24 Uppsatser om Concordance - Sida 1 av 2
Ökad kunskap hos sjuksköterskor om orsaker till bristande följsamhet förbättrar patienters delaktighet
In today?s health care it?s most common to treat an illness with a kind of pharmaceutical preparation. But lack of resources, given information and bad communication and collaboration between the patient and the nursing staff can lead to a patient unwilling to follow the doctor?s prescription. This does not just affect the individual patient?s health but it can also result in consequences for other people and the whole society.
Läromedelsgranskning : En kvalitativ studie om alternativa religioner i några av gymnasiets läromedel
Textbooks are the most dominant literature used in schools and are therefore an important source of information. Consequently, it is crucial that these are not misleading or biased and maintain a high quality along with a strict Concordance to the School Department?s curriculum. The aims of this study have been to examine how Mormons, Jehovah?s Witnesses and Hare Krishna are presented in four religion textbooks used in senior high schools, as well as to examine what type of knowledge is being presented in terms of epistemology.
Kommunikation i djursjukvården : ett arbete om god kommunikation för bästa möjliga vård
SammanfattningDet här arbetet är en litteraturstudie. Arbetet tar upp litteratur om kommunikation i vården främst från humansidan, men även en del veterinärlitteratur. Arbetet tar upp grunden för kommunikation och olika kommunikationsmodeller. Vidare tas sjuksköterskans roll upp och hur den kan påverka relationen till patienten genom professionalism, empati, människosyn och medmänsklighet. Det handlar även om vad litteraturen säger om effekten av behandling som ett resultat av kommunikation samt hur man kan mäta effekten av behandling.
Barns upplevelser av rörelse : -en intervjustudie med sex- och sjuåringar
In many earlier investigations a recall advantage of auditory lists spoken in a single voice has been found over recall of lists spoken in two alternating voices. One explanation proposed is an organization strategy which makes recall of alternating-voice lists so difficult. The strategy implies sorting same-voice words into same-voice groups at encoding. Based on this proposition, it was assumed that voice-by-voice recall would be better than recall in order of presentation, as then the recall instruction and the organization of items in memory would be in Concordance. The present experiment tested and was unable to support this hypothesis.
Utvärdering av Naturvårdsverkets bedömningsgrunder för makrofyter i sjöar
According to the Water Framework Directive of the European Union, macrophytes should be used as indicators in the ecological and environmental monitoring of lakes. In the member state Sweden the Environmental Protection Agency has elaborated assessment criteria for determining lake status based on macrophytes. The main focus of this thesis is to evaluate the efficiency of the assessment criteria for macrophytes. In addition the Concordance between the ecological status classes of the four quality factors included was analysed.The assessment criteria for macrophytes are based on the total phosphorus preference of the respective species. The focus is thus mainly on the nutrient level of the investigated lakes and the environmental problem monitored is eutrophication.
Återgivning av ordlistor presenterade med alternerande röster: En jämförelse mellan två återgivningsinstruktioner
In many earlier investigations a recall advantage of auditory lists spoken in a single voice has been found over recall of lists spoken in two alternating voices. One explanation proposed is an organization strategy which makes recall of alternating-voice lists so difficult. The strategy implies sorting same-voice words into same-voice groups at encoding. Based on this proposition, it was assumed that voice-by-voice recall would be better than recall in order of presentation, as then the recall instruction and the organization of items in memory would be in Concordance. The present experiment tested and was unable to support this hypothesis.
Sömnens betydelse för hälsa och inlärning : En studie om uppfattningar hos elever i årskurs 6
Sleep has a substantial effect on health status where good sleeping habits proves positive on learning. The aim of the present study was to map the views and perceptions of sleep and its effects on health and school performance on 12-year olds. The goal is to visualize these views to give teachers the possibility to better plan the education in Concordance with the students? abilities. The study is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews where 12 students aged 12 have partaken.
Att leva med prostitutionserfarenhet : kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra kvinnor
The aim of the study was to reach a deeper understanding and knowledge about how women with an experience of prostitution perceive what this has meant for them and how it has influenced their lives. The questions of the study were: (1) How has the prostitution experience affected the women in their lives? (2) How have they learnt to deal with this experience? To answer these questions a qualitative method was used where interviews were conducted with four women with experience of prostitution. All women experienced that the prostitution had affected their lives. Examples given that inter alia relationships, sexuality, and self-image had been affected.
