2550 Uppsatser om Confluences of organic-cultural flows - Sida 49 av 170
Kulturevenemang på folkbibliotek
This thesis examines art exhibitions, literature events and music events in public libraries in Sweden. The aim is to study which event occurs most in the libraries in Sweden. I also examine who takes responsibility for the events, who the libraries engage, how much the events cost, and how often the libraries have the events. I also study Swedish cultural politics in purpose to see if the libraries follow the aims and directions decided by the Swedish government. One aim of the Swedish culture politic is to give every citizen in Sweden the same possibility to experience culture, no matter where they live.
?Det är ju troligen inte en overheadapparat de kommer att använda sig av i framtiden?? : Om skolans tekniksprång, en undersökning om datorns användning på gymnasiet
The aim of this qualitative respondent investigation is to delve into the various views that teachers have concerning the ?One-to-One project?, as well as the use of computers as an aid in teaching. One-to-One means that teachers and students will be equipped with a laptop they can use at home and at school.This essay looks at how several factors have changed as a result of this. These factors are threefold: the role of the teacher, the teaching experience, and the student´s learning process. In order to answer the mentioned questions, four interviews have been conducted at two different high schools in southern Norrland.
Muntorrhet ? Oral hälsa och Livskvalitet : En litteraturstudie
Physiotherapists treat people with different views of the world and medical beliefs, which require a good understanding of cultural differences. One way to achieve cultural understanding is through self-reflection in a new context. During five weeks the authors, two physiotherapy students, completed a clinical practice at the rehabilitation center Pina Palmera, Zipolite, Oaxaca, Mexico. At the beginning of the period a critical incident was chosen, when the head physiotherapist for the ward Cuidados Especiales intended to sell jewellery to the authors during a treatment of a patient. The authors have by using the reflection framework "Framework to guide reflective process", and Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) for analysis, discussed different ways of communication, adherence, education, and self-reflection and critical thinking.
Egenvård och behandling vid recidiverande aftös stomatit
Physiotherapists treat people with different views of the world and medical beliefs, which require a good understanding of cultural differences. One way to achieve cultural understanding is through self-reflection in a new context. During five weeks the authors, two physiotherapy students, completed a clinical practice at the rehabilitation center Pina Palmera, Zipolite, Oaxaca, Mexico. At the beginning of the period a critical incident was chosen, when the head physiotherapist for the ward Cuidados Especiales intended to sell jewellery to the authors during a treatment of a patient. The authors have by using the reflection framework "Framework to guide reflective process", and Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) for analysis, discussed different ways of communication, adherence, education, and self-reflection and critical thinking.
Interkulturell pedagogik och nyanlända elevers erfarenheter och förkunskaper
The purpose of this paper is to find out pedagogues approach to intercultural education through IVIK, goals and guidelines, the school for newly arrived students and how student experience and knowledge are utilized. In my study, I used a qualitative research method. I have interviewed four teachers and four students and a school administrator at IVIK. Results of the study show that most teachers have a good understanding of interculturalism, but that doesn?t mean that teachers make of this relationship means in their teachings.
Vargens värde. Upplevelsevärden av vargen och vargjakten i media under licensjakten 2010
This thesis examines the experience value of the wolf and wolf hunting presented in mediaduring December 17, 2009-Feruary 15, 2010. I analyze news articles, editorials and letters tothe editor in three newspapers. In order to investigate the experience value of the wolf and thewolf hunt, I have with inspiration from a model employed in the assessment of experiencevalue of tangible cultural heritage, developed a model which I use to analyze the mediamaterial according to the criteria of aesthetic value, identity value, value of tradition andsymbolic value. In order to analyze the results of the analyze, I employ experimental andsociocultural theory and method, which means that I assume the experiences of the wolf andthe wolf hunt as related to a social and cultural perspective that partly depends on how weidentify ourselves and what kind of experiences and understandings we have of the landscapeand large carnivores. Since media affects how we perceive our surroundings and the wolfhunting attracted much attention in media, I found it interesting to examine how the wolf andthe wolf hunt were displayed in news articles and letters to the editor.
Ett bankkontors präglade kommunikation : Arbetet med ett kontors interna kommunikation
The purpose of this study is to investigate two Handelsbanken offices and how they work in similar ways when dealing with internal communication. The goal is to answer if and in what way the managers` and the employes perceive their internal communication at the two bank officies. By a comparation between the two decentralisized officies the aim is also to study what differences and/or similarities that exists in internal communications?Are managers and employees satisfied with the communication that flows in the organization? I find it interesting to investigate in wheather there exist a similarity in the internal communication between the managers and the employees since it is a decentralized organization.I have made five semi-structured interviews with two managers at two different Handelsbanken offices. Additionally two interviews with two employes at one of the offices and also one interview at the other Handelsbanken office.By the study I have found that all respondents have a positive impression according the internal communication.
Folkbiblioteksverksamhet på webben: En kvalitativ studie av svenska folkbibliotekswebbplatser
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate and increase the understanding of Swedish Public Library Websites and to determinate which activity they mediate. To analyse the Public Library Websites Andersson and Skot-Hansen?s model of roles for the Public Library has been used. This model in¬cludes four roles for the library: the library as a cultural centre, a knowledge centre, as an information centre and as a social centre.
