

570 Uppsatser om Condition - Sida 7 av 38

Arkitekturhistorisk terminologi. Antikvariskt behov av kunskapsstöd

This study you are about to read have two investigated areas concerning the need ofsources in terms of architectural historys terminology. The investigation is based on aquestionnaire study.The first aim of this study is to describe the intergrated conservations professionalqualifications in the subject. In what Condition are the knowledge of them who recentlypassed the examination, what needs do the professionals have, what kind of sources duthey use in fields and are they satisfied with the amount of sources?The second aim of the study is to find out if there are any place for developing a newsource at the market? If it is, how can a new source include the informed needs?The study came up with several needs pointed out by the professionals in the field.These needs are the groundwork of a new source that the study introduce, aarchitectural glossary of terms, made of illustrations! The point is that the new idea ofglossary will meet the needs of today, rationalise the work and improve the knowledge inthe subject..

Djuromvårdnad vid fång

Laminitis is a common but devastating Condition, and affected horses are often euthanized or influenced a very long time. Many horses never return to their original capacity. Laminitis is often associated with severe pain and a long time of convalescence. Symthoms includes lameness, hoof hyperthermia, strenghthened digital pulse and pain. The horse often tries to move the body weight away from the forelegs which are often more severly affected than the hindlimbs.

Livsvärlden i skolpraktiken - är det möjligt : Elevers tankar om Les Misérables

AbstractThe purpose of this article was to examine how students learn French by integrating a multimode way of learning through literature, music, poetry, painting, reading, writing and IT in the classroom, in order to create understanding and motivation regarding the subject, but also a sense of cooperation and sensibility toward each one of the students Individual work. In the study of Victor Hugo?s novel Les Misérables as a tool for learning and deepen understanding about human values, the focus was laid on essentials questions such as the question of good and evil which is the major theme presented in the novel. The results showed that the students developed a vast interest in literature and human Condition and made progress in French in both oral and written work but also acquired more knowledge about the French history..


Our examination project has been to develop today?s existing walking frames and make them more exiting and user friendly for tomorrow?s users.The use of a walking frame today makes it easier for a person with a movement difficulty in different extent. It makes it easier with their living Condition and the user get a more movement easier life where they can take care of the daily chores without any help from the society or the family members.With our product we get a product that not only makes it easier for the user to get out and get forward. We help the user to get forward where they often would have difficulties to get forward. An example is where its more steeper parts where it could be more difficult to get up or down and even with more difficult foundation due to bad weather.

"Då var det dags igen." En litteraturstudie om livskvalitet och copingstrategier hos personer som behandlas med dialys.

The aim of this study was to increase the knowledge about and deepen our understanding for people who are treated with dialysis in aspects of quality of life and coping strategies. The research questions were: How does the scientific literature describe quality of life and coping strategies from people?s perspective who are treated with dialysis? How does dialysis affect patients and their lives? How/what can the nurses do for people who are treated with dialysis to keep or improve their quality of life. The result is based on eight scientific articles and after interpretation of the result we found six themes that describes how patients have to restructure their lives to a new normal life, how they adapt to a life with dialysis treatment, how dialysis affect their physical Condition, witch meaning does the family and others have, how they keep their self-esteem in relation to the dependence of dialysis treatment and which factors are associated with a long life with dialysis..

Skapa ett equalized underhålls/planeringsprogram samt minimera driftstopp

This report is a thesis on requests from Sandvik Mining and Construction (SMC) in autumn of 2012. The goal of this work was to study the feasibility of creating and implementing an Equalized preventive maintenance program in SMC maintenance operations and reduce downtime for preventive maintenance (PM). To investigate whether this was possible, the authors studied the current procedures for the PM. The authors have collected and analyzed all relevant information within the maintenance department reporting system as well as through interviews determined whether it is practical to introduce a Equalized PM programs. The authors had also studied the possibilities to entrust part of the maintenance work to the operators of the machine cells.

Förpackningsproduktion samt studie om hur reumatikervänliga förpackningar är idag

AssiDomän Frövi board mill has in cooperation with students from Graphic Technologyat the University of Dalarna a degree project that involves developing package solutionsin carton material from AssiDomän Frövi. This year the basic Condition was to use theweights 270g/m2, 300g/m2 and 330g/m2 and choose between Frövi Bright, Frövi Lightand Frövi Carry.The packages were supposed to be in the segments industrial products,chocolate/sweets and beauty products/cosmetics. Two packages were produced in thesegments industrial products and beauty products/cosmetics.The first package, produced in the industrial segment, contains textile color and templatesand the second package is a gift package and contains nail polish.The investigation part of the project deals with how the packages today are fit forrheumatics in opening purpose..

