

5047 Uppsatser om Comparative perspective - Sida 56 av 337

Äldre invandrares kanaler för representation med fokus på föreningsliv

AbstractThe aim of this study was to highlight who represents elderly immigrants and apply the theory of social exclusion. We chose channels for representation that we found important in relation to this group. The first part is a study of available litterature of the subject. We found three main arenas: participation in elections, participation in associations and clubs and representation in political institutions. The findings showed a democratic deficit among elderly immigrants, which gave an indication of social exclusion from the political arena and from participation in associations.For the second part we decided to concentrate on the arena of participation in associations and clubs that represent the elderly and/or immigrants.

Barns vardagskonflikter och pedagogers förhållningssätt till konflikter i barngrupper i förskolan : En studie om pedagogisk strategi, konflikter och konflikthantering

I detta examensarbete på kandidatnivå är huvudsyftet att undersöka psykologiska testers praktiska användning och vilken roll de har vid urvalet i chefsrekryteringsprocesser. Som delsyfte undersöks även de olika stegen i dessa processer. En kvalitativ undersökning med en abduktiv ansats har genomförts, där åtta rekryterare från olika rekryteringsföretag har intervjuats med fokus på dessa syften. Intervjuerna var semistrukturerade, och samtliga intervjuer spelades in och transkriberades, för att sedan analyseras med Constant Comparative Method. Resultatet visade att rekryterarna har en relativt samstämmig bild av den praktiska användningen av psykologiska tester, samt den roll dessa spelar i en chefsrekryteringsprocess.

Sockerproduktionens skilda utveckling i u-länder : En jämförande fallstudie av Moçambique och Tanzania

How affected are the sugar production in Mozambique and Tanzania by EU sugar regime? What does the EU sugar reform constitute in these countries?Using theories regarding free trade and anti-free trade, I am able to answer these questions. The aim of this paper is to study how the various sugar agreements with EU affect the sugar production in Mozambique and Tanzania. Therefore I am using a method called a most similar system design in this comparative case study. The conclusion is that the EU sugar regime is the main reason to how the sugar productions in developing countries are.

Svenska och ryska barns alkohol- och tobaksbruk, trivsel och hälsa

This study was conducted in the Master program at The Music Pedagogical Center (MPC) at The Royal College of Music in Stockholm. Korta musikresor (Short Music Journeys) is the Swedish term used for a receptive method of music therapy adapted from the tradition of The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM) and the theory and practice of Expressive Arts Therapy. The KMR method uses carefully selected short pieces of music, lasting between 2 and 5 minutes, to work on various psychological problems and life- crises. The music session is conducted in a slightly altered state of consciousness with a clear focus being established beforehand in a verbal dialogue with the psychotherapist. There is also the possibility of using artwork to process and explore the imagery after the music listening.

Sverige och EU:s militära försvarssamarbete : En kartläggning av den svenska debatten

AbstractThe purpose of this minor thesis is to describe and systematize the Swedish debate about Sweden?s participation in the defence community of the European Union. Should Sweden take part of this or not? My aim is to describe the debate in a structured and legible way, so that the reader can get a comprehensive picture. The questions of the study are:· Which actors join in the Swedish debate about Sweden?s military participation in the EU:s defensive community; the possible common defence of the EU and the EU:s military crisis management?· Which arguments are delivered (for and against) in the debate?To be able to fulfil the aim of this study I have done an argumentation analysis.

Empowerment: en studie i ansvar, tilltro och ekonomiskt bistånd

Our understanding is that responsibility is shifting from the community towards the individual within the field of social work. This resulted in our essay, which aims to study how the representatives within social service assistance and churches in Helsingborg work with personal power. Our aim is also to illustrate how these representatives view the boundaries of responsibility between the individual and the community. Our questions are: How do the representatives work with personal power from a micro and macro perspective? How do the representatives look upon their position as representatives? What do the representatives consider as responsibility of the individual respective the community? And; Are there preventing factors from individual responsibility? We obtained our empirical material from a qualitative method consisting of interviews.

Igenkänning, lånat gods och minnesfragment : En tematisk studie av de narrativa egenskaperna i tre bilder av Karin Mamma Andersson

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the narrative elements in three of the Swedish artist Karin Mamma Anderssons paintings and try to see what kind of stories that might be hidden in these paintings. I have chosen three different themes as tools for this study. They are: the meaning or the importance of the titles, painting as a medium and the narrative elements or components in the paintings. Furthermore I also use the semiotic method in my analysis based on the ideas of Roland Barthes combined with a feminist theoretical standpoint with a gender perspective. This means my study is based on the reception of these images and what kind of message they might carry.

