

131 Uppsatser om Competent - Sida 1 av 9

Det kompetenta barnet  : En undersökning om pedagogers syn på sin roll i mötet med det kunskapande barnet

 Purpose: The purpose with this study is to investigate how preschool teachers understand the concept the Competent child and in what ways this understanding affects their role in children?s learning. Question at issue: What perspective on children do the contributing educationalists have? How do they define a Competent child? Do such children exist and if so, are they always Competent in all situations? What is the educationalists perspective on learning and knowledge? What is the preschool teacher?s view of their role as educationalists? What do they consider as their most important tasks?Method: To execute this study I have made a qualitative research based on interviews with eight teachers from four different preschools.Main theories: I have built the theoretical part of this study based on four different perspectives on the concept the Competent child according to the philosophies of Dion Summer, Jesper Juul and Reggio Emalia. I also describe different theories about learning, knowledge and educationalists as well as the preschools role in the development of child according to different well-known scientists and researchers.Summarized conclusion: The study shows that the interviewed preschool teachers chose to interpret the concept the Competent child in three ways.

Ka?ndisar i politiken : En ja?mfo?rande analys av Sverige och Finlands anva?ndande av ?ka?ndisar? i Europaparlamentsval

The main purpose of this study is to examine celebrity candidates in the European Parliament election in Sweden and Finland. The theoretical background assumes that candidate voting is beneficial in the election to the European Parliament. Previous research also shows that there are some opponents towards candidate voting, claiming it personalizes politics and it might lead to celebrities getting elected simply because they are well known to the voters.This study is a comparative analysis and analyzes the differences between Sweden and Finland when it comes to celebrity candidates. Furthermore, Max Weber?s theory on leadership will be used to categorize the celebrity candidates further.

Nationalidentitet : Om skapandet av nationell känsla i resor till broderländer

That all children today receive the opportunity to explore all of their capabilities is not certain at all preschools. Today there are preschools that are not able to work actively to explore the children's abilities because the large number of children and not enough teachers. Therefore I want to find out with my research how the educators would react when there is a crisis with the youngest children, the toddlers. I also want to find out different ways of acting in everyday situations at the preschool and why the teachers act in that way. I have relied on qualitative methods and I have used the critical incident method in my study.

Pedagogers agerande i kritiska situationer i vardagen med toddlare på förskolan

That all children today receive the opportunity to explore all of their capabilities is not certain at all preschools. Today there are preschools that are not able to work actively to explore the children's abilities because the large number of children and not enough teachers. Therefore I want to find out with my research how the educators would react when there is a crisis with the youngest children, the toddlers. I also want to find out different ways of acting in everyday situations at the preschool and why the teachers act in that way. I have relied on qualitative methods and I have used the critical incident method in my study.

Kulturella värden, tro, levnadssätt och livsstil : faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans möte med muslimska patienter

There are over 1,5 billion Muslims living on earth and the religion is one of the world´s most increasing. Sweden is a country with a cultural diversity where about 300 000 Muslims lived in 1999. Today, the requirement for knowledge about caring for Muslims and the need of culturally Competent nursing care are increasing.The aim of this study was to define cultural factors which the nurse has to recognize to be able to give culturally Competent care to the Muslim patient. The method that has been used was a The Sunrise Model, which illustrates Leininger´s theory of culture care diversity and universality, provides a theoretical framework for the study. The results are presented on the basis of Leininger´s three cultural factors; cultural values, beliefs and lifeways.

Röster som inte hörs : En juridisk studie om hur barnperspektivet redovisas i LVU-domar

The child perspective is a complex area primarily because of its many ways of interpretation but also because children are considered to be less Competent than adults. Our hypothesis was that adults in court-proceedings make decisions in the child?s place. The aim of this study was to investigate the judicial meaning of the child perspective in ?Socialtjänstlagen? (SoL) and ?lag om särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga? (LVU).

Paddan blir prins - när fast pris inte finns. En studie om prismodellen Pay-What-You-Want applicerad på en ny produkt.

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the two new phenomena; the pricing model Pay-What-You-Want (PWYW) and the launch of daily newspapers in the iPad. A quantitative study was conducted in order to examine what would happen if the PWYW-model where to be used by a daily newspaper for its iPad product, and what this would signal to consumers about the brand in terms of brand association and brand attitude. Furthermore, we have investigated which of these factors that are affecting willingness to pay in this PWYW-situation. Moreover, a secondary purpose was to test the two possible presentations of the digital newspaper in the iPad; Product and Access ? and how the results differed between these two.

