

3430 Uppsatser om Condition control - Sida 3 av 229

Locus of control och självkänsla : En jämförelse mellan elit- och icke elitidrottare

Locus of control och självkänslaEn jämförelse mellan elit- och icke elitidrottareHelén BlomstrandBesitter individen en hög inre locus of control anser denne attindividen själv är ansvarig för valen denne gör i livet, medan en högyttre locus of control innebär det motsatta. Syftet med studien varbland annat att se om elit- och icke elitidrottare skiljde sig gällandelocus of control; får elitidrottarna högre förvärvade än traitbaseradeinre attityder gällande självkänsla och locus of control, än ickeelitidrottare, har locus of control samband med självkänsla. Enenkätundersökning genomfördes på 82 idrottare varav 42elitidrottare. Resultatet visade att elitidrottarna uppvisade signifikanthögre resultat gällande inre locus of control än icke elitidrottarnasamt att det fanns könsskillnader då männen uppvisade högre värdengällande en inre work locus of control. Resultatet indikerar även attbassjälvkänsla har ett positivt samband med locus of control.Diskussionen fördes kring om en högre inre locus of control ledertill bättre idrottsliga resultat samt kritisk granskning av gällandeuppsats.Keywords: locus of control, external and internal, athletes, self-esteem.

Verksamhetsstyrning: Utrikesdepartementets personalbostäder

The purpose of this thesis is to find means of control that secure cost efficiency regarding the accommodation for the employees on missions abroad of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Today the ministry?s cost for the employees? rented housing is 100 million SEK and there is a need of improvement in the control of these costs. A work method for organizational development will be used in order to reach the findings presented in the thesis. First we study the strengths and weaknesses in today?s control system.

Locus of control, syskonplacering och kön : Finns det några samband?

The purpose of this study was to examine if there was a relation between birth order, gender and locus of control. There where 162 participants in the study, 44 men, 115 women. Birth order was coded into three levels. There where no significant differences between birth order and locus of control. The result showed that female participants where more external when it came to locus of control.

Havsöringens (Salmo trutta) lekvandring i Själsöån, Gotland.

In this study, the sea trout (Salmo trutta) spawning migration was studied in the river Själsöån, Gotland, to assess the main external factors determining upstream migration and seasonal changes in fish parameters. Additionally population trends were studied by examination of old data. The most important external factors for upstream migration were the air pressure, air temperature and wind direction. No significant difference was found between when males and females migrated upstream. Larger females in better condition started migration earlier than the smaller females in poorer condition.

Personlighet och Health Locus of Control : en korrelationsstudie med deltagare från Sverige och Tyskland

I denna studie har undersökts personlighet och Health Locus of Control hos 56 kvinnor och män i åldrarna 18 till 65 år, där 30 var svenskar och 26 var tyskar. Undersökningens frågeställning var: Är en eller fler personlighetsdimensioner i Fem-Faktor-modellen relaterade till i vilken utsträckning en individ har Internality, Powerful others eller Chance Health Locus of Control. En NEO-PI enkät och ett Multi dimensionella Health Locus of Control-skalan-formulär administrerades. Resultatet från undersökningen kunde påvisa en signifikant korrelation mellan Openess to Experience och Powerful Others Health Locus of Control samt Conscientiousness och Powerful Others Health Locus of Control. En signifikant skillnad mellan svenskar och tyskar beträffande Powerful Others kunde också påvisas.

Robotstyrning med metoden Sliding Mode Control

The task in this thesis is the steering of one of Saab Bofors Dynamics robots using Sliding Mode Control, a method they never used before. The robot constitutes a system which in addition to perturbations and uncertainties due to modeling imprecision, hold the difficulty of being highly time variant. In order to be able to keep required performance with uncertainties and modeling imprecision present, the use of robust control methods like Sliding Mode Control is necessary. SMC is based on the states of the system being forced to stay on or in the direct vicinity of a hyper plane in the state space which is chosen in a way that gives the system dynamics desired properties. Other advantages with sliding mode are reduced order dynamics on the switching surface and total insensitivity to some uncertainties and perturbations.

Chef över Erik men inte över Anna : påverkas företags styrning då inhyrd personal ingår i personalstyrkan?

The use of temporary workers gives companies the opportunity to be flexible, by avoiding hiring and dismissing workers because of economic conditions and trends in demand. The management control in use at the company has the purpose of influencing employees? behaviour to act in the company?s best interest and towards its goals. The management control should also influence the behaviour of the temporary worker. The companies have to create motivation and commitment among the temporary workers although they are employed by a staffing agency.

