

1255 Uppsatser om Complete Vocal Technique - Sida 3 av 84

Utveckling av intranet på Pharmacia & Upjohn, Helsingborg : Informationsspridning med hjälp av WWW teknologi

The purpose of this paper is to describe how the workgroup and I developed and construc­ted an Intranet at Pharmacia & Upjohn, Helsingborg. The Intranet was constructed by the help of WWW-technique. The intention was to increase and improve the distribution of infor­mation in the large company. Some of the employees were interviewed and asked what they could gain by using the Intranet for information distribution instead of the usual papers. They also got a chance to tell us what they thought about the whole idea with the Intranet.

Fenomenet complete phase : incomplete phase i rotumanska

I denna uppsats behandlas de grammatiska fenomenen complete phase och incomplete phase i det austronesiska språket rotumanska. Min avsikt med uppsatsen är att ta reda på varför complete phase respektive incomplete phase används i en viss syntaktisk eller morfologisk kontext. Jag har baserat denna studie endast på litteratur, främst från C.M Churchwards Rotuman Grammar and Dictionary..

Indirekt blodtrycksmätning hos hund och katt :

The objective of this study was to study the agreement between two methods of indirect bloodpressure measurement in dogs and cats and to establish the within-method variation for the methods. The utility and practicality in the clinical setting were also evaluated for the both methods. The techniques evaluated were the oscillometric method and the Doppler ultrasonographic method. Thirtytwo dogs and 26 cats were used in the study and seven dogs and five cats out of these animals had diseases that may effect the bloodpressure. Bloodpressure was measured in both anesthetized and in conscious animals.

Jämförelse av olika metoder att generera Bernoullifördelade slumptal givet deras summa

In this master?s thesis the problem of simulating conditional Bernoulli distributed stochastic variables, given the sum, is considered. Three simulation methods are considered, namely the acceptance/rejection technique, Bondesson?s method and the Markov chain Monte Carlo method.To compare the three methods the bias and the standard deviations of the simulated variables are evaluated. The results of the simulation study shows that the Markov chain Monte Carlo method is not the best method for this type of simulation.

Samkörning av databaser-Är lagen ett hinder?

Title:Comparison of databases ? Is the law an obstacle?Authors:Alexander Ankarberg, Applied Information Science.Tutors:Lars- Eric LjungProblem: Cross running databases is getting more and more significant during the development of the information flow. There are huge benefits if we start to use the technique that already exists. The law is today an obstacle, so what would happen if the law wasn?t so stern.

Musikteori i sångundervisning : En intervjustudie av sångpedagogers syn på och arbete med musikteori i enskild undervisning på gymnasiet

Syftet med studien är att få fördjupad insikt i hur sångpedagoger arbetar med musikteori i enskild sångundervisning på gymnasiet. I bakgrundskapitlet presenteras de rådande betygskriterierna inom ämnet Instrument eller sång I samt tidigare forskning och litteratur som har anknytning till studiens syfte. Jag har använt mig av kvalitativa intervjuer och har sedan analyserat materialet ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Samtliga informanter har utbildning från musikhögskola och arbetar vid gymnasieskolans estetiska program. De beskriver sin syn på musikteori ur ett sångperspektiv, berättar hur de arbetar med musikteori i sin undervisning samt ger exempel på hur eleverna kan motiveras till lärande. Resultatet visar att alla informanter anser att musikteori och notläsningsförmåga är viktigt för elevernas musikaliska helhetsbild.

Grundläggning med cellglas : En studie av byggtid och lönsamhet

This report describes a new foundation method and compares it with a traditional founding of concrete. This new method is called the Koljern technique and uses cellular glass which is called Foamglas. The Foamglas is compounded to founding elements by lightweight steel beams. Foamglas is an insulation material with high compressive strength, and is rot, insect, vermin and acid proof. The cellular glass is also fire proof and watertight, which makes it a very good construction material.The report contains a study of a number of cases for which the Koljern technique is compared with a foundation of concrete.

Röst och hörselnedsättning : Akustisk analys av röst hos sju hörapparatsanvändare

A number of studies have been made to examine several aspects of voice production in individuals with different types of hearing impairments. Most of the studies were made to explore the impact that hearing aids have for people with severe or congenital hearing impairment. So far it has been confirmed that there are changes regarding voice production in these individuals. A group that has not been investigated regarding voice production to a larger extent are hearing aid users with an acquired hearing impairment. In the present study the voice production of seven individuals, four men and three women, with a moderate acquired hearing impairment is examined.

