

1256 Uppsatser om Complete Vocal Technique - Sida 15 av 84

Analys av data från flyglaserscanning :

In forestry there are always needs of forest data to make good strategic decisions of different actions and economic winning. Usually this data gets from field-estimations made by forest workers with expensive costs and sometimes unsatisfied quality. StoraEnso Skog is a great forest company in Sweden and they have part of the responsibility of the forest own by Bergvik Skog. Bergvik Skog is owner of 1, 9 million hectares productive forest land. Both Bergvik and StoraEnso have great interest in new inventory techniques to get the important forest data. The company Foran Remote Sensing offers the opportunity with airborne laserscanning of forest and forest land. Foran got the mission of Bergvik and StoraEnso to laser scan Bergviks possession in Älvdalen, Dalarna.

Kök.Ett i ettor och nollor

Jag har gjort en webbsajt åt företaget Kök.Ett i Älmhult. Kök.Ett är en köksbutik som bland annat ritar och säljer kök. Jag har byggt upp den allra största delen av hemsidan i Flash, och kompletterat med PHP och kopplat till en databas (MySQL). Sidan är komplett med ett eget administrationssystem. Sidan har en dynamisk känsla som inriktar sig på att inspirera besökaren, och föra besökaren/kunden ett steg närmare Kök.Ett och dess anställda.

Parametrisering av lyftok

This report will discuss principle, primary and finally manufacturing structure. We were asked to produce a 3D milling to processing the prototype material that is used on the University of Halmstad. From conceptual drawings to produce components for this project have we together with a number of company take developed the right components for this project. We have calculated and analyzed the construction to get the best result for it purpose. Unfortunately have the process to produce the 3D milling has been stopped because of deficient budget and time.

FNA-klassad lastbilspåbyggnad

This report will discuss principle, primary and finally manufacturing structure. We were asked to produce a 3D milling to processing the prototype material that is used on the University of Halmstad. From conceptual drawings to produce components for this project have we together with a number of company take developed the right components for this project. We have calculated and analyzed the construction to get the best result for it purpose. Unfortunately have the process to produce the 3D milling has been stopped because of deficient budget and time.

Mätutrustning för ytjämnhet

This report will discuss principle, primary and finally manufacturing structure. We were asked to produce a 3D milling to processing the prototype material that is used on the University of Halmstad. From conceptual drawings to produce components for this project have we together with a number of company take developed the right components for this project. We have calculated and analyzed the construction to get the best result for it purpose. Unfortunately have the process to produce the 3D milling has been stopped because of deficient budget and time.

Abrasiv nötning av polymerer tillverkade genom 3D-skrivning

Volvo Cars in Skövde manufacture and assemble Volvo engines. When attaching the ignition coil to all 4-cylinder engines, a special mounting tool is required. This mounting tool is currently manufactured from injection-molded polyoxymethylene (POM), a thermoplastic. It has been noted that the life span of the tool is shortened as a result of abrasive wear that occurs during the attachment process of the ignition coil.An investigation of the possibility of manufacturing the mounting tool with a 3D-printer is undertaken in cooperation with ÅF, a consultant to Volvo Cars. A literature study is first presented to introduce broader knowledge on the subject.

Jag har ju ingen folksångsutbildning : En intervjustudie av sångpedagogers syn på och hantering av folklig sång i kultur- och musikskola

Syftet med studien är att undersöka på vilket sätt sångpedagoger i kommunala kultur- och musikskolor upplever att de arbetar med folklig sång, samt hur de ser på ämnet vad gäller sångsätt och material. Till studien har data samlats in genom telefonintervjuer med tretton sångpedagoger, verksamma vid åtta kultur- och musikskolor i geografiskt spridda kommuner i Sverige. Intervjuformen var strukturerad kvalitativ intervju med öppna följdfrågor. Materialet har sedan analyserats utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Resultatet visar att endast ett fåtal av informanterna anser att folklig sång förekommer i deras undervisning. De som inte undervisar i folklig sång anger svagt elevintresse och brist på egna kunskaper i folklig sång som skäl.

