

3661 Uppsatser om Construction products regulation - Sida 9 av 245

Framtagning av typgodkända formkonstruktioner : Med inriktning mot traditionell väggform

This diploma work was conducted in collaboration with the Swedish civil engineeringconstruction company Skanska Construction in Stockholm. Their interest is todevelop a number of type approved form constructions which can be used during theconstruction of concrete walls. Skanska focuses on improving safety on their projectsand both supervisors and workers have a need for approved form constructions inthe current situation.The study is focused on safety and the purpose is to facilitate the preparation beforethe form work can begin. By studying the literature of the subject and conductinterviews with employees at Skanska Construction, the understanding of the issueand knowledge will be increased.Literature studies, interviews together with production and design have been thebasis for a successful study. The work has resulted in three types of approved formconstructions to Skanska Construction and the drawings can be used of employees atthe company.

Laboratory adjustment to the new regulation on classification, labeling and packaging of substances and mixtures.

The United Nations has, during many years, developed a model for a globally harmonized system for classification and labeling of chemicals, with the aim of it becoming a global standard. This system is implemented in the European Union through the CLP-regulation and is now working parallel to the existing directives until 1st of June 2015, when all the new classifications of substances and mixtures must be completed. The aim of this project was to adjust the laboratory to the new legislation, through inventory of stored chemicals, update the list of chemicals and perform self-classifications of mixtures. The work included handling of about 650 different chemicals with varying hazard classifications and search for information in corporate websites and chemical databases. This resulted in a new and complete list of chemicals stored and used in the laboratory and, in addition, an example of how to make a self classification of a mixture.

Varumärkets betydelse - en jämförelse mellan hur unga och äldre påverkas i köpprocessen

The thesis strives to answer the question whether there are any differences between how young customers, in comparison with older, are affected by brands when buying different products. The purpose is to get a clearer idea about the brands' importance in the future and in that way also to give guidance to companies about how to best market themselves and there products.To answer the question, an experiment was conducted with 480 respondents taking a survey where they had to rate a product after reading a short text about it. Some of the texts stated that a specific brand was behind the product while some said the product was produced by an unknown brand.The result of the study was that young people showed a greater propensity of rating products with a brand higher than products without brands, in comparison with the older respondents. This gives reason to believe that brands progressively will become an even more important tool for marketers and an unmatched asset for companies in the future..

Inneluftsventileradekryprumsgrunder : en utvärdering av två tillverkare

This Diploma work investigates internal air ventilated crawl-space in respect to construction and damp. The Diploma work assumes from a general description of crawl-space and general dump problems in ground construction. An internal air ventilated crawl-space is a construction where you take the ventilation air from the building and bring it down to the crawl-space and lets the air circulate before it passes through a retaining aggregate on the way out from the crawl-space. In this matter you get a worm space under the building and a lot less dump problems in form of · Ground damp · Build damp The ground dump reduces through draining around the building, different layer of gravel between the ground and the building and ventilation of the crawl- space. The build dump reduces through ventilation of the crawl-space as fast as possible.

Gummitryck eller Photoshop : Kan gummitryck motiveras om det går att få samma resultat digitalt?

The purpose of this work is to develop and test a design process where quick decisions and model building has a prominent role. The goal is to develop a number of products and build prototypes to be shown during the Carl Malmsten Furniture Studies spring exhibition 2012. I?m also writing a report describing my work.To reach my goal I have each day during the first phase conducted a short research and found a concept based on that days name day. Then I have continued in the workshop and worked with three-dimensional models.

Produktkalendern : - en alternativ designprocess med namnsdagar som utgångspunkt.

The purpose of this work is to develop and test a design process where quick decisions and model building has a prominent role. The goal is to develop a number of products and build prototypes to be shown during the Carl Malmsten Furniture Studies spring exhibition 2012. I?m also writing a report describing my work.To reach my goal I have each day during the first phase conducted a short research and found a concept based on that days name day. Then I have continued in the workshop and worked with three-dimensional models.

Framtagande av riktlinjer för arbetsplatsbesök enligt nya Plan- och bygglagen

A new site- and construction-law came into effect in May 2011. The new law, PBL2010:900 implies several different changes of the law. These changes concern bothconstructors, people working in municipality and county councils and other peoplethat in some way are related to the building sector. Except from the change in orderof the chapters and the renewed and modernized language, the law has now beenextended with a few new phases.According to the new law a certificate has to be issued to start and finish theconstruction; the construction consulting has changed name into technical consultingand the protocol for the controls has to show what the control is being compared to.This diploma work concerns control visits on construction sites as related to the newlaw. The reason why visits on construction sites are now implemented in the law isbecause the government saw a lack of trustworthiness in the old law.

Ledarskap & management i storskalig smågrisproduktion

This study has been done in order to map the supply of vegetarian and vegan food products in Sweden for business clients and consumers. A total of 665 food stuffs were found and classified into six categories. The biggest category was meat substitutes with 302 products and the second largest category was sandwich spreads with 150 different products. Within the remaining categories a varied number of products were found; 86 beverages, 64 cooking accessories, 34 milk free ice creams and 29 plant based yogurts. Of the meat substitutes were 28 only available for business clients.