"Vi ses i Nangijala!" : En studie om hur döden framställs i ett urval barnböcker

The purpose of this paper was to study how the death is described in some books for children and how the books may affect the readers. I chose five books where the leading character was a child who lost a close relative like a parent or a sibling. I asked the book questions like you would do at an interwiew.The main questions were:· What do the children think about the death?· How does the child react when it finds out that a parent or a sibling is dead?· What does the child think about seeing the dead person and how does it react at the funeral?· From what or whom do they find the strength to move on?· What support does the child have from people in the surroundings?· How may the books affect the readers?The results showed that the books give you an image close to the reality. The children had different ways to mourn.

?Det är ju troligen inte en overheadapparat de kommer att använda sig av i framtiden?? : Om skolans tekniksprång, en undersökning om datorns användning på gymnasiet

The aim of this qualitative respondent investigation is to delve into the various views that teachers have concerning the ?One-to-One project?, as well as the use of computers as an aid in teaching. One-to-One means that teachers and students will be equipped with a laptop they can use at home and at school.This essay looks at how several factors have changed as a result of this. These factors are threefold: the role of the teacher, the teaching experience, and the student´s learning process. In order to answer the mentioned questions, four interviews have been conducted at two different high schools in southern Norrland.

Bekämpande av barnfattigdom : hur fyra aktörer i det civila samhället i Uppsala kommun uppfattar och hanterar barnfattigdom

ABSTRACT Poverty, and in particular child poverty, is a serious social problem. Statistics show that the number of children living in poverty has increased over the last ten years. Earlier research shows that there are huge gaps in our knowledge of how the actors in civil society handle child poverty. With this study we hope to help fill this gap. The aim of our study is to look at how four different organisations working in the civil society in Uppsala perceive and handle child poverty.

Relationsmarknadskommunikation : En undersökning som fokuserar på de lokala relationerna i en globaliserad värld

Relationship marketing is an important part of the new view of communication strategies. The theories around this subject has a general and global perspective on how to manage relations and communication problems. But somehow the local perspective is forgotten. In this thesis we have focused on the local market and which demands it has on the work with relationship management. The purpose of this thesis is to find out how relationship marketing can contribute to create a high valued brand on a local market.

Mekanismen i generationsskiftet. Strategisk planering vid generationsskiften i familjef?retag: en kvalitativ unders?kning av processen

This study investigates the succession process in family businesses and aims to enhance the understanding of the process as a whole, as well as how family businesses strategically plan for succession. The research is based on a case study of a family corporate group undergoing a transition from the fourth to the fifth generation. A qualitative research approach was employed, involving interviews with individuals from both the fourth and fifth generations, as well as external stakeholders who have influenced the process. The results show that the planning and implementation of succession are complex and that there is a certain lack of existing theory. Empirical evidence indicates that contracts and documentation are crucial for advancing the process. Inclusion of external parties is also important, not only for their expertise but also to provide an objective perspective.

?Att inte vara ensam?: Tonårsflickors vägledning i fyra moderna ungdomsromaner ? en textanalys.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine if the realistic youth novels of today can provide support and inspiration for its readers with the purpose of dealing with own difficulties. I have examined four Swedish novels from 2006 and studied in what way and from whom the young fictive women get advice and support. In the background section of the essay I have made studies of how it is to be a young woman in modern society. It also covers a historical perspective of the modern youth novel and presents studies based upon reading and reader-response theory of young people.

Miljöpartiet - ett parti i förändring : En komparativ textanalys av Miljöpartietspartiprogram mellan 1994 och 2005

Following changes in society and other influences, the ideology of political parties can evolveover time. For example, theories exist claiming that all parties in Sweden strive towards the"middle".A good example of a political party in Sweden which recently has gained entry toparliament is the Swedish Green Party (Miljöpartiet, MP).MP was initially influenced by a green ideology (ecologism) which started as a globalmovement stating that no other ideologies shared their concerns about the environment. Thegoal of the ideology was to, via an increased influence within the political system and throughsmall-scale production, increases both natural values and people's well being. By becomingelected into parliament it is plausible that the ideology of MP could have changed due to theinfluence of for example, the realities that parliamentary every day represent.The aim with this essay was to study the changes in MP's party program from the yearof 1994 and the most recent, to see if any changes have occurred related to MP's officialideology. The study was conducted using a comparative text analysis.

Arbetshandikappad eller arbetsoförmögen

SummaryAt the start of my employment at the Swedish National social insurance office I was a bit confused because there were two categories which I defined as belonging to the same category (working handicapped) but it wasn?t so. The persons I where going to meet was defined as having incapacity to work and therefore, they were defined as not standing to the labour markets conversion. They were defined as being to sick for being at the labour market. The aim of this work is to shed light on what grounds a decision concerning a person which will be categorized as incapable of working and looking at the categorized person?s status.

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