Riskkapitalbolags påverkan på styrning i sina portföljbolag: En studie om utveckling av styrsystem i svenska Venture Capital finansierade företag.

The aim of this study is to investigate which management control mechanisms evolve in companies that receive funding from Venture Capital companies and why the management control systems evolve in the way that they do. A case study was performed on three Swedish high technology companies, that all received funding from Venture Capital companies for the first time in 2006. Merchant?s framework, defining all management control mechanisms as either, results control, action control or personnel control, was used to structure the study. Results show that the companies that received Venture Capital all increased the use of management control mechanisms within results control, action control and personnel control.

Traditionell ekonomistyrning vs modern verksamhetsstyrning : en fallstudie av ett växande företagsstyrfilosofi

The purpose with this paper is that trough a description of the management control at Jitech AB find out if traditional management control have been abandoned for benefit for modern management control and in which extent the transition have happened. Further is the second purpose with this paper to find out which decisions that lies behind the design of the management control and how these are in opposition to with the theory..

Health Locus of Control och impulsivitet i relation till träning : en studie om universitetsstudenters träningsbeteende

There are many aspects which must be taken into consideration when studying individuals? need of exercise. The study investigates if impulsivity and Health Locus of Control affect the continuity of physical practise. The main presumption was that individuals with high impulsivity, high Powerful Others and high Chance Health Locus of Control, would have a significantly harder time to maintain a continuous physical activity. The survey used two standardized tests to measure impulsivity and Health Locus of Control and in order to be able to measure the insensitivity and the periodicity of physical exercise, a test was developed by the authors.

ACTa våra stressade lärare: en randomiserad studie om Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) för stressade lärare

The present study examines the effect of a nine-hour Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) intervention for teachers who experience stress. Twenty-two teachers from four different counties in southern Sweden were randomly allocated to an ACT intervention (n=15) and a control group (n=7). The ACT condition received three three-hour sessions of ACT over a six-week period, and the control group received a three-hour stress lecture at one occasion. At a follow-up four-weeks after completed intervention, ACT participants showed significant in-group differences on stress, psychological flexibility, general health, and burnout. At a between group comparison, only psychological flexibility was significantly enhanced at the follow-up.

Interorganisatorisk styrning av leverantörsrelationer inom lågprismodebranschen: -En fallstudie av lågprismodeföretaget BikBok

This thesis concerns the control of outsourced interorganizational buyer-supplier relationships in the low-price fashion industry. A qualitative case study has been performed on two supplier relationships of a low-price fashion company. By identifying specificities of the industry and relating them to control problems and their implications on control solutions, the thesis has established a relation between industry specific characteristics and the way companies in the industry control their supplier relationships. The analysis is based on a theoretical framework created by Dekker (2004). Amongst other factors, the difficulty to define, quantify and measure the design variables of a fashion good, the high heterogeneity between individual products and the difficulty to predict the trend based demand, create high coordination requirements as well as appropriation concerns solved through extensive formal control.

Vad gör en livsmedelsinspektör egentligen? : en studie om livsmedelsinspektörens yrkesroll sedd ur olika perspektiv

Aims The aim of this study was to investigate how personnel within food control are regarded from different perspectives and to find the answers to the sub questions:- what is included in the profession of food control?- what are the requirements for personnel within the profession of food control?- how is the profession perceived from different perspectives?- how do personnel within the profession of food control estimate their psycho social working conditions?Method The study included 68 individuals (34 female and 34 male) and was conducted via observations, web-based surveys and survey-based interviews. Conclusion - The study was feasible.- The overall goal of the study as well as the research questions were answered to and contributed to clarify what is included in the profession of food control. - Quality measures should be implemented to greater extent within the development of the national food control system..

Modellbaserad prediktiv reglering av en dieselmotor med variabel geometriturbin och återcirkulering av avgaser

Control of a diesel engine equipped with Variable Geometry Turbine (VGT) and Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) requires a multivariable control method. One problem is that the engine system is non-linear. Furthermore there are strong cross-connections between inputs and outputs and the inputs have alsoboundaries. To be able to manage these control problems, MPC has been used that is a multivariable method. The MPC-controller consists of an optimization problem and therefore MPC can find the optimum control signals in an easy way.

Kinetikens tecken: en experimentell studie i samspelet mellan kroppens rörelser och dess försvarsmekanismer

Relationships between defence mechanisms and body movements were investigated in regard to three hypothesis; I. that a difference in frequency of body movements correlates to different signs of defence mechanisms, II. that themes of body movements can be identified in regard to signs of defence mechanisms, III. that no significant differences will be found between the different groups of gender. The aim of the study was to seek a relation between quasicommunicative body movements and defence mechanisms.

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