg då intressenter i vissa fall ifrågasätter organisationers bakomliggande motiv. Detta innebär att utformningen av varje specifik cause-related marketing-aktivitet är avgörande för dess framgång.För att besvara syftet med denna studie har samtalsintervjuer och en kvalitativ innehållsanalys använts.

Lagval för förrsäkringsavtal : särskilt utrymmet för partsautonomi

The globalization and the realization of a European common insurance market have increased the importance of cross border insurance contracts. Despite that, a gathered set of rules regulating cross border insurance contracts does not exist. The sets of rules within Private International Law which arises today when determining the applicable law regarding cross border insurance contracts are the law of 1993 on applicable law to certain insurance contracts (the law of 1993) and the law of 1998 on applicable law to contractual obligations (Rome Convention). Since the Rome Convention is the only Community instrument which still is in the form of a treaty, work has been done in order to convert it into a regulation, called the Rome-I-regulation. Therefore, the future Rome I-regulation is of importance for the thesis as well since it most likely will replace the Rome Convention.Swedish law is based on the principle of party autonomy, which means that the contracting parties have the right to freely agree on the content of the contract, including the choice of law.

Den som gapar efter mycket, fångar ofta hela stycket - En kvantitativ studie om konsumenters emotionella band till varumärken

This paper examines the relationship between the experienced quality in the offering of a brand, emotional attachment and consumer commitment. The study aim to explore several dimensions of the experienced quality in the offering of a brand. Further we examine two conceptualizations of emotional attachment - Brand Attachment and Brand Love - and intend to declare the two of being two separate phenomena. We then conduct a relationship-based analysis wherein the mediating ability of Brand Attachment and Brand Love, between the experienced quality in the offering of a brand and consumer commitment, is examined. Therefore we conduct a focused quantitative study, wherein 171 customers of the fashion retailer H&M have responded to a comprehensive survey both online and in-store, to examine this fun-damental relationship and its components.

Samtalets dilemma : Vägledning som instrument vid sjukfrånvaro

Counselling is one of the most commonly utilized tools in the work place. The purpose of this paper is to explore how four employers utilize early counselling sessions related to absences due to illness. A qualitative research method has been used and four human resource managers have been interviewed. The research questions have been divided into three categories: the counselling structure, the counselling model and the counselling dilemmas. The interviews have been transcribed and processed through these three categories.

Drogbudskap i antidrogkampanjer och musikrelaterad media : En kvalitativ studie om ungdomars upplevelser

Drug related messages in antidrug campaigns and music related media -A qualitative study about young people?s perceptions Youth are exposed to both promotional and critical drug and alcohol messages in their daily media consumption. The purpose of this study is to examine how youth perceive anti-drug campaigns and drug-promoting messages in music-related media. The empirical material consists of qualitative data, including a focus group and two individual interviews, consisting of youth between the ages of 18 and19. One main finding is that young people perceive anti-drug messages differently, yet they are virtually unanimous about what makes such messages effective.

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