

1256 Uppsatser om Complete Vocal Technique - Sida 51 av 84

Informationskrigföring - den nya teknikens hot

The new information society has revolutionised almost the entire world. But the new technique does not only bring good. That which was before only available on paper may today only be available on a computer system. This makes it possible to send data electronically. In the wrong hands that information can become a threat against the security of an individual, a company or even a nation. The possibility to protect oneself against attacks from the outside becomes increasingly difficult.

Tillfällig klädförvaring

This degree project has been carried out by Niclas Andersson and Sebastian Zwahlen, students of the Innovation and Design Engineering Program at the Faculty of Technology and Science at Karlstad University. The project was carried out during the spring 2010 and includes 22, 5 ETCS credits.Initially the group had contact with the company Mavis möbler AB. Mavis gave the group the task of developing a new bedroom product. To assess the needs and problems of bedroom behaviors, an extensive questionnaire and several interviews were made. This became the starting point for further work.According to the results uncovered during the market research a vast problem was found with temporary clothing storage.

Implementeringen av Lagen om valfrihetssystem inom primärvården i Västmanlands län : -Information och styrning

Title: Older people's experiences of exercise training: a survey based on a descriptive design.Course: Public Health: Theory and method of application and degree, 30 credits. University of Gävle, health education program.Author: Helena AnderssonPurpose: According to earlier research the western population is aging. This may affect, the older peoples`s physical disability in one form or another. The consequences may be that the need off care can increase. However elderly can prevent a variety of age-related diseases by being physically active.

Från Jalla! Jalla! till Snabba Cash : En semiotisk och retorisk kvalitativ analys av affischer från 2000-talet

Posters had their breakthrough in 1830-1840?s all thanks to the lithographic printing technique. The poster was used as an advertising tool.In this essay, we have looked at which semiotic and rhetorical elements that are found in today?s Swedish movie posters. What kind of image and text elements does the poster use and with what function? With what and how do they persuade the audience that the movies are interesting and worth seeing?We have taken the most popular Swedish movies between 2001 and 2010, one for each year, going by the statistic found at the website of the Swedish Film Institute.

Från ?hög och fin? till ?se upp på Gerrard? : En kvalitativ textanalys med fokus på förändring i TV-fotbollsgenren

Abstract Our intent with this study was to find out what changes have been made during the last 30 years in the way that the media reports from certain events. We choose to study the world of football and specially the Swedish national team and it?s relationship to the Swedish television medium in the World Cup of 1974 and the World Cup of 2006. The study mainly focuses on the differences in commentary and in the production from both of the championships. We used Keith Selby and Ron Cowdery?s book How to study television and Mats Ekström and Lars-Åke Larsson?s book Metoder i kommunikationsvetenskap as tools to analyze the games we watched. The result showed that there?s been a lot of changes media wise between the two championships.

Bryggarsalen : Underlag för kommande marknadsföringsinsatser

The purpose of this study is to identify the points-of-difference that should form the basis for Bryggarsalen?s future marketing efforts. Bryggarsalen is a newly established conference business in Stockholm. To be able to identify these points-of-difference, Bryggarsalen?s marketing problems have been studied from the resource-based view, claiming that the source of sustained competitive advantage derive from a firm?s unique bundle of resources.

Illustrationer av landskapsarkitektur

This bachelor thesis discusses three Swedish landscape architects and their plan drawings and illustrations. The landscape architects are from the 18th century, the 19th century respectively the 20th century. The three persons are: Fredrik Magnus Piper, Knut Forsberg and Gunnar Martinsson. The landscape architects are brought up in chronological order in a chapter each where the person?s life, educations and work are described.

Beräkningsmodell för massbalanser för Slottshagens reningsverk

In the next few years the pollutants loading at the Slottshagen wastewater treatment plant in Norrköping is going to increase due to the reason that one of the waste water treatment plant in the district will be shut down.A survey of how these different pollutants are divided in the treatment process is therefore necessary for mapping out both the loading and treatment efficiency.This can be achieved by studying mass balances.Mass balances were carried out for the water treatment process for the mechanical/chemical,biological and the chemical stage.The mass balance studies show that the treatment efficiency was very good. However in order for the mass balances to be quite consistent and to ensure complete coverage of results and conclusions i.e. more reliable results, sludge samples should be collected and taken at different times per day and the influent rate should be investigated.In this work mass balance has been set up in order to illustrate and identify the factors that should be considered and taken care of for further estimation using mass balances in the future. Furthermore this survey results in a calculating model for the mass balances at thisplant.This calculating model is used as a tool to facilitate future calculations for mass balances for the water treatment process at Slottshagens wastewater treatment plant.Moreover it provides a basis for carrying out further estimation of the treatment process in the near future.In this project the importance of some operating parameters was also taken in consideration.This calculating model can be modified so that calculations of such operating parameters i.e. sludge loading and sludge age can be easily performed.Such information can be used further to evaluate different operation alternative in order to ensure an optimal use of the treatment process with in the plant..