Agricultural and forestry business owners? perceptions of banks

Over the course of the past the agricultural sector has been characterized by radical market changes. Changing market conditions have forced owners of agricultural and forestry businesses to make further investments. This increase in investments has led to a greater need for external capital, which has increased the relationship between banks and owners of agricultural and forestry businesses. The financial sector is characterized by strong rivalry, which forces banks to create strategic positions in the financial market. Since agricultural and forestry businesses are generally seen as secure customers by banks, due to high property and land values, the competition between banks with agricultural and forestry businesses as customers has amplified.

Hang n' GO : Cykelhållaren som alltid finns tillgänglig

This report will discuss principle, primary and finally manufacturing structure. We were asked to produce a 3D milling to processing the prototype material that is used on the University of Halmstad. From conceptual drawings to produce components for this project have we together with a number of company take developed the right components for this project. We have calculated and analyzed the construction to get the best result for it purpose. Unfortunately have the process to produce the 3D milling has been stopped because of deficient budget and time.

3D Fräs

This report will discuss principle, primary and finally manufacturing structure. We were asked to produce a 3D milling to processing the prototype material that is used on the University of Halmstad. From conceptual drawings to produce components for this project have we together with a number of company take developed the right components for this project. We have calculated and analyzed the construction to get the best result for it purpose. Unfortunately have the process to produce the 3D milling has been stopped because of deficient budget and time.

Broschyr om avändarprofiler

The project group is participating in a measuring project that is a cooperation between CIT EnergyManagement AB, the Measuring unit of Chalmers and College of Dalarna.The results from the measurementswill be put together and presented in a brochure.When designing the brochure a great deal of planning has been made how to attract the targetgroup.To make the contents of the brochure more attractive, which mainly will contain text, a lot of imageswith a symbolic substance have been used. To keep the brochure together it has been divided into fivechapters that each has been given one specific colour. The colours are consistent on initials, headlinesand images.At the moment the results of the measurements are not yet ready and the text for the brochure is notpossible to complete now. This project is expected to finish in the fall when all the measurements havebeen compiled..

?När min kompetens tillvaratas på ett bra sätt? ? skolpsykologers upplevelser av att arbeta i elevhälsan

Syftet med denna uppsats var att beskriva under vilka omständigheter skolpsykologer upplever att deras kompetens tillvaratas i elevhälsan. Sju intervjuer genomfördes utifrån Critical Incident Technique och analyserades med innehållsanalys. Resultatet visade att 1) insats som genererar psykologisk insikt hos mottagaren, 2) kontroll över yrkesroll, 3) anpassning till given organisationsform, 4) ledning som har psykologisk kunskap och 5) välfungerande elevhälsoteam är viktiga omständigheter för att psykologisk kompetens ska tillvaratas. Resultatets värde för att förstå skolpsykologers psykosociala arbetsmiljö diskuterades och en generell slutsats som drogs var att resurser behöver prioriteras till utvecklingsarbete av elevhälsan..

Självstyrande grupper -En organisationslösning för effektivitetsmaximering

The aim of this paper is to investigate to what degree the groups in our inquiry work independently. It is a qualitative research, which points to a well?functioning unit, that by definition is not self-governing, but has many traits of self- government. We have reached to the conclusion, that complete self?government does not have to be the best solution, if you want both quality and efficiency.

Objektiv utvärdering av hälta under ryttare

Background: The most common reason for veterinary care in horses is lameness. Lameness in riding horses is often difficult to evaluate and in many cases may require riding to come to a diagnosis. Evaluation of lameness has proven to be very subjective and depends on the examiner. There is a need to evaluate ridden horses in an objective way.

Ett mät- och reglersystem för temperaturkompensering

An automatic control system for calibration of pressure indicators has been constructed. This control system can be used as a complement to the calibration system located at AerotechTelub, division MainPartner, in Linköping. The calibration system used today contains some not wanted pressure changes, which is compensated by hand today. The new system presented in this report automates the calibrating process and simplifies the calibration. Suitable hardware as motor, controls card and so on have been found and software in the form of Visual Basic program has been developed.

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