

2168 Uppsatser om Complex leadership - Sida 55 av 145

EU:s inflytande vid gränskonflikter: Fallet Cypern- En fallstudie av EU:s maktutövning i Cypernkonflikten

This study discusses the European Union´s influence regarding the Cyprus Conflict since 1998, when the EU began the official membership negotioations with Cyprus. The first aim of the study is to investigate in what way the EU has tried to practice influence concerning the Greek- and Turk Cypriots, but also Turkey, since Turkey is seen as a relevant party in the conflict. The second aim of the study is to examine what effects the EU´s influence has led to for the parties involved. The theoretical approach in the study is the theory Normative power, the theory stresses that Europe and the EU practices non-military power, and is able to do so because of the fact that the EU is based on internationally acknowledged desirable norms, as democracy and human rights and liberties. The result of the study shows that the EU has been an active participant concerning the Cyprus Conflict by successfully influencing the Greek- Cypriot government and Turkey e.g.

Att vara i en intensivvårdsmiljö - patientens perspektiv

The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a special unit for patients who is in the need for emergency life-sustaining measures and every patient has complex medical- technical equipment. The experiences of a critical illness and the needs of critical care are experienced in different ways. The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences from patients in the ICU and how this experience has an influence on the patients. The method was a study of literature with a qualitative inception based on eight scientific articles and the analysis of content has been inspired by Graneheim and Lundman (2003). The result of the study is presented by four categories: to loose the ability to make themselves understood, to be forced to adjust to the environment of caring, to have the lack of connection with reality and to be in an intensive care environment, The results showed that patients in the ICU are affected by the attitude from the staff, the equipment around them as well as the sounds and lights in the environment there.

Ledarskap och ISO 14001 ? En fallstudie om hur ledarskapet påverkas och påverkar ISO 14001

Vi har gjort en fallstudie som utforskar hur ledarskapet påverkar och påverkas vid entillämpning av ISO 14001, samt hur tillämpningen av standarden är utformad påstudiens företag. Analysen har genomförts med hjälp av institutionell teori somteoretisk referensram. Vi kom fram till att ISO 14001 inte leder till eninterorganisatorisk homogenisering mellan olika företag, inomsamhällsplaneringsbranschen som vårt fallföretag agerar i. Vidare fastslog vi även enparadox i utformningen av ISO 14001-systemet hos företaget; otydliga istället förtydliga krav ökar chansen för att behålla certifieringen. Till sists kom vi också framtill att ledarskapets svårighet att kommunicera aktörernas rätt att översätta ISO 14001i sin praktik, beror på att ISO 9001 och ISO 14001 hos vårt fallföretag är utformatsom ett gemensamt system.

Konsten att bibehålla en organisationskultur med anställda som kombinatörer

Organizational culture is a widely discussed topic. Today job mobility in society is increasing as well as part-time employment. This study aims at investigate how organizational culture is maintained in an organization where employees work as combiners of different work occupations. The study is a case study of the department of Art at Konstfack (The University College of Arts, Crafts and Design). The organization is unique in the respect to that the majority of the employees have part-time employments within Konstfack combined with their parallel own artistic occupations.

Trädgårdsmästarens roll i en rehabiliteringsträdgård :

The aim of this essay is to find out how different factors influence the occupational role in a rehabilitation garden. The study is based on two qualitative interviews with and shadowing of the gardeners in the rehabilitation gardens of Alnarp and Gröna Rehab in Gothenburg. The result shows that the main factors that influence the occupational role is the gardener?s background, the garden/place, the participants, the team and the possibilities for development. The occupational role appears to consist of several different roles; the team-worker, the activity and project manager, the source of inspiration, the educationalist, the informer, the therapist and the fellow human being.

Makten, skolan och Johnny

The workplace has a direct impact on the physical, psychological, economic and social well-being of the workers. A healthy workplace leads to increased health among the employees which also makes the employees more productive (Källestål, 2004). A poor working environment can have negative consequences for individuals, companies and society (SOU, 2009:47).This is a qualitative study that investigates companies? view of health promotion and how they practice health promotion in working life. Five private and five public companies, with representatives from the management were interviewed.

Hur gör man motivation? - en studie i ett industriföretag - Vad en ledare skall tänka på för att motivera sin personal?

För att företagen skall kunna bevara sin konkurrenskraft har en hög motivation hos deanställda fått en allt större betydelse. Jag har i denna studie studerat motivation och vad somkommer att påverka motivationsgraden hos de anställda mest. Detta med utgångspunkt fråntre olika aspekter, vilka är; ledarskap, lärande organisation och utvecklingssamtalet. Somteoretisk bas har jag använt mig av fyra olika klassiska motivationsteorier. Alla dessa teorierhar som utgångspunkt förklarat vad som gör individer motiverade, däremot saknade jag enbeskrivning hur en ledare skall agera för att skapa motivation hos sin personal.

Utveckling av ingångsinterface till tändstyrenheter för naturgas- och biogasmotorer

SEM AB utvecklar och tillverkar tändstyrenheter för förbränningsmotorer, bland annat naturgas- och biogasmotorer. Tändstyrenheterna styr själva tändförloppet när de får en triggsignal från motorstyrsystemet (ECU). På grund av att enheterna används tillsammans med flera olika motorstyrsystem måste de anpassas for olika signaltyper och cylinderantal. Anpassningar av både mjukvaran och hårdvaran måste göras och detta kräver tid och resurser för utvecklarna på SEM.Syftet med detta arbete är att utveckla ett ingångsinterface till tändstyrenheterna som möjliggör att de kan anpassas på ett enklare sätt. För att minimera antalet komponenter i tändstyrenheterna ska även funktioner som realiseras med diskreta komponenter, om möjligt, integreras i ingångsinterfacet.En lämplig programmerbar krets för detta ändamål har valts.

