

1052 Uppsatser om Consequences - Sida 52 av 71

Hundhållning i bil : situationen i Sverige och effekter av utetemperaturen. Enkätundersökning och experimentell studie

The aims of this project were to describe the circumstances around dogs being left alone in cars, to investigate owners? knowledge of the risks associated with leaving dogs in cars and the relevant legislation and, finally, to study how changes in the air temperature and air composition in the car affect the dog. The project consisted of a survey of the literature, a questionnaire part and an experimental part. An important conclusion is the importance of the level of knowledge of owners, since there are several ways in which an owner can prevent their dog from heat stroke and, in the case of an eventual accident, their action can have direct Consequences in minimizing the long-term damage to the dog and even whether or not it survives. Fewer than half of the owners in the study knew that for a dog suffering heat stroke, the most important thing is to bring the body temperature down. Only a third of dog owners knew that if a dog is left in a warm car and showing signs of heat stress, then the police should be contacted and the dog quickly helped out of the car.

Journalistik på liv och död En kvalitativ studie om journalisters syn på medias roll i asylprocesser!

The main purpose of this thesis is to explore journalists? views of the role of journalism in the asylum processes. The potentially problematic phenomenon is growing, and its spread will affect the way publishing decisions are made in the future. The subject is new and foreign to many journalists, and little to no research has previously been done on the subject. Our study will therefore provide new insight in the field of journalism ethics.We have conducted a qualitative study based on interviews with eight Swedish journalists who in oneway or another have reported on threatened asylum seekers.

Bedömning : för en högre måluppfyllelse i matematik i grundskolans tidigare år

Assessment is considered one of the most important tools used today by people in almost everything they do and learn. This also applies to school, where assessment is considered as a constant companion to teaching and used in order to develop students' learning and skills. Assessment is also an educational necessity which has different purposes and therefore different Consequences.                                                                                                                        The idea of ??this thesis was on the basis of the interviewed teacher's perspective to investigate what role the formative assessment has on the development of pupils' learning and knowledge in mathematics for primary education, and explore how the teacher can, according to my informants, work with this assessment practice in the classroom so that it promotes the learning of the students in the best possible way.                                                                To carry out this study, I used qualitative research studies, the interview method, and also talked to five different teachers in the lower school ages on their view at the work of the formative assessment. Theoretical basis of the thesis is also based on the research that says that the assessment can be used to promote student learning and knowledge, but also the teacher's learning?s in the educational process: assessment can and should be an assessment for learning.

Mäktig eller osynlig : En diskursanalys ur genusperspektiv om hur maskulinitet tolkas och värderas i genusmedvetna texter och i museers utställningar

The survey aims to problematize masculinity in the exhibitions of the museum.  In what way is masculinity interpreted and valued in exhibitions? What is the attitude towards masculinity in gender oriented museological texts? This study investigates in which way masculinity is written about ? how interpretations of masculinity emerge in the texts and what Consequences this may have.The survey is based on the method of discourse analysis and the material is processed from a gender perspective. The source material consists of museological texts dealing with the topic of gender and museology, which also is the core material. A complement to this is a selection of exhibition catalogs from museums as well as reviews which are also based on art exhibitions. The main point of the source material consists of the museological texts.The survey highlights that the gender-conscious museological discourse understands, interpret and evaluate masculinity on a more or less given regulatory framework.

Vardagsmat eller domedag? Marknadsföring av ekologiska varor genom svaga och starka rädslor

In a time when concern for the environment is a topic that is met with both love and hatred, organic goods and services become increasingly common on the market. Communication efforts with the purpose of increasing the proportion of organic products consumed are being conducted by both private and public actors. However, achieving attitudinal and behavioral change within complex areas such as this comes with many difficulties.Within public opinion change, a common way of achieving a change in behavior is to use fear appeals and scare tactics. Earlier studies have shown that messages prompting a low level of fear can be more effective than messages prompting a high level of fear, since a high level of fear tends to raise defense mechanisms in the consumer. The purpose of this essay is to examine whether fear and defense mechanisms is a problem when it comes to making consumers choose organic products, as well as studying whether messages prompting low levels of fear are more effective than those prompting high levels of fear.This quantitative study is conducted in the form of a questionnaire-based experiment, comparing the effectiveness of two messages prompting different levels of fear.

