

6107 Uppsatser om Communication ways - Sida 20 av 408

Små barns sätt att kommunicera i leken

Små barns sätt att kommunicera i leken.Small children?s ways off communication when they play.Syftet med denna undersökning är att beskriva hur små barn kommunicerar i leken. Jag har undersökt vilka olika uttryckssätt barnen använder sig av när de kommunicerar i olika leksituationer. Undersökningen är gjord på en småbarnsavdelning, och metoden jag har använt mig av är videoobservationer. Resultatet visar att de små barnen oftast använder sig av kroppsspråk, blickar, mimik, handgripligheter, imitation och olika ljud för att göra sig förstådda när de kommunicerar.

På vilket sätt arbetar en Barn- och utbildningsförvaltning i en kommun med ett arbetssätt som motsvarar problembaserat lärande? : In what/which way works a child-  and educations administration in a rural district with a method as fulfil a problem based l

AbstractSeveral of researchers have reflected that the school ought to be developed to a learning organization. A method as proceed from such a perspective and should be able to match a local child- and educations administration is problembased school development. To investigate in which ways a child- and educations administration prosecute a problem based learning inside the organization a case study was used as research strategy. The question this report gives answer to is:In what/which way works a child- and educations administration in a rural district with a method to fulfil a problembased learning.To collect empiric data a canvassing inquiry was accomplished among the child- and educations administrations group of management. According to the research result it can declares that there are good conditions for the organization to prosecute problem based school development, but there is yet a great deal to do before it´s can be said totally fulfilled.

Ett klassiskt marknadskommunikationsproblem : Motsvarar Apples image den profil de vill visa?

In this essay the authors are trying to level the success in the IT-company Apple?s market communication. The problem investigated is if the company?s profile, the picture they are trying to implement onto the market, is the same as the market consider the image of the company to be. The problem is studied in a method which combines both a qualitative and a quantitative survey.

?För avsaknad av fara är ju inte nödvändigtvis tryggt.?

This thesis aim to shed a light on how to communicate the individual and subjective feeling of safety in the arena of public events such as music- and cultural festivals with the safety-project on Peace & Love festival in Borlänge, Sweden as a practical example. Earlier research has mainly been focusing on the objective side of safety on these kind of events. Peace & Love decided to put a larger focus on the safety for the festival in 2012, and Trygghetsprojektet was started. By looking at how the project is formed this study wants to show how organisations can communicate a feeling of being safe to the audience to enable them to fully enjoy an event.The main questions asked in this study is: How can a feeling of being safe be communicated to a large number of people by focused acts of communication at a festival? How does the head of safety and the safety coordinator work with communicating a feeling of being safe to the audience? How does these communication acts relate to earlier research on mass communication? The results shows that communication within the organisation and with its partners is of great importance for the outcomes of the project and that communication of the feeling of being safe is much greater then the hands-on communication of words.

Strategisk kommunikation i ideella organisationer ? en fallstudie av Rädda Barnens modell med frivilligarbetande kommunikatörer

This thesis explores strategic communication management within the non-profit sector. Communication models need to be adapted to the specific sector as different sectors require different approaches of strategic communication management. In the spring of 2013, the non-profit organization Save the Children Sweden initiated a communication model based on volunteer communicators. The following study explores how non-profit organizations can manage communications with a focus on volunteers as a communication resource. The applied research questions concern how volunteers may be integrated into communication activities, the opportunities and challenges connected to involving volunteer communicators and how this may affect the role of the organization's employed communicators.

Hantering av negativ eWOM på Twitter - Ett sätt att skapa kundrelationer

Consumers are facing a wide selection of brands trying to get their attention. An increasing amount of corporations are incorporating non-traditional media in their marketing strategies as an attempt to build relationships with their customers. However, along with the new opportunities to enhance consumer emotions about the brand, social media has brought along new risks for corporations to face. This paper investigates the consequences of different ways of handling such electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) crisis on Twitter. Furthermore, we investigate potential differences depending on the credibility of the source that sent the message.

En upptäcktsfärd på tredje våningen : En fallstudie i hur ungdomsombuden på Kalmar kommun kommunicerar med kommunens ungdomar

Authors: Linda Olsson & Dennis A?stro?m Title: A journey of discovery on the third floor ? A case study in how juvenile agents in the municipality of Kalmar communicate with its young people Level: BA Thesis in Media and Communication Studies Location: Linnaeus University Language: Swedish Number of pages: 60Introduction: The participation amongst young people regarding political, democratic and society related questions is through an investigation confirmed not being high enough. Within the municipality of Kalmar, juvenile agents work as a link between young people and the opportunities that the municipality provides. To create this link with young people, communication is essential.Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to create an understanding of how the juvenile agents work in order to create and maintain communication with young people. The purpose is also to evaluate the result of the information campaign they executed in 2011.Methodology: For this paper we had a hermeneutic approach with an inductive viewpoint.

