

439 Uppsatser om Concentration - Sida 14 av 30

Miljögifters exponering, ackumulering och effekter på immunsystemet hos husdjur :

The purpose of this literature review was to describe the paths of exposure and accumulation of organic pollutants into the tissues of farm animals. Organic pollutants can be spread in the environment by air and rainwater. Farm animals can be exposed to these pollutants for example by eating soil or contaminated plants. Many of the pollutants can then accumulate in the fat tissues of the body because of their lipophilic character. Brominated flame retardants and perfluorolated compounds are both pollutants of current interest.

Romantiklitteratur och genus en text- och läsarundersökning

This Masters thesis aims to study the reading habits of readers of romantic fiction, especially focusing on gender issues. The main areas studied are the function of reading romances compared with reading other genres, and how the readers value romantic and general literature. The thesis is based on qualitative interviews with seven readers of romances, five women and two men. The theoretical background is based on reader response theory and gender theory. Before I started interview the readers I asked them to read two romances; Sidney Sheldons - The best Laid Plans, and Rosamunde Pilchers - The End of Summer, which we later discussed during the interviews.

Könsskillnader i gymnasieungdomars möjlighet att koncentrera sig på skolarbetet vid psykosomatiska symptom

Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka utbredningen av psykosomatiska symptom på en svensk gymnasieskola och om möjligheten att koncentrera sig på skolarbetet påverkas av dessa. Syftet var även att undersöka relationen mellan socialt stöd och psykosomatiska symptom. En enkät delades ut på en gymnasieskola med 95 elever i norra Sverige. Frågan gällande psykosomatiska symptom är hämtad från HBSC och innefattar åtta olika besvär. Totalt 93 av ungdomarna svarade på enkäten.

Dyskalkyli : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur fyra pedagoger i specialpedagogisk funktion arbetar kring dyskalkyli

Hemoglobin is an oxygen binding protein in erythrocytes. Hemoglobin is composed of four polypeptide chains. During the fetal stage the type of hemoglobin called fetal hemoglobin (HbF) dominates. After birth HbF is replaced by adult hemoglobin (HbA). HbF persists in Concentrations less than 1%.

Bakteriell produktion i humösa istäckta sjöar i norra Sverige

The main purposes of this study were to 1) quantify bacterial production in winter during ice conditions, and 2) to compare these production measures with values measured from summer and open water conditions in three humic lakes situated in northern Sweden. Another purpose of this study was to 3) examine whether clear-cutting significantly affected bacterial production or water chemistry in two lakes situated in catchments were a large part of the forest had been removed through logging compared to an undisturbed reference lake. In winter (March/April 2014), the bacterial production ranged from 0, 7 - 2, 2 µgC/L/day and in the summer of 2013 the production values was 4 ? 10 times higher. The main reason for lower bacterial production in winter was ascribed to lower water temperatures as well as to older and more recalcitrant DOC, as there were no significant differences in total dissolved nitrogen or DOC Concentration or -quality, that could explain a lower production compared to summer.

Effekten av klimatförändringar påkontrollbehovet av åkerogräs

With a changing climate, we can expect higher temperatures and more precipitation in Sweden.As the temperature increases, new weed species are expected to migrate in from more southerlylatitudes, resulting in requests for new techniques for weed control. In addition, we might see agreater number of weed species and higher biomass production due to increased Concentrationof CO2 in the atmosphere.Increased understanding of the biology of specific weed species will become more importantin future weed control. This will help to control the weeds more efficiently. Higher prices onpesticides and a public demand for reduced use of pesticides make growers more inclined to usemechanical weed control on a larger scale and to a greater extent prevent weed establishmentbefore sowing. A well-planned crop rotation is the most important preventive measure, whichmight also include delayed sowing, and dark harrowing and sowing.Research takes place on many levels within the weed area and several alternative methodsare being developed.

Möjligheter att förutsäga kvävegödslingsbehov i höstvete med Yara N-tester

The Yara N-Tester is a handheld chlorophyll meter which can be used in several different crops as an aid to determine if there is a need of complementary fertilization with nitrogen (N) or not. If the crop requires more N the N-Tester will recommend an amount in kg per ha. The possibility to assess the need of N depends on the strong relation that exists between chlorophyll- and N-Concentration in the leaves of plants. In the multiannual trial series ?Nitrogen to winter wheat at different soil conditions? measurements with the N-Tester was carried out at flag leaf emergence (GS 37). In this work the result of measurements, the NTesters ability to estimate the need of N in winter wheat, will be presented for the years 2008-2011.

Pedagogernas tankar om barn i koncentrationssvårigheter i förskolans vardag

Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på hur pedagogerna definierar barn i koncentrationssvårigheter och i vilka situationer eller sammanhang dessa utmärker sig samt hur pedagogerna möjliggör en god lärandemiljö. Efter att ha presenterat olika aspekter om koncentrationssvårigheter har jag valt att utgå ifrån Bronfenbrenners utvecklingsekologiska systemteori, för att få en förförståelse för hur olika aspekter och sammanhang kan upprätthålla och samverka kring barn i koncentrationssvårigheter.I resultatet har jag valt att lyfta fram pedagogernas olika tankar och erfarenheter. En del i urvalsgruppen definierar barn i koncentrationssvårigheter, när ett barn har svårigheter med att fokusera och följa instruktioner eller när barnet inte är tillräckligt intresserad av en aktivitet, som blir mer framträdande vid; övergångarna, när det är stora barngrupper och när det fattas personal på avdelningen. Pedagogerna delar in barnen i mindre grupper under dagen och de lyfter även vikten med en god lärande miljö. Detta bidrar till att alla barnen inte alltid är på samma plats hela dagarna och barnen blir lugnare och kan koncentrera sig bättre..