Vederbörliga justeringar vid internprissättningsfrågor : Analys av om gällande rätt är tillfredställande för lösning av tvister som uppkommer till följd av justeringar av internprissättningar

Today adjustments on the pricing of internal transactions between multinational enterprises can lead to economic double taxation for the involved companies. This circumstance will result in an obstacle for private enterprising on the international market. Rules regarding corresponding adjustments and the mutual agreement procedure, that is used to eliminate economic double taxation, are today not sufficient tools to achieve this purpose. Consequently, changes regarding these rules should be implemented.The main reason for why economic double taxation is not put right is the Competent authorities? inability to reach a suitable solution for the dispute.

"Inte mitt arbete...men det hänger på mig" : Hemtjänstpersonalens uppfattningar av sitt arbete i hemsjukvården

The proportion of elderly people in Sweden is increasing. Many of these live at home and as their age increases so does the likelihood of health problems and the need for support, medical attention and care. Personnel working with home help provide a large part of this care, including areas of home-based care that are the responsibility of the district nurse. The purpose of this paper is to describe how home-help personnel perceive their work in the area of home-based care, as their views are an important factor in the ability to provide a care system that funktions successfully. The method employed here is phenomenografic and nine subjects from a home-help group have been interviewed.

Förskolekulturens möte med det mångkulturella samhället : ett möte mellan pedagogen och föräldrarna

My main question in this essay has been: why does the preschool advocate being outdoors? How should we respond to parents who have a different view on this? Children's right to participation and influence is also a question that I raise. How should we preschool teachers do when we stand between the child's desire to be out and the parents wish that their child should be indoors? By reading what is written in the preschool curriculum on children's influence, I have come to the conclusion that we preschool teachers must listen to what the children express that they wish to do, otherwise we go against our policy documents.My dilemma is about how to respond to parents who have a different opinion on being outdoors than we have. Many parents express an aversionagainst their children having to be outdoors.

Det dolda förhållningssättet till barns självkänsla : En studie av förskolepedagogers intryck och uppfattningar kring barns självkänsla

The pre-school is seen by many as the place where children get equipped for the future and the challenges there of. One of the most important aims according of the curriculum for Swedish preschools is that children get the opportunity, in interaction with the pedagogues, to develop their identity and to feel secure and satisfied with themself. Although, in the curriculum of the Swedish preschool system there is a comprehensive focus on the children?s competencies and learning, the importance that the children feel secure is not that prominent. Consequently a paradox occurs between the focus on children?s competencies and their need for care.

Teknikkonsultföretags anpassning inför en kommande lågkonjunktur

This thesis work is about how technical consulting companies can accept their organization before a coming recession. Technical consulting companies are together with the rest of the actors in the construction business constantly depended on the current economic situation on the market. How to adapt the organisation depends on the current situation on the market.To adapt the organization in the best way possible the companies need to recruit and educate personal. It is then very important to find a solution on how the current change of generation in the companies will be handled. The large and very much Competent group of 40-talists will in a few years retire.

Blankning i rättslig belysning

Shortselling and loan of shares are becoming a common complement to"traditional"trade in shares. To be able to lend shares, it is necessary to reregister the shares so that the shortseller is Competent to sell these shares further. In a legal sense, the proprietorship of the shares has changed hands, though it is not obvious for those involved to see what happens to the prorietorship. The obscurity is principally whether a complete changeover of the proprietorship is made between those concerned. This essay makes clear which legal consequences loan of shares and shortselling get concerning the proprietorship, and how a conflict between the lender and the third party should be solved if the shortseller becomes bankrupt.

ICDP : Ett verktyg för att förverkliga FN: s barnkonvention?

The basic view on children has change radically in the swedish society during the last century. From beeing seen as ruled by internal evil powers that only church could help controling later on the children should be brought up as citizen well-behaved and capable of work with help of the state's control. Today we see the child as Competent and equal, and through Swedens adoption of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child in year 1990, Sweden as a country undertakes itself to always see to the child´s greatest in all decision-making process concerning the child and also vouch for that the rights stated in the convention are beeing fulfild.Working with the convention in a such way that it's intention becomes reality in educational activities requires instruments for the pedagogues. During the years between 1980 and 1990 a number of different methods and programmes were developed with staring-points in the interplay between the child and the adult.

Nässvalgsond på hund ? djursjukskötarens område?

The aim was to identify if the veterinary nurse is as Competent as the veterinaian in placing a nasoesophageal feeding tube. The aim was also to identify the complications with malnutrition and the advantage and disadvantage of the procedure. This essay is based on several interviews with both veterinary nurses and veterinaries. 16 persons were asked 4 short questions in conjunction with an intensive care/emergency and surgery congress in Gothenburg in February 2013. In addition 4 major hospitals that provided intensive care were asked to answer 5 more detailed questions, one answer from a veterinary and one answer from a veterinary nurse was requested.

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