Presentationsteknik : hur förmedlar man sitt budskap?

How do you present your message? Is there any technique that is better than others? How do you make a presentation understandable for everybody, not only architects? We have tried to answer these and other questions in this thesis. Our focus has been how to use pictures and texts in presentations. How to put them together and make a good looking presentation, which is understandable and attractive. The work is directed to students working with presentations, using both pictures and texts..

Alexanderteknik för emotionellt uttryck i musik : Alexanderteknik som metod för en effektiv spelteknik, och en tillfredsställande musikalisk framställning riktat huvudsakligen till den klassiska gitarristen

In this essay, I want to achieve an accessible and applicable entrance to Alexander Technique as a method for learning to use the body in such a way as to allow emotional expression in music. It is necessary to see the real need of Alexander Technique for the active musician, and therefore important components of music-making will be presented. These components are presented from an Alexander-perspective in order to produce a clear picture of the method of application.The prerequisite for emotional expression in music is musicians and music listeners with the ability to generate, and respond after emotional impressions. Alexander Technique provides an approach to make it easier for musicians, especially guitarists, to express emotions in a performance situation.After years of practice and obtaining musical knowledge and practical skills at the instrument, it is common that muscle tension and ingrained patterns contribute to limited expression. Muscle tensions arising from pressured situations such as auditions, competitions and concerts.

Att skriva musik : magi eller teori?

The aim of this project was for me to write two complete songs and to get to know my creative process better. I wrote two songs, made musical arrangements for them, transcribed the music in Sibelius, rehearsed the material with two musicians and at last recorded it in a studio. Throughout this I kept track of my own creative process. The project resulted in two complete songs with arrangement. I learned that I have some difficulty handling adversities in my songwriting, and that it was not so easy to get to know my own creative process as I thought.

Finns det daglig variation i resistans i de nedre luftvägarna hos häst?

Among researchers it has been established since decades that humans and animals have an internal biological clock that controls certain physiological mechanisms. One example regarding humans is the impairment of lung function during the night, causing the phenomenon ?nocturnal asthma? among asthmatics. Only a few studies concerning respiratory circadian rhythm in horses have been done previously and they showed a daily variation in horses with a chronic or an acute respiratory disease. The technique used in those studies was the conventional technique, which is invasive and less sensitive than the technique used in this study.

Hur kan vi utveckla vårt personliga uttryckssätt med ljud?

This is a bachelor thesis that studies and discuss the question: How can we develop our individual narrative technique with sound design in a Swedish drama production? We have done research and empirical studies. We have analyzed movies to get an idea how we use the sound design in Swedish drama productions today. We have produced a movie that gives sound the biggest part. Key words: Swedish drama production, narrative technique, sound design.

Varför så många namn på röstregister? : En intervjustudie om hur sångpedagoger hanterar begreppet röstregister i sin undervisning?

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur sångpedagoger beskriver att de arbetar med röstregister i sin undervisning, vilka olika röstbegrepp informanterna använder sig av samt hur de förklarar dessa för eleverna. Med denna studie vill jag få en bild av hur terminologin påverkar undervisningen när samma register förklaras på olika sätt. Jag har utgått från kvalitativa intervjuer för att på så sätt få en mer utförlig bild av sångpedagogers uppfattningar och handlingar. Jag har intervjuat fyra sångpedagoger i olika genrer för att se om det finns någon skillnad i val av begrepp utifrån vilken genre de arbetar inom. För att kunna tolka och försöka förstå informanterna på ett djupare sätt har jag använt mig av ett hermeneutiskt förhållningssätt.

Cash Management : en studie av netting som verktyg vid likviditetshantering

Background: Liquidity and the management of liquidity are of great importance for companies. Cash management is not a new term, but the need for it has increased recently, for one thing because of the internationalisation and growing harmonisation between the countries in Europe. Netting is a cash management technique, where receivables and liabilities are netted. This technique can be used to release capital and increase the company?s cash flow by reducing the number of transactions in the internal payment system.

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