Labba i teori : Kan praktiska laborationer öka förståelsen av teoretisk datalogi?

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) is a further development of the Six Sigma draft to carry through preventing quality measures in developing and designing of new products and processes. With increasing demands on enterprises development processes to be more safety and faster the need of DFSS arise as a product, process and service development concept in the organisations. Design for Six Sigma aims to improve and structure the development process of an organisation and consider the application of the innovation problem solving. The concept aims to leave the structure of the traditional Six Sigma concept and instead, from an innovative perspective, search for new solutions to existing problems. The concept constitute of a toolbox with a lot of quality tools that are divided into phases in a development model.


To reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologieshave been developed. Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) is a CO2 capture technologywith the CCS framework, and at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg,Sweden, a 100 kW chemical looping combustor has been built.This project aimed to investigate to what degree air can replace helium as the uidizinggas for uid dynamical studies in a CLC cold ow model of the above mentioned 100 kWfacility. Experiments were performed using air and helium separately as uidizing gas andpressure data were obtained, which formed the basis for the comparison. The project alsoaimed to investigate uid dynamics in the uidized bed and study when the risk of sluggingoccuring was greatest. The results were presented in the form of figures and tables dividedinto pressure, Concentration and standard deviation of the pressure.The results obtained showed that air as uidizing gas did not create the same uid dynamicsas helium over the entire fuel reactor.

En jämförande studie mellan kreatininkoncentration i serum och GFR mätt med scintigrafi hos hund med misstänkt kronisk njursjukdom

Both serum creatinine and measuring GFR can be used to evaluate renal function in dogs suspected to have chronic kidney disease (CKD). Although high creatinine levels usually indicate renal disease, normal creatinine levels can be present in dogs with decreased renal filtration. Measuring GFR is generally believed to be the most accurate way of detecting decreased renal filtration and scintigraphy GFR using 99mTc-DTPA has been found to correlate well with the ?gold standard? inulin clearance method.When measuring GFR by scintigraphy, 99mTc-DTPA is injected intravenously and radioactive decay of technetium gives rise to gamma radiation, which is registered by a gamma camera. Pictures and curves of radioactivity in the kidneys are generated by means of a computer program.

En studie om hur ADHD/DAMP skildras i fem barnlitterära verk

The purpose of this study is to find out, explore and see how children with neuropsychiatric problems like ADHD/DAMP are portrayed and treated in five fictional children?s books written by writers who all are related to ADHD issues, except for one writer.I have done a text analysis performed on five children?s books which can be found in libraries in most of the libraries in Sweden. The analysis shows varying results between the five books followed by a general conclusion about how children with Concentration problems are being presented in these chosen children's literature. The main problematic of this study is to examine how these characters are being represented and treated within the scopes of school, family relations and how ADHD/DAMP symptoms are portrayed. This study focuses on analysing how the actual ADHD/DAMP behaviour is being reflected and better understanding for the reader to understand the symptoms of ADHD.Another fact is what kind of relations these children with neuropsychiatric dysfunctions are portrayed when facing with other persons, such as family and friends and how ADHD/DAMP is affecting them daily basis.

Visionsystem för industrirobot

To reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologieshave been developed. Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) is a CO2 capture technologywith the CCS framework, and at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg,Sweden, a 100 kW chemical looping combustor has been built.This project aimed to investigate to what degree air can replace helium as the uidizinggas for uid dynamical studies in a CLC cold ow model of the above mentioned 100 kWfacility. Experiments were performed using air and helium separately as uidizing gas andpressure data were obtained, which formed the basis for the comparison. The project alsoaimed to investigate uid dynamics in the uidized bed and study when the risk of sluggingoccuring was greatest. The results were presented in the form of figures and tables dividedinto pressure, Concentration and standard deviation of the pressure.The results obtained showed that air as uidizing gas did not create the same uid dynamicsas helium over the entire fuel reactor.

Ljudabsorbent - Origamiblomma

To reduce emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologieshave been developed. Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) is a CO2 capture technologywith the CCS framework, and at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg,Sweden, a 100 kW chemical looping combustor has been built.This project aimed to investigate to what degree air can replace helium as the uidizinggas for uid dynamical studies in a CLC cold ow model of the above mentioned 100 kWfacility. Experiments were performed using air and helium separately as uidizing gas andpressure data were obtained, which formed the basis for the comparison. The project alsoaimed to investigate uid dynamics in the uidized bed and study when the risk of sluggingoccuring was greatest. The results were presented in the form of figures and tables dividedinto pressure, Concentration and standard deviation of the pressure.The results obtained showed that air as uidizing gas did not create the same uid dynamicsas helium over the entire fuel reactor.

Inverkan av foders växtöstrogener på fysiologiska processer hos produktions- och sällskapsdjur

Phytoestrogens are secondary metabolites produced by plants. Among the plants that make phytoestrogens are soya, red clover and some types of grass. The name phytoestrogen is a collective term for compounds such as genistein, daidzein, biochanin A and formononetin. These compounds are similar to oestradiol-17? in their chemical structure.

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