

1052 Uppsatser om Consequences - Sida 48 av 71

Nipahvirus : patologi hos en nyupptäckt zoonos

Nipahvirus is most likely spread from bats to other species and causes lethal encephalitis in humans and respiratory illness in pigs. Different species are affected with varying severity but it seems to have an unprecedented zoonotic capacity and the humans affected either die or receive permanent brain damage. Full recovery is possible but very uncommon. Pigs that live and are bread in the areas that these bats frequent are constantly in danger of contracting pneumonias and meningitis and they can spread the virus further on to the people who work with the pigs and process their carcasses. These workers could then infect other humans in their immediate surroundings, their families for instance.

tills tron skiljer oss åt : hur uppväxten inom Jehovas vittnen påverkar de sociala relationerna

The purpose of this study was to explore how interpersonal relationship can be affected by groing up in a New Religoius Movement such as Jehovah?s Withnesses and how it has affected them both in their youth and today. The aim was also to explore if there were people in the respondents' environment that was significant to them during their childhood and which support our respondents have received if they were in need of it.We have not found any previous research on children's social relationships within the Jehovah's Witnesses. We therefore believe that this study is of high relevance to both society and also for all the professionals who come into contact with these children. To discover a child in need, knowledge about how their social environment looks like is crucial.

ALL IN...men hjälp mig ut. : En kvalitativ studie om vägen in och vägen ut ur ett spelberoende

Compulsive gambling has lately become a more common and serious issue in our society. The number of compulsive gamblers is constantly increasing alongside the growth of the gambling industry and the Consequences of compulsive gambling include both economical and social disasters. Every addiction has a start, and so does compulsive gambling, which is why we chose to perform a survey in order to determine the possible causes to why individuals are drawn to gambling and what leads them into compulsive gambling, and also during which circumstances do they find the strength and will to come out of their addiction to gambling. The theories that are used in this paper include globalization, socialization, Bauman´s consumption society and empowerment, alongside the six phases of gambling by Custer and Milts, describing the way in and the way out of compulsive gambling. This survey is one of the qualitative kind, which means that the chosen theories are connected to the ten interviews that were done with gamblers of various kinds.

Kommunalt självstyre i Enköping och Uppsala 1862 - 1887

Sweden was transformed to a democratic industrial society in the late 19th century. Political influence had been bound to the four estates, nobles, clergy, burghers and farmers. The reforms of the 1860s moved Sweden towards political democracy with universal suffrage. At the national level a two-chamber parliament was established in 1866. Political power should now be a function of economic status.

Förekomsten av aktierelaterade instrument : ? en studie av hur svenska börsbolag utformat sina incitamentsprogram före och efter införandet av IFRS 2

Bakgrund och problem: Efter införandet av IFRS 2 ska svenska börsbolag behandla aktierelaterade ersättningar som en kostnad i redovisningen. Då detta inte krävdes tidigare, medförde de nya reglerna diskussioner om vilka konsekvenserna skulle bli. Frågan är om kostnadsföringen av dessa ersättningar lett till att bolag utformat sina aktierelaterade incitamentsprogram annorlunda efter införandet av IFRS 2.Syfte: Att undersöka om införandet av IFRS 2 har påverkat svenska börsbolags utformning av aktierelaterade incitamentsprogram samt förklara orsaken till en eventuell förändring.Metod/Empiri: Information har samlats in via årsredovisningar från 42 svenska noterade bolag under en tidsperiod av tio år. Datamaterialet analyseras genom observationer och regressionsanalyser där isolering sker av påverkan från företagsspecifika faktorer.Slutsatser: Studien visar på att förekomsten av optionsprogram minskar under åren 2003 och 2005 samtidigt som antalet aktieprogram ökar. Förändringen sker samtidigt som införandeprocessen av IFRS 2 och stämmer överens med antagandet om att kostnadsföringen av aktierelaterade ersättningar ligger bakom förändringen.

Meritpoäng eller skoj? : en undersökning om meritpoängens konsekvenser för ämnet moderna språk och framtiden

The main purpose of this C-essay is to answer the question: What have been the Consequences and effects of the merit point system on language studies and the parties concerned (teachers, students and principals) during the school year of 2010/11?The merit point system is the result of a political decision and was implicated for the first time in the Swedish upper secondary school during the school year 2010/2011. Being a completely new phenomenon it is of great interest and importance to study its effects.The study in this essay also aims to verify, falsify or nullify two hypotheses very often referred to in the political discussions regarding the merit point system:The merit point system will replace affection and interest as main reasons for language studies in upper secondary school and cause a rectification amongst the students choices of additional courses.The merit point system will have a segregating effect upon society and make it harder for people to rise in society through education in the future.A verification of these hypotheses would imply the appearance of an increased rectification amongst students as well as an orientation towards an in the future more segregated society.The empiric material has been collected and examined with qualitative as well as quantitative methods (questionnaires and interviews) and belongs epistemologically to the phenomenological and hermeneutical traditions..