Konkurrensbegränsning genom selektiva distributionsavtal inom den schweiziska klockindustrin

Sammanfattning Selektiva distributionsavtal används inom många branscher som ett sätt att reglera handeln med produkter och som ett verktyg för att selektera återförsäljarna. Det senaste året har dessa avtal kommit att nyttjas även inom klockbranschen. Det är en speciell bransch där varumärkena får allt större betydelse och det bidrar till en starkare position för de företag som äger och levererar produkter av de specifika varumärkena. Syftet med detta arbete är att utreda huruvida de selektiva distributionsavtalen medför en begränsning av konkurrensen och om så sker, vilka faktorer det är som skapar begränsningarna. Vidare har en diskussion förts om de villkor som nyttjas verkligen är förenliga med lagstiftningen.

Utveckling av handtag till spolarvätska

Title Becoming involved in the planning process - from the construction workers perspective.University/Institution Halmstad UniversityKeywordsEmpowerment through participation, construction workers involvement in decision making in the planning process, knowledge management and communication in the planning process, partnering, human resource managementAimThe aim of this bachelor thesis is to provide knowledge and examine how construction workers perceive involvement in the planning process of partnering projects, what they can contribute and what they get out of the planning process.Methodology The study was conducted with a qualitative approach in the form of semi-structured interviews.          The interview studie consist of 10 interviews with construction workers who are specially educated in participating in the planning process at the company ByggDialog AB.ConclusionAll respondents are positive to be involved in the planning process. The main advantages they can see is that they are able to influence technical solutions and methods that will be used later on in the production. Therefore it is important to consider when construction workers should be involved in the planning process so that they get the chance to influence in this decisions.When it comes to the decision making the construction workers should be involved in the decisions that are related to their tasks in the production such as technical solutions, choice of methods and materials. Their main duties and working hours should be in the production.Involvement in planning does not automatically mean that the construction workers are involved in the decision making, it is up to them how much they participate.

Faror i varor : En studie av unga vuxnas medvetenhet om kemikalier i hygienprodukter och kosmetika

Chemicals are everywhere in todays society, in humans, animals as well as nature, and they are difficult to avoid. The chemical industry is regarded to be the fastest growing industrial sector, accounting for ten percent of the global economy. A large amount of chemicals are used to produce hygiene products and cosmetics, products that in Sweden only are consumed in quantities of 110 tons per day. Researchers find it increasingly difficult to determine which chemicals that are dangerous and which that are safe, and how they might affect us in the long run. Correlations have been found between chemicals, diseases and other health effects such as cancer, allergies, reproductive and endocrine disorders.

Förmånsrätt : Har alla borgenärer lika rätt?

By the time the law of preferential right was legislated the purpose of the law was to give all creditors equal rights. The purpose of this master?s thesis is to analyze the law in force and unravel whether the purpose of the law has been fulfilled or not. If a deviation has been made I will decide whether it can be justified.Since 1st of January 2004 the preferential right regarding taxes has been abolished. Since then the claims of the Government do not have any preferential right.

Att sälja grönt är skönt - En studie om att öka försäljningen av ekologiska varor

The interest for organic food has grown a lot over the last 15 years. Even so, only 3.5 % ofthe share of wallet in Sweden goes to organic food. The purpose of this study is to examine and describe how retailers can get consumers to buy more organic fruits and vegetables. The study was carried out by visiting six Coop Konsum-stores, of which three performed poorly and three performed well in organic sales. We conducted interviews with the department managers, customer surveys and in-store observations.

Skiftarbete i byggindustrin och dess värde för aktieägarna

The foremost objective of business organizations is to generate value for shareholders and to opt for strategies which optimize it. Hence it is of key concern for business leaders to appreciate how operations best are run to maximize value creation. This study explores how financial theory can reveal the link between one particular business strategy and the corresponding effect on shareholder wealth. The question in focus is whether construction companies can enhance their value creation by implementing shift-work to increase the weekly production rate. The thesis particularly targets apartment block projects in Sweden and has the construction company Peab AB as primary object of study.

Analys ac konstruktionsprocessen inom FTC

This thesis work was made to optimize the writing of the construction specificationsat FKA. These construction specifications are created before each plant modificationsthat is started because requirements from the Swedish radiation safety authority(SSM) and internally on Forsmarks nuclear group as constructions / implementationdocumentationThe study was done through seven interviews of two people at three different groupsinvolved in the construction specification and an interview from the group accreditedverification. The four selected groups were selected through an extensive analyticalwork resulted in an elimination matrix where these four groups was considered to bemost involved with the construction specification.The questions asked to these individuals were based on the instructions and sampletext that are described in the construction specification. To ensure the quality of thethesis were to limit itself to the chapters that were considered most relevant toimprove. The analysis revealed a number of points that should be improved, partlyinto the routines when writing the construction specification and when ether sampletext or suggestions should be changed and complemented.

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