

3430 Uppsatser om Condition control - Sida 57 av 229

Studie om pedagogers syn på lekens betydelse i undervisningen för den sociala utvecklingen av barn med autism

The aim of this study is to examine educationalists experiences of play as an educational toolin the work to promote the social development in children with autism.The relevant issue, for this study, is: In what way does an educationalist work with play withchildren with autism? What are the results of using play in the educational work? What arethe possibilities and what are the obstacles in using play in educational work?This study has been carried out as a study of literature in the field and qualitative interviewswith five educationalists that are working in a mid Swedish county.The result of the study shows that educationalists have a positive view of using play in theirwork and are using play in varying ways in their everyday work. Using play as a method intheir work always happens according to the ability and condition of the child. They (theeducationalists) think that play has great opportunity and advance as a method and gives thechildren joy, increase their sense of ability, the base for the social participation in play, andthe development of social skills.There is a certain hesitation among educationalists when it comes to using play as a methodfor children with autism , but the most of the educationalists consider play as promoting thesocial development although the development always will happen at the pace(rate)of thechild..

Do grizzly bears use or avoid wellsites in west-central Alberta, Canada?

The purpose of this report is to make an evaluation of the self-monitoring for scarification which Stora Enso is using and this study deals with the effects and importance of scarification. A comparison is made in this study with the purpose to highlight any differences between some of the leading forestry companies and significant forest organizations in Sweden. The companies represented in this report are Korsnäs, Mellanskog, SCA, Sveaskog and Södra. In the beginning of this study an interview form was set up together with Daniel Forsberg at Stora Enso. Stora Enso is the head object of this report and seven interviews were made within that company. At the other companies only three interviews were made within each one, with an exception to Mellanskog who wished four.

Politiskt förtryck: orsaksförklaringar, mekanismer och uttryck : Rohingyafolket som Agambens homo sacer i kontrast till Kymlickas liberaldemokratiska perspektiv

The persecution of the Rohingya Muslim minority population in southwestern Burma has come to the fore in recent years. The aim of this study is to first analyse the degree and respects of biopolitical control in the case of political oppression. Secondly, the aim is to compare the similarities and differences when it comes to the causes, mechanisms and expressions of the two theoretical starting points in the case.Giorgio Agamben´s biopolitical theory, which tries to reconnect state control over life and death with modernity, forms the basis of the analysis. Will Kymlicka´s liberal theory on minority rights serves as a theoretical comparison tool. Methodological starting points to the specific bilateral purpose will be both of the textual and discursive analytical tradition.

Kreativitet och offentlig självmedvetenhet : En experimentell sutdie om hur offentlig självmedvetenhet påverkar kreativitet

The current study aimed to test the public self-consciousness impact on creative performance. An experimental design was used in which 40 participants were randomly assigned to two groups, one of which was the experimental group and the other was the control group. A mirror was used in the experimental group to induce public self-consciousness among the participants while they performed creativity tests. A consequence test was used where the participant had to give suggestions for the given scenario "What would happen if everyone became blind?" which was then measured in the number of proposals (fluency).

Genomförandeplanen i hemtjänsten : En kvalitativ textanalys av hur individen beskrivs genom planens innehåll och utformning

The overall purpose with this study was to examine the influence elderly people have over their granted home help. Specifically, the aim was to examine in what extent the image of the elderly as a unique individual emerges in the plans where the home help is described [?genomförandeplaner?]. A plan which is personally designed is used as an indicator of personal influence. A text analysis inspired by Michel Foucault?s discourse concept, was carried out and the study adopts the concepts standardization and categorization as well as the theory of ?Sense of coherence?.

Inverkan av transgena grundstammar på fruktkvaliteten hos icke-transgena äppelsorten ?Jonagold?

Gene technology has become more and more attractive in plant breeding during the last twenty years. This is probably because it can readily improve the existing commercial cultivars that have only one or a few drawbacks by modifying one or a few genes without changing the main genetic constitution. In this regard, gene technology is more effective than conventional breeding.The aim of this project was to analyze the fruit quality of the non-transgenic apple scion ?Jonagold? grafted on non-transgenic and rolB-transgenic apple rootstocks. The rootstocks used were M9-rolB1, M9-rolB2, M26-rolB and non-transgenic controls M9 and M26.

Viking Eggeling och Diagonalsymfonin : en dematerialisering av konstobjektet

The aim of this thesis is to study Viking Eggeling?s artwork Diagonal Symphony together with Eggeling?s own art theoretical writings. This method of reading Eggeling?s art theoretical writings with the aim to try and create a deeper understanding of his art and especially Diagonal Symphony is a new approach in Eggeling?s art historical discourse. The thesis starts with a description of how the field of art history has understood Eggeling and his art primarily through art historical research aimed at Hans Richter.

