

11371 Uppsatser om Communication process - Sida 40 av 759

Dialogen mellan hantverkare och material -en undersökning av skaparprocessen

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofiekandidatexamen iKulturvård, Ledarskap i slöjd ochkulturhantverk15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2014:35.

Västra Götalands kommunala kriskommunikation. Ett intersektionellt perspektiv på krisberedskap

This thesis examines the municipalities of Västra Götaland and the way they are prepared for crisis communication towards people with a foreign background. Over the past years there have been several studies that have examined the issue of crisis communications towards minorities but these are often focused on the target group. In this study, I focus on the authorities' actions. The theoretical approach is primarily an intersectional one and in this way the thesis is centred on the creation of different categories, the relationship between these categories and the possibilities working with these at the municipalities.On behalf of Region Västra Götaland, this investigation began with a survey that went out to the communications officers in charge of the crisis communication in each municipality. The ambition was to clarify the preparedness of each one and show how they relate to one another.

?Jag bara utgår ifrån att dom finns på Facebook? : En kvalitativ studie om hur Falu Energi & Vatten bör kommunicera med unga vuxna

The aim of this study is to investigate which communication strategies and channels the mu- nicipal company Falu Energi & Vatten should use in order to become more efficient in com- municating with citizens between 18 to 29 years old. The company is owned by the munici- pality of Falun and manages community services in electricity, district heating, fresh water, sewerage, metropolitan area network and waste disposal. The following theories have been used in the study: convergence culture, digital natives, information overload, communication strategies and uses & gratifications theory. The methods used in the study are 4 focus group interviews and one informant interview. The members of the focus groups where within the age range 18-29 years and lived in the city of Falun.

Konstnärlig process och måluppfyllelse i Lunds Vokalensemble - "...en lite sån magisk upplevelse"

The aim of this study is to investigate how Lunds Vokalensemble achieves its goals and in which way the goals influence the choir's work. The study also explores the choir's artistic process. Qualitative interviews and observations were used as a method. Four singers and the director participated to the interviews. The results show that the choir's artistic goals have quite an influence on many aspects of the choir's work, both in a musical and a social way.

Bland ambassadörer och varumärken : En kvalitativ studie av svenska universitets kommunikationspolicydokument

The aim of this thesis is to investigate in what way Swedish universities regulates its internal and external communication by the use of policy documents. The purpose has led to three research questions: what scope of communication is given to the documents user, if the document is challenging or redefining the current means of power, and how questions regarding trademark is taken into consideration. In order to achieve the purpose a discourse analysis is used as both underlining theory and comprehensive method. The underlining theory is based around social constructionism, structuralism, poststructuralism and critical discourse analysis. The analysis have taken emphasis from Norman Faircloughs three-dimensional model in which the documents have been studied on three separate levels.

Grossistens roll på handarbetsmarknaden : En studie om Ja?rbo Garns kommunikation med sina kunder och a?terfo?rsa?ljare

Ja?rbo Garn is a wholesaler in the textile industry. The companys position on the market is under changing circumstances. Therefore Ja?rbo Garn needs to find new ways of developing their marketing.

Mitt i smeten -fallet Arla Foods visar vägen för framtidens krishantering i en senmodern global värld

Today we live in an interconnected world. Through globalization and the development of information technology one can say that, today everyone is our neighbour. The result of our actions can easily spread and affect people on the other side of the world within seconds.Meanwhile, Third World countries are developing into stable economies and Western European corporations are expanding like never before and setting up their organizations in these new markets.This of course is not unproblematic, it creates new challenges for international organizations especially when it comes to communication. An example of that same problematic communication presented itself for Arla Foods in what came to be called the Cartoon Crisis.In late September of 2005 a number of cartoons depicting the holy prophet Muhammed were published in a Danish newspaper. This event sparked scores of protest ranging from Morocco to the Philippines.

Kommunikationstillfredsställelse inom ett svenskt skogsbolag

Målet med den här studien var att undersöka de anställdas känslomässiga bedömning av den interna kommunikationen på ett svenskt skogsbolag med hjälp av en modifierad version av undersökningsverktyget Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ) samt två kvalitativa frågor. Studien genomfördes på 65 anställda inom en region av ett svensk skogsbolag. Resultatet visade att de anställda var ganska nöjda eller nöjda med de olika dimensionerna av kommunikationstillfredsställelse samt att ingen statistiskt säkerställd skillnad kunde identifieras mellan tillfredsställelsen hos region- och distriktsanställda. Vidare kunde ett samband påvisas mellan de anställdas arbetstillfredsställelse och kommunikationsdimensionerna: kommunikationseffektivitet, chefsrelation, skvaller och presonlig feedback. Resultatet från de kvalitativa frågorna påvisade att de förbättringsmöjligheter de anställda framhöll främst fanns inom området kommunikationskanaler.