Markavvattningsföretagens geografi och konsekvenser i Trosaåns avrinningsområde

Agricultural drainage is widely used to manage the amount of water in the ground in order to improve conditions for cultivation. However the effects of drainage companies on water regimes are considerable leading to runoff changes such as altered stream flows, peak flows and water levels. In a greater extent this could imply an increased risk for floods along affected watercourses. This study analyzes the extension of agricultural drainage within the drainage basin of Trosaån in Sweden by ArcGIS mapping. In a statistical analysis, historical variation in streamflow in relation to mean precipitation and mean temperature are investigated for the study area.

Streamad Tv ? komplement eller konkurrent för linjär Tv? : En studie om preferenser bland män och kvinnor i olika åldrar

Few would disagree that the media landscape has undergone significant changes the last decade. From bulky computers and plain mobile phones to portable High-Definition computers and multi-functional smartphones. Other media, such as newspapers and music, have evolved and prospered in a digitalized environment. The constant urge to digitalize aspects and functions of our daily lives seems almost instinctive. Television has taken further steps into this environment as it is now accepted and featured via the Internet.

Inramning av klimatförändringar : I svensk dagspress 2012 och bland unga vuxna

Something that all people have come across and more or less experienced is climate change. Climate change in itself is a very complex problem since there are no borders between countries that can stop the problem. The link between science and the public is largely in the hands of the media, since the media play an important role in defining environmental issues and to inform the public about research findings. In recent years, reports from the media showed a slightly skeptical and uncertain picture of this problem. This is despite the largely prevailing consensus among climate scientists that there is an anthropogenic climate change.

Fenylbutazon - tillåta vid tävling?

Phenylbutazone has been discussed in the world of the equestrian sport several times and different countries have diverse opinions on its use in competitions. The progressive list that permits phenylbutazone with plasma levels up to 8 µg/ml was presented at the FEI General Assembly in November 2009. The list was voted to be accepted, but later several countries realized the Consequences and after protests the list was rejected and is going to be discussed again at the FEI General Assembly 2010. In this literature study I have studied the relationship between the concentrations of phenylbutazone in plasma and the effects on lameness. The purpose was to establish whether the limit of 8 µg/ml phenylbutazone in plasma affects the equestrian sport.

"JAG ÄR RÄTT SÅ LÄTTÖVERTALAD": en studie i ungdomars resonemang om preventivmedel utifrån ett identitets- och utvecklingsperspektiv.

The aim of the study was to get a deeper understanding of how young people think and act when it comes to Contraceptive use, and also if outside factors have an impact on young peoples behaviour in these matters. We looked at our study from an identity and a development perspective. The method was conducted as a qualitative study. There were two groups of 8 young people, aged 16-17. Also 3 professionals that work with young people participated.

Ibland känns det nästan som ett övergrepp - en studie om språkets betydelse i omsorgen för invandrare med demens som bor på särskilt boende

Purpose/aim: My purpose is to illustrate the significance of the language in communication with immigrants having a different native language, who suffers from dementia. The three main questions have been:How important is the native language in the communication with immigrant who suffers from dementia?What Consequences can happen for the immigrant who does not understand Swedish? How can we use the salutogenesis point of view to create satisfactory care for immigrants who has difficulties to make them self understood in the Swedish language? Material/method: I made qualitative interviews with staff working in nursing homes with dementia care. I also searched scientific articles and other findings in this area of science. Main results: The best care for immigrants with dementia is nursing homes where the staff speaks the immigrant?s native language.

"Vi ska inte sitta här och tro att folk ska komma till oss" : En kvalitativ undersökning av några halländska bibliotekariers syn på marknadsföring avbarnavdelningenpå folkbibliotek.

This two years master?s thesis takes interest in the concept of marketing related to the Children?s Library. The purposes have been to investigate the perception of marketing among a few librarians working at the Children?s Library in the Swedish region of Halland and further to analyse their perception of marketing in the daily work at the library. Eventually to analyse the Consequences of these librarians approach to marketing related to their perception of the library?s mission.

Upplevelsen av att inte kunna sluta röka vid kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is one of the most widespread lung diseases today and is a growing cause for suffering and mortality worldwide. It is considered to be the third leading cause of death in the near future. Smoking is the most important risk factor for this disease and about 50% of smokers develop COPD. The purpose of this study was to mediate the experience of not being able to stop smoking described by persons diagnosed with mild or moderate COPD. The study involved five women and five men.

Varför snokar ni? : En motivanalys av regeringens val att presentera propositionen för en anpassad försvarsunderrättelseverksamhet

Since the 9/11-attacks several nations have been confronted with a new international threat, its nature traces back to the political- and religious- radical movements of the 20th century Cold War. Ever since, various states have been under threat by terrorist organizations around the world due to mainly participating in worldwide counter-terrorist interventions created by western alliances. In Sweden, amongst other countries, the state took security-precautions that would imply total control of information throughout the territorial borders. The assigned proposition was accepted by the Swedish parliament in June 18th 2008, after this date wild spread criticism was still in effect ever since the Swedish government first publicly announced the proposition in May 8th 2007. This study emphasizes on understanding why the Swedish government chose to present this proposition to parliament, in order to complete this task the study will present the motives and the alleged threats that were the core of the proposition and its value-maximizing goal of creating a new surface for Swedish homeland security.

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