

1052 Uppsatser om Consequences - Sida 66 av 71

Estimation of heterosis and performance of crossbred Swedish dairy cows

The heterosis effect and breed group effect of crossbreds between Swedish Holstein (SH) and Swedish Red (SRB) was estimated in this study. Observations on cows born between 1990 and 2012 were used to estimate the heterosis effect and breed group effect for several traits included in the Nordic breeding goals: production, fertility, udder health, calving performance, survival and other diseases. Breeding within the Holstein dairy breed has earlier been focused on increased milk production and conformation. This, combined with an intensive use of individual animals, has resulted in a radical increase of milk yield in the Holstein dairy cow population all over the world. However, this breeding strategy has resulted in increased inbreeding and several functional traits have impaired.

Gränsdragning vid värdepappershandel : -beskattning av finansiella- och icke-finansiella företag

Handel med värdepapper förekommer både i finansiella- och icke-finansiella företag. Det är främst finansiella företag såsom kreditinstitut och värdepappersbolag som handlar med värdepapper. Dessa företag presumeras bedriva värdepappersrörelse då de yrkesmässigt bedriver kapitalförvaltning utåtriktat. Handel med värdepapper förekommer också i icke-finansiella företag, exempelvis handels- och produktionsbolag. Dessa företag handlar med värdepapper i syfte att förvalta och hantera kapital för egen räkning.

Konkurrens för mindre revisionsbyråer : En kvalitativ studie av möjliga konkurrensstrategier och hur kommande förändringar påverkar konkurrensen på revisionsmarknaden

Title: Competition for small audit firms ? a qualitative study on possible competitive strategies and how the upcoming changes will influence competition on the audit market    Subject: Auditing Tutor: Margareta Paulsson  Authors: Per Dahlström and Martin Holmberg Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop an understanding how smaller auditing firms use competitive strategies and why. The result aims to work as a support for owners and leaders of audit firms as they make decisions of how to compete in the future. We would also like to explore how smaller audit firms view the change of the mandatory audit, that is, our intentions are also to examine how they think the Consequences on the market will be and their view on its affect on the competition of the market.    Methodology: Our methodological approach was characterized by a hermeneutic approach in order to explain and understand why the smaller audit firms do what they do. Our approach is a combination of inductive and deductive as it allows us to develop an understanding of the subject, then gather our empirical data and from that draw valid conclusions.

Kålgallmygga, Contarinia nasturtii Kieffer : en växtskadegörare på kål

The purpose of this paper is to examine what problems cabbage growers have with the Swede Midge. The last few years the Swede Midge, Contarinia nasturtii, has become a larger problem for cabbage growers in several countries in Europe as well as in Sweden. In Canada the problems are so severe that the midge is classified as a quarantine pest and therefore certain rules have to be followed. I have collected facts of the biology, host plants and reproduction of the Swede Midge, as well as the growers experiences and the occurrence of the midge in Canada, Europe and Sweden. The Swede Midge is hard to control because of its short life cycle and the larvae are protected between the heartleaves of the plant. When the larva feeds on the growth point the plant becomes distorted, in some cases several heads develop or none at all. When the midge infests spring rape its flower buds become undeveloped and rosette like.

Vilken effekt har lärkrutor på ogräsfloran vid ekologisk höstveteodling? :

This study forms part of the R&D project "Improved survival of bird chicks in organic fields" managed by the Rural Economy & Agricultural society in Uppsala. The skylark (Alauda arvensis) is a species that has decreased drastically in Sweden as a consequence of more intensive cropping. Studies in England have shown that skylark reproduction can be greatly improved within conventional fields, at a low cost, by establishing patches of bare ground (skylark plots). Within conventional farming, herbicides can be used in case a weed problem arises due to implementation of these skylark plots, whereas this is not allowed in organic farming. This study examined the effects of skylark plots on the weed culture in organic autumn-sown (winter) cereals and whether weeds might cause long-term problems to farmers. The study was conducted in two parts; a field study and a review of the literature regarding the weeds observed. The field study was carried out in 2007 during three weeks in June and three weeks in July, on eleven organic fields with winter cereal in the vicinity of Uppsala.

