

1256 Uppsatser om Complete Vocal Technique - Sida 49 av 84

Design av stimuligenerator för radarmålsökare

During the development of microwave based sensors such as radar target seekers, input signals are needed to verify the performance of the system. Therefore, a channel board has been developed by previous thesis projects at Saab Bofors Dynamics. It uses a technique called Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM). The purpose of this board is to sample and digitally store radio frequency signals in order to reconstruct them after a certain delay.The aim of this thesis project was to use the channel board named above to construct a portable instrument for generation of stimuli signals. This assignment has been divided into two tasks: firstly, to construct and put together the hardware components and secondly, to implement a graphical user interface for the instrument.

Tilla?mpning och simulering av naturlig ventilation : Potential fo?r utnyttjande i kontorsrum

Mechanical ventilation is the most common type ofventilation in newly constructed office buildings. Therehas been an interest to utilize natural ventilationinstead of mechanical ventilation among architects andHVAC consultants in recent years. This is due to thesize of mechanical ventilation systems, which arespace consuming. The mechanical ventilation system isalso complex and requires maintenance. Furthermore,the fan uses a considerable amount of energy.

Se men inte röra - problemet med den performativa besökaren

Cloud computing is a new buzzword within the IT-industry, and introduces a whole new way of working with IT. The technique delivers web based services, which results in that the user no longer needs to install an application locally on a computer. Since the application no longer needs to run on a local entity, but in a datacenter located on a service provider, the users no longer need any specific hardware more than a computer with an internet connection. Cloud computing also offers IT-infrastructure and development environments as services, these three service types is better known as cloud services. Through the usage of different types of cloud services, the need for maintenance and hardware is significantly reduced.

Kvalité och kontroll inom revisionsbranschen : spelar det egentligen någon roll?

Audit is a service of society that takes place in the public interest. To guarantee the quality of auditing a quality control is done with predetermined time intervals. The purpose of this paper is to investigate and analyze the concept quality and the procedure of the quality control and further to tie concepts like trust and ethics to the audit profession. To make the picture complete the paper also provides an insight regarding what deficiencies in quality, in other words failures, means to the audit profession. By performing semi-structured interviews with seven qualified auditors, active on different auditing firms in Skåne, substantial information was collected.

Slutna kontanthanteringssystem - en investeringsbedömning för Gekås Ullared AB

Med utgångspunkt i de stora mängder kontanter som hanteras i flera instanser på Gekåsvarje dag valdes uppsatsens ämne. Syftet var att bedöma effekterna av en eventuellinvestering i ett slutet kontanthanteringssystem, för att sedan lämna rekommendationertill företagets ledning.Undersökningen är gjord som en deskriptiv fallstudie med Gekås i centrum. Företagetoch dess behov har utvärderats med hjälp av egna erfarenheter och information från såväl ledning som anställda på kassakontor och i kassan. Kunskap om tillgängliga kontanthanteringssystemhar fåtts från tillverkare, säljare och användare, och för att slutakedjan konsulterades företagets värdetransportör.De vinster med ett slutet kontanthanteringssystem som uppmärksammats är framförallteffektivitetsvinster i form av stora tidsbesparingar vid kontanthanteringen och merrörlig personal, samt en säkrare och mer trivsam arbetsmiljö i kassan. De största kostnadsbesparingarnaskulle uppnås genom att vissa moment hos kassapersonal, på kassakontoretoch för den kassaansvarige försvinner.

Är kunden lojal eller spontan? :  En studie om lösviktskonfektyr i Sverige

An impulse or unplanned purchase is a decision taken on the spot without further consideration or reflection. It is the spur of the moment that influences the purchase rather than a deliberated decision. Being loyal to a particular brand means a mutual relationship between customer and company created over time which may result in the customer experiencing a higher value and thus prefer a particular brand before another.Bulk confectionary can be characterized as an impulse product because it is purchased at times without any time of consideration or planning. The question that arises is whether all bulk confectionary purchases are unplanned? Through this study it shall be examined whether any brand loyalty actually exists regarding bulk confectionary; does the customer plan its confectionary purchases in beforehand or do most of them occur through impulses? Furthermore, the study will highlight who the customer is of bulk confectionary in Sweden.The survey was conducted through a combination of a quantitative and qualitative method.

Intelligenta Switchar

This master thesis has been carried out on behalf of Stoneridge Electronics AB and is an investigation ofhow intelligent switches can replace the traditionally used direct controlled switches. The concept ofintelligent switches is that the switches contain electronic identification components which, by connectingthem to a network, give the same function independent of the location of the switch. This infers anincreased flexibility and configurability which can be a great advantage in development, production andcustomization in the commercial vehicle industry. Especially in the current situation when commercialvehicle manufacturers provides more and more functions and dashboard configurations.LIN (Local Interconnect Network) is a network protocol introduced in 1999. It is a simpler and lower costcomplement to CAN (Controller Area Network) and is adapted for applications where the demands forbandwidth are lower, for example reading sensors and switchers.

