

1256 Uppsatser om Complete Vocal Technique - Sida 20 av 84

Analys av godstransportflödet - förbättringar kopplade till IT-lösningar

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

Optimering av materialnivåer - en modell för lagerstyrning hos Fitesa Sweden AB

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

Lageroptimering - en studie över artikelplacering samt layoutstrukturering

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

Vårdpersonalens upplevelse av att vårda patienter som lever i hemlöshet : En litteraturöversikt

Bakgrund: Begreppet hemlöshet innefattar flera situationer. Det är svårt att veta hur många hemlösa personer som befinner sig i Sverige då hemlöshet även innefattar de som lever utan uppehållstillstånd, papperslösa och asylsökande. Hemlösa personer löper en högre risk av att drabbas av både fysisk och psykisk ohälsa och dåliga erfarenheter av vården kombinerat med en begränsad ekonomi och oklarheter vart i vården de ska vända sig kan göra att hemlösa inte uppsöker vården. Sedan 2013 har både asylsökande och papperslösa rätt till vård som inte kan anstå och enligt hälso-sjukvårds lagen ska vården ges med respekt på lika villkor. Trots detta sker det att papperlösa och asylsökande nekas vård.Syfte: Att beskriva sjukvårdspersonals upplevelse av att vårda patienter som lever i hemlöshet.Metod: Litteraturöversikt med nio vetenskapliga artiklar som valdes ut från databasen Cinahl Complete, Swepub, Pubmed, PsycINFO och Academic Search Complete.

Kirurgi vid Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome ? En beskrivande litteraturstudie om audiologiska och vestibulära resultat och komplikationer

Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome (SCDS) is a newly described syndrome with symptoms including sound- and pressure induced vertigo, conductive hyperacusis and autophony. SCDS is caused by absence of bone overlying the superior semicircular canal and can be surgically treated. As the syndrome and surgical technique is new, it is of importance to study possible postoperative outcomes..

Med liminalitet mot giftermål : Övergångsritualer hos kvinnor i bröderna Grimms sagor

This paper is a study of female liminal developments in a selection of Grimm's fairy tales using van Gennep?s and Lincoln?s theoretical bases. An inductive technique has been used to analyze the results according to the theoretical agendas. To my help I have used Swedish translations of the Grimms? fairy tales from 1883, 1946, 2003 and 2007.The study shows that the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales display the transition rituals identified by Van Gennep and Lincoln.

Förmedlingen av skönlitteratur på folkbiblioteket

The aim of this thesis is to study how librarians in Swedish libraries perceive the task of mediating fiction. What are the librarians private relationships to fiction and how do they perceive the position of fiction in contemporary society? What views have they developed of the borrowers approach to fiction and how do they perceive the borrowers increasing influence in the library? How do librarians prioritise and which principles form the basis for their purchase of fiction? How do they categorise fiction in the library and how much do economic and political factors influence the decision making process for the purchase of fiction? Finally, how do they define their roles as mediators of fiction and which strategies do they adopt to communicate which literature the library has to offer? The material used in this study was acquired using a qualitative interview technique in which six librarians with experience of literature mediation partook..

Långtidsuppföljning och artrosutveckling hos hundar kirurgiskt behandlade för ruptur av kraniala korsbandet :

The high incidence of cranial cruciate ligament injury in dogs results in both suffering and significant costs due to treatment and care of affected dogs. Today there are several different technics for surgical treatment in dogs with ruptured cranial cruciate ligament. At University Animal Hospital (UDS), SLU, in Uppsala two fundamentally different methods; TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy) and external fixation with suture material are practiced. The aim of this study was to estimate if the different surgery technics result in any difference regarding the function of the dog in a long term perspective. Since motion and function are very affected by arthritis, was the purpose also to determine if there are any differences in developing arthritis between dogs surgical treated with external fixation respectively with TPLO. Development of arthritis is common after surgery or traumatic injuries in a joint, such as cruciate ligament rupture. Unfortunately was the number of dogs in the study to small to achieve two comparable groups.

Strukturerad- kontra beteendeintervju : Skillnad i mängd och kvalitet på den information som erhålls vid anställningsintervjuer

According to Barclay (2001), behavioral interviews yield higher quality information, than other interview techniques. This study focused on whether the quality and quantity of information differ between structured interview and behavioral interviewing. Two headhunters held 16 job interviews with the two techniques, 9 behavioral interviews and 7 structured interviews. Both headhunters and candidates have evaluated the interviews quantitatively. Initial and concluding interviews have, as well, been held with the headhunters.  No definitive answers were found in the quantitative analysis, but the qualitative results suggest that behavioral interviews give, because of the headhunters opinions, more and higher quality information.

