

2168 Uppsatser om Complex leadership - Sida 49 av 145

Tunas brandgravar : stensättningar och individer i förändring

The Iron Age cemetery at Tuna in Badelunda parish, Västmanland, is a complex and unique burial ground used for only 69 graves during a period of roughly 700 years, between 300 - 1050 AC. The individuals buried at Tuna show an impressive variety of gravegods as well as stonesettings formed above the grave. Who where these people that were cremated at Tuna, among the mysterious women in the boats and the rich women in grave X? As we study the graves of the cremated individuals we reach a new understanding of the cemetery; from its social structure down to every individual. Through the analysis of the stonesettings, gravegods and bones we see a how these subjects, when analysed, show a picture of the individuals and social structure of the cemetery.

Attityder till ledarskap : Effekten av chefens kön och etnicitet

Kön och etnicitet är två centrala variabler vid diskriminering på arbetsplatsen. Dock finns en dubbelsidighet i attityder till ledare där å ena sidan forskning visar på att den västerländska mannen ses som den självklara ledaren samtidigt som det pekar mot att det inte finns någon skillnad i ledarskap i avseende på kön och etnicitet. Studien undersökte attityder till ledarskap beroende på kön och etnicitet utifrån tre hypoteser. I studien deltog 158 högskolestudenter, varav 59 män och 99 kvinnor med en medelålder på 22.28 år. Deltagarna besvarade en enkät som bestod av frågor från the Empowering Leadersip Questionnaire (ELQ) och Motivation To Controll Prejudice-scale (MTCP).

Soldaterna utan namn eller uniform : En kvalitativ analy av Stern och Lehis 18 principer.

In my essay the dilemmas originate from what I have experienced. I have observed myself and some of my colleagues, how we meet children who are lacking the qualifications which school and most pedagogues expect them to have. Focus, in my written experiences, is on children who live in poverty, but how we meet and act toward them is often quite the same independent of what qualifications they are lacking. With the support from literature and theories I reflect and analyse the dilemmas. Through essaywriting I investigate my practical knowledge and I examine how we as pedagogues handle the complex situations encounter when in school and how it is possible to understand why we act the way we do.I think that the knowledge which essaywriting gives me will strengthen me as a person and in my work as a teacher for after-school-center.

Det medeltida Visby : en kritisk studie av disskusionen om stadens etablering

Visby is a city that at first glance is of medieval origins. The popular image of scientists today is that the city was formed in the Middle Ages. According to some of the researchers Visby was formed during the Viking Age, it is based on the basis that the area has been used for a long period. Urban development in the Nordic countries is complex and there are different opinions as to why the Nordic cities emerge. It is important to shed light on the underlying process on why cities are emerging to provide clarity as to why Visby city is emerging.

En arbetsplats för alla. : En kvalitativ studie om hur man ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv kan få in funktionshindrade på arbetsmarknaden.

Syftet för denna uppsats är att utreda och undersöka vad det krävs i ett ledarskap för att få in funktionshindrade på arbetsmarknaden. Fokus för studien är att ur ett kvalitativt perspektiv utreda samspelets betydelse mellan chef och anställd samt vilka faktorer som gör ett samarbete lyckat respektive mindre lyckat i processen med att få in funktionshindrade på arbetsmarknaden.Studien har även i syfte att bidra till den i nuläget begränsade forskningen kring ämnet.Telefonintervjuer med chefer och biträdande chefer har genomförts och resultatet i studien visar att det finns flera behov av att utveckla ledarskapet i denna process. Mer utbildning, öppnare kommunikationsklimat och högre kunskapsnivå behövs för att göra processen effektivare och mer fördelaktig. Utifrån studien har författarna tagit fram olika utvecklingsmöjligheter samt utvecklat en metod i hur man kan effektivisera och förbättra utbildningen för cheferna..

Formgivning av möbler i SWISSPEARL Carat

This thesis concerns partial discharges in stator windings and the possibility of analyzing data using statistical methods. Partial discharges, or PD, are a physical phenomenon in which discharges occur locally due to large electric fields. PD can occur in or adjacent to the insulation of stator windings and causes breakdown of the insulating materials. PD measurement can provide an idea of how widespread the PD activity is. A technique to measure and analyze PD that has become very popular over the last few decades is phase resolved PD patterns.

Frivilligt arbete : motiv och drivkrafter till frivilligt engagemang

This thesis focuses on the motives and incitements for voluntary work. The main question for this thesis is why people get involved in voluntary work. What are the motives and incitements for voluntary commitment and what do people gain from this kind of commitment? The thesis is based upon qualitative research methods at Frivilligcentralen in Norrköping. The theoretical perspectives are a community commitment, satisfaction of being part of a meaningful context, altruistic and self-interest and an increased pace of social changes.

