

5047 Uppsatser om Comparative perspective - Sida 61 av 337

Progressiva Genusglasögon - En komparativ studie med den svenska och den brasilianska läroplanen i blickfånget

Sammanfattning Elaine Kotte, Progressiva genusglasögon ? En komparativ studie med den svenska och den brasilianska läroplanen i blickfånget (Gender viewed through bifocals ? A comparative study of the Brazilian and Swedish National Curricula) Syftet med uppsatsen är att uppnå en djupare förståelse för skolpolitiska jämställdhetsfrågor genom en komparativ studie mellan den svenska (Lpo 94) och den brasilianska läroplanen (PCN). Resultatet av jämförelsen visar att ländernas läroplaner har en klar intention att förmedla jämställdhet som ett kunskapsområde och demokratisk värdegrund. Däremot finns det likheter, skillnader samt omfattning i läroplanernas och kursplanernas förmedling för måluppfyllelse mellan länderna. Medan riktlinjerna beskrivs i koncisa och allmänna ordalag i Lpo 94 är de mera övergripande och detaljerade i PCN. Jag har även, genom digitala enkätintervjuer med lärarutbildare i Sverige och Brasilien, fått en begränsad inblick i lärarutbildningens insatser kring genusfrågeställningar relaterade till läroplanens jämställdhetsriktlinjer i respektive land. Nyckelord: Brasilien, genus, jämställdhet, kursplan, Lpo 94, läroplan, PCN, Sverige..

Hedersrelaterat våld: hur beskrivs det i den politiska kontexten? En kritisk diskursanalys av begreppet hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck.

The concept of domestic violence pertains to different definitions of violence, one of which is the concept of honour related violence and oppression. This paper looks at honour related violence and oppression, as defined in policy documents at a central political level, and how various discourses stand in relation to social categories and power relations. Consequently, the theoretical and methodological premise of the paper has been based on discourse analysis and an intersectional perspective has been applied to gain further depth and breadth in the analysis of the material. The intersectional perspective houses various approaches to the understanding of specific phenomena based on factors of gender, ethnicity, sexuality and class. The analysis concludes that the concept of honour related violence and oppression is a concept without a single scientific definition. There is, however, a general consensus in the political context that honour related violence and oppression is a collective force that can be directed at both sexes.

Har stram budgetstyrning någon påverkan på finansiella budgetavvikelser? : En studie inom Sveriges landsting

The purpose of this comparative study is to investigate if the views of Sayyid Qutb and Tariq Ramadan regarding social structure and religion are possible to unite with western liberal democracy. The basis of the study is the problematizing approaches written by Qutb and Ramadan regarding the possible unity between Islam and democracy. These problematizing approaches are then tested on the political philosophy of liberalism to see if a unity is possible.The result showed that Qutb's view did not meet the criteria of democracy, which wasn't surprising due to his negative views on the system. However, Ramadan's reformist view on Muslim identity did unite with the views of liberal democracy, though questions regarding the possibility of creating and preserving a European Muslim identity in the secular society were immediately brought to attention.The importance in Qutb's view is social equality, unity and submission to God and the importance of Ramadan's view is to create and preserve a European Muslim identity and adapt to the society where you live and participate as a citizen. Qutb's view will not tolerate diversity and one is to keep or convert to the Muslim faith.

Bibliotek i exil: Det Kurdiska biblioteket i Stockholm

The purpose of this thesis is library work in exile, more specifically The Kurdish library in Stockholm (?Kurdiska biblioteket?). The Kurds have a long history of exile, forming a part of their national and cultural identity. I have therefore chosen in the analysis three concepts: nationalism, ethnicity and culture. The Kurdish library is unique and is different from a traditional library in many ways.