Den eventuella könsneutraliteten i DMTm

Denna studie ville undersöka om en viss bild i det perceptgenetiska testet DMTm (Defense Mechanism Technique modified) kan vara på väg att bli omodern. Flickan i bild K1 (som visas för kvinnor) skulle idag kunna misstas för en pojke. En design med två beroende grupper på 30 män i varje användes. En grupp såg M1-bilden med en pojke och den andra såg K1-bilden med en flicka. Syftet var att undersöka om det fanns någon skillnad i gruppernas förmåga att korrekt kunna identifiera barnets kön.

Upplevelser av att leva med depression - en litteraturöversikt

Bakgrund: Begreppet hemlöshet innefattar flera situationer. Det är svårt att veta hur många hemlösa personer som befinner sig i Sverige då hemlöshet även innefattar de som lever utan uppehållstillstånd, papperslösa och asylsökande. Hemlösa personer löper en högre risk av att drabbas av både fysisk och psykisk ohälsa och dåliga erfarenheter av vården kombinerat med en begränsad ekonomi och oklarheter vart i vården de ska vända sig kan göra att hemlösa inte uppsöker vården. Sedan 2013 har både asylsökande och papperslösa rätt till vård som inte kan anstå och enligt hälso-sjukvårds lagen ska vården ges med respekt på lika villkor. Trots detta sker det att papperlösa och asylsökande nekas vård.Syfte: Att beskriva sjukvårdspersonals upplevelse av att vårda patienter som lever i hemlöshet.Metod: Litteraturöversikt med nio vetenskapliga artiklar som valdes ut från databasen Cinahl Complete, Swepub, Pubmed, PsycINFO och Academic Search Complete.

Kännedom om och inställning till SAPERE-metoden : En undersökning bland personal på förskolor, låg- och mellanstadieskolor

To complete an overweight treatment program is associated with better weight loss. Previous studies have in principle focused on drop-out from the entire program, not individual parts of a program. Factors previously shown to influence the patients´ weight loss results are: frequency of individual meetings with a professional, the lack of social support from family or friends, the lack of motivation and in a few studies vacations. In several studies the drop-out patients have stated that their reasons for drop-out were dissatisfaction with the staff and the program design. Drop-out has also been shown to be connected with difficulties in adherence to the diet.

Konstruktion av ränndalskap CPD08

Our Bachelor?s Thesies has been performed in co-operation with Cellplast Direkt AB inLaholm. Our task was to develop a construction that cuts gussets to ceiling disposition as isused to isolation.Our goal with our construction was to increase the degree of automation so that theproductivity increased and also meet the market which is getting tougher and tougher due tothe future business cycle.Cellplast Direkt gave us free hands in order to enable new ideas. A pair different principleproposal was developed and prepared to a final structure.The Bachelor?s Thesies resulted in one PLC - governed machine with three engines that runthree different moves, wich does that the degree of automation increases and the risk forerrors decreases.We have developed a complete production bases to Cellplast Direkt and our hope is that thecompany comes to produce the machine in the future..

Prissättning på den Svenska Taximarknaden

This thesis uses ten years of data to examine the underlying drivers behind changes in the taxi price, specifically we look at the relationship between the taxi price and changes in the underlying costs. We use a two-step error correction framework to investigate how changes in costs affect prices in the long run as well as in the short run. We also study if the price adjustment process is asymmetric. Furthermore, we examine if price discrimination exists on the taxi market in Stockholm. We find that in the long run the pass-through effect is almost complete, whereas in the short run prices are considerably less sensitive to cost changes.

Flödesoptimering på sjukhuslaboratorium: En praktisk implementering av lean

This study has investigated the possibilities of implementing lean in a division of a hospital in Stockholm. The goal was to reduce the lead time for the patient to get his diagnose by implementing lean in the two production flows of this division. In order to accomplish it, a complete map over the value stream has been done. With the help of the value stream map and lean theory a list over the processes in contradiction with lean has been made. Finally propositions to implement lean and by this way reduce the lead times in this stream have been made out.

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