Undersökning av parkers funktion idag kopplat till kulturhistorisk värdering
Great care and knowledge are required to assess the values of public parks. Many aspects have to be considered to make the assessments reliable and credible. Care and respect for the site and its users are necessary parts of such an assessment. Stockholm City Museum releases in 2011 a document which describes a new system for assessing the cultural historical value of parks and green areas in Stockholm, a city with a great development pressure. In order to evaluate the public realm basic knowledge about the sites? history is needed. Three different parks in Stockholm have been investigated.
Historien om samerna : Föreställningen om samerna och samernas historia i svenska läroböcker
The Sami people are a national minority in Sweden, but are also considered as native citizens of Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia. The world has however a very limited knowledge about the Sami?s and their cultural background.The aim of this proposal is to examine six different history schoolbooks which depict the Sami people in Sweden. In addition, one of the key elements of this proposal is to understand how the selected literature represents the Sami people.Lastly, the proposal also seeks to review if the literature in the schoolbooks represents the elementary curriculum goals (Lpo94).The selected method was to do a text analysis of the literature and to illustrate that is presented in the reviewed schoolbooks. The text analysis is completed with an analysis of the illustrations and pictures that are presented in the selected schoolbooks.The key findings were that the review in majority of schoolbooks has stereotypical descriptions of the Sami people. The Sami people are generally depicted with the hut and the reindeer management in majority of the reviewed schoolbooks.The research about the Sami people is inappreciable in majority of the reviewed literature. In addition, the Sami people are often presented in connection with ?other? history, such as the silver ore in the mines or the territory dispute with settlers from the south of Sweden.
Vems föremål, vems kulturarv ? : om staten, urbefolkningarna och kulturarvsdiskursen
Den här uppsatsen handlar om barn- och ungdomslitteratur. I bakgrunden ges en kortare historik om barnbokens historia i Sverige fram till och med år 1960. Syftet med uppsatsen är att se hur skolan gestaltas i barn- och ungdomsböcker från år 1955. Jag har i undersökningen valt att avgränsa mig till svenska barn- och ungdomsböcker som kom ut i tryck första gången 1955. Med hjälp tidigare forskning har jag analyserat de lästa barn- och ungdomsböckerna.
Bakgrundskontroller i svenskt näringsliv - En studie av kontrollförfarandet vid rekrytering till ledningsgrupper
Changes in the labour market combined with an increased media coverage of managers, have resulted in the rise of a new human due diligence industry. The use of background checks has lately become increasingly popular on the Swedish market and many companies use it as an evaluation tool when recruiting. This study investigates differences in the background screening procedure for recruitment to executive management positions and lower level positions. It also aims to answer why background checks are conducted, using a cultural and a functional perspective. The report takes an abductive approach and data has primarily been gathered through a survey directed to large Swedish companies.
Privatisering av folkbibliotek skildrat i politiska dokument under 1990-talet
This masters thesis is a study of official political documents in order to discuss privatisation and the Swedish public libraries. In the 1990s public libraries became placed on contractors, and that was said to be one form of privatisation. The main issue for this study concerns driving forces and obstacles for privatisation of public libraries. Another issue concerns advantages and risks. We will also discuss how the future of public libraries will be in this context.
En förändrad livssituation. Hur anhöriga upplever att livet förändras när partnern får en synnedsättning
The purpose of my study is to investigate teacher?s perceptions of their mission in the preschool class, and how they work to promote children?s written language development. What methods and working methods they use to awaken curiosity and motivate children to read and write. I am using the qualitative research method to get answers to my questions. I have made four qualitative interviews with four teachers in preschool classes from different schools.My questions are:What conceptions does teachers have about their mission in a preschool class?What different methods and approaches does teachers use to stimulate and wake children?s curiosity for reading and writing development?The theoretical basis for my study is the socio-cultural perspective, where learning occurs in interaction.
Jag är ett fan, alltså gör jag... - En studie av en fan community
Syftet med det här examensprojektet var att undersöka och diskutera hur fanidentiteten konstrueras och uttrycks av medlemmarna av fan communityn prince.org. Syftet med kortfilmsfilmmanuset var att sätta mig i kontext till hur fans framställs i film och TV och ge en mer mänsklig och underhållande bild av analysen.
Det teoretiska perspektiv som arbetet utgått från är Cultural Studies där mediepubliken ses som aktiv med förmågan att vara kritisk.
För att samla in data användes netnografi som metod, det vill säga etnografiska studier på Internet. Förutom observationer utfördes även intervjuer med sju medlemmar av prince.org. För att hitta en bra struktur för filmmanuset kombinerades Thurlows (2008) åtta punkter med Raskins (1998) fem parametrar.
Resultaten av studien visar att fanidentiteten är komplex och att det inte går att ge ett enhetligt svar på frågan vad ett fan är. Även om en del akademiker starkt framhäver fandoms positiva sidor är det ändå problematiskt då även det kan vara stereotyperande och utesluta de fans som inte passar in.