Är vi jämställda nu? - om kvinnliga brandmän och implementering av en jämställdhetssatsning vid Malmö Brandkår.

Med utgångspunkt i Malmö Brandkårs jämställdhetsprojekt "Kvinnlig brandman" vill vi genom denna uppsats exemplifiera hur en sådan satsning aktualiserar föreställningar om jämställdhet och kön inom organisationen. Uppfattningarna kring kön och jämställdhet var många, och resonemangen ofta paradoxala. Samtidigt fanns det en slående likhet mellan åsikterna hos en majoritet av personalen i den operativa styrkan gällande kvinnliga brandmän. Denna likhet tyder på en, motsägelserna till trots, överordnad gemensam förståelse av brandmannayrket.Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är i huvudsak två. Dels ämnar vi belysa hur de olika, både officiella och inofficiella, föreställningarna kring jämställdhet inom organisationen får betydelse för förståelsen och implementering av en jämställdhetssatsning.

Etnisk diskriminering i arbetslivet - ett svåråtkomligt problem

Racial discrimination is a highly topical and burning issue, of special interest in working life. Most researchers agree on that discrimination is a problem in the Swedish labour market. To counteract the ongoing discrimination, a new Anti-Discrimination Act was founded in 1999. The Racial Discrimination Act although appears to be ineffective on the basis of legal usage. Of all the legal cases about racial discrimination in the labour market, there has only been one sentence of guilty stated by the Swedish Labour Court.

Transnationell kooperation : en studie av DLA Agro

Farmers Cooperative has in recent years developed from national markets to cross-border, international, collaborations. One example is the merger between the Swedish dairy company Arla and Danish MD Foods, where the companies collectively are sought to reduce transaction costs and thus improve efficiency. The Swedish market for commodities (fertilizers and pesticides) in agriculture has for many years been dominated by a few large players, with little opportunity for grain associations and local grain companies to offer their customers a varied range of commodities with a competitive pricing.To change this state, a majority of Swedish and Danish grain associations and local grain companies have established a trans-national cooperation. Through the establishment of the organization DLA Agro, they offer their customers a good variety of products with competitive prices. This study investigates thus according to the theory of cooperative models to what extent and how the DLA Agro helps to create benefits for the Swedish member companies.

Inverkan av försvagningar på bärförmåga för stålbalkar med långa spännvidder : En jämförelse mellan Eurokod och BKR

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the degree of influence of holes in the web of steel beams with long spanson weakening of their bearing capacity. Making holes in the web of the beam generally reduces the bearing capacity of the beam. However, it might be necessary seen from both an architectural perspective as well as from a building services perspective by creating an opportunity for building installations.The objective of this thesis is to examine how much an I-beam can be weakened without sacrificing safety and functionality. The investigation has been done by using Finite Element Method through commercial software.The regulation for structural design of building structures in Sweden used to be specified in the document known as BKR. But this was replaced by the European norm Eurocode back in May 2011.

Vilken nutritionsbehandling har bäst effekt på tillväxten hos barn födda för tidigt och/eller med låg födelsevikt?

Sahlgrenska Academy at University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionTitle: ?What nutrition therapy has the best outcome on growth in preterm children and/or children born with low birth weight??Author: Josefine Nyström and Rebecca HammarSupervisor: Fredrik BertzExaminer: Frode SlindeProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: April 11, 2013Background: There is a number of reasons why a child is born preterm and with a low birth weight, for instance if the mother is underweight, smoking or exposed for malaria. The negative Consequences of being born preterm or with a low birth weigth are many, both on long and short term. According to the WHO preterm birth is the most common direct cause of infant mortality. By providing the right measures in time when it comes to nutrition the mortality can be reduced considerably.Objective: To examine and summarise the scientific ground when it comes to the best nutrition therapy for preterm children and children born with a low birth weight.Search strategy: A systematic literature search was done in the databases Pubmed, Cohrane and Scopus.

