

1256 Uppsatser om Complete Vocal Technique - Sida 56 av 84

Vattensork och åkersork - skadegörare i svensk fruktodling

There are two species of voles that cause damage in Swedish fruit production: the water vole (Arvicola terrestris) and the field vole (Microtus agrestis). Both species make the most damage during the winter season. The water vole makes subterranean burrows and cause serious damage by gnawing on the tree roots. The field vole seldom makes burrows and gnaws the bark at the base of the tree trunk. In recent years there have been several reports about increasing vole damage.

Biomekanisk analys av patientlyft i team

Background: The majority of the occupational accidents and work-related diseases at Swedish workplaces occur due to poor ergonomics during lifts and transportation of objects. The most common consequence of poor ergonomic conditions is low back pain (LBP) and the risk of developing LBP increases as the mechanical loading on the intervertebral disks grows. This study has investigated the biomechanical loading in the low back during two different types of patient lifts. The first lift (lift A) is developed by Modern Arbetsteknik (MA) and the second lift (lift B) is a common lifting technique among care workers. Objectives: The aim of the study was to identify any advantages or disadvantages with MA?s lift, regarding shear and compression forces in the L5/S1 disc.

Bestämning av utfallet av translokationen t(11;18)(q21;q21) hos patienter med MALT-lymfom genom FISH analys

Lymphoma is a group of malignant tumour diseases developing in the secondary lymphatic system. These diseases can develop in all organs as lymphocytes are ubiquitously in the body. In connection to mucus membranes we find mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, MALT, in which lymphoma can spontaneously but slowly develop, mostly at chronic inflammation or at autoimmune diseases. Today these diseases are incureable with the exception of some cases caused by Helicobacter pylori-infection. Antibiotic treatment of these cases can induce remissions.MALT-lymphomas have characteristic histological and molecular properties.

Letandet efter en ny Zlatan : En kvalitativ undersökning av tv-programmet I Zlatans fotspår

The aim of this study is to find out how the tv-program I Zlatans fotspår (English: In Zlatan's footprints) broadcasted on Swedish public service television represent the participating young players and the Swedish football player Zlatan Ibrahimovi?. Our question formulation reads as follows:?        How is the participating youths being represented in the tv-program I Zlatans fotspår??        How is the football player Zlatan Ibrahimovi? being represented in the tv-program I Zlatans fotspår? Our thesis is qualitative and in order to find out how the participants are being represented we used a discourse analysis. We have focused on the theories discourse, identity, representation, stereotypes, discrimination and the perspective social constructionism.

Morgondagens motorteknik under dina fötter

Want to help making the world a better place? Do it with HypOCycle!HypOCycle is a bachelor thesis that started in September 2007. The project is owned byLars-Johan Hjertz and Erik Westerlund.HypOCycle is probably the only bike in the world that has a linear pedal movement. Themovement comes from a new engine technique that hasn?t even been brought to themarket yet.


Background: Obesity has expanded to a nationwide issue that affects millions of people. The healthcare system struggles to handle the epidemic as the problem grows. Studies show that healthcare workers have negative attitudes toward obese and overweight people and that they lack knowledge and proper tools to support this patient group. Motivational interviewing (MI) is a known technique for initiating lifestyle changes with patients. Aim: The aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of MI as a tool for weight loss and sustainable lifestyle changes for people with obesity and overweight. Method: This study uses a literature review methodology with a systematic perspective. Data is gathered and analyzed to investigate how MI affects weight loss.

Deterministisk Komprimering/Dekomprimering av Testvektorer med Hjälp av en Inbyggd Processor och Faxkodning

Modern semiconductor design methods makes it possible to design increasingly complex system-on-a-chips (SOCs). Testing such SOCs becomes highly expensive due to the rapidly increasing test data volumes with longer test times as a result. Several approaches exist to compress the test stimuli and where hardware is added for decompression. This master?s thesis presents a test data compression method based on a modified facsimile code.

Inventering av flodpärlmussla i Fylleån norr om Gyltigesjön

Freshwater environments are threatened worldwide, of which many of the species associatedwith freshwater. In 2014, 243 freshwater mussels were on the international Red List. One ofthem is the freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera, which because of itscomplex life cycle can be counted as an indicator of whether a stream is worth protecting. It's since the early 1900's in decline throughout their range. Sweden is counted as a core area which is why we have not only a national but an international responsibility to conserve the species.

Bibliotek och unga vuxna : En undersökning av arbetet och profilen hos två unga vuxenavdelningar

The aim of this thesis is to examine how two young adult departments at two public libraries work and what profiles the young adult departments have. To examine the work and profiles at the young adult departments I have used the following questions: What are the ideas about working with young adults? How are the two departments in this study working whit young adults? What or which are the profiles of the young adult departments in this study?To answer the questions above I used a qualitative method based on interviews with the librarians responsible for the young adult departments. To complete the interviews I studied the libraries Internet sites and official documents. The examined departments are located at two city libraries and were chosen manly for their focused age group, 15-25 years and that the departments are well established.To analyse the results I used the theoretic model of Marianne Andersson and Dorte Skot-Hansen about the role of the public library.