Barn med språkstörning interagerar : -en samtalsanalytisk studie av samtal mellan barn och barn samt barn och logoped

This paper explores the interaction of children with language impairment (LI). The present essay is a conversation analytic study of child-child and child-therapist dyads. The aim was to explore in what ways children with LI reach common understanding. Another purpose was to investigate if there are differences in interaction between dyads with children with LI and dyads with children with LI and speech language therapist. Seven children, three girls and four boys, with LI participated in the study.

Sjuksköterskans kommunikation med patienten med afasi : en litteraturöversikt

Background: Communication allows people to gain understanding of themselves and their surroundings, which is a prerequisite for good health. The nurse may in her communication help patients develop a feeling that they are not alone in their situation. If the patients cannot express themselves and make themselves understood, it can lead the patients to feel left out which emphasizes the suffering at having aphasia. Aim: The aim of this study was to identify the components which affect nurse?s communication with patients with aphasia.

Ljud i landskapsarkitektur : från buller till kvalitet

Landscape architects has many ways of transforming our cities and landscapes. Traditionally, most attention has been put to visual qualities. Pen and paper are well established as the way to present proposals and to analyse in the landscape architects profession and training. But are we perhaps missing out on other ways of seeing the landscape? The purpose of this paper is to present sound as a tool of transformation. Sound in public spaces has long been treated just as noise and therefore unwanted.

En studie kring den Interna kommunikationen i Arla Foods Svenska Division

Aim: My aim with this study is to investigate whether the co-workers in the company Arla Foods is satisfied with the communication between the company and the employees. If there are any changes to be made or if it works well as it is now.Method: I have sent out invistigationforms to 85 co-workers within Arla Foods. This forms included questions about Arla Foods internal communication and how the co-workers apprehend this. I have also made 7 interviews over the phone with co-workers on the dairys around Sweden. Including in these 7 interviews have I also talked and posed questions to representatives for the trades-union within Arla Foods.

Från Zigenarfrågan till Romers rätt. En diskursanalys av romer som politiskt problem.

The aim of the study was to evaluate parents and course directors?experiences of the AKKTIV ComAlong-course (Augmentative and AlternativeCommunication ? Early Intervention). ComAlong targets parents of pre-schoolchildren with extensive communication difficulties and aims to give parentsknowledge about different aspects of communication, communication developmentand AAC. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. Individualinterviews and pair-interviews with totally nine persons were performed and 54course questionnaires filled in by parents were evaluated.

Near Field Communication : En studie av säkerhetsaspekternas påverkan för mobila betalningar

Near Field Communication (NFC) är en teknik som möjliggjort utvecklingen av vardagliga betalningar med hjälp av mobiltelefonen. I Sverige är betalningar med NFC-tekniken i mobiltelefoner fortfarande i introduktionsfasen. För att denna teknik ska ha möjlighet att fungera som ett komplement till redan befintliga betallösningar, granskas därför möjligheten för NFC-teknik som betallösningsmetod med inriktning på säkerhetsaspekter.Syftet med uppsatsen är att granska säkerhetsaspekter för NFC-teknik som mobil betallösningsmetod samt analysera dessa aspekter för att få djupare kunskap för NFC-teknologins möjligheter. Kunskapen har erhållits genom en litteraturstudie samt kompletterande av en intervju för att få bredd i informationsbehandlingen.Resultatet av studien visar att NFC-teknologin som betallösningsmetod kan påverkas av ett antal säkerhetsaspekter. För att NFC-tekniken skall nå en bredd i marknaden måste flertalet aktörer samarbeta för en standardisering i användandet av tekniken..

En ny musikarena utan solister

The music industry has been subject to great changes during the last ten years. The most significant factor contributing to this change is the increasing usage of broadband and thereby the increasing frequency of downloading music illegally. Music piracy and file sharing have caused record sales to plummet. Consumers have now moved on to consuming music in a digital format, not only through downloading but also from streaming music online, an activity partly made possible by social media channels such as YouTube. As the consumption patterns have changed companies within the music industry have been forced to find other sources of income than record sales and they have also needed to find alternate ways to market their artists.


The value of a company's employees is considered to be higher and more important for a business success than ever. Losing employees is not only a loss of valuable knowledge, it also implies a significant cost related to the recruitment of new employees. To attract potential personnel, it is important for the companies to understand how to communicate with talents. Choosing a communication medium for a job advertisement is not easy when new options constantly arise. Despite the development of new communication mediums and channels, such as social mediums, the traditional communication medias still remain available.

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