

1052 Uppsatser om Consequences - Sida 7 av 71

Att skildra sin historia - En diskursanalys av franska politikers bild av Frankrikes roll som kolonisatör sett ur ett postkolonialteoretiskt och mångkulturellt perspektiv

The aftermath of colonization, culture diversity and the recognition of the ownidentity - living in a country which has the role of a former colonizer has got Consequences in the multicultural French society. These Consequences can be seen studying the politics, the education and the history of that country. In this bachelorthesis I discuss the aftermath of French colonization with a focus on how the French cultural identity can be explained in defining colonialism in French lawmaking. The aim is to understand the definition of the own cultural identity from a postcolonial perspective and what meaning the multicultural society has for this definition. This is an issue which can be seen in politics as well as ineveryday life, and to make an understanding of it, I study how French politicians are representing their country's role as a former colonizer in a postcolonial era.

Som att ha ett osynligt koppel på sig : Intervjustudie med tre patienter med erfarenhet av utskrivning från substitutionsbehandling mot opiatmissbruk

Aims: To examine how patients with experience of being involuntarily discharged from medication-assisted treatment with methadone or buprenorphine have coped with the Consequences following the discharge. The study also aim to examine how the patients cope with the stigma related to their abuse of heroin and how they manage to cope with the rules regarding themedication-assisted treatment. Method: Three patients with experience of involuntary discharge from medication-assisted treatment have been interviewed. All were heroin abusing men living in Stockholm. The interviewees were recruited through the Swedish Drug Users Union and through a shelter for homeless people with drug problems.

Ett holländskt fenomen i Värmland : Faktorer bakom och effekter av en holländsk inflyttning

AbstractDuring the last five years there has been a considerable immigration from the Netherlands to Värmland in Sweden. INVA, Invest in Värmland, wanted to highlight this phenomenon and therefore contacted Karlstad University to make a survey about how extensive the immigration is and what Consequences it brings for the business life and municipalities in Värmland. We were luckily chosen to perform this research and the main focus in this study has been the following questions:? Why do the Dutchmen choose to buy their house in Värmland?? What are the main reasons for leaving the Netherlands?? What Consequences does the immigration cause for the business life in Värmland?? How do the Dutchmen experience the contact with Swedish authorities?To answer the questions we designed a questionnaire that was sent to 200 Dutch house purchasers. The ambition was to survey all the Dutch house purchasers in Värmland, but with the time constrains and the municipalities having problem to find complete data, we limited the survey to 200 households.

Synen på våldtäkt : Utifrån den synvinkel som fanns hos statens offentliga utredning kring sexualbrott 1976, SOU 1976:9

This study is based on a proposition about the legislation regarding sexual offences prepared by a commission initiated by the Swedish government in 1972 which was presented in 1976. The purpose of this study has been to ascertain the commissions views on rape based on their representation of the problem, their presuppositions and assumptions regarding it and future Consequences in behavior for victims and offenders of the crime. The key results of this study is that the commission regarded the ?problem? of the then current legislation to be non-consistently with the time being. In their opinion the legislation needed to be loosened from its moral strings and be adjusted to the ?new? sexually liberal era.

Sammankoppling av fjärrvärmenäten i Nyköping och Oxelösund : miljö- och systemkonsekvenser

District heating covers most of the residential areas and industries in the twoneighbouring Swedish municipalities Nyköping and Oxelösund. In Nyköping,Vattenfall AB Värme produces heat in a bio-fuelled CHP plant. In Oxelösund,waste heat and use of waste gases from the steel production at SSABOxelösund is the basis in the district heating system.This report examines the environmental Consequences of a connection betweenthe two district heating systems. A broad system approach is used and the focusis on environmental effects in the system.A system analysis has been performed on the result of simulations of differentheat and electricity production alternatives. The alternatives simulated wereone where Vattenfall Nyköping covers the base load in the joint district heatingsystem and two where the power plant at SSAB Oxelösund supplies the heatbase load.The conclusion in this report is that the Consequences of connecting the twodistrict heating systems can be both positive and negative, depending onsystem boundaries and on the environmental focus.

Finansinspektionens varningssystem avseende försäkringsbolag : I teori och praktik

The financial sector includes insurance business, which is a crucial part of the infrastructure in a modern economy. There are different parts to protect within the financial sector which is the reason for a comprehensive inspection. History shows several examples of disasters a mismanaged financial sector can bring. This also affects the society and stability over all. The inspection is conducted by the Swedish inspection of finance, which ensures that the insurance companies follow the law for its practice.

Integration från ord till handling : En undersökning av integrationens betydelser inom sociologi, politik och praktiskt arbete

This study deals with the concept of ?integration?. Starting from the concept of reality as socially and linguistically constructed, it is an attempt to see how lingual constructions and perceptions affect the official structures of society and vice versa. The main purpose is to compare the different meanings integration has in a sociological context and in a political one. Further, the purpose is to see how the relationship between the sociological and political concepts affects the integrational work in the Swedish County Administrative Boards, and which Consequences these effects might have.