ESC-analys och studering av knack på en "Diesel Dual Fuel"-motor

A one-cylinder research engine has been used for studies with a Diesel Dual Fuel concept (DDF). DDF is a concept that utilizes a pilot diesel injection to ignite a homogenous natural gas/air mixture. Emissions and engine efficiency have been analyzed in an emission cycle called European Stationary Cycle (ESC) and the knock/pre-ignition problems with this type of engine have been investigated.At low and mid torque levels, an early diesel injection around 60 crank angles degrees (CAD) before top dead center (TDC) was used. At these loads raw NOxemissions was below EURO 6 level (0.2 g/kWh). NOxwas at EURO 5 level over the complete ESC without after treatment and with SCR at high loads it should be possible to reach EURO 6.One issue with DDF is the high HC emission levels.

Analys av sorptiv kylning i industri- och kontorsbyggnader

Energy efficiency is important both to reduce costs and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. Reducing costs will also help maintain business competitiveness.Scania in Södertälje is a company where the optimization of energy use is an ongoing and continual process. One area with potential to make energy and cost savings is the effectiveness of the ventilation systems in offices and industrial premises at Scania. During the summer months an increased demand for cooling occurs, leading to increased ventilation and a peak in district cooling system usage. Sorptive cooling is a technology where the supplied air is cooled by applying external heat.

Enhetstestning: Kostnad mot kvalitet

Unit testing is a type of testing technique which is becoming quite fashionable to the developers and companies that are in the business of creating and managing software. Alas there are seldom any concrete data to support the positive claims of the authors in unit testing methodology books. These claims are instead based on empirical studies and the experience of the authors. The problem that arises from this situation is that it becomes problematic for managers and also the developers themselves to convince both customers and their own management to use this type of testing as there is no exact return of investment model. This essay examines this problem from two points, the first point is from the literature itself and interviews conducted with a number of developers at a software company located in Umea, Sweden.

Varför välja profilklass? : En kvalitativ undersökning om varför vissa föräldrar väljer att skicka sina barn till profilförskolor/skolor eller profilklasser

The aim of this study was to investigate how four families in the Stockholm area reason, what kind of preconception they have and what their horizon of expectations is when they make the choice between sending their children to the profile class of municipal/free schools and sending them to the general classes in those schools. The main research questions asked were:What kind of preconception do the parents have about profile classes?What reasons do the interviewed parents have to send their children to a profile class?What are the interviewed parent?s expectations of the profile class choice?The study is built on qualitative interviews with the parents of the families. The empirical data has been analyzed using a framework of theories drawing on the theory of reproduction, the forms of social capital, the ideas created from the word profile and elite and the horizon of expectations. The results show that the parents of the families have a similar degree of preconception about profile classes.

Äldre motionärers upplevelser av motionsträning: en beskrivande intervjuundersökning

Title: Older people's experiences of exercise training: a survey based on a descriptive design.Course: Public Health: Theory and method of application and degree, 30 credits. University of Gävle, health education program.Author: Helena AnderssonPurpose: According to earlier research the western population is aging. This may affect, the older peoples`s physical disability in one form or another. The consequences may be that the need off care can increase. However elderly can prevent a variety of age-related diseases by being physically active.

LIN baserad kommunikationsmodul för GPS

The work that is the basis of this Master Thesis was performed on Scania´s group of cabdevelopment, and concerns the GPS-system in Scania´s trucks. Today, the GPS-systemconsists of an active antenna mounted on the roof of the truck. The antenna is connectedto the receiver with a coaxial cable.The purpose with this Master Thesis was to develop and evaluate a new GPS-system,where the information is distributed using a LIN-network. Today, each unit requiringGPS-information is equipped with its own antenna and receiver. This solution has beenthe most cost effective to this point.

Att utvärdera vetenskapliga tidskrifter: En kritisk analys av Journal Impact Factor: en metod inom citeringsanalys.

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to make a critical analysis of Journal Impact Factor JIF. JIF is today the most widespread quantitative measure for evaluating scientific journals. Although it is internationally used and is considered authoritarian many problems have been observed. This has led to that the validity of JIF has been questioned. To identify JIFs limitations the following issues have been raised: Which are the problems with citation analysis? What criticisms have been directed towards Journal Impact Factor as a measure for evaluating scientific journals? The theoretical framework consists of theories about citation behaviour and a discussion about the characteristics of a scientific journal.

Konstruktion av Laborationskort med PIC-processorn

In this report you can get a complete instruction about how to build your own development system for the PIC-processor. This card will be used for laborations for the students at LITH-ITN. With this card you can send new assembler codes (new instructions) down to the microprocessor via the Serialport on your computer. Then the new instructions for the microprocessor will start to execute. We made a solder paste stencil at Campus Norrköping solder paste stencil laboratory.

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