Tur och Retur : en kvalitativ studie om resan genom ett narkotikaberoende
The purpose of this study was to, through the life stories of four women and their experiences, thoughts and feelings according to a life in drug dependency reach an increased knowledge about how a dependency can arise, continue and be brought to an end. The question at issue were: How do a small amount of women describe and comprehend their experiences, thoughts and feelings according to their drug addiction seen through a process perspective. In order to answer that question three themes were investigated: the road into dependency, living as an addict and the road to recovery from dependency and the time that follows. The study followed a qualitative method and the theoretical approach was hermeneutic. The results were analysed through a process analyse perspective, from the view of the chosen theoretical perspectives, social constructivism, experience perspective and a psychodynamic perspective.
Så nås samstämmighet mellan logistik och företagsstrategi : en analys av hur den logistiska strategin ska utformas för att stödja företagets överordnade strategi
Background: Due to an increasing globalization the competition has increased and this has lead to overcapacity and falling prices on markets today. The subject field logistics has during the last decades been given increasingly significance and has become a way to handle the competition. Theories clearly point outthe importance that a Concordance exists between logistics and superior strategy but few, if any, authors give further details about how this adjustment should be made. Purpose: The aim of this thesis is with a case study approach survey if the subject field, which describe the importance that logistical solutions correspond with the superior strategy, is known and implemented in a company. We aim to develop the subject field through our empirical findings.
Varken bättre eller sämre ? bara annorlunda! : fem kubaner boende i Sverige beskriver sina upplevelser av likheter och skillnader mellan det svenska och kubanska kommunikationsmönstret
The aim of this study was to gain a better understanding and knowledge of how Cubans living in Sweden experience the Swedish pattern of communication in relation to the Cuban. The questions asked by the authors were: Do the Cubans experience any differences or similarities between the Swedish and the Cuban patterns of communication? If that is the case, what are they and how would they describe them? The questions were answered through a qualitative method, based on interviews with five Cubans who were raised in Cuba and are now living in Sweden. Communication Theory has constituted the fundamental theoretical tool of analysis, complemented by Social Psychological Role theory. The results of the study have been analyzed using both phenomenological and hermeneutical methods.
Närsjukvård : en ny vårdnivå med betydelse för samarbete och samverkan mellan olika vårdaktörer
An ageing population calls for enlarged needs of care and treatments that is followed by an increased demand on social and medical care. Present organization and structure are not adjusted to these new requirements. Due to this fact, necessary alterations ought to be made between and within the different institutional and non-institutional care actors. This work should be settled locally. In this study, the aim was to describe "Chealth care nearby" as being a new standard of care as well as investigate its significance in the co-operation and collaboration between different care actors.
Äldre boksamlingar på kommunala bibliotek resurs eller belastning?
Care and solicitude about Swedish documentary heritage has varied substantially throughout the years. The main purpose of this essay has been to investigate what efforts have been made to preserve rare book collections at public libraries. These cultural policies have been studied from both a national as well as local perspective. What we have tried to explore can be condensed into three questions: What national initiatives have been taken in the past century to preserve the municipal documentary heritage?What initiatives have been taken in the past century to preserve thedocumentary heritage of what is presently the municipality of Jönköping? What value do rare book collections at public libraries represent? The results indicate few national efforts were initially made to preserve rare book collections in the timeframe we studied.
To follow or not to follow. A literature review.
Bakgrund: Hypertoni är en folksjukdom och är en starkt bidragande orsak till sjukdomar som stroke, hjärtsvikt, kranskärlssjukdom och arterioskleros. En effektiv läkemedelsbehandling mot hypertoni reducerar kraftigt insjuknande och död i dessa sjukdomar. Mer än 50 % av patienterna som behandlas för hypertension, slutar helt sin behandling inom ett år från att diagnos har ställs. Bland de som fortsätter sin behandling är det endast hälften som är följsamma det vill säga tar 80 % av sitt förskrivna antihypertensiva läkemedel. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar följsamheten till medicinering hos patienter med diagnosen hypertension.
Patienters tankar och upplevelser kring följsamhet och delaktighet i sin läkemedelsbehandling : En intervjustudie
Några faktorer om är av stor vikt för en lyckad läkemedelsanvändning är patientens följsamhet och delaktighet i sin behandling. Kunskapen om patientens roll för en framgångsrik läkemedelsbehandling har länge varit ett relativt outforskat område.Syftet med denna studie är att via intervjuer undersöka hur patienter, ordinerade flera olika läkemedel, ser på värdet av delaktighet och följsamhet i deras läkemedelsbehandling och hur de upplevt den läkemedelsinformation de fått.En kvalitativ och semistrukturerad intervjumetod har använts för att besvara frågeställningen. Studien genomfördes på hjärtavdelningen på Kalmar länssjukhus. Åtta inlagda patienter med hjärtproblem intervjuades.De flesta av respondenterna upplevde att den information som de fått var bristfällig. När det gällde motivation för att följa läkemedelsordinationerna fanns det en samstämmighet bland patienterna i att adekvat information motiverade dem.