Konstituerandet av "ras" i relation till klass, genus och sexualitet. En komparativ diskursanalys av "ras" under åren 1964 och 2004

"Race" is often used as a marker to exclude people from a society. What is interesting is not so much what terms that are used to describe people, but by what meaning they are associated with. For this thesis articles published in daily magazines have been the material used. An argument driven in the essay is that identity and oppression is not constituted from one subject position, but from several, such as class, sexuality and gender. The first question posed is how "race" is constituted through discourses throughout the subject positions class, sexuality and gender.

Toddlare och demokratiarbete : om inflytande och delaktighet hos förskolans yngsta

The purpose of this study was to find out how young children are allowed to influence and affect their daily lives in preschools, as well as teachers? views on the latter. My interest in this topic is born out of my experience of working with both younger and older preschool children. My view is that democratic work with older children is largely based on direct verbal communication while with toddlers it is based on an adult?s interpretation of a child?s often non-verbal expressions.

Mångfald på museerna : Arbetet med mångfald vid kommunala museer, länsmuseer och statliga museer ur ett kulturpolitiskt perspektiv

How do museums work with plurality in their organizations and in the production of exhibitions and other activities? This paper examines how civic museums, provincial museums and state museums work with plurality from a perspective of culture policies, particularly in relation to the government bill Tid för kultur, issued by the Swedish government in 2009.All together I examine 25 museums and their efforts to include marginalized groups in their activities and exhibitions. To do so I have studied four possible measures that are available for the museums. This includes the following: projects that pay attention to a marginalized group or their living conditions; projects that are specifically created for a marginalized group; projects that include a marginalized group in the museums preparations; and projects were museums give full responsibility to a marginalized group. I have also examined how plurality have been presented ? as isolated cultures and cultural expressions or as hybrids and interchangeable phenomenons ? and to what extent the museums are ready to involve marginalized groups in their physical environment and in their exhibition and activity programs.

"Om man vill studera och verkligen kämpar så finns det en väg för det här i Sverige" : En intervjustudie om några unga nyanlända irakiers syn på möjligheter och hinder i en gymnasieskola i Södertälje kommun

This study is an investigation of newly arrived young Iraqis and their view on obstacles and opportunities available in a secondary school in Södertälje City. This is also a comparative study between the newly arrived Iraqis schooling in Iraq and in Sweden. We have used theoretical concepts such as culture, ethnicity, refugee, intercultural education, socialization and PTSD. These have helped us to provide distinct guidelines when we analyze newly arrived young Iraqis in Södertälje City. Our approach has been based on qualitative interviews with both students and teachers.

Behövs en litterär kanon? : Jämförande studie baserad på sju gymnasielärares syn på kanons plats i svenskundervisningen 

English title: Is a literary canon necessary? A comparative study based on seven senior high school teachers´ different approaches towards the place of canon in the education of Swedish. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze how seven senior high school teachers relate to a literary canon in Swedish while teaching literature in senior high school, identifying similarities and differences among the teachers? view and opinions about an outspoken formal literary canon and a silent, informal canon.The earlier research opens the door slightly to the American debate and gives insight about the complexity of the concept of canon. The study continues with exploring possible relations to postcolonial theory and didactics.    The study reveals that the majority of the concerns against canon are that too much centrally governed education may decrease the motivation and commitment of the teacher. In addition, the dominant canon passivizes a certain variety of literature, thus various points of views. On the other hand, views on the equalizing effect of canon on the level of education and its benefits in increased knowledge of the history of the literature are salient. .

Att ligga fint - en diskursanalys av sexualupplysning på internet utifrån ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv

This is a discourse analysis of three WebPages which topic is sexual information. Our purpose is to examine the WebPages RFSL (The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights), RFSU (The Swedish Association for Sexuality Education) and UMO (Reception for young people) from a queer theoretical perspective and illustrate how they discuss the subjects? gender, sexual preference and sexual limits. Our questions are; what information about gender, sexual preference and sexual limits are presented on the WebPages RFSU, RFSL and UMO, and what similarities and differences can be identified and how can these be analyzed from a queer perspective? Our material was collected from the three WebPages and categorized according to three topics of interest; gender, sexual preference and sexual limits.

