

7 Uppsatser om Conscription - Sida 1 av 1

Värnpliktens vara eller icke vara : En argumentationsanalys av riksdagsdebatten om försvarsproposition 2008/09:140, angående Svenska försvarsmaktens framtida personalförsörjning

Sweden's government says in the bill 2008/09: 140 that military service should be suspended and replaced with a system based on voluntary recruitment. In the essay, I will make an argument analysis of the parliamentary debate on the bill from the 12th of June 2009 with the following questions: On what is the different side?s argument based on? Are the arguments essentially and factually substantiated? Is there a clear political party tendency among the for-/counter arguments? The method is a "Pro et contra" analysis, a logical systematization of the arguments. The analysis will take start in the headline; Conscription should be suspended in favour of a voluntary system based on contract employed soldiers. The presentation of arguments in the analysis will be guided by the chronological order.

Finns det ett samband mellan rekryteringskvalite? och soldatkvalite?

The Swedish Armed Forces have undergone a significant change where we have gone from recruitment through duty and replaced it with a voluntary based defence. Across Europe, countries that have undergone the same type of change demonstrate change in the quality of those recruited. The focus in this paper is how recruitment quality looks in Sweden after three years of volunteer based defence and if officers at P7 can see a change in quality on those recruited. This work aims to investigate whether soldier quality has changed from Conscription recruited to voluntary recruited soldiers. The question that the work tries to answer is whether one can see a change in quality in soldiers and in that case how.The result can be summarized as one begins to see a change in recruiting quality but it is not something that is visible at the regiments.

Individ i rotation - Om motiveringar för valet att söka utlandstjänst inom Sveriges försvarsmakt

The Swedish military is trough the rescindment of military Conscription on the 1 July 2010 taking a defining step towards a professional army. They stand before big recruitment challenges, not least to its foreign missions. This thesis aims to examine the motivations of individuals for going on missions abroad with the military. The thesis is built on seven qualitative interviews with individuals who have done foreign missions and is planning further rotations. The theory used is Fabrizio Battistellis motivation theory and a form of discourse analysis.

Försvarsmaktens arbete mot en jämnare könsfördelning bland officerare

The number of female officers employed in the Armed Forces is low. Of the total proportion officers, female stand for 4.8 %. The Armed Forces are currently working actively to level out the distribution. This paper is intended to create a better understanding of the slow increase in female officers in the Swedish Armed Forces. The study is qualitative and the results from the data collection have been based partly on a text analysis, partly on a theme-based group interview in which three themes have been discussed.

Ingen liten lort? : En textanalys om manlighet i Värnpliktsnytt åren 1971-1991

This essay examines masculinity in the Swedish military paper Värnpliktsnytt during 1971-1991. The purpose is to study the masculine norms and the hegemonic masculinity that Värnpliktsnytt conveys during these years. Värnpliktsnytt was handed out for free to all soldiers during 1971-2010.During the 1970?s the women were only allowed on non-combat posts and in the 1980?s they more and more were included and accepted as soldiers and staff in the military. In 1989 women were allowed to apply for active and non-combat duty in all military sectors.

Sveriges nya ?hemförsäkring? : ?En studie om hur argumenten för och emot propositionen 2008/09:140 ? Ett användbart försvar, belysts i tidningsmedierna.

Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att ta reda på hur utvalda tidningar, både morgon- och kvällstidningar, valt att förhålla sig mot proposition 2008/09:140 ? Ett användbart försvar. Den proposition som innebar att vi idag har ett yrkesförsvar och inte värnplikt.Arbetet har utgått från en kvalitativ textanalys. Tidningarna har analyserats utefter sökkriterierna: kostnad, tillgänglighet ? användbarhet, hög beredskap, rekryteringssvårigheter och folkförankring.

Problematiseringarna i debatten kring avvecklingen av den allmänna värnplikten : En diskursanalys av försvarspropositionen 2008/09:140 samt den tillhörande riksdagsdebatten och försvarsutskottets betänkande

Detta är en uppsats vars syfte är att undersöka diskursen kring värnplikten och reda ut problematiseringar i debatten kring avvecklingen av den allmänna värnplikten. Detta görs genom att urskilja skillnader gällande problemrepresentationer i debatten mellan regeringen och oppositionen. Uppsatsen har sin utgångspunkt i ett diskursanalytiskt perspektiv och utifrån Carol Lee Bacchis diskursanalytiska frågor är tre forskningsfrågor konstruerade som ligger till grund för uppsatsen. ? Hur representeras problemet med den allmänna värnplikten? ? Vilka antaganden ligger till grund för denne representation? ? Vilka effekter produceras av denna problemrepresentation? I uppsatsen råder ett diskursanalytiskt angreppssätt men diskursanalysen skall inte endast ses som en metod för analys av data, utan diskursanalysen är en metodisk och teoretisk helhet.