poäng IKT i ett projektbaserat arbetssätt ? en jämförande studie av informationssökning som social praktik

Our study emanates from a socio?cultural perspective on learning and aim to describe and comparetwo different upper secondary school classes and their work with information literacy as a socialpractice in project work and their use of ICT (information and communication technologies). Thequestions at issue in the study are; how the pupils handle information seeking processes, whatdifferences and similarities can be observed in the two social practices and which Consequences thesedifferences have in an project work environment.Our choice of research methods to collect data consists of both observations and interviews withpupils and teachers. The interviews performed in the study can be categorized as qualitativeinterviews, and in addition we recorded and took notes during the interviews and transcribed thematerial.The study shows the importance of a good learning environment when it comes to working withinformation seeking processes, that the instructor?s role is of outmost importance and that the pupilsfundamental knowledge of information seeking processes and their information literacy are keysuccess factors when it comes to project work linked to ICT to be productive.

Folkbibliotekets pedagogiska uppgifter - en diskursanalys av fyra bibliotekstidskrifter

The aim of this Master's thesis is to examine the contemporary educational tasks of the Swedish public library as they manifest in Swedish library journals. Our main question at issue is: Which educational discourses are there? And in relation to our main question: how do the concepts of information literacy, lifelong learning and adult education relate to each other? Is there an antagonism between the public library's duty to supply fiction as opposed to non-fiction? and: What are the Consequences of these discourses in the service provided by the library?Our theoretical starting-point is the discourse theory as proposed by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. We analyse 39 texts from four Swedish library journals: Ikoner, bis, DIK-forum and Biblioteksbladet. The analysis is done in two phases.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer och den religionslösa kristendomen ? eller att vara kristen är att vara människa

The overall purpose of the essay is to analyse what Dietrich Bonhoeffer meant by Religionless Christianity. For this I have chosen to use the substantial idea analysis.I first came across the concept of freedom of religion to Christianity and Religionless Christians, in the book Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Tankar om en 1900-talsmartyr by Martin Lind in which he discusses what Bonhoeffer might discuss with Religionless Christians. This book is therefore the origin of the selection of literature I have chosen to use in the essay. Bonhoeffer writes several letters from prison about the movement he sees towards a new phase in human history, in which man can no longer be religious. However, Bonhoeffer uses the word religion in such a way that its content cannot be clearly determined.

Ostalgie : DDR-nostalgi i det återförenade Tyskland

This essay is a case-study of a phenomenon called ?ostalgie? which could be described as GDR-nostalgia. ?Ostalgie? is a compound of the two German words ?ost? (east) and ?Nostalgie? (nostalgia.) It is, like a similar phenomenon referred to as ?communist nostalgia?, a type of nostalgia. However, if one were to define ?ostalgie? as ?communist nostalgia? important aspects of the phenomenon would be left out.

The controversy surrounding the Swedish methadone assisted rehabilitation program over time: a literature study.

The purpose of this study was to examine the controversy surrounding the Swedish methadone assisted rehabilitation program over time. Which course has the Swedish methadone assisted rehabilitation program, and the controversy surrounding it, taken since the start? Which arguments have been for and which have been against a methadone assisted rehabilitation program in Sweden, and what are these arguments based on? We chose to write this thesis as a literature study to get a broad and in depth picture of the development of the program in Sweden. In our analysis we used social constructionism and a medical aspect on substance abuse as theories.It is clear that it has been, and still are, differences in opinions when it comes to the effects of the program. As early as in the 1980's the methadone assisted rehabilitation program was scientifically proved effective and approved by the Swedish Board of Health and Social Affairs.

Landet utan överklass : En studie om hur ekonomisk stratifiering och klass skildras i läroböcker i samhällskunskap för gymnasiet

The gap between rich and poor is increasing. Economic inequality is widening on a global level but also in individual countries like the USA and Sweden. The Consequences for individuals are great considering life chance, health, educational level and standard of living. The curriculum for social studies from 1994 as well as the curriculum coming in effect 2011 emphasize the importance of teaching social class as a tool to interpret development in Sweden as well as the world. Earlier studies have looked at how much and in what way textbooks discuss gender, sexuality and ethnicity but social class has been overlooked. This study examines if social class is described in textbooks written for high school. The study also analyzes in which way social class is described.