Hedersrelaterat våld - Hur kan hedersrelaterat våld förklaras, och hur används begreppet i svensk media?

The purpose of this study has been to explore definitions of violence performed in the name of honor, and the conditions under which the phenomenon occurs and is upheld. Furthermore, the study aimed at exploring how the Swedish expression for violence in the name of honor, ?hedersrelaterat våld?, is used within the Swedish media. To achieve these purposes, previous research in this matter was reviewed, as well as an analysis by means of categorizing the content of news articles from two Swedish daily newspapers. Previous research has showed that this type of violence occurs foremost within cultures upholding patriarchal structures and traditions, and women?s (non-)sexuality is looked upon as being of an utmost importance for the family?s honor.

Kroniskt trötthetssyndrom : en diskursanalys av artiklar 1989-2006

The purpose with this work is to describe the language that is built around the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) in Sweden. Our questions are: What does the professional field look like; who writes, about what and for which kind of readers? How do they describe the expressions and the upcoming of CFS? For which reasons can CFS be considered as a medical diagnosis/illness? How can CFS be understood from a social perspective? Our theoretical starting point is a social constructive theory and also Karin Johannisson's theory about medicalization and Foucault?s theory about power. We have from a literature-exposition of Swedish articles from 1989 to 2006, done a social constructive discourse analysis with help from Laclau & Mouffe's discourse theory, and Fairclough's model of social practices. In our textual analysis we found three dominating discourses: A medical discourse, a social/cultural discourse and a general/popular discourse.

Kulturella upphov - om nation och familjerepresentation i dansk och spansk filmproduktion

Denna text koncentrerar sig kring familjerepresentation samt tillhörande genus- och identitetsaspekter, med utgångspunkt i spansk och dansk melodramproduktion under perioden 1999-2004. Genom att med hjälp av närläsningar undersöka filmernas familjebilder, samt aktörerna och deras drivkrafter vill vi granska huruvida dessa fiktioner kan betraktas som symptomatiska för den kultur som de producerats inom. Frågeställningen är alltså huruvida filmernas familjerepresentationer kan utläsas som nationella skillnader och likheter, eller om det vi ser ? och anar ? snarare är en autencitet inom familjedramat, som inte nödvändigtvis är knuten till geografiska gränser utan skulle kunna betraktas som ett tidens tecken. Vår uppsats syftar alltså till att undersöka det kulturella upphovet samt hur dessa filmer står i relation till den kulturella kontext i vilken de är gjorda..

Övergång av verksamhet : En avtalsrättslig tolkning av vad det arbetsrättsligt innebär att enligt 6 b § LAS ta ställning till fortsatt anställning

The swedish law of contract is fundamental within several civil law areas, among others labour law. The labour law contains more explicit legislation specificly adapted to the relation between employers and employees. Sometimes the labour law needs to rely on more general regulations, such as the law of contract. When the situation contains a specific contract relation dilemma it is logical to use the law of contract, when for example the law of employee protection does not reach an acceptabel solution.Transfer of undertaking is a situation were the employee protection is disregarded. The Euro directive 2001/23/EG prescribes, by its implemented rules in the law of employee protection, that rights and duties, such as employement agreements, passes on to the earner of the business.

The Effects of Technology-Based Self-Service on Grocery Retail : A Swedish Case

Technology based self-service (TBSS) used in supermarket self-scanning checkouts is a relatively new phenomenon in Sweden. Studies on TBSS as a self- checkout device have been formerly carried out but with focus on the customer perspective. The authors therefore saw a challenge in covering the self-scan checkout concept, from a company perspective. The purpose of this research paper is to investigate, through a management perspective, the changes brought about by implementing an innovative TBSS system in Swedish supermarkets, and its effect on the competitiveness of the company. This is done by presenting and linking the theoretical framework and empirical study in the research.

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