Folklighet - Trovärdig Kommersialism Inom Kulturnäringarna

Cultural organizations set on capitalizing on artistic ideas are subject to an industry specific economic Condition that requires a balance of art and commerce; two opposites reflecting credibility and non-credibility. Hence, commercialization of the cultural industries implies non-credibility in an industry insisting on symbolizing the opposite.This study aims to demonstrate how cultural industries can attract a wide audience, while maintaining credibility. This is done through the perspective of folksiness since its context indicates the existence of credible commercialism.The study demonstrate that credible commercialism is part of folksiness and is possible thanks to the folksiness context that 1) utilizes attributes that balance and disarm "negative attributes" creating an atmosphere of acceptance and 2) meets the consumer's need fulfilment of identity through individualism and belonging, and 3) contains attributes that increases loyalty..

Ungdom, utanförskap och bostadsområdet som reservat. En samtidsorienterad studie av stadsdelen Hovsjö i Södertälje stad

This study is an investigation of a sub community within the community of Hovsjö. The local government has financed a project in Hovsjö which is intended to bring about positive development. The prior object of this paper is to describe the project, it?s planning, it?s methods, it?s carrying through, and it?s goals. This study presents the district of Hovsjö in Södertälje.

Äldre människor i barnlitteraturen ? en studie av ett urval barnböcker från 2003-2006

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine how elderly people are depicted in a selection of literature for children up to 10 years. The subjects examined are: lifestyle, roles and attributes. The books were collected from the databases ELSA and a local library, Borås stadsbibliotek. The books are analysed after a tool made by the authors.

Management factors influencing sow productivity in successful Swedish and Danish herds

The number of weaned piglets per sow and year is a good measurement of sow productivity since it is affected by the number of piglets born alive, the pre weaning mortality (i.e. mortality of live born piglets between birth and weaning) and the number of litters per sow and year. This measure is also closely connected to the number of piglets produced per year, which partly determines the profitability of the piglet producer. During this study, eleven successful piglet-producing herds were visited. Eight of the producers were Swedish and three of the producers were Danish.

Kvinnors upplevelser av anorexia nervosa : En systematisk litteraturstudie

Background: Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is a complex Condition with high mortality. AN has increased within the last fifty years and it?s associated with considerable suffering.Aim: To describe women?s experiences of AN.Method: This study was made as a systematic literature review. Articles were searched in Chinal, PubMed and PsycINFO. Eleven articles were used.

Markanvändningens förändring i vardagslandskapet : en analys av utvalda delar i Wessmantorp

During the last 100-200 years people have change their way of living and the Condition and need for survival is no longer depending on the agricultural work. The forestry has replaced the farming and a lot of the natural pastural have been lost. Wessmantorp in the north part of Skåne is an old place for forestry and farming where people have been living for several hundred years. Studies of selected parts of the everyday landscape, that earlier have been settlement with small crofter?s holding, show that the changes in the landscape mostly depends on the human factor and that a lot of the cultivable soil have been replaced with spruce. Some of the areas, which the earlier dwellings were placed, still contain some remains of old house foundations and stone fences and can regard as being of an historical value. The studies provide the reader with a short background, the place as it is today and the changes of the land use in Wessmantorp.

Fisksamhället i Spexhultasjön, Nässjö

The lake Spexhultasjön is a moderate humic mesotrophic lake that is not acidified. The fish fauna was investigated by using a standard method for sampling freshwater fish with multi mesh gill nets. The fish fauna was diverse with perch, pike, tench, common whitefish, and roach. Perch and roach dominated. There were few pikes.

Metoder för hullbedömning av hästar

Ett flertal vanliga orsaker till hälsostörningar hos häst (t.ex. fång och reproduktionsstörningar) kan förebyggas genom att hästen hålls i ett lagom hull, varken för tjock eller för smal. Många hästägare har, ofta på grund av bristande kunskap, svårt att korrekt kunna bedöma sina hästars hull. Syftet med detta arbete är därför att dels beskriva och jämföra några vanliga metoder för hullbedömning, dels att försöka dra slutsatser kring hur användbara dessa metoder är för den enskilde hästägaren, eftersom det ju är denne som har ansvaret för hästens dagliga skötsel och välmående.Hullbedömning (Body Condition Score) innebär att man genom palpation av olika kroppsområden där hästar normalt lagrar fett skapar sig en uppfattning om hur stora depåer av underhudsfett hästen har. Varje område får en hullpoäng utifrån hur fettfyllt det är, och från dessa delpoäng beräknas hästens totala hullpoäng.

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