Miljömedvetenhet, miljöansvar och miljöbeteende En kvantitativ analys av det ekologiska medborgarskapets grunder

I samhällsdebatten om hur det hållbara samhället ska uppnås framhålls idag allt oftare individens bidrag till miljöproblemen samt dennes ansvar för sina handlingar och dess konsekvenser. Hur individbeteenden bäst förändras råder det dock delvis delade meningar om, och i den debatten står Ecological Citizenship-teorin för en syn på långvariga beteendeförändringar som styrda av vår inre motivation. Man antar ett samband mellan individens medvetenhet om miljökonsekvenserna av sina handlingar och dess beteende, och att detta samband förmedlas via en positiv attityd till individens personliga miljöansvar. Det är dessa samband som studeras i denna uppsats, med hjälp av statistisk analysmetod undersöks miljömedvetenhetens direkta och indirekta effekter dels på aggregerat miljöbeteende, och dels på tre olika typer av miljöbeteenden, nämligen resurssparande beteenden, transportbeteenden samt konsumentbeteenden.Resultaten av studien visar på att en indirekt effekt av miljömedvetenhet på aggregerat miljöbeteende via attityd till ansvar mycket riktigt föreligger, en dryg tredjedel av den totala effekten av miljömedvetenhet går vägen via ansvar. För de tre undergrupperna av miljöbeteenden framträder resurssparande beteenden som mest påverkade av både miljömedvetenhet och attityd till ansvar, men det är för transportbeteenden som den indirekta effekten utgör störst andel av den totala effekten.

Arboga Mekaniska Verkstad : Förslag på saneringsåtgärder gällande gjuteriet och plåtverkstaden

The industrialization in Sweden has increased the large number of areas that have been contaminated with various types of pollution. One of those sites are the property Höjen 3:24 in Arboga where ?Arboga Mekaniska Verkstad? once been. The property wants to increase the use of the old former foundry building with the adjacent ?plate-workshop? and believe there are two options for the building: That the building either should be used as a warehouse/concert hall, or rebuilt into a cultural center. An environmental evaluation has shown that the levels of heavy metals are over the Swedish environmental protection agency guidelines of less sensitive land.

Skattning av prognostiska faktorer för gradering av smärtans komplexitet hos patienter i behov av multimodal smärtrehabilitering inom två vårdnivåer.

AbstractPURPOSE: The aim of this study was to describe and compare possible differences regarding selected prognostic factors for disability between patients with non-specific chronic pain who were about to start a multidisciplinary treatment program (MMR), either within primary care (MMR1) or hospital care (MMR2).METHODS: The study had a descriptive and comparative cross sectional design. Eighty-nine patients were recruited consecutively when they were about to start their team treatment (50 in MMR1,39 in MMR2). The measurements were; Evaluation of self-reported self-efficacy for eight daily activities (STIVA-8), The Pain Belief Screening Instrument (PBSI) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS).RESULTS: The study found some significant differences between the answers from patients in MMR1 and those from patients in MMR2. For instance, patients in MMR2 estimated lower self-efficacy according to STIVA-8 than patients in MMR1. Also, there were fewer low risk patients and more high risk patients in MMR2 than in MMR1 regarding pain intensity according to PBSI.

Skatteverkets kontrollverksamhet idag och i framtiden - samt dess effekter på skattebeteendet hos småföretagare

The Swedish Tax Agency is a government authority whose mission is to collect taxes and fees for financing the public sector and welfare in Sweden. Under the last decade the tax gap in Sweden has been constant and small businesses with a max turnover of 25 millions Swedish crowns are the biggest group in the tax gap. In the government inquiry about abolishment of statutory audit for small businesses (2008) there has been laid some proposals that the Swedish Tax Agency should get new control tools and increased rights to control small businesses tax accounts. In the science some controversies exists about tax authority?s ability to get taxpayers to pay taxes and fees to the society through using deterrence and compellence control methods versus more service? This ground has guided us to our presentation of a problem: ?How the Swedish Tax Agency works with influencing small businesses behaviour through preventive actions and controls?? The purpose of this study is to research and understand how the Swedish Tax Agency works in their control activities to influence small businesses behaviours regarding taxes and fees.

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