

3430 Uppsatser om Condition control - Sida 20 av 229

Utvärdering av ett system för Rapid Control Prototyping inom området robotstyrning

In this report a system for Rapid Control Prototyping, RCP, is evaluated through animplementation of the motor control methods Field Oriented Control, FOC, and Space VectorPulse Width Modulation, SVPWM. The evaluation emphasizes on time-consumption andresource utilization on the used hardware and on usability for of software.A new mechatronic laboratory is under development at ABB Corporate Research in Västerås. Itwill be used for both mechanical and motion control design using existing and new hardware.The control structure in a traditional robot system will be interfaced to a rapid prototypingsystem which should allow easy changes to algorithms at different levels in the system.The system designated for this project comes from National Instruments and constitutesLabVIEW Real-time and FPGA module as the software tools. The hardware is a NI Single-Board RIO (Reconfigurable Input Output), sbRIO, development board including a Field-Programmable Gate Array, FPGA, from Xilinx and a microprocessor from FreescaleSemiconductor. Graphical programming is performed in the LabVIEW environment, andthrough Xilinx tools the LabVIEW FPGA code is compiled to VHDL code.A pre-study was carried out to clarify the concept of RCP and investigate different systems forRCP and their traits.

Vad är det som skiljer vuxna med diabetes, i att bemästra sin sjukdom

Background: Diabetes is a common disease where the degree of self-management is of paramount importance. Individual factors influences both cooping and general wellbeing among diabetic patients. Glycemic control is known to be important but other factors ought to be considered. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe how individual self-management influences the general wellbeing among adult diabetic patients. Method: This literature study is based on scientific articles.

Psykologstudenters tankar om arbetsliv och arbetsmöjligheter : Ett self-efficacy- och locus of control- perspektiv

Tron på den egna förmågan (self-efficacy) och upplevelsen av kontroll (locus of control) påverkar människors agerande och bedömningar av sina möjligheter. Syftet med undersökningen var att öka förståelsen för hur studenter från psykologlinjen i Stockholms Universitet bedömde sina chanser att få ett arbete direkt efter utbildningen. Fyra studenter deltog i undersökningen och data samlades genom kvalitativa halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visade att möjligheterna till att få arbete efter examen ansågs vara goda men att den praktiska tjänstgöringen för psykologer, PTP, sågs som en flaskhals. Erfarenhet, kontakter, ålder, kön och utbildningsinriktning ansågs kunna påverka möjligheterna till att få en PTP-tjänst och påverkade också deltagarnas bedömning av sina chanser.

Trådlös kamerastyrning

As an amateur it can be difficult filming from several angles at the same time as this requires several cameras. It´s also hard to film at occasions when it´s not appropriate to manoeuvre the camera manually. Systems for solving these problems already exist, but it´s either more expensive, professionalsystems or cheaper systems with limited functionality.The purpose of this project is to develop a cost efficient solution to the problem above that offers a better functionality then existing commercial systems. The biggest difference from existing products is the wireless video feedback from the camera to the remote unit.The result of the project is a system consisting of two units, a manoeuvre unit with a cradle for the video camera and a remote unit from which the operator can control pan and tilt of the video camera.Communication between the two units is wireless.On the remote unit there is a joystick and a display mounted. In addition to this, there is also an IR receiver that is capable of reading the signal from the cameras own remote and sending it to the manoeuvre unit.The manoeuvre unit is equipped with one motor to control the tilt function and one motor to control the pan.

Ekonomistyrning och Ägande: Förändras ekonomistyrningen vid ett byte av ägarform?

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the Management Control System is affected by a change in the owner structure from family owned to not-family owned. The study also tries to identify explaining factors behind the possible effects to the Management Control System. The study is based on a comprehensive case study on the company Alcro-Beckers which, in year 2001, was acquired from the owner Lindéngruppen fully owned by Ulf G Lindén. The acquirer was the non-family owned company Kemira OY, a Finnish stock listed group. The empirical foundation mainly comes from interviews conducted with people who were/are directly connected to the company, either as employees or as representatives for the owner.

Förbättringsförslag pådaglig styrning

The Swedish Transport Administration manage nearly 4,000 railway bridges in different condition and age around the country. These bridges is in constant need of maintenance and requires continuous inspections. This thesis is designed as a damage investigation on a single-track railway bridge south of Solvarbo in Säter municipality. The railway bridge is in operation and serves over 10,000 trains a year, everything from speed trains to freight trains. The bridge is built as a beam bridge, simply supported over a road.

Drank som proteinkälla till regnbågslax (Onchorhynchus mykiss) :

The objective of the present study was to evaluate distillers? dried grains with solubles (DDGS) as a protein source to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), by studying digestibility and growth measurements. One control diet, totally lacking DDGS, and three test diets were made containing 10 % (low), 31% (medium) and 51 % (high) DDGS respectively on dry matter (DM) basis. The control diet and the test diets were made to be as nutritionally equal as possible. Wheat bran was used to balance the fiber content of the diets.