Jakten på en effektiv intervention : En kommuns satsning i åk 2 på intensiv lästeknisk träning för elever i lässvårigheter

The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of an intervention that focuses on phonics, decoding, reading speed and phonological awareness for 8-9 year old children in reading difficulties. Participants were selected on the basis of screening test results in grade one (decoding and reading comprehension). The participants were divided into two groups, an intervention group (A1, n=10 children) and a control group (A2, n=10). A1 received 30 minutes of intense reading instruction every day for six weeks from special educational needs teachers on top of their usual classroom based reading instruction. The control group received only their usual classroom-based reading instruction.

Bostadsgård på bjälklag : en omgestaltning av kvarteret Trumman i Malmö

This essay discusses joist floor, and the land-building at these structures. In Malmoe there is a neighborhood called Trumman that has a courtyard where an underground garage is located. What possibilities are there in this place and how would an alternative design look? These issues will this essay answer. In the result part it is both described how the joist in Trumman looks and how it is built correctly.

Högeffektslysdioder. Möjligheter och förutsättningar för högeffektslysdioder som belysningskälla - ett demonstrationsbygge

This report examines the prerequisites for LEDs to replace other technologies indifferent applications. How does the different technologies for light generationwork and what are the advantages and disadvantages? The various technologieslimitations and characteristics provides the opportunities for the LEDs.This report describes a test-construction built to examine what practical arrangementscan be built with modern light emitting diodes, in order to showsome of the possibilities. The construction consists of three different applications,a high power lamp based on cold white LEDs, one based on warm whiteLEDs for the evaluation of the light characteristics and a RGB-LED based lampable to mix any colors quickly and seamlessly. The test construction also containsthe essential peripherals including control-electronics, optics and a custombuilt watercooling solution.The potential for LEDs is huge but it is complicated to build LED based applicationsdue to the limitations which mainly includes the electronics and theneccesary cooling.

Does tree removal along railroads in Sweden influence the risk of train accidents with moose and roe deer?

After the storm Gudrun in 2005, the Swedish Transport Administration started clear-cutting of railroad corridors to reduce the risk of trees falling down on the tracks. Simultaneously, train accidents with moose and roe deer have become more frequent and the costs for consequent delays and repairs of engines are of growing concern. There is reason to assume that tree-clearance of railroad corridors may have contributed to an increase in number of accidents with moose and roe deer because the cleared areas provide attractive forage and thus may attract wildlife. The objective of my study was to investigate how clearing of trees affected the number of accidents with moose and roe deer. I compared deer-train collision frequencies before and after clearance of the selected railroads and compared these with uncleared control railroads in a BACI (before-after control-impact) approach.

Hur har införandet av automatiska mjölkningssystem påverkat juverhälsan hos mjölkkor och vilka riskfaktorer finns?

Today, there are more than 12 000-14 000 farms worldwide using an automatic milking system (AMS). Studies have shown that transition to AMS affects the udder health of cows adversely, recognized primarily as elevated somatic cell counts. There are several reasons for this, for example the greater variation in milking frequency seen in AMS. On one hand, short milking intervals may lead to bad teat condition of the cows due to the stress the milking procedure exposes the teats to. Too long milking intervals, on the other hand, seem to predispose for milk leakage, which is, in turn, a risk factor for the development of mastitis.

Göta älvbron, övervakning med optisk fiber : Ekonomisk analys

The Göta älv-bridge is a welded steelbridge which is located in Gothenburg,it connects the inner city of Gothenburgwith the island Hisingen. Cracks wasdiscovered in the steel in 1999-2000which started an investigation of thebridge to clearify the condition of thebridge. The conclusion was a monitoringsystem based on laser light sent throughan optical fiber.This report describes the bridge, thedamages, the monitoring system and thetraffic on the bridge.Stefan Pup, at Vectura Borlänge was mysupervisor during this work. In myinvestigation the costs of themonitoring system and the costs ofclosing the bridge is compared andevaluated. The biggest investigatingpart is the costs of closing the bridge.The results of my investigations is thatclosing the Göta älv-bridge would cost 1107 300 SEK / day.

Rådgivning angående profylaktisk kastrering av den friska tiken

Working as a veterinary nurse includes advising animal owners, helping them to make discisions through well-based facts and experience. Preemptive spaying of the healthy bitch brings many advantages and disadvantages. It leads to cessation of gonadal hormone production, and how the exact extent the surgery affects the dog is not yet fully understood. The sex hormones mainly control the reproductive system, but receptors of these hormones are found in many tissues of the body, and have complex relationships with other hormone systems. Spaying decreases the metabolism although the bitch gets an increased appetite, which enhance the risk of obesity, unless the owner restricts food intake.

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