En bild säger mer än tusen ord, eller?: en studie om inferens

Without being aware of it, cognitive processes continuously take place in our heads. We are forced to fill in the information gaps that we meet in our everyday life in order to create an understanding and to form a whole, and that?s where the importance of inference comes in. To create inference implies creating meaning from something that is not explicitly given. Having knowledge about this process offers great possibilities, while not taking it into account may involve risks.

Ledarskapets betydelse för nyttjandet av friskvårdsprogrammet på Centralsjukhuset Kristianstad - en enkätstudie bland personalen på Centralsjukhuset

The workplace is a good arena for healthy activities because of its ability to reach big target groups. A preventive health care program prevents ill-health and since 2001 Centralsjukhuset Kristianstad has a health care program, ?Främja hälsan?. Leadership is important in the health promotion work when to get the collaborators motivated and involved in the health care program. The aim of the cross-sectional study was to investigate the collaborators opinion about the managers? pedagogical role in the health promotion work at Centralsjukhuset Kristianstad.

Ledarskapet och dess betydelse för elithandbollsspelares tävlingsoro

Studiens syfte var att undersöka tränares ledarskap och dess betydelse för elithandbollsspelares tävlingsoro samt om det finns skillnader mellan män och kvinnor. Undersökningsdeltagarna var 116 elithandbollsspelare med medelåldern 21,81 år (SD=3,54) och åtta elithandbollstränare med medelåldern 41,38 år (SD=5,83) från åtta olika klubbar. Undersökningsdeltagarna besvarade enkäter bestående av instrumenten Developmental Leadership Questionnaire (DLQ) och Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2) vilka avsåg att mäta utvecklande ledarskap samt tävlingsoro. Resultaten indikerade att utvecklande ledarskap har en reducerande effekt på kognitiv-, somatisk- och total tävlingsoro samt att utvecklande ledarskap har starkast effekt på kvinnliga elithandbollspelare. Resultaten indikerade även att kvinnliga spelare har högre grad av alla tre kategorier av tävlingsoro oberoende av ledarstil.

Behovsstudie för implementering av ett informationshanteringssystem i el-utvecklingen på Volvo Car Corporation

VSEM project and the need for a more efficient way of handling requirements andinformation are highly apparent.The overall objective of this thesis is divided into two parts:1. To identify criteria/factors leading to a successful introduction of an informationmanagement system.2. To develop an implementation process for a requirement management system ?the first step towards a PLM system in EE development at VCC.This will be done through interviews with employees, a literature review and an analysisof studies of three earlier projects within VCC.The conclusion of this study shows the great need for change in work methods fordesigners handling information and requirements. An implementation process has beenidentified with guidelines on how to handle different phases of the process.

Människohandel : en modern form av slaveri - Exemplet Bosnien- och Hercegovina

This qualitative study focuses on the investigation of different actor?s ideas concerning gender and womanhood in a post-socialist nation Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of this study is to try to provide experiences and attitudes of one not a new, but definitely one constantly changing phenomenon, trafficking in women for sexual exploitation. The qualitative data is mainly collected through nine interviews with people from Bosnian Governments, International organizations and NGOs during my stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The causes to trafficking are complex and intertwined but it directly relates to gender discrimination and attitudes on sexual relationships between women and men.

Nätverk i nätverk : en nätverksansats i den nya ekonomin

Society and technology develop together in interaction processes. Because of the development of information technology, the Industrial society has been left behind in favor of a society where information is the key production factor, i.e. the Information society. In the Information society, social functions and processes are organized in networks. These networks integrate geographically separate markets to parts of a complex global economic system.

Man trollar med knäna lite grann : En studie om vad lärare ser som tecken på barnfattigdom och hur de agerar på vad de ser

The aim of this qualitative study was to examine and understand how teachers see and handle the signs of child poverty within a classroom context. The paper is based on an interview study involving 8 teachers in 2 Swedish schools for children between the ages of 6 to 12 years old. Poverty is a complex word and there are many definitions of it. What do teachers interpret as signs of child poverty in the school context? How do they act when they think it?s necessary to protect a child from being affected by it, and how can we understand their choice of action with the help of action theory? We discovered that the teachers notice different things as signs of child poverty, and they all react in both different and similar ways.

Patent och hälsa ? Intressekonflikten mellan stora läkemedelsföretags rätt till patent framförallt med avseende på hiv/aidsmediciner och u-länders rätt till tillgång till billiga generiska preparat

Abstract This paper discusses protectionism of intellectual property rights in general and the conflict between large pharmaceutical companies? rights to patent and developing countries? rights to cheap generic preparation in particular. The essay focuses above all on HIV/AIDS medicine. The description tries to give an image of the different interests that collide and why they collide. The different actors are above all the pharmaceutical branch, including researchers, inventors and salesmen with their economic interest of revenue, and the population of the development countries and their pressed situation considering the great need of medicine.

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