Svartrost, Puccinia graminis f. sp. avenae, epidemiologi och bekämpningsstrategier i Mälardalen

Stem rust, Puccinia graminis, has caused enormous yield losses throughout history which have had significant Consequences for oat and wheat production. Today in Sweden stem rust is only reported from rye, oats and wild grasses. Stem rust infections in wheat have become unusual due to the general use of resistant wheat varieties and also due to the eradication of barberry, Berberis vulgaris, the alternate host for P. graminis. According to international sources, new races of P.

MÄNNISKA OCH KRISTEN GUSTAF WINGRENS SKAPELSETEOLOGI Analys av en accentförskjutning från juridisk teologisk metaforik till biologisk teologisk metaforik

Titel: Human being and Christian ? creationtheology of Gustaf Wingren.Analysis of an accentshift from a juridical theological metaphor to a biological theological metaphor.Author: Tove Pilroth.The purpose of the essay is to analyse the meaning and the Consequences, in a critical and constructive way, of an accentshift of interpretation and understanding of the gospel, from a juridical theological metaphor to a biological theological metaphor. The purpose is presented in the frame of the creationtheology of Wingren. To be able to make the research and to answer the purpose of the essay, the following questions are essential:The human being is captive and redemption is liberation. If we are serious about that the gospel gives the human being rehabilitation, satisfaction, liberation and a life and a future with God, the essential question is which metaphor, a juridical or a biological, that speaks to the human being in the best way? What is the meaning of an accentshift from a juridical to a biological metaphor? How does the creationtheologhy of Wingren, from a biological metaphor, meets the situation of the existence for the human being, her longing for life, health and meaning? What kind of theological resources are present in the creationtheology of Wingren, in the confrontation with future theological challenges?The essay is stressing the need of pluralism in the interpretation of the gospel.

Kommunalt klimatarbete : Jämförande studie mellan tre kommuner med avseende på drivkrafter och framgångsfaktorer

The crucial factor for successful municipal climate work is that there are driving forces. Most importantly is that the senior officials and politicians in the municipality are dedicated to the cause considering that they have the power to influence and make a change. Besides proactive and committed individuals, it is necessary that the work is organized and anchored by clear and concrete documents and control systems. It is also important that the work is continuously monitored and evaluated. To collaborate with other municipalities, authorities or participate in various networks is another factor contributing to the improved climate work in the form of exchange of information, knowledge and experience.A major driving force for municipalities to improve themselves is the distribution of state aid and grants.

Geografiska informationssystem för studier av polyaromatiska kolväten (PAH) : undersökning av djupvariation i BO01-området, Västra hamnen, Malmö, samt utveckling av en matematisk formel för beräkning av PAH-koncentrationer från ett kontinuerligt utsläpp

At the end of August 1999, the local government council of Malmö city decided thatthe area known as Kvarteret Bilen would be made available for the European HousingExhibition 2001 (Bo01-mässan). Kvarteret Bilen extends over approximately 80hectars and includes the western parts of the Western Harbour area (Västra hamnen)of Malmö.Kvarteret Bilen as a whole, but especially the western sections of this area, the socalledBo01 section, has been the subject of heated discussions. This is mainly due tothe fact that the ground in question has proven to be contaminated to a certain extentby different chemical compounds. Investigations undertaken during 1998 showed sporadically high concentrations forespecially one chemical group: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH).The first part of the paper describes the use of a mathematical equation (Fetter 1994)to calculate the concentration of PAH from a continuous discharge at a given time byemploying Geographical Information System (GIS). Even the constraints of theequation are discussed, as well as the Consequences that follow as a result of usingGIS.The second part of the paper focuses on the connections between the content ofcarcinogenic PAH in Kvarteret Bilen and the ground water level and type of fillingmaterial.

Privilegierad mobilitet? : Flygplatser, resande och säkerhet

Never before have so many moved so frequently as now. Mobility lies at the centre for the concern ofstates, business and technological development. Some even claim that we are witnessing a mobility turn inthe social sciences. However, as the capacity to move has increased so too has the control and surveillanceof mobility become more extensive. Since September 11, 2001 security has been the defining paradigm fora variety for actors.

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