Små barns matematik : 2 åringars begreppsförståelse

This study is aimed at finding out how nursery and pre-school teachers carry out their obligation to report suspected child abuse, and their views on the issue. The study was alsoa imed at highlighting any difficulties teachers might have when dealing with children who arem istreated. In addition, the study examines the impact on teachers and children when thet eachers decide to either report or not report abuse.The main issues addressed by this study are:  Are pre-school and nursery teachers aware of their duty to report suspected child abuse and what are their opinions regarding this duty?How do the teachers claim they behave if obliged to report and what difficulties dothey encounter?In order to find the answer to these questions, qualitative interviews were made with eight pre-school teachers. The empirical evidence has been put in relation to theories of action and communication as well as to previous research in the area that concerns children who are mistreated.

Trollets diamanter : Ett matematikspel för förskoleklass

This study is aimed at finding out how nursery and pre-school teachers carry out their obligation to report suspected child abuse, and their views on the issue. The study was alsoa imed at highlighting any difficulties teachers might have when dealing with children who arem istreated. In addition, the study examines the impact on teachers and children when thet eachers decide to either report or not report abuse.The main issues addressed by this study are:  Are pre-school and nursery teachers aware of their duty to report suspected child abuse and what are their opinions regarding this duty?How do the teachers claim they behave if obliged to report and what difficulties dothey encounter?In order to find the answer to these questions, qualitative interviews were made with eight pre-school teachers. The empirical evidence has been put in relation to theories of action and communication as well as to previous research in the area that concerns children who are mistreated.

Rattfylleri : Varför kör alkoholister rattfulla?

This essay is about the Consequences of alcohol and driving. The topic was chosen because of all the accidents that have taken place during the last couple of years, where the drivers have been under the influence of alcohol. A number of these accidents have had severe Consequences, and in some cases the outcome has been deadly. The author has interviewed members of Länkarna; a non-profit organisation that helps people with alcohol related problems.The purpose of writing this essay was to find a reason why alcoholics drive while being intoxicated. Is there really a reason? It is important to look at this because a drunk driver is hazardous to himself and to other drivers.

Tiden, hälsan och familjen : En intervjustudie av tidsbrist och dess konsekvenser för hälsan

Aim and scientific issuesThe aim was to identify potential health risks, for full-time working parents with small children, caused by time shortage. The intention was to better understand and help this particularly time-pressured group in society to achieve a healthier lifestyle. The identification was built upon their own opinions about possible health risks and upon an interpretation of the health risks from a health promoter?s perspective.How do full-time working parents with young children handle time-shortage in a health perspective, specified in the categories: sleep, recovery, nutrition, physical activity, social health and mental health?What Consequences for health does time?shortage have for full-time working parents with young children?What do parents with young children think could help them to obtain a better health in everyday life? MethodThe study was based on a literature overview and semi-structured interviews with 6 people who were strategically selected: the interview objects were all full-time working or studying, had one child under 7 and lived together with a partner. All interviews were recorded using two dictaphones and were implemented, transcribed and analyzed by both writers of this essay to increase the reliability of the results.ResultsTime shortage is shown to be handled especially through priorities in the respondent?s lives.

Oetiskt handlande i skuggan av pengar: Oetiska handlingars påverkan på aktiekursen

Many studies have shown that unethical acting can affect the share price of the company negatively. However, this is not always the case. The aim of this thesis is therefore to examine what it is that can cause the share price to be affected negatively by unethical acting exposed in media. This qualitative study is primarily based on interviews with institutional investors, but also with economic journalists and investor relations managers. Our conclusion is that there are three main reasons why the share price can be affected by unethical acting, namely economic Consequences, the management's behaviour and psychological factors.

Att bevara och förändra: en diskurspsykologisk studie av jämställdhetssamtal på Malmö stadsbibliotek

The aim of this master's thesis is to study how gender equity is discussed and worked with at a Swedish public library, and what potential Consequences these discussions will bring. By analysing different types of documents and interviews with library staff using discourse psychological theories and methods we show that two dominating discourses coexist and determine the direction of how gender equity is discussed. These discourses are argued to create and uphold gender and gender roles within the organisation as well as in society at large.In our study we find that one of the identified discourses has, as one of its Consequences, that it preserves and regenerates traditional gender roles. This discourse is mainly used when discussing personnel policies and when recruiting. We call this the discourse of gender role preservation.The second discourse is mainly seen when discussing the public dimension of the library's functions.

OMSTÄLLNINGSBEREDSKAP - En kartläggning av omställningsberedskap i kommunala förvaltningar i Västra Götalandsregionen

The study focuses on mapping how well prepared the counties in the west region of Sweden is in case of restructuring. The study explores what kind of activities and routines that contributes to prepare the organization for restructuring. The study also aims to investigate the effect of precedent restructuring, and if the counties who experienced restructuring are more prepared than others.The research within the field of restructuring characterizes of an evaluating nature and the focus has been after the restructuring occurred. There have also been a lot of studies of the negative Consequences on individual and organizational level. Since downsizing is a frequently used method by management despite its Consequences is it important to investigate how organizations can learn and thereby be more prepared for restructuring.

Bilder av bibliotekarier i dagspressen

The aim of this essay was to investigate what images are conveyed through Swedish daily press and to discuss the possible Consequences of these images for librarians and users of the library. What discourses can be identified in the material; how are librarians and their profession described in the press; what attitude can be detected towards librarians and in what contexts are librarians discussed, are questions that were asked. Discourse analysis was used as theory and method. A discourse can be understood as a certain way of talking about and understanding the world. 55 articles from the period of January 1^st 2002 to March 7^th 2003 were analysed with the help of a model.

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