De har ju lyckats med mig : Om ungdomars erfarenheter av behandling

This study is based on interviews with four youths that have been treated for problems such as drugabuse and criminality. The aim of this master´s thesis is to examine the youths experiences with the treatment they received, but also to examine how they look upon their own lifesituations. The study is presented in categories developed through the use of Grounded theory. The result points out that the treatment can be summarized mainly in two aspects- one concerning care and one concerning control. The first aspect includes supportive and friendly staff while control in this context stands for rules and supervision of different kinds.

Biologisk bekämpning av Fusarium graminearum

Fusarium graminearum causes reduction in both yield and quality in cereal grain worldwide. One of the diseases it can cause is Fusarium Head Blight (FHB). Both sexually and asexually produced spores can infect living plants. Asexual conidia are produced in the mycelium while sexual ascospores form in asci in perithecia on debris. In biological control, living organsims are used to control pests and diseases.

Finanskrisens inverkan på styrning av private equity-bolagens styrning av portföljbolagen: En fallstudie av Accent Equity Partners

Abstract: Private equity used to be synonymous with tremendous yields and rates of return. However, the private equity market trembled in 2008, due to the financial meltdown caused by the worldwide credit crisis. Considering the current low number of exits within the private equity industry, the purpose of this thesis is to examine if there has been any change in how private equity firms control their portfolio companies since the inception of the crisis. One private equity company and two portfolio companies have been studied. The case study is prepared from interviews with senior directors in the portfolio company and investment managers in the private equity firm.

The efficiency of the newly launched predatory mite Amblydromalus limonicus : biological control of thrips in cucumber

In this study, the efficiency of a newly launched predatory mite, Amblydromalus limonicus, has been examined for its potential to use as a biological control agent in cucumber production. A. limonicus can be used for biological control of two thrips species, Frankliniella occidentalis and Thrips tabaci. Field trials were conducted in greenhouses of two conventional cucumber growers in Scania, the southern part of Sweden. The basic control agent used against thrips was the predatory mite Amblyseius swirskii. In selected areas, additional A.

En kvalitetskontroll - Snustillverkaren Fiedler & Lundgren kvalitetstestas

This paper aims to describe the variation and develop a method to control the production for the product Metropol Kaktus from the snuff developer Fiedler & Lundgren. We are going to use the requirements from the product specifications as limits of the expected quality when we present methods to control the process. One method attempts to control during the process and the other attempts to maximize the number of products with strived quality before the process starts. Metropol Kaktus is a product produced with high quality, the mean weight is 20,023 gram and this is very close to the weight, 20 gram, which is reported in the product specifications. The variation in weight variable is less than what is reported in the specifications and the minimum weight is over the limit set by Livsmedelsverket.

Högskolestudenter och alkohol : Akademisk locus of control i förhållande till alkoholrelaterade studieproblem

Studenter är bland de som konsumerar mest alkohol i Sverige. Hög alkoholkonsumtion och extern akademisk locus of control (ALC) har liknande negativ effekter på studier. Denna studie undersökte relationen mellan alkoholkonsumtion, ALC och alkoholrelaterade studieproblem. 120 studenter, varav 91 var kvinnor, deltog genom att besvara en enkät bestående av The Academic Locus of Control Scale for College Students, the AUDIT Alcohol Consumption Questions och en egenkonstruerad skala som mätte alkoholrelaterade studieproblem. Data analyserades med en 2 (riskbruk/ickeriskbruk) x 2 (extern ALC/intern ALC) ANOVA för oberoende mätningar.

Business Intelligence Access Control: Utvecklande av en behörighetsmodell för Business Intelligence

I dagens samhälle är majoriteten av våra tillgångar digitaliserade och bevarade i olika typer av informationssystem. Genom Access Control (sv. behörighetsstyrning) säkerställs att användare får korrekt åtkomst till dessa tillgångar. I takt med att organisationer genererar allt mer affärskritisk data i sina informationssystem har dock hanteringen av användare och behörigheter komplicerats. En modern genre inom begreppet informationssystem som länge visat ökad tillväxt är Business Intelligence (BI).

Kontroll-lokus och beteende i grupp: en studie om sambandet mellan kontroll-lokus och individers beteende i en arbetsgrupp

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between locus of control and behavior in a work group. The investigation was performed using two methods, self-report and observation, which were used in order to provide a description of how the individuals experienced their own behavior in a group context as well as of how they actually could be observed to behave. The 31 participants were divided into five groups. During the procedure each group received a task, which was to be discussed and solved by the group members together. Observations were carried out using IPA.

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