Hundens kommunikationssignaler

This literature study summarizes the signals dogs use in intraspecific communication. The purpose is to clarify the way dogs communicate so that situations where their intentions are misjudged can be avoided. The signals are divided into olfactory, visual, auditory and tactile and every section starts with a short anatomic and physiologic description of the sense organ that is used to register the current signal type. The interspecific communication between dog and human regarding its development and function is brought up. To end with suggestions are given of how veterinary technicians in clinics can make use of knowledge about the way dogs communicate.

En trivsam inskolning : En intervjustudie om interaktion mellan pedagoger och föräldrar

The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of how parents and preschool teachers experience induction at preschool. The induction creates collaboration between preschool teachers and parents where the interaction and socio-cultural factors have been key theories for the work task.The method used has been of qualitative nature where interviews were made with parents and preschool teachers. In these interviews, they shared their insights of how they experienced the interaction and communication during induction. I asked the parents what they felt was good communication and interaction during the induction. The same question was given to preschool teachers to respond to and also if there was something that worked less good during induction.The results show that parents and preschool teachers feel that induction works well satisfactory and that it is important that the interaction work well between both parts.

Mandatfördelning i Sverige

This essay will cover the Swedish electoral system with a focus on the proportional representation andthe process involved from the conversion of votes to seats in the parliament. This process consists ofseveral methods which are created by political decisions as well as mathematical formulas and is notalways perfect in terms of equalization. An increment of six adjustment seats would have made thegeneral election of 2010 more proportioned. Despite this, the Swedish electoral system is wellconstructed and the essay will highlight areas which could be subject for improvement as well asexplaining fundamental concepts of the process..

Upplevelser av Facebook : i relation till identitet, kommunikation och stress

The aim of the study was to gain a better understanding of how some people aged between 20-35 years? experience Facebook in relation to identity creation, communication and stress. The analysis is drawn from seven semi-structured interviews with a sample of Facebook members, four women and three men aged 20-35 years and during the interviews respondents answered questions based by the following topics. Does Facebook allow changing identities? In what way is Facebook a communication tool for enabling relationships? How can Facebook be related to stress and coping? The results showed that respondents perceived Facebook as an easy means of communication and maintaining relationships.

En gång kriminell, alltid kriminell? : En kvalitativ studie om några som lyckades förändra sina liv

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to examine the process of resocialization for individuals who previously lived as criminals from an individual perspective. The research questions for the essay are: How do individuals in the study describe their process of resocialization? In which way does a support organization affect the process of resocialization for the individual? In which ways do the reactions from society affect the process of resocialization for the individual?To answer these research questions a qualitative method was chosen where six narrative interviews was conducted with men who previously lived as criminals but have been resocialized into society. These men are roughly between the ages of 30-60 years and are all members of a support organization for ex criminals.The results show that the process is divided in four stages and that the support organization has facilitated the process of resocialization of the respondents. Reactions from society both facilitates change using the help of different agencies can contribute, while negative reactions from other individuals makes change difficult.

Måluppfyllelse i skolan - Synen på mål hos Politiker och Verksamhetsansvariga i en av Malmös stadsdelar

This essay aims to higlight the perception of achievement among politicians and directors in one of Malmö´s district. The questions higlight the success factors for goal attainment and how to legitimize goals. The success factors that are important are clarity regarding both the organisation, leadership and communication. To achieve that a pioneering leader who can motivate and establish their employees is needed. It is also important to create realistic goals to achieve legitimated goals..

Att leda i förändring : ? En fallstudie av intern styrning under en större förändringsprocess

I samband med avregleringen av den svenska postmarknaden är PostNord AB ett företag som de senaste decennierna stått inför många utmaningar. Syftet med denna studie är att studera PostNords interna styrning under en större omorganisation. Detta sker i dagsläget inom PostNords verksamhet i samband med omstruktureringen av enheterna för distribution av paket och pallgods i Stockholmsområdet och vi har därför valt att basera vår studie på denna process. För att uppfylla syftet har vi genomfört ett flertal kvalitativa intervjuer, vilka även har underbyggts av företagets offentliga och interna dokument. Genom att använda oss av en teoretisk referensram med utgångspunkt i nyinstitutionell teori och organisationskommunikation framträder en bild av fallföretagets interna styrning.

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