Alternativa byggsystem för att minska transmissionsförlusterna på miljonprogrammets byggnader

The purpose with this project is to explore and verify three renovating systems for Miljonprogrammet (common expression forbuildings constructed during the years 1965-1975 when over a million houses where built in Sweden) to take measure to thelargely transmission losses of these buildings. Many of the buildings from this period have similar constructions and thereforethe same techniques can be used to renovate several of them. This project only considers the climate scale, although thereare many more factors to concern for to efficient the buildings of Miljonprogrammet.This thesis presents examples of renovations carried out using two of the three renovation systems.The essay presents a reference house of choice on which we apply the three systems and calculate the new U-values,consumption of energy and the investment costs. The new U-values the building is given is matched to the values ofrecommendation for passive houses. Our reference house is a two story apartment building, located in the village ofLammhult, with brick facades at the ends and plaster at the long sides.

Produktionsbur som främjar hönors naturliga beteende

Today?s housing system for laying hens has limitations for the hens natural behavior. Despite the current law of prevention of cruelty to animals, this might implicate health problems for the hens. This degree project is aiming to improve the situation for laying hens in cage-systems. The aim with our project is to bring forward a draft of a cage that improves the welfare of laying hens.

Skriftlig ordination av fysisk aktivitet : En enkätstudie inom primärvården i Värmdö

AimThe aim with this essay was to find out what the personal in the primary care of Värmdö have for attitude to work with physical activity in prevention and treatment of diseases, how they work with the method today and how they think about working with the method in the future. Following questions were in focus of the study: How are they working in the primary care of Värmdö today with physical activity in prevention and treatment of diseases? What is the attitude to work with physical activity in prevention and treatment of diseases? And how do they want to work with physical activity in prevention and treatment of diseases in the future?MethodThe study includes all doctors, nurses and physiotherapists in Gustavsberg and Djurö primary care in Värmdö. To get answers on the question of issue was a questionnaire handed out. 82 % answered, which means that 45 of totally 55 employed in both primary care units answered the questinnaire.Results44 of 45 asked reported that they give verbal advice about physical activity to their patients today.

Belastningsergonomi för trädgårdsmästare

Enligt rapporter från Arbetsmiljöverket är arbetsrelaterade besvär som inte beror på arbetsplatsolycka vanliga inom trädgårdsnäringen. Orsakerna till besvären är huvudsakligen en följd av påfrestande arbetsställningar, korta upprepade arbetsmoment och tung manuell hantering. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva vad trädgårdsmästare bör tänka på vad gäller belastningsergonomi för att minska risken för skador i sitt arbete. Sökningar gjordes i databaserna Medline via PubMed, ScienceDirect och Academic Search Elite med sökorden horticulture, gardening, agriculture, ergonomics, pruning, shoveling, stoop, lifting technique and musculoskeletal injuries.Resultatet visade att när det gäller lyftteknik och arbetsställningar bör man i möjligaste mån undvika att utföra dessa med en framåtböjd överkropp och raka ben. Denna kroppshållning visade sig vara sämre i jämförelse med andra tekniker och kroppspositioner med hänsyn taget till påfrestningsgraden av ländryggen.Även vid grävning finns per automatik ett starkt inslag av att luta sig fram med böjd överkropp med den följden att ryggen utsätts för krafter som kan vara skadliga.

Varför snokar ni? : En motivanalys av regeringens val att presentera propositionen för en anpassad försvarsunderrättelseverksamhet

Since the 9/11-attacks several nations have been confronted with a new international threat, its nature traces back to the political- and religious- radical movements of the 20th century Cold War. Ever since, various states have been under threat by terrorist organizations around the world due to mainly participating in worldwide counter-terrorist interventions created by western alliances. In Sweden, amongst other countries, the state took security-precautions that would imply total control of information throughout the territorial borders. The assigned proposition was accepted by the Swedish parliament in June 18th 2008, after this date wild spread criticism was still in effect ever since the Swedish government first publicly announced the proposition in May 8th 2007. This study emphasizes on understanding why the Swedish government chose to present this proposition to parliament, in order to complete this task the study will present the motives and the alleged threats that were the core of the proposition and its value-maximizing goal of creating a new surface for Swedish homeland security.

Vad är Cloud Computing? : En kvalitativ studie ur ett företagsperspektiv

Cloud computing is a new buzzword within the IT-industry, and introduces a whole new way of working with IT. The technique delivers web based services, which results in that the user no longer needs to install an application locally on a computer. Since the application no longer needs to run on a local entity, but in a datacenter located on a service provider, the users no longer need any specific hardware more than a computer with an internet connection. Cloud computing also offers IT-infrastructure and development environments as services, these three service types is better known as cloud services. Through the usage of different types of cloud services, the need for maintenance and hardware is significantly reduced.

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