En studie i att tillämpa Computational Thinking på grafteori

Computational thinking was brought to the forefront in 2006 by Jeannette Wing. Computational thinking is a problem solving method that uses computer science techniques.The thesis is analyzing computational thinking and how it could be applied to graph theory. Characteristics and main fields from computational thinking is being analysed. This analysis is applied to graph theory to see the potential in developing a proposal for how an exercise can look for an introductory course in discrete data types. Only basic knowledge of graphs is required to perform the exercise.

LEED i Sverige och i byggprojektet Borgarfjord 3.

This thesis provides a good introduction to the American environmental certification system LEED, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, and trough compar-isons between Sweden and the United States an explanation to the systems design is given. The work is closely linked to a LEED Core & Shell project in Stockholm, Swe-den, where the goal is to reach the second highest rating in LEED - Gold.This thesis gives a broad description of the LEED system and a more profound study of the energy sector, Energy and Atmosphere. Here, for example, an analysis has been made of how the energy consumption of an imaginary building designed according to the requirements of the BBR (Swedish building code) performs in comparison to the Baseline building in LEED.The existing model of Borgarfjord 3, which served as a case study in this work, has al-so been modified to investigate the energy savings that could have been achieved by adding extra insulation to the building. A description of the problems, regarding how the Swedish district heating system (DES) is treated in LEED, is given as well as the suggested modifications. This is an issue that will be pursued during the process of shaping a new, international, version of LEED due to be launched 2012..

Sjuksköterskans uppfattning om livskvalitet

Background Satisfaction of life and wellbeing is shown to be important when the quality of life is to be understood. The nurse has a significant role in the care of the patient and in his/her experience of life. Aim The purpose of this study is to examine the quality of life, from a nurse perspective. Method The text analysis was carried out with qualified attempts, of a book, "Quality of life a challenge for the nurse" (in Swedish) by T. Rustoen, a nurse who also worked as a teacher in Norway.

Kommunikationens inverkan på prestation i ett interkulturellt perspektiv

Ledaren har en avsevärd påverkan på medarbetarens prestationsförmåga ocharbetstillfredsställelse. Stöd är en kommunikationsaspekt som främjardelaktighet, tillfredställelse och prestationsutveckling för individen, menbidrar också till företagets lönsamhet. Första delstudien undersökersambandet mellan ledares kommunikationsförmåga och medarbetarnasprestationsförmåga. Data insamlad i interkulturellt, industriellt företag i sexländer, tre världsdelar (N=2568). Resultatet visar ett signifikant sambandmellan ledarens kommunikationsförmåga och medarbetares prestationsförmåga.Ifrågasätta predicerar medarbetarnas prestation i störstutsträckning i fem av sex länder.

Beaker-kulturernas ursprungs-ID

This essay aims to investigate the use of an origin-ID within the Beaker Complex, as defined by John C. Barrett, seen through their different expressions of use in ceramic form and ornamentation, architecture and landscape through time and space with special emphasis on the late Neolihtics in the South of England. The analytic vehicle "the reinforcing circle" is used as a new diffusion model suggested by Stuart Needham, and the analytic tool "incubation" is used to structure the process the Beaker-cultures may have used to reach cultural hegemony. Id est, that the Beaker-cultures socially invites already existing cultures, offering within family and trading the results of new technolo­gies. And/or, occupy the space and use the authority needed by re-writing the narrative as seen in the grave use and grave deposits.

Introduktion av nyanställda inom Socialtjänsten

The aim of this study was to look at introduction for staff in a social service office and the social workers experience off the first period at a new workplace. Qualitative interviews have been used as a method of investigating how social workers look at introduction in the workplace and how social workers have experience the first period at the workplace. The empirical material have been analysed by using the theory of Human Service Organizations, street-lever bureaucracy theory and theory concerning work environment. This papers first chapter presents the methodological preferences, the second chapter the theoretical perspective and the results of the study are presented in the third chapter followed by a discussion and ending comments in chapter four. My study showed that introduction is necessary in a complex organisation and could be a way to improve the social workers situation in social service organisations..

Afghanistans demokratiseringsprocess : En kvalitativ fallstudie om förutsättningarna för att lyckas med konsociationell demokrati i ett av världens fattigaste länder.

This thesis intends to analyse conditions for a successful implementation of consociational democracy, as a democratic model in Afghanistan. The lack of critical reviews regarding the democratisation-process in Afghanistan initiated the purpose of this study.Lijpharts democracy model was used as the basis in the comparative study. Along with empirical evidence regarding how the complex process of democracy in Afghanistan is progressing, the study investigated whether the identified conditions occurred or not.The choice of which democracy model to use can be crucial for the democratic possibilities to even survive and become established in conflict-affected communities. The principle of consociational democracy is that it is an empirically based normative model that aims to organise the state in a way that works against the risks of majority domination and oppression against the minority.The empirical case study revealed that a majority of the conditions were not met, which then can counteract the possibilities for consociational democracy in Afghanistan. The study has critically examined the prospects for the success of consociational democracy in Afghanistan, and it can be assessed that there is a limited probability for a successful applying of this model..

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