Ebbas klänning Uppmätning och analys som källa till information i kombination med historisk undersökning

This study focuses on costume as a source of information. By making a case study of an 1880's dress itaims to explore the conservators potential as an investigator and conveyor of the information containedin a costume. Further explanation of this role is made by reference to several statements made by wellknown textile conservators. The paper also explores the different words used to make a new version ofa preserved or inexistant garment, gives an extensive presentation of taking patterns and an insight tothe other methods used for analysing costumes. The case study consists of an investigation of the dressconstruction, during which a pattern is taken, and a literature study of the contemporary fashion, theowner of the dress and the maker of the dress.

"Alla borde gå i särskolan!" En studie om bemötande, klassrumsmiljö och kritiska situationer i två gymnasiesärskolor

Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande studie är att studera hur pedagoger i gymnasiesärskolan anpassar klassrumsmiljön för sina elever samt pedagogernas uppfattningar om kritiska situationer och hur de anser att man kan bemöta dessa.Teori: De teoretiska utgångspunkterna för studien är sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande samt relationellt och kategoriskt perspektiv.Metod: Studien är inspirerad av etnografisk forskningsansats och Critical Incident Technique (CIT). Två gymnasiesärskolor i Sverige har besökts där intervjuer och enkäter har genomförts med verksamma pedagoger. Även deltagande observationer har utförts i och kring klassrum på de båda skolorna. Resultat: Resultatet visar att de observerade klassrumsmiljöerna både är anpassade och inte för de elever som vistas där. En del klassrum är röriga och en del är mer avskalade.

Produktivitet och lönsamhet vid skogsbränsleuttag längs skogsbilvägar :

With an increased demand for biomass based energy and with development of better technique harvest biomass, new possibilities open up. With the possibility to combine traditional cleaning of road?s right of way with biomass harvesting, the work of suppressing tree vegetation could become profitable or at least decrease the road maintenance cost. However, knowledge about productivity and profitability in mechanical biomass harvesting in roads? right of ways are still limited.

Undervisning och dyslexi : Några gymnasieläraren arbetssätt för att stödja elever med dyslexi

According to the curriculum the teachers have a responsibility to adjust the activities in the classroom in order to suit the pupils and to give them the means of assistance the pupils need to be successful in their learning. The teachers should also stimulate the interest to learn and support the pupils? self esteem. One of the problems a dyslectic pupil faces is an often weak self esteem. Another is the weak phonological awareness which makes it hard to fully understand the context and to recognize different phonemes when writing.

Aktiv ventilstyrning

To achieve an optimal combustion, an even air/fuel ratio in the combustion chamber is required. An optimal combustion leads to reduced amount of emissions due to a more complete combustion, which is an important matter because of the sharpened environmental laws. This can be attained, among other things, by applying entirely variable cam times. To optimize the engines efficiency and its emissions at all workloads and speeds, an active valve control can be applied. This means that the intake and exhaust-valves can be opened and closed at any time, independent of the crankshaft position.

Texten och talet : En intervjustudie om talboksanvändande hos studenter med dyslexi

The aim of this thesis is to investigate how students in higher education use talking books. This has been inves-tigated through qualitative interviews with nine students. The intention has been to find out how they use talk-ing books and why they have chosen to do it in the way they have, looking specifically on whether there are strategies shared by most of the interviewees.As a theoretical basis of the thesis I have chosen a study, described by Sigrid Hongset, where dyslectic pu-pils tried using printed text and text on tape, as well as both simultaneously. George Kingsley Zipfs ?Principle of least effort? will act as a supplemental theory.The interviews show that the students use talking books in different ways.

Vaccination av förskolebarn som inte vill medverka : En kritisk incident studie

Vaccination är en av de mest kostnadseffektiva åtgärderna inom sjukvården. Sveriges vaccinationsprogram innefattar tio sjukdomar och barnets femte dos ges vid fem års ålder. Barn i förskoleåldern befinner sig i ett utvecklingsstadium vilket kan försvåra vaccination. Tidigare studier beskriver svårigheter och den stress sjuksköterskor upplever i samband med vaccination av barn, kunskapsbrist finns däremot kring hur barnen bör hanteras. Syftet med studien var att utifrån betydelsefulla händelser beskriva barnhälsovårdssköterskans (BHVsköterskans) erfarenheter och agerande vid vaccination av förskolebarn som inte vill medverka.

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